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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Britain has decided, by a majority of 170+ MP's, to extend the bombing campaign from Iraq and Afghanistan against IS positions.

Admittedly, with about 8 Typhoon jets and a few Eurofighters... our actual effect seems diminished compared to Russia and America - 69ish and 70+ aircraft, comitting thousands and 500+ strikes so far, respectively.
Re: In today's news...

*IF* they were as well equipped as the news says that's a very odd target. I mean, going after it in broad daylight they couldn't be there to steal anything, and why shoot up the place if you're after an individual? If you look at it from a terrorist attack angle, why not leave bombs or traps for first responders, why not continue your spree down the block, why start at a location with that few targets?

Too many unanswered questions at this point to make any judgements, it's still very strange though.

From what I saw on it, a quick list I grabbed online:
3 suspected shooters
14 confirmed dead, and 14+ wounded
1 suspect was described as wearing body armor
1 suspect described as middle eastern, with a long beard, wearing camo shorts
2 suspects seen changing clothing at an underpass
1 suspect escaped heading east in a dark colored SUV
The bodies were spread over 3 sites around a golf course and a center for the disabled
The death toll is expected to rise due to the late examination of the third site
The police are in pursuit of an SUV
Shots fired out of back window during pursuit
Police fired back, at least 1 suspect down (dead?)
Re: In today's news...

From another , I'm kinda intrigued by the fact that turkey buys oil from region's supposed to be under ISIS control, whatever that means, you can link that however you want, I think making a link to the U.N. is a bit hasty + after that the youtube vid gets all 'political and shit'.

Still, the fact that there are these giant oil storages, remains. So this trading of oil apparently has been going on for years since such infrastructure doesn't build up just like that. It makes me think. What to take out of all this?! It really doesn't matter where you get your oil, it just has to be cheap...
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Re: In today's news...

From another , I'm kinda intrigued by the fact that turkey buys oil from region's supposed to be under ISIS control, whatever that means, you can link that however you want, I think making a link to the U.N. is a bit hasty + after that the youtube vid gets all 'political and shit'.

Still, the fact that there are these giant oil storages, remains. So this trading of oil apparently has been going on for years since such infrastructure doesn't build up just like that. It makes me think. What to take out of all this?! It really doesn't matter where you get your oil, it just has to be cheap...

It's not Turkey as such, but private actors. And it's not directly from IS, but from intermediary parties - sometimes smugglers.

That being said, yes, it's a problem. IS' revenue streams need to cut off as much as possible.
Re: In today's news...


Immigrant in London goes stabbing, shouts "This is for Syria!"
At least it's still limited to Londen(Aka Little Pakistan)
Re: In today's news...

Everything going to shit once again in Syria and the middle east

Live update map here:

What went wrong this time:
US and 'coalition' bombed Syrian military
ISIS attacks immediately after the base gets bombed, which combined with US led airstrikes not really hurting ISIS leads people to connect that the US is just trying to help them

Additionally, Israel bombed a Syrian army convoy just days ago

And Turkey is pissed that Russia sailed through the Bosphoros with their weapons ready and aimed at the shores

And also recently Turkey drove tanks into Iraq without their consent. Iraq has asked them to leave or it will use 'all available measures' to get them out. Turkey has not left
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Re: In today's news...

Joshua: Would you like to play a game? Y/N?
Re: In today's news...

Do they get a full vote or is their vote only worth a 1/4 of a mans, in accordance with testimony under Sharia law??
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Re: In today's news...

It doesn't say

But this is a good step to take for them. Better than what they had before at least

Moderate Muslim woman speaks out against extremists. Not huge news or anything, but it has a lot of statistics in it on the problems with Islam these days
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Re: In today's news...

For americans, guess what's back?

How does your country even survive with this political system?
Re: In today's news...

Well, to be honest, it's not like they aren't doing whatever the fuck they want already anyway, this is just a half assed attempt to make it look legal.

The REAL problem comes down to the lovely theatrics politicians play to make it look like they belong to different 'parties', distracting peoplbe from the issues that they should actually care about. There's only one real party in this country: Capitalist. Which even though I detest it, does make finding a solution very simple; make something unprofitable and it goes away. So tech companies start unloading all your data onto government agencies? do a little research and stop buying their products. 'Team Cable' would change their tune pretty fuckin quick if they lost even 25% of their customers.

Finding a solution is easy, but implementing it is a pain in the ass. You need to convince the worker drones that they're getting corn-holed, and that it's a BAD thing. And thus the solution becomes nigh unobtainable given their numbers and seeming lack of self control.

TL;DR blah blah blah, I have 0 faith in my government, blah blah
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, not buying their stuff will change it quickly. That's how it went with game review sites and them making shit tier articles. Make their budgets run red and they change their tune

The big problem with something like privacy is the large amount of people who just don't care, 'I've done nothing wrong so who cares' stances and similar. Or worse, the ones who truly think this sort of thing helps anyone except the budgets of the advertising companies
Re: In today's news...

I have enough fun with the thieves in the IRS to be bothered with this. Between the municipal jackasses that harrass and fine (they say protect and serve but we all know that is bullshit) and the federal criminals that try to morally justify their theivery, I have plenty to put up with as it is.

I bet the world is going to end up like the first Death Race movie whete it is better to be in prison already than live in the outside world.
Re: In today's news...

Well at least on the side...

