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Re: In today's news...

I wish i could say I feel comfortable that this thing will die or be repealed soon, but I can't.

I don't find anything wrong with someone refusing service because of religious values (like the photographer who got sued) but to do this? UGH. This is just awful. You don't prevent discrimination of Christians by oppressing an already oppressed group that can be fired for being lgbta+
Re: In today's news...

I read some more into it and its basically a law that allows intolerance. not the first bill of its type and people tend to be against it on that angle. I don't even have anything to say about this beyond parroting the standard disapproval. These concepts are so alien to me and what i assumed was a modern world.

Hell, it's like having different fountains for whites and blacks only worse. This time its protected by law.

gah i'm so angry i do a third edit.
this is so ridiculous it doesn't even sound decent on paper (as many people try to make theirs). Apparently there is only compelling governmental interest if a service is only available in one place, but if there are two places its fine, even if both refuse service. GAH!
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Re: In today's news...

Religious tolerance should stop at the point where it becomes intolerant in and of itself. If my religion required me to sacrifice a human child monthly, I'm fairly sure the First Amendment wouldn't do a damn thing to defend me in court. I agree with the other sentiments here that this is a transparent attempt to oppress people via other means, and I'm mad as hell that it's gotten this far.
Re: In today's news...

This makes me incredibly angry as well. I cannot fathom the twisted logic that people are using to justify this bill. I suppose Arizonan Republicans feel that if they've gone and flaunted the backlash from the 1070 bill then that gives them the right to carry on making more horrid decisions. They probably want to just drive away all members of their community that don't conform to their chosen 'lifestyle.' It's a very dark age way of governing.

Discrimination bills in this day and age - and it's in a supposedly modern country. Way to be a 'beacon on the hill.'
Re: In today's news...

There is one element that confuses me, concerning this bill. How does one recognize a member of the LGBT community to refuse service? I would be hard-pressed to pick out a homosexual in a line-up.

Further, while many religions claim the evils of homosexuality, I don't think there are ANY religions which forbid providing retail services to a sinner. Even if this had a legal foundation and clear definition (which the bill lacks--it looks like an 8th grader wrote it), the practice of refusing commercial services seems to be a new religious invention with no basis in religious text.

On the other hand, I'm no theological expert. If there IS some part of the Bible (or Koran, or any other religious scripture) that says, "Thou shalt not sell wedding cakes to gay people," feel free to correct me.
Re: In today's news...

the practice of refusing commercial services

Why would any sane business owner want to refuse doing his job anyway? If you have a job, you can be expected to do your job. Getting a job and then not doing it is a great way to lose it. I can completely understand if someone who is very religious does not want to spend time with people he thinks are sinners and evil and whatever, but that's a private thing, and we're all expected to leave that at home when we go out to do our jobs.

If you don't want to see anything you disapprove of, then you'll need to be a hermit or retire to a monastery

In other news, Ukraine's situation is escalating with lots of violence and then some more talking

And a subtle message from the Polish foreign minister
Re: In today's news...

Because a significant number of christians in the US are assholes who think they deserve to tell everyone else how to live.

Re: In today's news...

Fortunately for Kansas, their Senate killed it.

And I know its nothing compared to the Ukraine and Russia and Venezuela but its in my home and it scares me.
Re: In today's news...

More on Ukraine

It's almost over by now, with the protesters having succeeded in most of what they had set out to do.
The situation will most likely not become worse again

New elections have been promised

Edit: Crowd also caught one man they believe was a pro-government sniper shooting into the crowd
Re: In today's news...

It's time for some science, bitches.
Re: In today's news...

Christian Wulff, the former Germany president, . Regardless of the actual circumstances, it's nice seeing someone exonerated publicly after public disgrace--I've always chafed at the media's ability to smear officials.
Re: In today's news...

Further, while many religions claim the evils of homosexuality, I don't think there are ANY religions which forbid providing retail services to a sinner. Even if this had a legal foundation and clear definition (which the bill lacks--it looks like an 8th grader wrote it), the practice of refusing commercial services seems to be a new religious invention with no basis in religious text.

I do believe it was Christ who kept preaching about forgiveness, acceptance... I think there was even something about leaving what is Caesar's unto Caesar.

All coming from these nicely shaven folks (that's in the bible too actually. Not supposed to shave... hunh). So um... yeah. Using religion to discriminate against homosexuality is like saying you don't like Terminator 2 because you don't like Michael Biehn (he was in a deleted scene).
Re: In today's news...

I was reading the old bible last night with some friends... for laughs... (The old testament can be quite silly at times).

