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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

Shrike had rolled out of the way of the hail of bullets coming through the hole, hand clutching at her thigh, blood seeping out between her fingers, her shimmering blade disappeared. Siphon dragging her upwards had taken her completely by surprise, and three bullets had gotten through her guard, penetrating her upper leg and hitting an artery.

She looked up as Copper spoke, panic evident on her face as she saw what was going to happen, but didn't have the time to do much more than throw a hand up and scream. Copper landed directly on top of her, grabbing her arm and pinning it to the side as she bit Shrike in the neck, cutting off the scream almost as quickly as it began.
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Re: Hive Number One

Grave stopped when he saw what Copper did. "Oh shit..." He didn't try to stop her, though. After all, Grave didn't owe Shrike anything, and he decided that risking his life for an unknown girl isn't his favorite game.
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon barely had any time to react, and being in the way of Copper, who had smelled blood and gone for it proved to be rather.... bad for him. He was quite literally body checked off to the side and out of the way, Copper already on top of Shrike and having bitten her before he could even stand.

"Shit! Grave, let it go, you can't do anything for Shrike. Anything you try is liable to mortally injure her now. I have a plan here that will keep her alive, just let it go!"

He then brushed minds again with Shrike, knowing she probably could not hear him speak. Try to remain calm, I believe she will stop when she comes to her senses, at which point I can restore you. Just hang in there.

That done, he looked along the wall, finding a power conduit, and headed over to it, his body fueled by a sense of urgency. He grasped the conduit and with a grunt, tore it out from the wall, exposing the main wires. "Oh this is going to be overkill," he muttered, and then stuck the wire into the feeder itself. There was a LOUD crackling noise as the energy from the hive itself slammed into him, and despite his ability to utilize electrical energy, his body visibly stiffened under the onslaught, but he did not let go, absorbing as much as he could for what was to come. If Copper came out of her blood lust any time soon, she would notice what he was doing, and likely wonder what he was up to.
Re: Hive Number One

Grave took a few steps back. "I'll keep an eye out for hostiles. You just get those two back to normal." He began to observe the area around the group, leaving the girls to Siphon.
Re: Hive Number One

The second Coppers fangs sunk into her neck, Shrike was in fairyland. She hung limply in Coppers arms, completely oblivious to anything going on around her. Vampires call it the Rapture, a supernatural compulsion that sends mortals into a blissful state, making feeding that much easier. Somewhere in the back of her mind though, she was starting to feel cold...
Re: Hive Number One

There'd been the smell of blood and nothing else. The world had gone completely red and black and nothing was going to slake the Hunger, not until that feral part of her was satisfied. Copper could feel it starting to course through her, drawn out by her feeding, forced further along not by her will but the beat of her prey's own heart. She was literally pulling their own life into hers and yet all she felt was the warmth of the blood and the solid coolness in her arms.

The more flushed that she became, the paler Shrike got, though she was completely oblivious to the change. That dark part of her, the wounded part, the one that reveled in the blood, it wanted more. Ironically, it was when she bit down harder that she seemed to realize what she was doing. Eyes fluttering open, her grip on the other woman only got tighter as she suddenly pulled away, remnant drops trickling from the corner of her gaping mouth, mimicking the red lines that trailed down Shrike's neck. Releasing her arm, she brought a hand up, wiping at her lips and staring at the smear of red on her palm. "Shit. Shitshitshit. Shrike! Shit. Shrike!" A swipe of her tongue cleared the rest of the blood away and, surprisingly, the puncture marks as well. "Don't let me have taken too much. Please." Pulse, heart, breathing, all the while muttering "Please" over and over again.
Re: Hive Number One

By this point Siphon had finally been forced to release the power conduit from the sheer amounts of energy he had taken into himself. While outwardly he tried not to show it, absorbing more than he normally could handle was quite painful for him, though that would soon be rectified. As soon as he was certain that Copper was finished with her feeding, he moved in, unable to contain the sharpness in his voice, which betrayed him, laced with pain even through the bellow. "STAND ASIDE!"

His bellow was more one of pain and concern, not anger at her, he knew what had happened and didn't blame her for it, though in his pain he failed to realize when he moved her aside and away from Shrike that he had NOT pushed gently as he'd thought, but more roughly bowled her over backwards and out of the way. Gritting his teeth in obvious pain, he pushed his hand against Shrike's chest, and a very strange noise, similar to when he was feeding began, but different somehow. It took some time, but the color began to return to Shrike's features as whatever he was doing took effect. It wouldn't be long before she might wake up, though she would be waking to the sight of Siphon with a hand on her chest, eyes closed and seemingly in some pain. What would be more would be she would likely feel herself getting stronger by the moment, even though it should have been impossible.
Re: Hive Number One

Copper lets out what can only be described as a squawk and slides along the ground from the force of Siphon's pull. He's tending to Shrike before she has a chance to fully recover, rolling over and up to a sitting position, just watching him at this point and trying to figure out just what in the holy hell he's doing exactly and why his hair's standing on end.

