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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

More news
First not-fun

The DoD just gave the go ahead for the US Army to be used in police action to assist police in quelling enemy attack, insurrection, civil disturbance.

Short story: US military can now officially be used against US citizens...Technically. Practically nothing really changed, and the military is still not really allowed to kill citizens(As long as those citizens aren't marked as terrorists)
Edit: did some more searching. All this means is that the army is now also the police, and can do everything the police can.
More edit: Apparently there is a specific exception clause for the open carry march coming 4th of July. Why they would want to have the military present during a normal demonstration is a mystery.

And then fun..Ish


Editing this in
Look, some maybe actually important news

Russia arrests spy
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Re: In today's news...

I know what they're talking about. Some idiot group from VA decided they were going to arm up 1000 people with rifles and march into DC (where open carry is illegal) on the 4th and dare the government to take away their weapons.
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Also, amusing news

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I think there is precident for carrying guns openly in protest as part of tue right to free speach. just like you are allowed to flash in protest of flashing being illegal.
Re: In today's news...

That's like the one time you CAN get your guns taken away, they'd be playing right into the government's hands.

"You can't put me in jail, I'm a free citizen. Everyone who tells me I'm not a free citizen, I've murdered! ..HELP, THEY'RE TAKING ME TO JAIL!"
Re: In today's news...

I think there is precident for carrying guns openly in protest as part of tue right to free speach. just like you are allowed to flash in protest of flashing being illegal.

It depends on the specific circumstances. Most such protests occur where it's not illegal to do so anyway. That being said, I don't think flashing is legal in protest here either. Sure, there may be times that these things happened at protests and weren't stopped, but it has a lot to do with the police not wanting too much trouble just as much as the peaceful protesters do. This specific bill allowing the army in is probably for exactly that reason, because the police don't think they can handle it.

DC is also a very special case, as typically the National Guard would get called for police actions (happens all the time). DC, not being a state, does not have a National Guard though I'm pretty sure.
Re: In today's news...

Britain: "We shouldn't fly this flag because *GASP* it might upset and offend the Arab migrants because it was used in the crusades 1000 years ago"
"But lets publicly fly the rainbow flag of lgbt movements(that many Arab muslims hate) whenever we consider it 'appropriate' "

Lesley Mansell, the council chair, insisted that the discussion focused primarily on buying a Union flag.

“We were presented a list of every flag we can fly as a local authority but the council agreed that we did not want to fly all of them and simply wanted to purchase our own Union Jack," she said.

“The statement made by one councillor regarding the St George’s flag was not really taken into consideration.”

Also oil. The US has more of it than the middle east now. It's shale oil, which has some controversy on how it's extracted. Lots of environmental damage essentially.

Edit on this one: Further investigation shows it's SATIRE. I'll leave it here for the record, but this one didn't actually happen

May need to put this through google translate:

75% of Syrians would re-elect Assad, according to the CIA

Another one for google translate:

US diplomats lobbied European governments to allow (mostly) unlabeled American GMO food for years. Including such nice things as 'exerting pressure on local governments'. They're not even twisting the words anymore to make it seem like they're trying to be the good guys.


...Yeah. They're flat out just saying "We're going to bomb Syria again, and if they fight back we will hit them harder"
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Re: In today's news...

Love how the Muslims' reaction to lowering the St. George flag was essentially "Calm down folks geez."

Once again, fear of being politically incorrect goes much too far, and in doing so comes out racist by lumping a whole group of people as a single mindset, yet again.
Re: In today's news...

If anyone watches Nascar, you might be surprised to hear that retired race car driver Dick Trickle died today of apparent suicide. .

I know the name is hilarious, but that was his actual name.
Re: In today's news...

I watch it, and I've heard the name, but I never knew they went together.
Re: In today's news...

More stuff on Syria

Not that important, since it's just the same common deal that has been planned since 2007, a mostly scheduled update to their military, but of course Russia sending anti-air and -naval missiles comes at just after Israel said they were preparing for more attacks on Syria, so there's loads of speculation.

