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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)



Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 53/87, Status = Pregnant, Psychic Shield 6
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 48/68, EP = 50, Status = Fine, +44 Body

Maya spends 6 EP on Upkeep for her shield, and then another 6 EP on Energy Blast, which misses.
Grapple: Enemy wins (by 1). Maya has been put into a submission hold.

Attack (Tomoe) : Hit.
Damage: 7 + 9 + 36 - 8 = 44 damage.

Grapple: Phyrra wins.
Pleasure: 2 + 5 + 24 - 22 = 9 pleasure.
Phyrra drains 5/2 + 8 + 6 = 17 EP. It passes out.
Phyrra takes 10 pleasure herself.
I did this part slightly wrong, now that I think about it, but as it wouldn't have actually changed the outcome, only made it take longer, meh.

Everybody gains 4 experience!

Phyrras soft, dextrous fingers danced skillfully along the reptilian creatures erect length, every caress touching someplace new along its member. As she did, she studied it, and found that at least that part of its biology was mostly similar to what she was used to dealing with in a male partner. Suddenly, the being simply collapsed, its loose hold on her releasing completely as it fell over backwards onto the floor, its white eyes empty. Phyrra blinked at it in confusion.

The monster holding Maya suddenly twisted its grip as she grabbed at its elbows, suddenly taking both of her arms and spinning her around, and her energy flared out fruitlessly toward the ceiling. It then violently yanked her arms out behind her and crossed them over her back painfully, the light blows from her shield doing little to hinder it. Tomoe then promptly appeared behind it, and with one swing of her sword, took the monsters head clean off. Without further ado, Maya was released, and it fell forward, coating her back and arms in its vile, black blood.

The three women stood alone, all largely unharmed save for a few bruises or scrapes, within the now lit laboratory. None of them could even hope to identify any of the machinery or devices around them, though there might perhaps be something of use, or at least of value if they decided to look around a bit more. One of the hunters, the one Phyrra had 'dealt with,' was still twitching on the ground, but it didn't seem to be of any threat to them at the moment. Another iron spiral staircase led up, on the opposite side of the room from where they had come up.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Ignoring the demoness the lizard she was having her way with, Tomoe made for the catgirl and the creature she was grappling with. Seeing the beast twist and spin and manhandle the smaller girl around made the miko's temper flare. "No roughing up my friend!" she called at the creature, but it failed to notice her. A gleaming trail swished in the air, eventually going right through the molester's neck and severing the head in one clean, horizontal cut. A bit late on the recovery, Tomoe couldn't manage to catch the body and prevent it falling on the much smaller Maya. After the girl had recovered, the eastern warrior switched targets to the remaining hunter, but found that Phyrra had dealt with it already. The battle was over.

"Well... that wasn't so bad." the miko aired her thoughts about the battle as they were now faced with a strange laboratory full of wonderous contraptions. Despite the clanking and steaming machines, Tomoe opted to search around the place. Maybe there was something helpful hidden in a nook or another corner, waiting for them. She didn't pay further heed to the unconscious creature on the stone floor, but still kept her blade read if it got up during her search time.

When everything else had been said and done, she'd take the crew up these new stairs, keeping her post at the front.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Her plan quickly reversed on her, Maya lets out an unhappy shriek as she's spun round into another helpless position. "No, Argh!... ah, Tomoe! Hel..." she begins calling out, wincing as her arms are painfully twisted behind her. A sudden wet slicing sound interupts her, as a splash of dark blood sprays across her back and the grip on her instantly loosens. Turning her head she only just spots the falling hunter in time to quickly shimmy to the side and let it crash where she had been standing.

