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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

"billows of emotion and happiness."

Well, I guess fear is an emotion, and they would be happy not to be tortured yet

And some more news - Technology with so much potential...Lets use it to hurt people!
Re: In today's news...

And some more news - Technology with so much potential...Lets use it to hurt people!

Yikes. My first thought upon reading this was how quickly this technology will be misused by governments. "You don't want to join our political party? How about a thousand years to think about it?"

I'm also concerned because the motivating factor here seems to be revenge. I don't think a pill is going to deter crime, unless the media is allowed to REALLY show its savage effects on one's psyche. Once a person goes through that level of torture, forget about re-integration into society. Their mind is probably broken, having been dislodged from reality for such a perceived time that reality will no longer seem real.

So... yeah, I agree. This is a terrible idea that needs to never be invented.
Re: In today's news...

This was covered years ago in an Outer Limits episode:

Re: In today's news...

Its always the bad side of the technology that gets used first anyway.
Re: In today's news...

And some NSA news, not going to comment on it since this is pretty much just par for the course
NSA spied on stuff, etc

Re: In today's news...

As my one friend put it, this is the sound of no one really caring.

Anybody wanna go picket a funeral with me?
Re: In today's news...

As my one friend put it, this is the sound of no one really caring.

Anybody wanna go picket a funeral with me?

On the bright side, maybe that'll mean a partial church collapse and this cycle of stupidity can finally start ending...

Aw who am I kidding, it'll never end.
Re: In today's news...

As my one friend put it, this is the sound of no one really caring.

Anybody wanna go picket a funeral with me?

Oh HELL yes. Military protest at his funeral would be all kinds of awesome. And ironic, I think.
Re: In today's news...

I'm reading all of the comments on that article. Wow, he's got a lotta(not totally undeserved)backlash.

I mean, picketing the funeral of a tortured and dead openly gay student and disgracing the poor guy and his family further after he's been brutally maimed for his sexuality? Look, I accept Christianity into my life and all to some small degree since my family is a long line of tolerant religious folk, but I share many of the sentiments on that page.

Talk about a horrible person with a horrible family.
Re: In today's news...

I'm reading all of the comments on that article. Wow, he's got a lotta(not totally undeserved)backlash.

I mean, picketing the funeral of a tortured and dead openly gay student and disgracing the poor guy and his family further after he's been brutally maimed for his sexuality? Look, I accept Christianity into my life and all to some small degree since my family is a long line of tolerant religious folk, but I share many of the sentiments on that page.

Talk about a horrible person with a horrible family.

To be fair, it was a organization entirely built around intolerance, bigotry, and trying to keep a dying concept alive. They were entirely based around sensationalism and pretty much at every turn tried to do things to get the press to notice them. Yaknow, 'LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M IMPORTANT!' kind of attitude.

I say it's better to just let them fade away into obscurity, though I too would find it humorously fitting to put a MASSIVE LGBT and military family protest on the day of his funeral at the sight.
Re: In today's news...

Well, he's gone at least. One less idiot picketing the funerals. Sadly, there will still be more doing the same. At the least, lets hope his last moments aren't painful

And some more news on internet censorship, this time courtesy of Israel

I'd like for people to just stop trying to censor the internet now, if we have to take every government and view into consideration then there wouldn't be any websites left.

Edit: Here's some sort of vague, but possibly interesting news on the moon connected to omens and such, for the Jewish people

Turns out, there's some really bad omens for Israel/the Jewish people coming 2014-2015
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Re: In today's news...

wins. He has stones the size of the moon. Putin's regime might kill him tomorrow, but in my book, he's still a winner.
Re: In today's news...

wins. He has stones the size of the moon. Putin's regime might kill him tomorrow, but in my book, he's still a winner.

Words cannot describe...this guy, this fucking guy. And here I thought I'd seen it all. You always think that, then stuff like this happens. God I love people at times.
Re: In today's news...

As long as we're talking about heroes and tabloid-ish stuff...

. Holy shit. I don't know about you people, but the day a fucking shark bites me is likely to be the same day that I shit my shorts and cry for Mama. This guy fought off the shark with a fucking knife, sewed his own leg together, and went to the bar for a beer with his buds.
Re: In today's news...

This is nothing new from what I've been told, but I recently discovered this:

Worries me a tad since I just switched to Comcast.
Re: In today's news...

As my one friend put it, this is the sound of no one really caring.

Anybody wanna go picket a funeral with me?

And he's gone
Re: In today's news...

And he's gone

You know, looking at that article, I'm starting to wonder whether or not his and his family's existence was a necessary evil. I mean, damn...when fourty states pass a new law in retaliation to shit YOU did, you gotta admit you're fucking up your own agenda. But at the same time, it helped spread MORE tolerance like wildfire due to how unreasonably intolerant he was.

I'm still kinda pissed at the whole notion that they couldn't be sued due to the first amendment for being an official church, even when the article noted that they were more like a private organization that controls its membership and lives the knight templar way.
Re: In today's news...

And he's gone

Love how they're not having a funeral for the man. Because the hypocritical bastards likely couldn't take their own medicine.

Re: In today's news...

You know... I hadn't seen much to laugh at concerning the situation in Ukraine, until GargantuaBlarg brought this to my attention:


My favorite joke about the situation (and I wish I could say it was mine): "She puts the 'cute' in 'prosecute.' :p