The article appears to be pretty biased against Russia and Syria, so take it with a grain of salt

Edit: Since I'm posting anyway, here's some more Russia news
Edit edit: Questionable source. Leaving it here because it's news, but the source is kinda questionable.

Russia warns Obama(And world) to stop killing the bees or they'll fight to preserve the ecosystem.
...You know something is messed up when Russia is the one fighting to preserve nature.


Russia moves a fleet to the Mediterranean, Cyprus.

Related to the bees, instead of actually talking about it and their effect on rapidly declining bee populations, Monsanto declares that their opponents are just anti-elitists and technology hating luddites. They then went on to declare that all they want to do is solve world hunger and fair market activity(While completely ignoring the scandal of them lobbying the US government to try to pressure European nations into allowing their food in without the usual tests).

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Re: In today's news...

Assad preparing missile strike against Tel Aviv in case attacked again

I'd say this is a good time for Israel to just stop throwing bombs at random countries near them. But that's just me
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Legal torrenting of copyrighted materials
Re: In today's news...

If anyone watches Nascar, you might be surprised to hear that retired race car driver Dick Trickle died today of apparent suicide. .

I know the name is hilarious, but that was his actual name.

I have NASCAR friends whom I always made fun of using this guy's name. I guess I won't do that any more. Sad to hear whenever anyone takes their own life. Having been clinically depressed at one point, I know where they come from, but I still don't get it :(
Re: In today's news...

It's alright Scarlet, though he's gone now we can still make fun of his name, because it was a funny name to say the least. Also glad to see that you overcame your depression as well.

On another sadder note though, yet another of the old great musicians has died today, Ray Manzarek one of the original founders of the Doors died of cancer earlier today in Germany at the age of 74.

Re: In today's news...

Inventor of ADHD: “ADHD is a fictitious disease”
Re: In today's news...

Double post.
Guess what time it is?

SCIENCE TIME! Since I'm lazy I'll just copy paste directly from the source on this one. Most of it anyway. Getting too lazy to write quote brackets.
The source is this guy, for anyone who wants to keep themselves informed

First fully integrated artificial photosynthesis nanosystem

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) scientists have developed the first fully integrated nanosystem for artificial photosynthesis, in which solar energy is directly converted into chemical fuels.
“Similar to the chloroplasts in green plants that carry out photosynthesis, our artificial photosynthetic system is composed of two semiconductor light absorbers, an interfacial layer for charge transport, and spatially separated co-catalysts,” says Peidong Yang, a chemist with Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division, who led this research.
The tree-like architecture was used to maximize the system’s performance. Like trees in a real forest, the dense arrays of artificial nanowire trees suppress sunlight reflection and provide more surface area for fuel-producing reactions.

A new tool for precise brain mapping

Multitasking neurons found essential to the brain’s computational power

ACT confirms clinical trial participant showed improvement in vision

Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. (ACT) has confirmed that the vision of a patient enrolled in a clinical investigation of the company’s retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) has improved from 20/400 to 20/40 following treatment.
ACT is currently enrolling patients in three clinical trials in the U.S. and Europe for treatment of Stargardt’s macular dystrophy (SMD) and dry age-related macular degeneration (dry AMD) with hESC-derived RPE cells. These trials are prospective, open-label studies, designed to determine the safety and tolerability of hESC-derived RPE cells following sub-retinal transplantation into patients with dry AMD or SMD at 12 months, the study’s primary endpoint.

World record for wireless data transmission

Researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics and the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology have achieved wireless transmission of 40 Gbit/s over a distance of one kilometer, a new world record.

Thought experiment: build a supercomputer replica of the human brain

Henry Markram’s Human Brain Project (HBP), backed by 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) funding Jan. 2013 from the European Commission, plans to integrate findings from the Allen Brain Atlas, the National Institutes of Health-funded Human Connectome Project, and the Brain (“Brain Activity Map”) project, Wired reports.
The HBP is an ambitious attempt to build a complete model of a human brain using predictive reverse-engineering and simulate it on an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer. Markram plans to give the EU an early working prototype of this system within just 18 months.
Markram thinks that the greatest potential achievement of his sim would be to determine the causes of the approximately 600 known brain disorders. He’ll achieve this by connecting his model brain to sensor-laden robotics and simultaneously recording what the robot is sensing and “thinking” as it explores physical environments, correlating audiovisual signals with simulated brain activity as the machine learns about the world.