Staring down at the headless creature for a moment as she rolls her aching shoulders and gets her breath back, she then looks back up to Tomoe, "Thanks." A sincere look of gratitude, mixed in with just a bit of embarrassment. Flicking a small trickle of reptilian blood from her arm, she then groans out in annoyance, peering over her shoulder and pulling her dress round to try and get a look at its back. "My dress, It's got gross lizard blood all over. I promised that I'd keep it nice... I guess mother was right." Sounding rather dismayed at the petty issue, and muttering quietly at the end. "And your miko clothes too... I hate these lizard things. But jeez, Phyrra, what did you do to that one?" She comments, despite the answer to her question already beginning to dawn on her no sooner than she'd asked.

[Edit: Oh, and drop the shield please. :eek: ]
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User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

((Maiko's back! For now, I'll be posting at least once a week, probably fridays or saturdays, but I'll try to get more posts in as well. Sorry for the delays.))

Phyrra took a few breaths after the creature collapsed before answering. "I drained it." She said simply, looking a little dazed at the hand she had used to fondle the creature, then to its still hard member. Giving a shudder, she shook her head and turned to the others. "It tasted... strange, I'll say that much. It's only unconscious though. If we had the time, I'd have liked to interrogate it, but we have to keep moving." She glanced down at it again, closed her eyes and looked away before opening them again. "If we leave it, it'll just recover. Can you... finish it, Tomoe?"

Regardless, before continuing, she'd talk to the others first. "I can enhance our vision before continuing, it would help us spot these things if they tried to ambush us again." If the others consented, she'd put a hand on each of them and cast the spell. That done, she'd move on with the others, following behind Tomoe. She had a nagging feeling about the way the creatures had been able to blend into the background, but she kept the thoughts to herself for now.

((Cast Cat's Vision on everyone. Oh, and drop the Body Buff. Good thinking Tass... I never would have thought of doing that.))
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Turning back as she headed for the stairs, Tomoe nodded at Phyrra as the demoness requested her to kill the stunned lizardman. She had no real reason to end the thing's life, but maybe Phyrra was right and it would come back to haunt them if they let it live. Walking over to the creature, she stood over it's body and drew up her blade next to her her head in a sideways stance. "My apologies..." she whispered as Kuchinawa severed the thing's head with one clean horizontal cut across the neck.

Now done with executing the hunter, the shapely miko moved away from the corpse and went back to her buddies, wiping the creature's blood off from her blade. "That's a good idea, if there's more of these things still hiding out there." she replied, accepting the spell with all due thanks. They were free to move forward now, so that's what Tomoe did, taking the front rank again

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

'She drained it, and it fell asleep...' Maya thinks to herself, noting the obvious similarity to recent events, and beginning to put things together. Phyrra had been very cautious, or reluctant even, during their time downstairs. Maya had shrugged the warnings off in heat and trust. She felt fine inside, kind of invigorated even, but this was clearly something to think about further at some point. Still, she reckoned that the sleeping beast on the floor had certainly gotten the best deal in this fight, even if it was now about to lose it's...


The cat girls lip curls a little at watching another execution, unsure of what to make of it. The justification that these lizards had started the fight seemed enough, but such sudden and concentrated violence was still something rather new to her.

Leaving the scene behind, she accepts the offered spell. Waiting curiously for her turn to receive it, Maya blinks a few times upon the casting and looks round to observe the subtle but notable effect. Everything seeming just that bit brighter and sharper than before. Ready to move on, she follows Tomoe's lead just as before.

(Also I forgot to say last time, but drop the psy shield please.)
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Cats vision (Phyrra)
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Pregnant, Cats Vision (Phyrra)
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 44/50, Status = Fine, 3x Cats Vision

Casting: All three succeed.
Perception Checks: All fail.
You can try to get
Next floor.

Perception Checks, Round 1: Only Tomoe Succeeds.
Perception Checks, the comeback: All succeed.

