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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

oh wow...
Re: Introduce yourself


yes I realise that this post is pointless too >_>
Re: Introduce yourself

Mo got an infraction for refusing? :O!
Re: Introduce yourself

if you remember this is a topic for introductions. going off topic is one thing but you two are taking it to a whole new level.
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah, we did veer off-course didn't we... It's hard to stay on topic. :(
Re: Introduce yourself

well off topic is were we usually live but your not even on a topic any more, you are topicless. thats like having plain chips, not original... just plain, they exist to deliver flavours not to just be themselves.
Re: Introduce yourself

I've decided to come back, but I don't promise a lot of activity, what with school and all. Massage Therapy is a larger course load than I thought it would be! Not to mention I have a life now that I'm back in the same city as my best friend!

Anyways, survey!

The Basics

Name: Vanessa aka Slyfox
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birth Place: Canada
Current Country of Residence: Canada
Occupation: Massage Therapy Student


Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue


Zodiac: Western: Cancer. Chinese: Dragon.
My Fears: Sinful getting shot while overseas.
Common Utterances: "Yeah, I know." "What the fuck?" "Fuck you."
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Who the fuck's been touching my shit?!
Bad Habits: Swearing more and more every day, procrastination (like right now)

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Not having my cell/reception on my cell
2) Missing Sinful on MSN
3) Douchefaggotry in Massage Lab.


TV Show: My Name is Earl
Drink: White Russian
Shoe: Doc Martens
Hat: My brown pageboy hat with all its shiny buttons
Color: purple, black, turquoise
Music Genre: Anything from pop and oldies to death metal.
Internet Meme: caramelldansen, numa numa, oprah vs 9,000 penises.. scratch that.. all of them.

Do I...

Smoke: I've tried weed a few times.
Swear: Fuck yeah you douchefag cunt-nugget.
Flip out and kill people: All the time!
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Weapon of choice in the question above this one!
Knit scarves for orphans: Knit scarves FROM orphans?


Can you see into it? You fail.
Should Marty have gone back to it? He fails.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Making big bucks Massaging rich bastards.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Don't know, actually. Sounded like a good idea at the time >.>;;
Other random trivia: I'm only here for the people. Because I <3 you guys. Some of you.
Re: Introduce yourself

ooo massage... that must make sinful happy when your together.

got any tips?
Re: Introduce yourself

Most of what you see on TV is preformed the wrong way. Especially that Aussie shampoo commercial.

And yes, Sinful is gonna be one happy woman when she's back from 'playing in the sandbox'.
Re: Introduce yourself

... i don't watch tv (cept house), i just want to improve my technique.
Re: Introduce yourself

Ah. In that case, it'd take me paragraphs to explain the techniques I know. And any visual references I know of need logins and codes from my textbooks.

..maybe I'll put up a thread where I share some of my wisdom.. hmm.. there's a thought...
Re: Introduce yourself

Hiya sly, welcome evn if you won't be around much.
Re: Introduce yourself

Sly is here!

*Tackles and sexes*
Re: Introduce yourself

Nunu, if you want to get better at massage my advice is to go buy a few. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and enjoy. I learned quite a bit from dating a massage therapist, and now there are certain areas she thinks I work better than her own massage therapist (though I'm obviously not a professional).
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Bartnum. And it is NOT a Bart Simpson tribute.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Birth Place: England
Current Country of Residence: England
Occupation: Store Clerk


Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green


Zodiac: Aquarius
My Fears: Zombies
Common Utterances: None
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Depends. If it was full and you drank half of it, it's half empty. If it was empty and you filled it halfway, it's half full.
Bad Habits: Being an asshole.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) People who think Chuck Norris "facts" are funny.
2) Certain members of this forum.
3) Excessively vain people.


TV Show: I don't watch television.
Drink: Red Bull
Shoe: Hiking boot with steel toe cap.
Hat: Pirate Captain hat
Color: Red
Music Genre: Progressive Rock
Internet Meme: ... I guess they're all alright.

Do I...

Smoke: No. I don't want to commit suicide.
Swear: Fuck yes.
Flip out and kill people: I'm tempted to sometimes, but no.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No.
Knit scarves for orphans: I don't know how to knit. Even if I did, I still wouldn't.


Can you see into it? No.
Should Marty have gone back to it? I haven't seen that film.
Where you'll be in 5 years? How the fuck should I know?

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Demon Girl and Jungle Girl were awesome.
Other random trivia: I have an opinion/belief about everything and anything.
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