((Leaving it at that for now. It's *way* past my bedtime. The sun is up!))
Re: Hive Number One

Grave didn't pay attention to the situation, focused on his job. If the bots had suprised them, the group would have been in big trouble. When he heard Siphon's shout, he cast a quick glance at the cyborg. Grave was pretty certain that Siphon's arm had some special function, but he had no idea what kind of function. Before he managed to return to his previous job, the warrior noticed Copper lying on the ground. He approached her, staying on guard in case she was still in her feral state. "Hey, you awake?"
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike slowly returns to her normal shade of pale and the flush returns to her cheeks as Siphon does his thing. It is a long moment before she responds in any way, but finally, she shifts under his hand and moans, her eyes opening as if she's just woken from a long sleep. It takes a moment longer for her to mentally awaken, but then the reality of the last few moment hits her full force. She goes from laying there under Siphon to fully upright and a pace away in the blink of an eye, her hand immediately going to her neck, then her thigh. Both wounds were gone, bare skin showing through the holes in her leather pant leg, completely flawless, no scar apparent.

"What... How... But..." She tries several times to talk but is obviously still too stunned for words. Her eyes dart between Copper and Siphon in a confused manner.
Re: Hive Number One

There is a moments pause while Siphon seems to mentally collect himself, whatever he had been doing obviously having been taxing on him. Finally he spoke, sounding slightly more raspy than normal, but evidently not in as much pain as before. "I restored your life and bound your wounds. Such is my ability. I can take life, or give it back. Giving life is... taxing and not easy, but it is possible. I... apologize if the position I had you in... or where my hand was offended you, but I could not let you die."

After a few more moments, he stands, shakily at first, but then getting more steady on his feet with each passing moment.

((Grave, just an FYI, it's Burrito who is the cyborg, not Siphon. Siphon is a Wraith hybrid creature, he is not metallic or cyborg in any way. Just thought I would clear that up.))
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike looks even more confused for a moment, then she understands his statement and actually starts laughing. Maybe its the rush of adrenaline that comes with such a close brush with death, but she can't stop laughing for nearly a minute, and has to sit down again. "Offended? You coulda groped my nethers for all I care, you saved my life!"
Re: Hive Number One

(Sorry, forgot about that.)

Grave looked at Siphon. "That's a very unusual ability... Though I admit, it is useful." The warrior turned his attention to Copper afterwards. The vampire seemed to be in a shock of sorts. "Hey, what do we do with the bloodsucker? She's not responding."
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon just stands there for a moment, blinking in surprise at Shrike's comment, not entirely sure how to answer to that. Eventually he just decides it's best to let that comment go and not pursue it. "Your welcome. Like I said, I wasn't going to let you die if it could be avoided."

He turns to Grave and nods. "Yes, it's been useful a couple of times before today, it's something that when I realized I could do it, I vowed that if I could save anyone with it I would."

He pauses when he asks about Copper, finally saying, "let her be a few moments. I think when I moved her aside I may have been a little excessive with the force without realizing it. Also, she's likely fully realizing what it is she just did, and mad at herself for losing control like that. The important thing is, everyone is fine and no one was killed on our side. Let's just leave it at that shall we?"

Mentally however he extends out to Copper. Be calm, Shrike is fine. I have a pretty good idea what happened, and was prepared for it to happen eventually. It was unreasonable to assume all of us could avoid being hit on this mission, the important thing is everyone is alright. And I'm sorry for sending you flying.
Re: Hive Number One

Grave sighed. "Well, if you say so... I believe that now we're supposed to head back to the core chamber and blow this thing up, right?" The warrior shook his head. For a group of soldiers/mercenaries, they are very strange... What kind of unit is this? I have a bad feeling about this...
Re: Hive Number One

As if mention of Copper reminds Shrike she exists, She suddenly gets very calm again, and turns to the figure laying off to the side, walking over cautiously. "Hey, you alright? No hard feelings right? Come on, we don't wanna still be here when those bots down here circle around and come at us again." She extends a hand to help her up. "Friends?"