After the large room had been searched for anything of use, turning up nothing that any of the three women could identify as useful or valuable save for the skins of the dead hunters, Phyrras spells had augmented the groups sight, allowing them to see perfectly in the dark and hopefully making it less likely that they would be ambushed in the near future, and the last of the monsters who had attacked them had been slain, the group was prepared to move on. After all had been said, nothing had been found, and whether the creatures would be skinned and who would carry the dripping remains had been decided, the stairs were the only thing left for them to do. The trio ascended, Tomoe in the lead as usual, and they went to the very top floor of the tower, the last place where the kidnapped women they sought might be located.

The top of the last set of iron steps opened into another chamber, this one with a massive dome on it. At one point, it had been both a library, shelves of books perfectly preserved still lining the circular walls, and a bedroom, the bed at the far side of the room having been shredded and turned into a sort of nest. There were a six women there, lying among the shredded blankets and bedding, all but one of those who had been kidnapped. Most of them were extremely young looking, and all of them naked, filthy and heavily pregnant, their cum encrusted abdomens bloated with the spawn growing within. All of them were also unconscious, lying about blankly as they curled against one another, clutching their bellies protectively. There were also six more of the hunters around them, the reptilian creatures having apparently been caught unawares by the sudden intrusion. All of them rose from sitting position, their long arms and deadly claws at the ready, but they didn't initiate a charge just yet. Tomoe was alone in noticing the pair of monsters who had been crouched behind the stairs, and who were now slowly and silently rising as their skin shifted colors.

Maya and Phyrra were too busy staring at the creature who stood on the opposite side of the room, next to the nest where it floated above the floor to notice the other two hunters. It was massive, its head close to the ceiling of the chamber as its long, thin grey body hovered, ending on the bottom with a skirt of thousands of waving, writhing tentacles, each covered in thick glistening slime. Its head was featureless, totally blank save for a pair of depressions halfway between where its eyes and its temples should have been. Its arms were extremely long, easily just as long as its entire body, and thinner around than should have been reasonably possible given its overall size. Its hands were actually the plainest feature about it, four fingers and a thumb, the only odd part of it being the fact that they were just as grey as the rest of the creature.

A woman was wrapped up in the things tendrils, all of which were writhing against her body and forcing themselves into all three of her orifices. She looked like she couldn't be older than twenty, and she moaned and writhed sensually within their grasp, her eyes wide in a mix of pleasure and horror. The act reached its climax as they watched, and all three women could sense it, each in their own way, as the womans soul was violently ripped from her body and consumed in its entirety by the abomination in front of them. Her corpse, for that was what her still living but now mindless body was, dropped to the floor a moment later, and the thing shifted slightly, and the hunters, all eight of them, started toward them, the two in the rear only twenty feet away while the six ahead were still a good seventy feet, and the larger monster was roughly eighty feet from where they stood. The group of unconscious girls were practically right next to it, and some of the hunters were within ten feet of the women they'd been sent to rescue as well.

As their foes closed in, a voice resounded in each of their minds, saying flatly; Surrender.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Despite doing a search she thought was thorough, Tomoe and the crew failed to find anything they could know how to use. The lizards had skins that might be valuable though, so the hunters were deprived from their hides by the miko's skilled and careful blade. Since the other two women didn't seem to have proper carrying equipment, she opted to roll up the drippy hides and put them into her pack. With that somewhat unpleasant issue dealt with, she leads them forward and upward.

Upstairs, there was quite a sight waiting for the group. The women they were looking for were there, in rather terible condition too. They had been reduced to mere breeding platforms, bloated and sporting drying semen on their abdomens. Several more of the lizardmen were there, looking after the women. As the creatures got up, a more prominent being in the room caught Tomoe's attention. It was a terrifyingly alien creature, sporting lots of tentacles in a long, dull grey body. Another girl was being used in it's clutches, her very presence soon vanishing in the sexual torment. As the girl fell to the floor, the shapely miko was ready to enter the heat of battle. "Surrender? Never, the lives and freedom of these women I promised to give back to them, and still intend to hold on to my words..." Still, this fight might not go their way unless she used all her power ability. With a quick prayer and hand gesture, the shimmering aura of power would surround her young frame once more.