Laviticus says that a man lying with another man (as he would a woman) is an abomination, and that that man and his soul shall be cut off from society, damned, stoned to death and the very ground the act was commited on is unclean. It might just be the king james translation but that was a lot more final than i remembered. One line later a man going into a beast is also an abomination. It gets hysterical when one line after that a woman laying down to an animal is, and i quote, a confusion. But it says later that you need to stone the woman and the animal anyway.

No where in the bible that i've found does it state that lesbionics is wrong, in fact it seems to go to moderate lengths not to exclude that. Pretty sure there are some lesbian scenes in it as well (apparently Ruth has some less than subtle subtext). That being said, laviticus extends as much care to women as it does to animals. I'm moderately sure they only got separate lines because language doesn't easily allow them to be wrapped together easily.

But yeah, as sin said the new testament is all about being good and kind and explicitly not stoning to death or judging other people. Certain sects of christianity are never going to remember that though.

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Re: In today's news...

From news that doesn't even try to hide it's political view, and in fact proudly shows it

Topconservativenews brings us the tale of door to door gun confiscations that may be happening at some point

I don't particularly care since this is all US related with second amendment stuff, but there's probably a lot of people on here who are from the US and probably care to some degree

Still seems like kind of a bad idea to try to take guns from people who militantly want to keep them. Sounds like something the cops would not enjoy doing or at least get hazard pay for
Re: In today's news...

Holy crap. Please don't mistake that article for actual news--it is mostly devoid of factual information. This is paranoid propaganda at best.
The fact is, that the CT legislature fully intends to confiscate hundreds of thousands of firearms anyway.
This is not a fact. This is a theory or an opinion, unless the CT legislature drafts and signs an official statement of intent. You can also tell that the editor doesn't know his/her job by the misused comma (shouldn't be there).
CT State Police Spokesman Lt. Vance says that state police would comply with an order from the state to conduct door to door gun confiscations.
That order hasn't been given and it is unlikely that it ever will. There are still procedures to follow and warrants to be obtained, even if such a measure were approved. Like any other hierarchy, policemen are expected to follow orders.
CT State Police Spokesman Lt. Vance can be reached at at (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
Okay now this is just asinine. Posting someone's phone number online so they can explain themselves 20,000 times is excessive and childish.

This is how interest groups target the simple-minded over here in the States.

Edited Edit: Another question I'd ask the editor is why in the world this old Lieutenant is still a police spokesperson. I looked the guy up on LinkedIn and he does appear to carry that title, though with 60 years on the force, you'd think they'd find a younger, more congenial person to deal with the press. Even so, the "news" Youtube video reeks of trap journalism... sounds like they called up the old cop because they knew he'd have a hard time talking to them.

Third Edit (going into overtime here):
Wow. These people are fucking lunatics. I read their . Here are a few of the juicier excerpts:
We believe the United States is a Christian country.
Wow. Right off the bat.
We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people.
I would like an Native American's take on this belief. We were a European colony about two-and-a-half centuries ago, but we grew apart. Differences were evident to visiting Europeans--in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote of the US that "the whole society seems to have melted into a middle class." There are still similarities, but I've always held the idea that European countries were located in Europe.
The traditional family is the basic unit of human society. . . and we oppose all efforts by the state and other powers to weaken the structure of the American family through toleration of sexual licentiousness, homosexuality and other perversions, mixture of the races, pornography in all forms, and subversion of the authority of parents.
I don't even... [rage building]
We believe that in the aftermath of the U.S. victory over Soviet Communism, the United States has little need to retain the political and military commitments to allies made during the Cold War.
Hold on there, slick. First of all, the end of the Cold War was in NO WAY a victory. Communism and Socialism are FAR from dead, and there is no evidence whatsoever that the United States had much, if any, involvement in the internal collapse of the Soviet Union and regime changes of the Warsaw Pact. We were as surprised as everyone else.
Second, I thought we were a European country. Why would we abandon our fellow Europeans in this turbulent time?

And they have a photo at the bottom. Which one of these conservative fuck sticks looks like someone who (a) doesn't need pornography and (b) could be trusted around small children?
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Re: In today's news...

(Stuff on topconservativenews)

And this is why news sources that have a clear and obvious political agenda are usually not reliable to bring you actual news, well said, good post(And +rep)

In more amusing and less anger inducing news, GLaDOS explains nuclear fusion for NASA
Re: In today's news...

Not entirely sure this is real, but amusing if it is:

Obviously, this is a major blow for anyone trying to claim that just because they've been "saved", they're perfect.

Even having been raised Christian myself, I'm viewing this with attitude of "mistakes happen, and even the Pope is still human".