Patient receives 3D printed skull

At the beginning of March of this year, a radical surgery was performed on an American patient: 75 percent of his skull was replaced with a 3D printed implant. The company that produced the implant, Oxford Performance Materials, made the announcement though offered little detail about the patient or the procedure. The surgery was given the green light by the Food and Drug Administration in February.
Scott DeFelice, President and CEO of Oxford Performance Materials, stated that the OsteoFab technology “is a highly transformative and disruptive technology platform that will substantially impact all sectors of the orthopedic industry.” The company projects that between 300 to 500 patients in the U.S. alone could have skull replacement surgeries each month. Additionally, it has indicated plans to expand beyond the skull to other bone replacements in the body, opening up the technology to a multimillion dollar industry.

Brain rewires itself after damage or injury, life scientists discover

Cells as living calculators

By combining existing genetic “parts,” or engineered genes, in novel ways, MIT engineers have transformed bacterial cells into living calculators that can compute logarithms, divide, and take square roots, using three or fewer genetic parts.

Google and NASA launch Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab

Virtual worm project wriggles into life

Programmers and scientists have joined together to try to create a comprehensive computer model of the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode worm.
The cellular model of the worm will help to understand how its complex behaviour emerges from the interaction of those basic building blocks.

Human stem cells created by cloning

Wireless signals could transform brain-trauma diagnostics

University of California, Berkeley researchers have developed a device that uses wireless signals to provide real-time, non-invasive diagnoses of brain swelling or bleeding.

Engineered biomaterial prevents body’s attack on medical implants

Brain frontal lobes not sole center of human intelligence

Clinical trial supports use of Kava to treat anxiety

A world-first completed clinical study by an Australian team has found Kava, a medicinal South Pacific plant, significantly reduced the symptoms of people suffering anxiety.

‘Paint-on’ solar panels

Do-it-yourself invisibility cloaking with 3D printing

Hydrogel biomaterial shows promise for Type 1 diabetes treatment

Extracting human DNA with full genetic data in minutes

Making old hearts younger

The emergence of individuality in genetically identical mice

3D printing right into your spine could make you whole again

Organ and tissue replacement could cure aging by 2025


Newly Sequenced Genome of ‘Sacred Lotus’ May Hold Anti-Aging Secrets

A team of 70 scientists from the U.S., China, Australia and Japan today reports having sequenced and annotated the genome of the “sacred lotus,” which is believed to have a powerful genetic system that repairs genetic defects, and may hold secrets about aging successfully. The scientists sequenced more than 86 percent of the nearly 27,000 genes of the plant
“The lotus genome is an ancient one, and we now know its ABCs,” said Jane Shen-Miller, one of three corresponding authors of the research and a senior scientist with UCLA’s Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life. “Molecular biologists can now more easily study how its genes are turned on and off during times of stress and why this plant’s seeds can live for 1,300 years. This is a step toward learning what anti-aging secrets the sacred lotus plant may offer.”

Carmat gets approval to test artificial heart in four countries

Memory implants may start human trials in 2 years

Global leaders support new six-year plan to deliver a polio-free world by 2018

And then a thing on Israel+Syria. They're just doing the same stuff as always, nothing too new or interesting there.


And one on Benghazi, which is now known as the greatest/worst US scandal ever, by far exceeding Watergate.

Re: In today's news...

It is now acceptable for youth members of the Boy Scouts of America to be openly gay. It is still not acceptable for the adult leaders to be.
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It is now acceptable for youth members of the Boy Scouts of America to be openly gay. It is still not acceptable for the adult leaders to be.

This is like putting up a door with only the top hinge. Are they afraid that homosexual leaders will influence scouts to become gay? Or are they perpetrating the ridiculous idea that homosexuals are also pedophiles?