Having toggled on her mighty aura, Tomoe turned and swooshed backwards to face the pair behind them, not keen on having them pounce the two mages before they could get anything out.

(Activate Battle Aura 10 and engage the two ambushers)

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Grimacing at the scene ahead her her, Maya's gaze flicks about the room and it's inhabitants as she takes it in. No time for talking, nor throwing chairs this time. Time to be serious. She didn't know what the strange creature before them was, but it was evidently responsible for everything going on here. Staring down the approaching hunters, the vibrant glow returning to her eyes once more, she waits just long enough for them to clear the bed and then snaps her arm out towards them. Just like before, a heavy pulse of crackling green energy launching out, with intent to catch as many of the scaled minions as possible mid advance.

((Power Surge at X=14, aimed at however many possible.))


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

When the group arrived at the next floor, Phyrra's eyes barely even passed over the nest before settling on the hideous creature in the middle of the room. Such a creature was completely alien to her. The hunters at least resembled the demonic stalkers in many ways, but this thing she could find no analogue to in her memory. So transfixed by its bizarre appearance as she was, she wasn't able to react in time to save the woman in its clutches. As Phyrra was also a being who fed on soul energy, witnessing this creature devour a whole soul made Phyrra almost physically ill, doubling over.

However, as its demand entered her head, Phyrra's attention refocused on it. "We will never surrender." She said simply and stood up again. Seeing Tomoe's soul burning with strength, and Maya's about to errupt at the nearby foes, Phyrra focused on the main creature. "Lvy agkyc gt ftxs!" She aimed a beam of white energy at the floating creature.

((Inner Decay at Soul Sucky dude))


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 42/57, Status = Battle Aura 10
Maya HP = 5/54, PP = 47, EP = 73/87, Status = Pregnant, Badly Injured
Phyrra HP = 0/46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Unconscious

Casting (Phyrra) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 11 = 16 * 4 = 64 damage.

Attack (Maya) : All hits.
Damage: 4 + 1 = 5 * 14 = 70 - 8 = 62 damage.

Tomoe Activates Battle Aura X = 10, takes 15 EP.

Attack (Hunter 1 vs Tomoe) : Miss.
Attack (Hunter 2 vs Tomoe) : Miss.

Casting (EL) : Success.
Attack: Hit all but Tomoe.
Damage: 4 + 8 = 12 * 4 = 48 - 1 = 47 damage.
Thine clothing is destroyed, Maya and Phyrra.

The green-skinned monsters surge toward the trio as each of them delivers an answer in their own way. All of the hunters focused on Maya, each of them coming toward the girl with the glowing eyes, but she waited until they had gotten clear of the women they'd been sent to rescue before unleashing her power on the slavering monsters. All six of the reptilian abominations were caught in the blast, and disintegrated in a flash of brilliant green light. Her blast didn't even leave skeletons this time, reducing each of them to nothing but a pile of dust instantly, leaving that direction clear save for the alien creature that stood against the opposite wall.

Phyrra's ray of white light struck the monster, and a low, droning scream sounded as portions of its grey flesh blackened and began to rot away. It's head swiveled toward the demon-druid even as a portion of its torso simply collapsed, the dead parts falling away to reveal more mottled grey flesh beneath. Meanwhile, a very brightly glowing Tomoe interposed herself between her companions and the two enemies who had been sneaking up on them. Both hunters struck out at the shapely miko at the same time, but neither the first's raking claws or the second's diving tackle even came close to touching either her skin or her robes. Instead, she remained at the ready, and at least one of the things were likely to taste her sword shortly as the glowing blade moved in her hands at superhuman speeds.

