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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

*cackles* Amusing introduction!

Welcome, Screwdriver! Hope you enjoy your stay (and yikes, nobody should be deprived of the DG doujin! :x I wasn't aware that that was a sticky point... er... rather, a problem!)

You can always keep your email private, as far as I know! That way you keep all board activity restricted to the board!
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, the sticky point generally ends up in DG, but that's another story, haha. Much like the other members who are addicted to SirOni's work, the recent activity in the thread seemingly promised that there were rough images of the next few pages... however I was made blind to them.

Outraged, I did the only sensible thing a mad tentacle man could do - calmly register. XD
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: Rea
Age: 18 and a bit
Gender: Female
Birth Place: Toilet
Current Country of Residence: Australia
Occupation: Professional slacker


Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Green
(Unless you post pictures, we don't care if you decide to bullshit.)


Zodiac: Libra
My Fears: Everything
Common Utterances: um
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full
Bad Habits: Panicking, whinging (according to Host)

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Being scared of everything
2) Being scared
3) Host


TV Show: Does anime count? um, um, um... Special A
Drink: Peach flavoured ice tea
Shoe: Boot to the head
Hat: None
Color: Black
Music Genre: Anime songs
Internet Meme: Huh?

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Not in front of people hehehe
Flip out and kill people: um... no ...
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Rock Band!
Knit scarves for orphans: Are you kidding?


Can you see into it? um, no.
Should Marty have gone back to it? yes.
Where you'll be in 5 years? not in my parent's house

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Host keeps bugging me
Other random trivia: Um, um, um. No.
Re: Introduce yourself

its good to have you hear rea
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome Johkmil, Screwdriver, and Rea!

Glad to see you all here. Let loose your desires.
Re: Introduce yourself

Outraged, I did the only sensible thing a mad tentacle man could do - calmly register. XD

Wut, you didn't panic over lack of juicy content? (I think we should blitzkrieg SirOni with fanart at some point... perhaps we should conspire via PM's at some point -- also, there's a Demon Girl Doujin group on the forums that you can join now that you've signed up! XD I'm not sure what the perks of joining are, but it's there! More content, yay!)

Also, hi, Rea! :D Hope you enjoy your stay here (Don't let Host bug you too much, take it easy!) Glad to see another gal wandering around the board! I know I'm not the only one, but evening the odds a little is always a good thing!

(And see, Pale, I'm not Host's sister after all! :p Take that~!)
Re: Introduce yourself

(And see, Pale, I'm not Host's sister after all! :p Take that~!)

pffft... i could have told you that, your another one of them canadans aren't you
Re: Introduce yourself

Up here we like to use superfluous vowels in our words, like 'i's. :D /tease
Re: Introduce yourself

What's wrong with Canadians?
Re: Introduce yourself

The fact that they're not Europeans.;)
Re: Introduce yourself

(Don't let Host bug you too much, take it easy!)

Yeah, but if he didn't bug me to join I wouldn't have been able to visit this website and find out how awesome it is. =3
Re: Introduce yourself

(And see, Pale, I'm not Host's sister after all! :p Take that~!)

Wuh...? Where did that idea start?
Re: Introduce yourself

Pth, Canadians are such the good child of Europe (I suppose Britain specifically) compared to the little hellraiser-bully that's taking up space to the south!

As for Pale's misunderstanding, apparently I signed up the first time that Host announced that he was bugging his sister to join, so Pale leapt to the conclusion that I was she!

XD I suppose that bugging does have it's good points, Rea!
Re: Introduce yourself

Robin Williams: "Canada is like the loft apartment over a great party. Keep it down down there eh!?"

Sorry, I just had to post it ^_^ I'd love to visit Canada one of these days, I love snow and mountains!

Welcome Rea, Scredriver, and Johkmil!
Re: Introduce yourself

Pth, Canadians are such the good child of Europe (I suppose Britain specifically) compared to the little hellraiser-bully that's taking up space to the south!
What... Australia?

That's just being mean :p
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah, I'm not sure I like the looks of those Australians. I want to say they're shady, but all that sunlight. Makes me think they've got something to hide!
Re: Introduce yourself

you say that but really canada is just the australia of the northern hemisphere.
Re: Introduce yourself

Canada is the colder Australia with French. Britain and France both had us. We are more the bastard child of Europe, Australia the red headed step child, and America the Rebellious youth that hated its parents.

If you want to visit Canada for the snow be sure to visit during the winter months. Or go real far north.
Re: Introduce yourself

yeah... i was just skipping over the part with the french...
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