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Re: In today's news...

Isn't it typical of said infections to present little to no physical symptoms untill they've pretty much zombiefied someone? I mean how are you going to know someone's a zombie during the first day they've been zombiefied? It's not like they get a big red X on their forehead and they haven't started to rot anywhere other than the infection point assuming they haven't suffered any other injuries along the way, they just act a little wierd untill they scratch or bite you.

I would like to remind you as well that the opinions I stated were meant to reflect why OTHERS feel the military wouldn't be able to handle a zombie outbreak. I know full well that unless it's an engineered super fuck you virus, the zombies created aren't going to be much of a goddamned threat, nor will people be turned fast enough to be a problem.

Lastly, in adressing the military installations debate, I'm more than certain I could get into both of the ones I mentioned with little to no hassle in the event of a zombie apocalypse. No-one is going to send military personnel out here when the cities are under attack, so there goes any re-inforcements the people that AREN'T there would be getting. I'm talking about single buildings here. That's it, each one is a SINGLE building and neither is over 500 sqare feet.
The first was built over 50 years ago, all I need is a blow-torch (that one sitting in my garage will do just fine) and I'm in the front door. Fuck the alarm, I've just acquired all the guns and ammo I need to cleanse the zombiefied population of the small town it's located in. And if I don't? I'm not sticking around to find out who's heard the alarm. Anyway I'm done with this thought-experiment as it's already longwinded enough and I don't want anymore neg-reps.
Re: In today's news...

sean of the dead, most realistic zombie apocalyps.
Re: In today's news...

I don't know if you guys know of , but I think it's definitely worth checking out.
Re: In today's news...

This is a bit of an old news story, but I think it's
Re: In today's news...

Mostly focuses on games as pertaining to this Spectrum Crunch, but what this could mean for all other technology is really astounding. Highly recommend everyone check out at least the start of this video.

Simply because, holy fuck we're running out of bandwidth in the world.
Re: In today's news...

Rest in Peace Mr. Bradbury
Re: In today's news...

Very interesting article about climate science... Read and be amazed.

Re: In today's news...

I don't think amazed is the word I would use to describe my reaction to those words. Sickened is closer... threatening someone's child with a guillotine is pretty damn wrong. Sexual threats against the children of people you disagree with and their spouses? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Re: In today's news...

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looks like someone wised up to it.
Re: In today's news...

Still works for me Nunes... And yeah, sickened is more fitting. Though, perhaps the thing I find more sickening, is the whole reason this is going down. That large companies are undermining scientific proof, KNOWING full well, that they are fucking the world over.

But the thing that amazes me, is the fact that there is:
1. Scientific consensus on anthropomorphic climate change.
2. The facts are right out in the open, that major corporations have been working against the scientific community on this for years, and have devoted BILLIONS of dollars to this alone.

3. In spite of the two points above being fairly common knowledge, or at least accessible to anyone who lifts even half a finger. The corporations are still "Winning" I know some scientist myself, who have given up climate research because of death threats, and just being tired of having lawsuit after lawsuit. In the age of free information, HOW CAN PEOPLE BE THIS STUPID? I can understand much of the ignorance of the world, because it is largely based on ideologies, beliefs and religions. But this shit... Just gets on my nerves... I was fucking ten, when I had not only learned about what global warming was, but, in a moment of skepticism that we humans could affect the planet like that, I looked it up... TEN FUCKING YEARS OLD!
Re: In today's news...

wait is this about the west australian mining companie owners actualy being captain planet villans?
Re: In today's news...

It's not hard to understand why they are doing this though. Fighting climate change requires a substantial change in our lifestyle, and some people are very resistant any changes in the way they live. They don't give a shit about the next generation since they won't be around long enough to see what happens. There isn't much you can do about someone who's determined to remain selfish since there's little incentive for him to change. Rich people are also less likely to be affected by climate change. I think we are just doomed into ruining our planet.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I call bullshit.

Re: In today's news...

Not trying to be nitpicky, but why are you calling BS Kusanagi? It just sounds to me like they didn't find anything else. He could have always had something else in him at the time.
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Re: In today's news...

It just sounds to me like they didn't find anything else. He could have always had something else in him at the time.

I would think those two sentences are the point of calling bullshit.
Re: In today's news...

Maybe I'm just not understanding the exact reason for the call of BS. They explain in there that they didn't say there wasn't other possibilities. It's just that marijuana is all they could find.