The injured behemoth, seeing how ineffectual its minions had been against, and already badly injured, was apparently unwilling to take risks with its life, however. It's head swiveled, and suddenly an orb of fire shot out directly toward Phyrra, so quick that the demoness couldn't have possibly dodged in time. It exploded practically right in front of her, and sent her smoking body flying aside until it smashed into the iron railing of the steps they'd ascended earlier. She tumbled down several steps until she came to a stop about six feet down from the entrance, her body limp as the sudden explosion had knocked the consciousness from her. Maya was caught in the blast as well, and the explosion through her about twenty feet away before she skidded into a wall, but even though she was in nearly unbearable pain, the half-daemon was awake. Her form lay crumpled, and the being ignored her in favor of Tomoe, but she wasn't yet out of the fight.

Tomoe, protected by her aura, hadn't been touched by the massive explosion. The flames had washed around her form without touching her, the only evidence she had of the fireball being its after-effects, the sight of the flames encompassing her (which was odd in and of itself) harmlessly, and a slight warmth that spread pleasantly across her skin. The two hunters were not so fortunate, but the blast of flame didn't leave them quite dead yet. Both of them were badly burnt, their skin falling off in layers, and the smell of burning meat clung thickly in the air. They tried to scream, but their lungs or tongues or something had been seared to uselessness by the blast. If these beasts had been dealt so much damage, Tomoe feared for what had become of the burnt and burning jumble of rags that had been flung down the stairs, or the pile of burnt cat-girl that was now curled up against the wall, but there was little she could do for either of them. Now, the swordmistress stood alone against three foes, though all had already been injured. Again the call to surrender came into her mind, delivered in the same tone.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Giving a grim smile as she saw the alien creature in obvious pain, Phyrra only had time to blink before the fireball exploded in front of her, sending her hurtling backwards and down the stairs.

((And... you guys don't have to wait on me. Horray!))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya laughs as history repeats itself flawlessly, the rushing reptilian creatures being snuffed out and annihilated with ridiculous ease. Hearing the pained droning scream emanating from the bizarre floating creature, Maya smirked. The battle clearly going their way, it seemed almost over already. "Let's finish that th..." she begins, readying another lethal high energy charge into her palms, when a sudden fiery bolt zips past and erupts beside her.

Without time to even register what had just happened, a searing heat rushes over her and lifts her from the ground. The slender girl is sent tumbling through the air, head spinning as she near blacks out from the impact of the shockwave, only brought back by abrupt pain of the sliding landing and thumping against the wall. Colapsing away from the wall and staring into the stone floor, a scream of pain tries to escape but fails due to the air already having been knocked from her lungs. Gasping and looking up to try to regain her bearings she watches the flames and smoke clear from where she had been standing, Tomoe being revealed unharmed, but not a single trace of Phyrra. Not anywhere in the room, she was gone.

Yet the grey monster responsible still floated, turning it's attention elsewhere. Gritting her teeth Maya glared at the figure furiously through pained and tearful eyes, as she raised a trembling outstretched hand towards it. A violent green flame gathering in her palm, as she hisses hatefully at her foe.

" -Die- "

[Energy Bolt X = 19]

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

With her shimmering aura of power bringing highly raised levels of ability, Tomoe could detect the clawings aimed at her before the attackers themselves were able to bring them to bear upon her. With graceful steps, she danced past the attempts to harm her with ease, the talons coming nowhere close to her as the robed form moved fluently with increased speed. Soon, one of them would go down in hurry unless something dramatic happened.

And that indeed happened, after some powers being flung about by her friends. A high-level bolt of magical fire was aimed at the trio, the exploding force throwing their surroundings briefly into an inferno of searing hotness and fire. With her brilliant aura empowering her, the flames were nothing more than the pleasant warmth of hot springs on her body to the eastern warrior. The other two girls were not so powered though, and the ancient magic did quite a number on them. Seeing them get blasted, and the effects of the fire on the still-living lizardmen she went after caused serious concern in Tomoe's mind, making her briefly consider setting away her blade and go see if the two were in life-threatening danger. But if she did, the battle would no doubt end very badly, most likely making them end up like the soulless girl on the ground. "Phyrra, Maya.... hold on, please...." she pleaded in her mind, taking her fine blade into the creatures still defiantly facing her. Once they had been taken care of, it would be the hovering abomination's time to perish.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 32/57, Status = Battle Aura 10
Maya HP = 1/54, PP = 47, EP = 50/87, Status = Pregnant, Badly Injured
Phyrra HP = 0/46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Unconscious

Attack (Tomoe) : Hit.
Damage: It's dead.

Attack (Maya) : Hit!
Damage: 6 + 6 = 12 * 19 = 228 damage.
You rolled max damage......

Perception: Enemy wins.

All party members gain 10 experience.

Tomoe's sword flashed as her glowing form flowed through a swift attack, and one of the reptilian creatures before her fell. As she turned to deal with the other, two things came to her attention. Firstly, that her target was gone, vanished as though into thin air. And secondly, she felt the attentions of the floating being focused on her, and her alone. As she turned to face it, she could both see and feel the monumental amount of power it was fathering, as a red orb formed directly in front of it's head, the appearance akin to one massive glowing eye. There was no way she could hope to reach it before that devastating power was unleashed at her, and Tomoe somehow doubted that this one would be as easy to avoid as the last.

As it was about to release it's blast, however, a tiny, hate-filled voice echoed through the hall, from where Maya had been thrown by the blast of the fireball. " -Die- " Pain lanced through the half-daemons body, her body's reaction to forcing out so much power at once giving her a headache that, along with the burns across much of her body and the pain from having been thrown against the wall, threatened to make her black out. She held on to just enough consciousness to witness the result of her attack, however.

A blast of green flame lanced out at the thing from where she lay, the tiny cat-girl still prone on the floor as she stretched out one hand toward the grey abomination. It's head had swiveled in her direction just as the gout of energy slammed into it and smashed it against the wall. The stone tower cracked with the force of the impact, and the thing crumpled to the ground bonelessly, it's skirt of tentacles flopping pathetically against the ground. Green flames spread swiftly from the point where her blast had struck it, Maya's power consuming spreading as it consumed the abominations flesh. It tried to struggle, to rise from the floor, and use its magic to force the flames away from it, but all its struggles were for naught. Emerald fire burned across its body until nothing but a pile of ashes remained, the entire process taking under half a minute.

Silence reined, as the victorious Tomoe and Maya remained were the only ones who yet remained in the room, other than 6 of the 7 women they had come to save.

As she lay slumped upon the stairs, pain wracked Phyrra's body, mind and spirit. Her burnt and battered flesh screamed at her, as though every nerve in her body was still alight with flame. And yet, she knew that the battle above was not yet over. Maya or Tomoe could be dead, for all she knew, or worse, helpless in the grasp of that monstrosity that had thrown fire against her. Darkness crept in upon her vision, and she felt herself drifting from consciousness just as she heard the soft clicking of the clawed feet descending the steps toward her.

Then, Phyrra began to dream.
The physical pain suddenly washed away, but along with that relief came something that could quite easily be thought of as far, far worse. Visions appeared before her, and the demon's tired mind recognized them as things that could be.

The first was of the very near future. Maya lay helpless within the tendrils of the abomination that had laid them low. As she watched, locked in astral chains, the thing wrapped the powerful girl in its slimy tendrils, and began to feed upon her. Every push of those writhing tentacles brought a muffled scream of pleasure from the young girls body... But also caused a tiny portion of her incredibly powerful soul to be sucked from her, and absorbed by the monstrous being that was raping her. Within a few short moments, there was nothing left of Maya, and her body was dropped to the floor, empty. Without missing a beat, it turned away from the discarded half-daemon, and wrapped tendrils around Tomoe, the miko staring up at it with a mix of shame and eagerness as it prepared to consume her as well.

