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Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Gosh Blimey!

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

What is that?
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I'm hoping it's a photoshop of a porn movie to make the woman look like she's some mutated spider woman. I've seen that picture ages ago, and even posted it at some point, though I don't know if it's real or not. Though there was that ET porn spoof, so it could very well be real.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I'm hoping it's a photoshop of a porn movie to make the woman look like she's some mutated spider woman. I've seen that picture ages ago, and even posted it at some point, though I don't know if it's real or not. Though there was that ET porn spoof, so it could very well be real.

Actually, it's an actual live-action porn movie, and is in no way a photoshop. It's a costume worn by some girl who does it with some guy. Japanese live action porn is weird T_T
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I would love to own that shark.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Nah, I want this instead.

Also, spelling fail.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Not sure if this has been shared here yet. I know I saw it somewhere...

Falls more into the wonder, and possibly truth category. Know what your teddy does for you as you sleep.

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

By your powers combined, I am Ms. Frizzle!



Long image is long, so here's a link:
Don't say I didn't warn you, bro.
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Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

@Sin - I don't know if it's been shared before, but that pick does look familiar. Still awesome, though.

@Kus - Okay, that's f'ing funny. I need to share that with a friend of mine. A couple of them, actually.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

And now for something completely different:

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

That is both the most horrifying thing and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

[2 Minutes Ago 15:49] Incubus: Ok, so I've been making my way to this legendary cathedral, fighting off angels on the way up
[2 Minutes Ago 15:50] Incubus: The angel in my party is somewhat apprehensive about the head angel at this cathedral, andw arns me before going in not to judge her based on appearance, and she may soon become ym mortal enemy. She also advised to leave people to ensure we had an escape route.
[1 Minute Ago 15:50] Incubus: So, I go inside and am greeted by "her", being
[1 Minute Ago 15:50] S u r i: I hate her.
[1 Minute Ago 15:51] Chibichibi: Adorable
[1 Minute Ago 15:51] S u r i: She seems bubbly.
[1 Minute Ago 15:51] Incubus: And I'm like "Ok... well, she doesn't seem to bad... albeit a little familiar... wait...

Also, unrelated, Oni might like this this one:
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Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Ha, saw that picture in an MSPA group on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, but it's still hilarious.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Dunno if this has been seen around here before:
