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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Clenching her teeth and focused on the birthing, delivering the child proved very much unlike the nicely rounded shorn pod she had experienced before. The nature of the situation this time, coupled with the extra pain and uncertainty made the ordeal rather distressing, but thankfully over without having to endure it for too long. The sudden wailing sound however, preventing Maya from taking proper relief in it. "It's... why is it screaming!?" she exclaims trying to get her breath back, looking almost afraid of her unexpectedly humanoid child. "A... a boy what? It has a tentacle coming from it's belly. I have to name him?" She continues to ask, showing hesitation as she is offered the infant to hold, but eventually taking it. Though for the moment, the scene remained a strange one, as she held him more with the look of someone holding a strange alien creature rather than her own child.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

With the rations in front of her, Tomoe started to chow down on them, looking at her charge as it took to muching the offered portion. The food was of no problem to this creature, it could nom the stuff without assistance, but drinking water from the waterskin proved to be somewhat problematic to it. Briefly abandoning her own meal, the miko went over to give the creature a suitable gulp of water from the container. Leaving it to learn by itself was potentially hazardous to the waterskin, so it was better that way. As the eastern warrior proceeded with her own meal in the more and more steadily oppressing darkness, she could see the thing gain a few more inches of height at a rapid rate. As it asked her for more food in a lowered tone of voice, Tomoe took the bag away from it and held out another meal for it to eat. "You sure grow fast...." she said to the mini-lizard while closing up her bag. If this was a sign of things to come, letting the creature go on it's way seemed like a better idea. There sure was determination in it.

A sudden voice surprised the miko, pulling her away from her thoughts. Reaching behind her back to take a grip on Kuchinawa's handle, she could see a strange man nearby, covered from head to toe in a black, heavy cloak. Initially Tomoe thought another hostile had sneaked upon her, but the man threw open his cloak to reveal an assortment of different stuff. The variety was amazing, and Tomoe wondered how the man could keep all that stuff in there. Hearing that it was sales time, the miko went over to her bag and took out the skins for this man. Some quick math and thoughts gave her a suitable estimate on what she could afford. "This blade... surely you can work some magic on it?" she asked, reluctantly but trustfully handling her most valued possession over to the strange man. There would be some excess money left, so she thought up another use for the remaining 10 pieces. "Do you have some sort of light source in there? I'll get the best you can offer with the leftovers once the enchantment is done..." she asked this man, somehow feeling that he was the most trustworthy being in the tower right now.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

The little creature immediately took the meal Tomoe offered it and gobbled it all up without a second thought, but it was just as startled as she was at the strange man's appearance. It jumped, and hid behind her as she rose to face him. The man seemed totally unbothered when she reached for the hilt of her sword, and the transaction went over smoothly. "Hehehe.... I'll sharpen it right up for ye, stranger!" He also drew a small lantern from a pocket in his coat and handed it to her along with an upgraded kuchinawa at her query about a light source. "No charge for it, stranger!" He says, and then laughs. The sound is still echoing through the halls when the man simply vanishes into thin air, gone as quickly as he had appeared and leaving Tomoe alone with her hunter.


"Oh you needn't worry about that too much dearie, it will drop off on its own soon. And yes, it is something of a tradition to name ones children, I'm afraid." The woman replied, laughter in her voice once more as she handed the baby to Maya. She watched as the half-daemon held her child with a knowing smile, and the baby seemed to grow quiet as Maya held it, and even opened its half-blind eyes to look up at her, and brush tiny hands against her face. "You won't have long to hold him, I'm afraid. You cannot remain here for long, as there are those waiting for you in the tower, Maya. You can return there in the same way that you arrived here, if your will is strong enough. I will care for your son for you, until you are prepared to take up that responsibility." She said, her voice both stern and kind at once, and once again a drastic change from how she had been so far.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Spending a while on the chair next to the table, the eastern warrior kept an eye on the man as he gave a new level of sharpness and power to the blade she was entrusted with. Eventually the man returned her blade along with a lantern to light up the gloomy hall with. She felt grateful that the merchant offered it to her without any further compensation, only asking funds for the sword enchantment. "You have my thanks, good Sir..." she said while giving the man a deep, long bow. When Tomoe raised her gaze back up, the laughing merchant was no longer there in front of her, dissappeared as mysteriously as he had gotten there.