The image changed. Phyrra saw the town of Argent Vale, devoid of life, its homes and shops falling apart as nature silently reclaimed them. And yet, not living thing would come near to the center of the village, and there a dark presence slowly manifested itself, growing stronger until it became sentient. Tendrils of blackness stretched out, consuming all life, until nothing remained in all the world by death.

Again, the vision changed, this time revealing a familiar meadow. Tam-lin sat within it, and Phyrra remembered a time when she and her love had been together in this place. This was where she had been given her amulet, which still hung around her neck even after the fireball had sent her flying. The sidhe wore the robes that Phyrra remembered from that day, and sat in a meditative pose within the peaceful glade.

The image changed again, but this time less drastically. They were still in the meadow, but now it was... Wrong. It had been burned, fire scorching away the beauty of nature to leave bare, lifeless earth beneath. The air was filled with a toxic miasma, and the forest around it was nothing but a sea of ashes, the crumbling remains of the trees that had stood around the meadow the only things that broke the line of sight. Tam-lin still sat in the center of the glade, but now she was naked, the faerie's form as flawless as she remembered it. She stared up at the sky impassively, and Phyrra turned her gaze that way to see another of the horrors that she had just fought floating down toward her. Phyrra tried to scream, to warn her, but she was nothing but a ghost in this place. She could only watch in helpless horror as those tendrils embraced Tam-lin, but just before her love could be consumed forevermore in front of her, darkness took her again.

Adrift in a void, the pain of her body began to throb dully against her senses once more. The pain gradually began to grow as consciousness drew nearer....

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Crying out from the effect of her over zealous blast on herself, Maya drops her arm and falls onto it, staring down into the floor and breathing heavily. Lifting her head once more, she glares through her pain, with a cruel vengeful glee at the writhing creature she had shot down as it burned on the floor.

Wincing some more at the burning pain that lingered and refused to leave, she gradually begins to stand. Visibly unsteady on her feet, and looking to still be in shock, but managing to stand nonetheless with one hand on the wall for support. Getting upright, the insubstantial charred remains of Maya's dress fall away from her body. For the moment she simply stands there shivering slightly, staring off at a patch of featureless stone wall and not looking to anyone or thing else in the room. This adventure wasn't quite what she had been expecting when she left home. Not that she'd expected anything specific in particular, but... it sure did hurt a lot more than she knew anything could. Overall, the day had been a confusing mix of experiences, including the shock of having her vulnerabilities demonstrated in a way that had never happened during the safety of her mothers care.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

With a swift cut cleaving one of the two remaining adversaries in two, the situation got a litle bit better for the glowing miko. Quickly shifting her frontage towards the next creature, a surprise was waiting for Tomoe as she noticed there was no next creature. Keeping up her twirl, she turned to face the floating tentacle monster next, realizing that the hunters could have been just further illusions. Now faced with the remaining bigger opponent, there was a serious feeling of doubt in the eastern warrior's mind as she witnessed the thing charge it's no doubt immense power into a concentrated spell. Tomoe was not sure if she could take this blast, even in her superhuman state. Hoping that she could take the creature out before anything happened, she prepared to rush forward in uttermost haste.

But the meeting of power between her and the thing never happened, as a sudden bolt of green energy flew from the sidelines, powered by a tiny voice. Maya was still conscious and alive, giving an immidiate relief to the miko as she realized it. The counterbolt was devastating, driving the creature down with it's force as the flames started to devour the monster. Some vain struggling followed, but the flames were too hungry to be denied at this point, leaving only a large pile of smoking ashes behind the body was incinerated.

As the crackle of the flames died down, there was only silence. Despite their victory, it seemed to Tomoe that they had lost more than gained in this encounter. Letting her aura dissipate, the miko looked around the room. The women were there, still in the same situation as before. Maya leaned against the wall, one hand keeping her supported. She looked horrible, but was up and walking somehow. "This is terrible..." the easterner thought, seeing herself still completely untouched while everyone else was roughed up more or less. Somehow this bothered her, as she had wanted to share the pains and burdens of her companions.

