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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Meh. There's a good case for saying all that's wrong with religion was caused by money..

In other news... We can now sue Google for bad directions?

Re: In today's news...

Neither money nor religion are the root of evil, people are. People are desirous and manipulative, and religion and money are both products of this. They are both things humanity created, and they are both treated as tools for human ends. However, these ends can be good as well as evil, so stop bringing me down.
Re: In today's news...

Hell, go to Canada, even. Just stay away from Quebec. It's filled with French-Canadians. They are a silly lot.

"Welcome to Canada, here's your beer and a hockey stick. Going the other way? Here's some crack and a handgun,"

Ah Comedians.
Re: In today's news...

It's love of money that's the root of all evil.

People take that quote and cut off the first half of it.
Re: In today's news...

Or love period. (not love periods, but love in general, you sick bastard. [though I guess if the fetish is right, you can love them too. {I don't mind them, I'm up for anything.}])

I figure live via transitive. Love nothing, hate nothing.
Re: In today's news...

In other news... We can now sue Google for bad directions?


Well, they did want to make me take a left turn off a state road into a slip road. But on the other hand, I didn't actually drive that way, now did I?

Wait... the PEDESTRIAN followed the directions? And she just crossed a four-lane street willy-nilly? In the dark?
Re: In today's news...

In other news... We can now sue Google for bad directions?


"Ms Rosenberg believed she could reach a footpath on the other side of Deer Valley Drive and tried to cross the street"

"speeding car on a pitch-black night"

So, the real problem here is, why did she cross a big street on a pitch black night, why didn't she see a car with headlight coming, or, why didn't the car use it's lights?

"the walking path was "totally snowpacked" and of no use to pedestrians in January."

...And then there's this. What the hell is wrong with some people? Sounds to me like she got drunk and then put in stuff to google and just followed it. Fuck her. I like the first few comments on that article.
Re: In today's news...

On the surface, apparently wholesome. Then, in the witness statements..

"There was no indication that things were going to get violent, there was nothing that provoked this attack, but at some point Stephen chose to arm himself with what can be best described as a sword," Price said. "He then used that sword against those three victims."

...What can be best described as a sword? On a porn set? Hang on a minute...

Re: In today's news...

I've seen swords in porn.

Though, to follow YOUR train of thought, a double dildo is too wobbly. Maybe one of those ginormous plastic wangs?
Re: In today's news...


Right up there in Actors with Sir Ian McKellen. >w<

The ranks of Actor Knights with sexy voices grows. :3
Re: In today's news...

Engaging in a little yellow press, Lady Gaga has been tested borderline positive for Lupus.

Re: In today's news...

@ Chibi: I think that's awesome for him. I really do. Picard will always suck as a Captain, though. "OMG WHAT DO I DO! TELL ME RIKER!"

@ Rule:
Re: In today's news...


love that image. LOVE the image Puppy.

And... i suppose. I liked him. As much as i like Kirk. xD
Re: In today's news...

Just a little something I found about Conan O'Brien.
Re: In today's news...

I'm not one to believe in signs, but..
Re: In today's news...

...well, fuck.
Re: In today's news...

Can you say "ironic death"? It's not something anyone would laugh to, but...