In the light of the lantern, the young miko looked about the room for a while. It might not be the best place to be, but she could keep any possible hostiles away from the rescued group upstairs without having any of them in the danger. If a fight did break out, they could be in a risky position if spells started to fly about. Having observed her surroundings a bit, she began to set up a sleeping spot that was as hidden as possible from any that might decide to enter the tower. Regardless, she set up the lantern relatively close to her spot, laying down to rest on her bedroll with Kuchinawa in her hands. "Hmm, I wonder if your kind actually sleep..?" she asked the quickly-growing lizard-thing. If the critter did not, she would ask it to keep watch and wake her up if something was happening. Otherwise, she would just have to stay up as long as possible and guard herself.

(Spending 8 exp to get Heavy Weapon Expert, 4 exp to increase Mind from 6 to 10 and finally adding rhe remaining 4 exp points to increase Body from 50 to 54. Changes to the sheet are done already)


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

As Phyrra came across the books detailing demonic pacts and rituals for opening gates, she took those books off the shelf and began to pile them on the floor. Once she had gathered all such books she could find, she paused, looking at the heap. 'Such knowledge is dangerous and should be destroyed but... people should be allowed to make their own decisions about what knowledge they want to pursue. Can I justify leaving these works if they might cause suffering later?' She mused. Deciding to wait for her companions' thoughts, she left them and continued looking until she found the strange, bound book.

Running her hands over the silver chains, Phyrra almost removed them out of sheer curiosity, but stopped. She was only a dabbler in magic, not a true mage. It would be better, she reasoned, for someone more studied in magic to look at the book first. The fact that it was bound and warned people not to open it when the books on demonic magic remained open worried her; what knowledge would cause someone with no qualms about summoning demons to lock it up.

Then she glanced over to the remains of the nest the village women were huddling around. Quickly she returned to the shelves, staying out of sight of them and gingerly slid the chains off the book. She didn't open it right away, rather holding it shut in case something tried to open it from inside.

(Spent some EXP. Changelist is on Phyrra's sheet)

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"I... I would name him, but I don't know any good names. I don't want to choose a bad one." Maya answers meekly, still studying her child. A hint of a smile is seen as the baby becomes quiet in her arms and looks back, but is soon overshadowed again by her apprehension about it all. "Huh? Go back to the tower? I think I can, but why? And... you'll take him?" She asks confused yet again. This was all very sudden and strange. Truthfully, she didn't expect to have this child, and was ashamed to know that she didn't want to look after it. Not now. But to hand it over to a stranger like this, also felt wrong. "I suppose... that I could leave him with you, if... I... if your willing to care for him." She says, trying to understand the right thing to do here, and having some difficulty. "But... I don't even know your name. How will I find you again? And I want to know how you know Naya. You've been playing and pretending ever since you saw me. Who am I giving my baby to." She says, putting on a little of the sternness herself as she looks back to the strange elf woman with the small frown from before. Holding the baby out from her chest a little more, but still wrapped tight in her arms as she does so.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 66, PP = 44, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

After making a fairly large pile of books regarding demonology, Phyrra took up the chained book. She felt its weight in her hands, and the compulsion to open it slowly increased as she glanced aside. The human woman that she and her group had rescued had all settled about, and were looking around. They didn't bother her, but she could see them all clustered together and could hear them whispering. They were glancing toward the woman that the largest of the aliens had dropped just when Phyrra and her group had reached this floor, and who now lay in a pool of her own blood and had a perfectly placed cut in the center of her forehead. Only a deftly delivered strike from an extremely sharp blade could have left that.

Returning to her hiding place among the shelves, Phyrra slid the chains form the heavy tome, and immediately felt a pulse of power radiate out from it. The whispers in the other room went silent, and it suddenly snapped open in her hands despite her attempts to keep it closed. The page it flipped to was blank, but the book began to glow, and writing appeared there, written in red rink; "Hello. I am called Bob. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance. What is your name?"


The woman tilted her head, but then nodded as Maya explained that she didn't know what to name him. "If you can find no inspiration.... Perhaps Shor will do?" She grinned as Maya sputtered about at her offer to care for her child, and replied; "My name? Why, I do seem to have failed to introduce myself, haven't I? My name... 'Tis Intet, and the Dreamer some call me. As for how I know your mother... Naya and I are old pals, you might say. Partners in mischief growing up could be a better description of it, sort of like your sister and yourself, though Naya and I share no blood relation, nor any upbringing other than an equality of certain faculties. You needn't worry about your child, I swear that I will take good care of him until he can be returned to you."


There were few places that were out of the way for Tomoe to lie down, her only choices being either under the stairs leading up, under the table, or far off along the walls. Regardless of where she chose to lay down, when she asked her pet hunter whether it had to sleep, the demonlike alien nodded, and promptly curled up at the foot of her bedroll as she laid down her lantern and prepared to rest. It was dark within the tower, and her lantern swiftly became the only source of light unless she wished to douse it and leave herself an her pet in darkness.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

A fe more decision were left to be decided by Tomoe as the steadily-growing creature settled itself down at her feet to rest like she did. It looked like it had a lot of need to rest and eat in the growth phase. Even with the chance of her resting spot beneath the stairs was given away by the lantern's light, the young miko was not willing to leave herself exposed in complete darkness. So, she let it stay alight a few feet away from her before wishing goodnight to the little monster in her feet and laying herself down on the bedroll in an attempt to stay up as long as possible. It was not a surefire thing that they would remain in peace through the night.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Shor? Hmm, yes. I will call him Shor then." Maya replies, gazing upon her child and learning his face. If she gave him up now, what might he look like next time she sees him? Holding on to him a moment longer as his soon to be foster carer introduced herself better, "Intet. The Dreamer..." Maya says quietly to herself, for sake of memory. The mention of her sister confirmed Intet as either having exceptional powers over the mind, any intrusion of which Maya had failed to notice, or someone with exceptional awareness of the surrounding lands. Nodding her head and closing her eyes for a final moment of contemplation, Maya finally looks up one last time to face Intet, "Then I will leave my child, Shor, in your care Intet." She states, reaching her arms forward to proffer the new born over. She thought to make some comment towards proper parenting, but knowing nothing, what could she possibly say? It was safe to assume Intet knew well what she was doing.

Finally standing up from her place on the forest floor, she is forced to muffle a small yelp, the forgotten pain of the burn twinging again upon moving. "I wish to see you and Shor again sometime... but for now I will go back to the tower and look for my friends." Said taking a step back to allow a nice clearing for teleportation.

After anything else to be said has been said, she would focus her mind upon the tower, and return to the place she had fled from.



User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra looked at the red writing with some distrust, but also curiosity. Not really sure how to respond, either in writing or by speaking, she quietly responded. "Who are you? Can you hear me?" She kept her voice down to keep the other women from hearing and wondering who she was talking to.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 66, PP = 44, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

Intet took Shor from Maya's arms, and said; "Fret not! He well be well cared for, until you are free to take charge of him yourself." As she rose, and winced at the pain of the burn, Maya found that it was no longer present. No pain accompanied her movement, and no trace of the wound remained on her body. As her power gathered around herself, Intet smiled guiltily, almost like a girl who knew that she was about to do something that she knew she wasn't supposed to but was going to go ahead and do it anyway. A moment before Maya vanished form sight, returning to the abandoned tower, Inter said; "I should be able to keep track of him for a night and a morning!"

And with that, Intet and Shor vanished from her sight, and after a brief weightlessness Maya found herself back at the top of the tower. The women they had come to save, whom had been all clustered together, shrieked in surprise as she suddenly appeared in their midst.

"I am Bob. Yes, I can hear you. What is your name? Thank you for releasing me. I have been trapped in those chains for many years, since my owner was destroyed. Will you be my new owner?" The writing appeared on the page just as it had before, but before she could reply, a low snapping sound was followed chorus of frightened shrieks from the girls they had rescued.

Downstairs, Tomoe was shaken from the stupor her watch had left her in when a series of screams echoed their way down the stairs, coming from the top of the tower. Her pet hunter perked up instantly, and having gained almost two feet of height since it had gone to sleep, it now looked to be about the size of a young teenager. Glancing her way, it seemed to be awaiting her instructions.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Having almost fallen asleep in her restful lieing, the miko was sudddenly pushed back into action as a shriek echoed downwards, clearly coming from the top floor. Clambering onto her feet, the priestess quickly set the sheathed Kuchinawa behind her back, ready to be drawn. "With me now. You could be needed." she said to the hunter, taking the lead as she started going up the stairs and towards the top. It had already gained more size, which was beginning to unnerve the young miko. But she shrugged those thoughts away for now, the safety of her wards more important to her.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Blinking and checking her arm, a surprised thankful smile flashes across Maya's face, followed by a brief questioning expression regarding Intet's last statement. Before she could figure out what it meant or say anything in response, the world went dark and weightless, and was replaced by a cool stone floor and a group of shrieking startled women. The vocal reaction of the women to her sudden presence, startled Maya a little as well, stumbling back wide eyed a few steps before catching her feet. "Woah... uh, hi." she says back to them, holding her flat palms up close to herself and giving them some space in an attempt to put across a non hostile image. "Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise anyone." Taking a look around the room now to get her bearings. No Tomoe and no Phyrra? But at least the villagers were awake and up on their feet. No rounded bellies either. "Um, I'm a friend of the other two women that came here... Tomoe and Phyrra. You've seen them right?" She explains and enquires, hoping they weren't too off put by a stranger teleporting next to them after all this.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"I'm not sure. I need more information before I can make a decision like that. For one-" Phyrra was cut off as the sound of frightened girls broke the calm. "I need to go. I should be back." She said quietly and tried to close the book. Regardless of whether it closed or not, she put it down and rushed out to see what had happened, fearing more of the creatures had found her.

