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In today's news...

If you share his opinion why do you even bother coming here? That's pretty much what this section is dedicated to. And honestly if you're getting your news from this thread, you're doing it wrong.
Do not threaten other members. Do not harass other members. Two week ban.
I'ma leave this here:

If you share his opinion why do you even bother coming here? That's pretty much what this section is dedicated to. And honestly if you're getting your news from this thread, you're doing it wrong.

I don't know who you're talking to, or why you're even here. If you're looking for attention, I can tell you I don't have enough fucks to give. What I do have are a particular set of skills. A set of skills I have acquired over a long career of shitposting. Skills that trigger people like you. If you leave this thread now, that will be the end of it. I will not target you; I will not harass you. But, if you don't, I will target you; I will harass you; and I will trigger you.
I don't know who you're talking to, or why you're even here. If you're looking for attention, I can tell you I don't have enough fucks to give. What I do have are a particular set of skills. A set of skills I have acquired over a long career of shitposting. Skills that trigger people like you. If you leave this thread now, that will be the end of it. I will not target you; I will not harass you. But, if you don't, I will target you; I will harass you; and I will trigger you.


... Moving on,
Here's news that's nerdy vidya news but still "news" news in the sense that it's the first time a country is forcing a "AAA" developer to backpedal on their "design" choices other than artistical.

The short of it: Belgium deemed lootboxes pure fucking heresy (!) and the equivalent of unsupervised gambling, and thus had blizzard promptly remove the cancerous part of a pretty OK game. bunch of OK games. Things went faster it seems.
The netherlands is taking steps in a similar matter, but sadly did not beat the neighbors to the punch. A few other countries are also considering this more thoroughly now, though some are circling around the issue forever

Way to go belgium. South brabant.

Here's some more coverage on the topic.

While i won't hold my breath for the current cancer in vidya to get cured, it's at least a few steps in the right direction for a change. Remember SW:battlefront 2 ? Shadow of war? Yeah they did the smart thing and removed it on their own despite "player choice" and "game design features"
What happened, why is there "banned" on ninja?

You propably mean besides pretty much every post they made dripping with hostility and adding little but that to the topics at hand?
Promising to harrass someone if Ninja didn't get his way propably pushed that over the edge.
You propably mean besides pretty much every post they made dripping with hostility and adding little but that to the topics at hand?
Promising to harrass someone if Ninja didn't get his way propably pushed that over the edge.
I read, even if my English is not great, I understood that the speech was heavy.
Loot boxes basically are gambling
They may not be as bad of a game 'design' decision as microtransactions, but they are more vulnerable legally and the continued abuse of such 'designs' will lead to...Exactly that

I wonder how EA feels. They fucked up so hard that countries are making laws just to stop them from doing it again
Apparently Italexit will be reality.

And I hope that comes, so all the laws of Europe (even future) if they stick it in the ass, excuse the scurile words but it took.
That would be interesting, maybe it will finally wake up the idiots at the EU and get them to stop fucking over everyone
I wonder where this whole anti-Eu sentiment comes from. I feel like blaming Greece, though some would equally blame germany, .. which to be clear, has an anti-EU party as third strongest atm as well.
I wonder where this whole anti-Eu sentiment comes from. I feel like blaming Greece, though some would equally blame germany, .. which to be clear, has an anti-EU party as third strongest atm as well.
"They did it so we can do it too, see guys i told you we could do it too"

Because going solo in the world is the new meta or something.

Also for reading fun times,

It's about a day old and super biased, but has some cool bullet points, like italy leaving meaning the entire world economy gets zap'd according to whomever wrote that.
"Don't leave or it'll be a catastrophe"

*pride gets seriously challenged*
*runs to vote yes to itaxit*
*suddenly notices lack of own italian citizenship*
*migrates to Italy*
*votes yes*
How is that dangerously violent member Ninja_Named_Bob not permanently banned yet? His toxicity is really detracting from my forum experience.
How is that dangerously violent member Ninja_Named_Bob not permanently banned yet? His toxicity is really detracting from my forum experience.

If you're not going to even bother disguising your posts as a reply to the topic of the thread, you need to shut the fuck up. Further pointing and jeering WILL be done somewhere else or I'll see to it that YOU get a ban as well.
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