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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Thanks for the welcome! And for me, foxes and kitsune are simply the best! ^^

Hahahaha yeah. I like fuzzy tails and all... probably because I have a dog.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Yay! Welcome!
Your name reminds me of a cartoon I saw when I was a kid. Memories! <3
Also, Twokinds! Yay!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Yay! Welcome!
Your name reminds me of a cartoon I saw when I was a kid. Memories! <3
Also, Twokinds! Yay!

A cartoon, huh? May I ask what it was?

Also, great to see another TwoKinds fan! ^^
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to ULMF Kyu. Hope you like it and make some friends. You sound like you'll fit right in.

A few things from your intro.... Silent Hill 2 brings back memories! In high school, my friends and I had two sleepover parties to play it! I don't know... I don't think I would like the game alone, but with friends it was SO much fun.

Second, you like hot cocoa and coffee, so does that mean you like a Mocha? Or do you like to keep those worlds separate? =P

Third, Trilby? That's really cute. ^_^
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

The movie your name reminds me of is called "Kirikou and the sorceress" and it was a cartoon about this kid that is smaller than everyone else or something, and he defeats the evil sorceress... Or something. Can't really remember, but I remember that in the Norwegian version they sing "Kiriko Blablabla Kiriko" And some stuff... If that makes any sense at all...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to ULMF Kyu. Hope you like it and make some friends. You sound like you'll fit right in.

A few things from your intro.... Silent Hill 2 brings back memories! In high school, my friends and I had two sleepover parties to play it! I don't know... I don't think I would like the game alone, but with friends it was SO much fun.

Second, you like hot cocoa and coffee, so does that mean you like a Mocha? Or do you like to keep those worlds separate? =P

Third, Trilby? That's really cute. ^_^

Thanks for the welcome! Really appreciate it! ^^

Silent Hill is my absolute fave! Every now and again, I'll have a 'Silent Hill Week' where I play through the four games. After so many playthroughs, I think I have numbed myself to horror in general! XD

Mocha is okay, but I actually prefer them separate: I am more of a 'smooth' person when it comes to taste!

And where Trilby hats are involved, everything is both cute and awesome! X3

The movie your name reminds me of is called "Kirikou and the sorceress" and it was a cartoon about this kid that is smaller than everyone else or something, and he defeats the evil sorceress... Or something. Can't really remember, but I remember that in the Norwegian version they sing "Kiriko Blablabla Kiriko" And some stuff... If that makes any sense at all...

'Kiriko Blablabla Kiriko' huh? Yes, I am sure that is a folk song of some sort! XP

I'll have to take a look into this; sounds like it could be quite fun to watch! Thanks! ^^
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Jessica Jones
Screenname / Nicknames: Jezebel1669, 16of69, Mistress
Age: <CLASSIFIED> (old enough)
Gender: Female
Current Country of Residence: Wales

~ Real-life appearance ~
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Dirty blonde
Hair length: Shoulder
Breasts: 34B/C (don't ask!)
Glasses: For reading
Features: Sublime
Height: 5' 7"

~ Ideal appearance ~
Eye colour: Emerald
Hair colour: Strawberry blonde
Hair length: Lower back
Ears: Dagger point
Breasts: 34C
Tail: Tiger-style
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: 7" penis with ballsack placed just above my pussy
Glasses: On occasion, such as when giving blowjobs to my futa girlfriends
Features: Feline
Height: 5' 7"
Cyclops: Third eye which only opens when seducing innocents
Skin: light red shading

~ Personality ~
Zodiac: Weren't they the villains in the Iron Man anime?
My Fears: Are dark and best left tied up in the basement. Your basement.
Common Utterances: "Be good, and if you can't be good be very bad!"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: "Hey barman! This guy said he'd buy me another!"
Bad Habits: Sexual overachiever, perfectionist, genius and brag about it too much, compulsive liar (that last one may explain the other three >D)

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Boring people
2) Religion
3) People who can't see the funny side of them catching me with my fingers in their daughter >D