"What's wrong?! Did they... Maya?" Coming out from the bookcases and seeing her missing companion, Phyrra breathed a sigh of relief and moved over to the catgirl, fighting her impulse to hug Maya closely; she might still be confused. "Are you all right? What happened?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Phyrra!" Maya exclaims happily, quickly closing the remaining distance to hug the demoness herself anyway. "I thought that horrible thing burnt you into ash! After the fire I just... I guess I panicked. I didn't mean to run away. Not really." She say apologetically, half releasing to hug more gently as she seems to realise something and checks Phyrra over for any injuries or burns that she might be hurting like this. "Are you ok? What about Tomoe?"


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra let out a surprised sound as Maya embraced her. I'm fine. I'm just glad you're all right." She replied, gently putting her arms around Maya in return. "Tomoe went downstairs to try to look for you and for anyone else in the tower. She'll be glad to see you back as well."

"These are the girls we came looking for." Phyrra motioned to the girls before addressing them. "Don't worry, she's here to help you all too." She gently squeezed Maya's body against herself, guiltily enjoying the closeness of the catgirl.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Halfway along the stairs, Tomoe could hear Phyrra's bare feet tapping lightly against the stairs somewhere above herself. The demoness couldn't have missed the sounds if she heard them all the way down to the main floor, and was surely heading upwards before the busty easterner. "Hold on.. I'll be there in a second...." she thought, unsheathing the newly-sharpened Kuchinawa from it's sheath as she reached the middle floor before carrying on to the top.

Once on the top though, the miko's concern vanished for the most part. She found the briefly-vanished Maya there along with Phyrra and the rest of the remaining women. Looks like there was no need for her to blade after all, and Tomoe sheathed Kuchinawa again, not wanting to appear hostile in this reunion of sorts. "Maya... here again. It's nice to see you alive and well." she said as she walked towards the two. But before any huggies went on, the priestess grabbed the catgirl by the cheek and tugged at it. "And exactly why did you leave us like that? Gave me all too much worries and concerns..."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

As Phyrra indicated to the village women, Maya would break away again to face them. "Pleased to meet you. I guess you heard, but my names Maya." Before much more introduction could be said, her attention came to the stairs, and the guardian Miko emerging to investigate the disturbance. "Tomoe!" dashing forward much like before to complete their reunion with another hug, but being caught by the cheek on the way. Stopping in her tracks and wobbling on the spot for a bit. "Aauh, Tohmoehh! I'm sorreh... I didnht mhean toh leavhe youh behiend." She garbles a bit, managing to sound genuinely apologetic despite her cheek tug distorted speech. Speaking a little more coherently as soon as Tomoe lessened the pull a bit, "I mean... I shouldn't have left. I don't know why I did. I was upset, and it hurt so much I... just ran. I hate this place, but I should have stayed with you." She explains, seeming to be telling herself as much as Tomoe. Having said her piece, she pushes the meek look from her face and beams up at the eastern woman again, simply looking happy to be back with everyone as she holds her arms out to offer that hug once more.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Once she had heard the catgirl's explanation, Tomoe let her cheek go. "Alright. Just don't do it again please, we need everyone here in case something strange happens. I'm not sure if I can defend everyone by myself if something like that grey tentacle monster shows up again. No-one should be reduced into the condition she was unwillingly reduced to...." the shrine maiden replied, taking a brief look at the now-dead woman, the empty existence ended by her very own blade.

As the pet lizardman followed after her, Tomoe briefed Maya about him being there. "It'll be here with me and I'll see if one of these things can be beneficial to the cause of good. If something comes up, we'll settle it between the two of us. So don't worry about it being there." Once she had explained that, the shrine maiden patted Maya on her head and gave her a hug as a gesture of welcoming her back to the group. Going about the room to check up things once more, she would return to the ground floor unless something was required from her.
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User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra crossed her arms with a smile as Maya dashed over to Tomoe only to get scolded by the miko. 'How much I envy them.' She thought, watching.

When they finished talking, Phyrra spoke up. "Do you think it's safe to move out now?" She asked. The lack of windows in the tower and not knowing exactly how long she was out for meant she didn't know it was night time.