Then she remembered what she should've remembered in the first place. Phyrra. The demoness had been rather brutally ejected down the stairs behind them, and had not made any sign of being alive since. Keeping her sword firmly in hand, Tomoe hurried towards the stairs to see if there was still anything to be saved there.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 32/57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 1/54, PP = 47, EP = 50/87, Status = Pregnant, Badly Injured
Phyrra HP = 0/46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Unconscious

Tomoe hurried swiftly down the stairs, leaving Maya alone in the massive room. The young girl suddenly felt the walls closing in on her as nausea set in, the pain and shivering briefly intensifying as she felt likely to throw up the last thing she'd had to eat. The air around her was filled with.... Death. There was no other word to describe it. Even though they had won, and even rescued most of the women they'd come to save..... The air of the tower, stale and filled with the smells of rotting flesh and sex, was, in that moment, almost unbearably vile to the inexperienced half-daemon.

The miko found Phyrra a short ways down the iron steps. The demoness hadn't fallen all the way down, but was leaning precariously, any slight shift liable to sending her falling head first through thirty feet of empty air, down to a cold stone floor. The machines in the floor below were still working, filling the room with noise and light, and Tomoe saw nothing moving that hadn't been so last she checked. A quick check of her pulse revealed that Phyrra was indeed alive, the beat of her heart steady and her breathing ragged but present. She was badly burnt, but unlike Maya, who had patches of charred black and angry red along her body even though she was still standing, her flesh was only pink, where it was visible beneath her almost totally destroyed clothing.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"You're going to have to wait a brief moment, Maya..." the shapely miko said in her mind as the stairs closed towards her. Some ways down the clanking path, she found the demoness' unconsciouss form, practically naked and sporting almost no signs of the flame blast on her. "Maybe demons have a high level of fire resistance, or the blast just didn't hit her as hard..." The position she was in only needed a slight jolt to send Phyrra down into a nasty plummet that would more than likely be fatal in her current condition, so Tomoe pulled her away before placing a few fingers onto her neck to detect if there was anything to rescue left in her. A pulse of life was detectable, as was a steady pattern of breathing. This was all the confirmation that the miko needed. Getting the the previously robed woman onto a carry, she started hauling her upwards and towards the chamber above.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Her right arm being used for support, Maya's left arm hung stiffly at her side unmoving to avoid bringing forth more pain. The arm having borne the worst of the scorching explosion. Her face a constant pained grimace, as the burning sensation carried on long after the flames had dispersed. Slowly looking down to her arm, despite vision blurred by tears and disoriented weakness, a gradual expression of horror comes over her followed by a long whimper. It was too much. The cold unfamiliar room, the grim remains of the battle, the vile stench of it all. The sickening smell of... her own cooked flesh.

She gulps and closes her eyes. Trying to fight off the ill feeling in her stomach. Her breathing becoming erratic as she panics. She wanted out. To go home, where everything would be made all right. Had to get out of this place. Concentrating on that comforting image of home, she pushes everything else out of her mind. Empties the room from her senses, as a feeling of weightlessness washes over her.

By the time Tomoe came back to the top of the stairs carrying Phyrra there would be no sight of Maya, a faint green flash being the most the miko might see nearing the top. In spot she had been standing there was no trace of the strange girl, spare her ruined clothes and the small leather bag she had left behind.


A sudden pull back too earth as the weightless feeling leaves her, and Maya's feet touch forest floor. Eyes snapping open and blinded by the light, she tries to quickly attain balance, but finds herself tumbling over down to the forest floor. With a small shriek she just manages to twist her body to ensure she landed on her unburnt righthand side. Luckily the forest floor proving fairly soft. Lifting herself on one arm, she glances round the new surroundings as she realises what she's done. No sign of the tower, and no sign of home, nor anywhere she really recalled infact. Just indistinct forest and trees in all directions. "Where... am I...?"