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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Or perhaps it was both by some freak accident? Perhaps he went to give a couple of bears purple nurples, but it was really aika and nunu in bear costumes?
Re: Introduce yourself

Ahh, see, I did not think about that....
Re: Introduce yourself

That would not be a jolly day
Re: Introduce yourself

i think i would rather stick my arm into a BlendTec Total Blender... Will it blend... YES!!!

"Human Smoke, Dont breath this"

haha, sorry...
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: ill keep it with ronin :p
Age: 23
Birth Place: belgium
Current Country of Residence:belgium


Hair Color:dark blonde
Eye Color:green


Zodiac: scorpio
My Fears:I'm not being macho here at all but ... so far nothing I think
Common Utterances: have to think about this one
Is the glass half full, or half empty:half full
Bad Habits:lazy

3 Things You Dislike:
1)any religious asshole that just want to force its beliefs on me (leave me the fuck alone, find me ignorant all you think I am, but I'm fine with that)


TV Show:stuff like that 70's show or southpark
Drink:banana/mango yazoo (srsly this stuff is awesome)
Shoe:im a man i dont care about my shoes that much
Hat:dont wear em
Music Genre:rock/metal mostly
Internet Meme: eh?

Do I...

Smoke:not tobacco at least
Flip out and kill people: hehe no
Play Guitar/Air Guitar:nope
Knit scarves for orphans:eek:fc who doesnt


Can you see into it?sometimes i dream of shit and later on it seems to happen aswell like having a deja vu does that count? :p
Should Marty have gone back to it?ofc!!
Where you'll be in 5 years?no idea

Other Stuff

Reason for joining:Linemarvels work is awesome so why not join his forum
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome ronin enjoy your time in this forum, i could have write more but i m tired, maybe the next time.
Re: Introduce yourself

Nice to see you making an introduction post ronin :)
Re: Introduce yourself

Only one thing you dislike. Nice. Welcome Ronin.
Re: Introduce yourself

thx ^^

well im pretty laidback and dont get bothered with much anyway hence why I dont really dislike that much.
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: ...I can't remember my forum nick.
Age: 18
Gender: ♂
Country: Germany
Occupation: Scaring people


My Fears: I fear nothing but myself.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Double its necessary size
Bad Habits: too many to list here

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Stupidity
2) More stupidity
3) Pepsi Cola

Do I...

Drink/Smoke/Swear: No/No/Yes
Flip out and kill people: Not without raping them first.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yes/No
Knit scarves for orphans: Only if I get paid well.


Can you see into it? Ask again next week.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Europe.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: mainly boredom
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Yagyu.
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome yagiuh Munenori to ulmf
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: ...I can't remember my forum nick.
Age: 18
Gender: ♂
Country: Germany
Occupation: Scaring people


My Fears: I fear nothing but myself.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Double its necessary size
Bad Habits: too many to list here

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Stupidity
2) More stupidity
3) Pepsi Cola

Do I...

Drink/Smoke/Swear: No/No/Yes
Flip out and kill people: Not without raping them first.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yes/No
Knit scarves for orphans: Only if I get paid well.


Can you see into it? Ask again next week.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Europe.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: mainly boredom

Ze Army! It GROWS! MUHAHAHAHAHAWha*coughing fit* So yeah, welcome to another German on ULMF.
Re: Introduce yourself


I doubt I count, but I'm 1/4 German! :p

Either way, welcome to the forums, YaMu.
Re: Introduce yourself

3/8ths for me.
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: The_ErAdictor (why should i tell you my real name?)
Age: 18 (nearing 19)
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Sydney
Current Country of Residence: Australia
Occupation: Student/Job Seeker


Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue


Zodiac: Leo (Officially but in reality i don't give a crap)
My Fears: Dying Ever
Common Utterances: What the Hell, Awesome
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half Full or empty Depending on my mood
Bad Habits: to numerous to mention

3 Things You Dislike:
1) People who wont listen to sense and think they are better than everyone else
2) Politics and stupid laws
3) being forced to redo stuff you already done


TV Show: Any modern Scifi Show and Anime series that i can bother watching
Drink: Soft drinks in general
Shoe: Dont have one
Hat: Why Would i have one?
Color: Turquoise
Music Genre: J-POP (Especially stuff by mami kawada)
Internet Meme: not really interested in that stuff :D

Do I...

Smoke: I hate smoking at all so why would smoke?
Swear: Only when really angry
Flip out and kill people: No
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: no
Knit scarves for orphans: dont bother


Can you see into it? End of the world or a golden age
Should Marty have gone back to it? No bloody clue
Where you'll be in 5 years? Have a good job and a wife

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Sheer boredom and a common interest in tentacle sex :)
Other random trivia:
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, hanging out and happened to catch this. Welcome to the forum, man. Have fun poking around!

(Just don't poke the mods. They get grumpy about that for some reason...)
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome "The_ErAdictor" to this forum
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Eradicator to our forums.
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