Copper would also feel a presence on the edge of her consciousness, not intruding, just sitting there on the fringe, wordlessly asking to come in.
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Re: Hive Number One

((DEAR GOD. Do you people not sleep? Sheesh. Though, it was interesting, but I feel left out D: ))

Tsuki faintly heard an explosion, not really paying attention to it. Though, she noticed that the engine rather disappeared off of the terminal. She assumed that the boom was the engine.

She finally just stopped, rubbing her eyes. She didn't seem to be finding anything else. Though, the odd silence on the radio was a bit... worrying. "Uhm... is... everyone okay?"

Just as she sent that, a straggling (and seemingly oblivious) group of 3 bots appeared down a corridor. "I got this." She turned, took a single step towards them before fading out in static. Tsuki reappeared out of static, right in front of the adbots. "Hi there!"

Freaking out, they started to raise their weapons. The hacker, in turn, reached out to the wall. "Modifying...." Then, random columns appeared out of the wall at a blinding speed, knocking their guns out of their hands and smashed them against the opposite wall. The columns then retracted.

"Now now, what WERE you thinking of doing with those dangerous toys? Not shoot at me I hope."

The lead bot through a punch, which Tsuki knocked out of the way, grabbing onto the wrist, and used her other arm to break the elbow joint. "Allocating processing power...." Those blue tron lines on her outfit glowed brighter. She put more energy behind her physical strength, something that she would normally be lacking compared to the others she worked with. Still holding onto the bot's arm, she took a step onto the wall, and used it to jump off and land a kick across the bot's head, knocking it clean off. Releasing the bot's corpse and letting it slump to the ground, Tsuki turned to the others. Ah, what fun. Sure, she was a hacker and lived to be on a computer, but exercise could be fun on occasion.

The other two bots turned to run. "No you don't. Modifying...." From the ground, prison bars rose up at the end of the corridor, effectively blocking off their escape. Tsuki casually walked to the panicing bots.

-Insert metal rending sounds here.-

After her fun, Tsuki returned to the terminal. "Eeww, you three got your dirty oil on me...."
Re: Hive Number One

((Sleep? What is this 'sleep' of which you speak?))

One might see Copper's gaze trailing over to Grave for a moment, proving she's not as out of it as she seems.

Yeah, yeah, Siphon hears in his head, I'm good. I haven't lost control like that in a very long time. Damn bots. Damn Hunger. Remind me to invest in a bullet-proof flask or something.

Her gaze then turns up to Shrike, staring for a moment at the offered hand before she reaches up and takes it in her own, her flesh, for the moment, pink-tinged and warm. "You accept the friendship at your own risk," she replies with a slight grin as she gets to her feet. "I'm sorry." She shakes her head a little. "I don't attack like that unless I'm starved and even then, I usually have more control than that. Provided Siphon's out, she doesn't seem to be trying to keep Shrike away, though she continues talking as well. "Grave's got a point. The bots know we're here and we're up to something. They're probably going to double up the core's protection. We should beat feet."

Remembering, too, the little crackle she'd heard while collecting herself, she brushed the radio at her ear. "We're good, Tsuki, though probably going to get ready to bug out of here soon enough. How's things on your end of the spectrum?"
Re: Hive Number One

((Oh I sleep, but you see, I am ready for when the Vampires take over the world. I already have a steady 8 to 4 job, that is, 8pm to 4am, so I won't have to completely change my sleep cycle when they assume control, thus making myself more useful to them. You see? I'm thinking ahead :). ))

Shrike answers Copper as she helps her up, then starts heading back towards the core as she continues. "I'm not worried overly much, you don't seem hungry any more, and I'll be more ready next time." She continues the converstion mentally then, as the consciousness in Copper's mind slides closer and seems to settle.

I am sorry, and I want you to know I consider the entire thing my fault. I sensed your hunger when I first told you what was going on, but you had it under control, so I didn't worry about it. The biggest mistake I made was not specifically telling Siphon i could make it up on my own, his lift took me completely by surprise, and with the pain of the shots I lost focus. By the time I started to get it back you were right there and I couldn't react fast enough to do anything but, well, nothing really. Shit girl you move fast!

This last is accompanied by a mental laugh, and she pauses as if to consider something before continuing.

So, was it supposed to feel like that?
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Re: Hive Number One

"Eh. Things are okay. Some silly bots got me messy though.... I don't think I'm going to find much else on their computer system. I'll keep looking though, at least until we leave."

Tsuki resumed working at the terminal, though not focusing into it as much as she had been before.