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Re: In today's news...

At last check, the US Dollar was only backed by the full faith and support of the US government.

Much like a lot of things with the US government.
Re: In today's news...

Poor Britain

• Possession of violent porn to be outlawed
• Illegal image searches to be blocked

Who then decides what 'violent porn' is? Who decides how violent it needs to be to be banned? It's not a simple yes-no thing, but more of a sliding scale. Depending on who chooses, it can ban everything other than consensual sex in the missionary position.

"Illegal image searches"...Do I even need to explain how this can be used by bad people? China

Every internet user will have to opt in to access internet porn

Here's one that keeps track of it, though it is an activist site.

Of course, this all assumes they're actually doing it, and not pretending for votes. Who would even vote for someone who claims they'll censor the internet?

Internet giants secretly urged by ministers to pretend they are blocking online porn to let Cameron declare 'victory' on the issue
Told companies not to change what they are doing, just what it is called

US unbiased journalism's corpse just got shot again

Court rules journalists can’t keep their sources secret
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Re: In today's news...

Yeah paper money is actually worthless, we recently had to change the alloy used for copper coins in the UK because the coins themselves were worth more than the mystical unicorn poop they represented.

Also, did you know banks can lend out ten times the fictional currency they currently 'hold'?

So not only is money completely worthless, all the capitial from loans and such is non-existent.

And people wonder why the economy is completely fucked.


In other news:
David Camoron wants to ban rape porn in the UK:
Re: In today's news...

Yeah australia is only allowed to lend out up to 3 times the amount they have which is one reason the economic crisis didn't hurt us as much.
Re: In today's news...

Who then decides what 'violent porn' is? Who decides how violent it needs to be to be banned?

Drawn Together got this one: Jewish conservative pro-life born again overweight Asian (Indian) homophobic lesbians who cut themselves.
Re: In today's news...

The 4th Circuit court is a bit wonky. For those that don't know, Circuit decisions don't apply to the whole US, but just their little slice of it. Even before considering the little nuances and things of the particular case.
Re: In today's news...

More news today
For the US people here

Congress is about to vote on a proposal that will remove funding from the NSA if they continue going after everyone, instead of just after people they have good reason to follow.
It may not sound like much, but it's a first step towards real reforms. Hopefully.

Happening sometime today, so be sure to let your local congressman know if you want them to vote for it.
Suggested means of contacting them is a phone call or direct e-mail. From what I've been told, often these congress people have good intentions, but don't know what the people want. Let them know.

And then there's this. Vegans gave kitten vegan diet, kitten survived

Some people can not into basic biology.
Re: In today's news...

And then there's this. Vegans gave kitten vegan diet, kitten survived

Some people can not into basic biology.

The worst thing is that the people who did that were allowed to take it back instead of being charged with animal abuse.
Re: In today's news...

The worst thing is that the people who did that were allowed to take it back instead of being charged with animal abuse.

Well they probably didn't intend to harm the kitten. So technically they just should have been charged with stupidity. But yeah, they are clearly unfit to care for a pet.
Re: In today's news...

Well they probably didn't intend to harm the kitten. So technically they just should have been charged with stupidity. But yeah, they are clearly unfit to care for a pet.

Even if they didn't intend to, they fed a carnivore a strict vegan diet... which is just carrying your beliefs a little too far. Hell, I don't even agree with it when it comes to humans, but at least we're Omnivores and can adapt... mostly.
Re: In today's news...

Personally I think people should just be free to eat whatever they want, as long as its not other people, no matter how it effects them.
It may not be good for them, it may even be a really bad idea for them, but if we only allowed healthy diets we wouldn't have fast food chains either.

Just don't try to force your diet on others. (Which I would argue includes children, as they need the nutrients for their still growing body)


NSA may continue to spy on everyone, so says US government.
As if it would not be vetoed by Obama anyway. The white house has lobbied in favour of the opposition.

Even the author of the Patriot Act went on record saying the NSA went too far in their data collection and the amendment would fix that.
Opponents of the amendment cited 9/11 and "But it stops terrorists!" as their reasons to oppose it.

Due to the huge support and close call, it is still a good sign for future privacy rights, as it shows growing support among all political ideologies for a stop to NSA spying.
UK teabags contain way too much fluoride.

The site may be a bit...Not sure how to say this, uncertain? I wouldn't go there without noscript and pop up blocker at least.
Anyway, it's unhealthy. You don't want fluoride in your system, so you may want to consider your tea choice if you live in the UK, some tea has less than others.
Japanese commuters save a woman trapped in the gap between the train and platform by pushing the train.

Total delay for the train that day was only 8 minutes.
Re: In today's news...

Opponents of the amendment cited 9/11 and "But it stops terrorists!" as their reasons to oppose it.

Sadly, the worse cause for people to try and do things in the US politic ring to ever exist, thanks to how overused and abused it is to push things that honesty shouldn't have been passed at the time. Cause all it usually does is cause all the panic of several years ago to get dragged up and popular support. Glad to see smarter heads are starting to take the reigns again.
Re: In today's news...

More news
And what a shock!

Not only do pesticides kill bees. So do fungicides.

Surprising exactly no-one, the cause for bees dying a lot these days is because there's a whole lot of toxins spread all over the crops on farms.
Which just happens to be right next to just about everywhere bees live.
Re: In today's news...

More news
And what a shock!

Not only do pesticides kill bees. So do fungicides.

Surprising exactly no-one, the cause for bees dying a lot these days is because there's a whole lot of toxins spread all over the crops on farms.
Which just happens to be right next to just about everywhere bees live.

Don't try to make chemists look bad, you damn hippie.
Re: In today's news...

Bananas thrown at black Italian minister during speech

It probably makes me a bad person if I laugh at this news

But it is amusing
Re: In today's news...

Now here's a big one. A bit late, but it's important so I'm posting it anyway

US-EU merger talks underway in DC
While officially it's just a 'trade agreement', this would essentially force Europe to bend over for the US and take over a lot of US policies, including many which will destroy European rules and many others which would strip away anti-corruption and protection laws.

In short
If this passes, everyone loses except the rich and politicians.

Slightly old

Study: Diet soda may do more harm than good

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Re: In today's news...

DAMNIT! I TRUSTED YOU, HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THAT! Screwing everyone in the country, nay, the whole world with your lies! Goddamn diet soda.
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Re: In today's news...

Anyone who believed that anything unhealthy with the word 'diet' slapped in front of it makes it suddenly miracle food, definitely has their priorities elsewhere.

Personally, prefer diet for taste but I digress.
Re: In today's news...

We've known this for years, but everyone freaks out now. I don't mean the week late post on it, but the fact that they did another study at all, and that for some reason people paid attention this time.
Re: In today's news...

While officially it's just a 'trade agreement', this would essentially force Europe to bend over for the US and take over a lot of US policies, including many which will destroy European rules and many others which would strip away anti-corruption and protection laws.

A 'trade' agreement which removes a country's native laws and regulations?
This seems familia but I can't quite put my finger on it...