~ Favorites ~
Manga artist: Shirō Masamune, although only because of Major Kusanagi whose thighs I'd lick for hours if given the chance
Other manga of interest: Ghost In The Shell, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, you know, the usual.
Video game series: Mass Effect
TV Show: House MD (although only the episodes which feature Thirteen :D)
Anime: Ghost In The Shell, preferably the 2nd Gig where Motoko very nearly did some shota for us. XD
Webcomic: Any of the wonderful comics available over at . The only webcomics to feature full voiceovers, original backing music and hot sex scenes FOR FREE! (Although as a writer I'd urge you to buy a sub, since I get a cut of the profits. :D)
Drink: Raspberry and white grape juice
Shoe: Depends on my mood. Usually something flat with a tight fit, since I've less chance of falling over and breaking my neck in them.
Hat: Wide-brimmed sun hat, although I rarely wear any hats
Colour: #CC0066
Music Genre: Punk, circa 1980s
Internet Meme: "All your base are belong to us!"

Do I...
Smoke: Does pot count?
Swear: Fuck yeah!
Flip out and kill people: Let's just say the police have yet to find a single person I've tortured to death.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Strum a little, but don't really have the nails for it.
Knit scarves for orphans: Pah! Get the lazy bastards some wool and knitting needles, then we can sell the produce and buy more hentai!
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: A few figurines, but only ones I really like
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: The only time I feel the urge to lock myself away for any length of time is when my girlfriend comes over wearing tight clothing, so I'd have to say no to this one.
Have furry leanings?: Put it this way, I managed to convince the editors over at to start a weekly comic strip featuring a green-furred alien catgirl with a tentacle monster living in her head. :D

~ The Future ~
Can you see into it?: Only for about three seconds, just long enough to duck after making an offensive comment to the wrong person.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Hell yeah! And he should've stayed there with Jennifer too. Although the whole question of what happened to all the other alternate Martys which were created when the timelines split has gotten me thrown of a couple of forums.

Other Stuff
Reason for joining: Tentacle rape hentai!
Other random trivia: I'm bisexual and in a steady relationship with another woman, so don't bother asking for my contact details unless you're wanting to send me something cool without expecting for it to lead to cybersex.
Notes: Avatar is the cropped version of an by the artist featuring my original character Slice, a bisexual cyber-ninja with a robotic arm. Luckily I managed to get it done just before his fame grew enough for his prices to skyrocket. :D
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome! Enjoy our selection of fine tentacles!
Some of them are even flavored!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I went to wales once... it was closed.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Somebody mention flavored tentacles?

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

The earthworm looks like it'd be a good fit for me, then again that curl on the end of the tentacle would be great for hitting the G. :D
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

The earthworm looks like it'd be a good fit for me, then again that curl on the end of the tentacle would be great for hitting the G. :D

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Sitting at Uni... So hard not to open those links and spoilers... -_-*

EDIT: And now I'm kinda disappointed....
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Call me weird, but I don't find that last pic very arousing... The others helped though, TY:)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I think that's the point, sweetie. *gives Wonder a pat on the head*
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well, a female friend of mine way back when my main circle of friends discovered I was into tentacles, showed me that picture and was like: "You like?"
She thought I did...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Janne (Backwards)
Screenname / Nicknames: NoseMan
Age: 32
Gender: male
Current Country of Residence: Finland

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: blue-grey
Hair Color: blond
Hair length: short to shoulder, depends
Breasts: no
Glasses: yes
Features: A large golden-red beard and a friendly smile
Height: 186cm ~ 6'2"

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: protean
Hair color: protean
Hair length: protean
Ears: protean
Breasts: protean
Tail: protean
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Sure
Glasses: Only when it's appropriate for the form
Features: protean
Height: protean
Cyclops: maybe
Skin: protean

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Aquarius
My Fears: going insane
Common Utterances: "Oh my gods.", "Well that went merrily all to h*ll."
Is the glass half full, or half empty: It's all of them. At the same time.
Bad Habits: Procrastinating on important stuff. Constantly getting bouts of workaholism.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Having to lie.
2) Clients who call outside work hours.
3) Rude, ignorant people.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: no actual favorite
Other manga of interest: Claymore
Video game series: Elite
TV Show: Babylon 5
Anime: Tactical Roar
Webcomic: Dragon Doctors
Books: Riftwar Cycle by R. E. Feist, Sprawl Trilogy by William Gibson
Drink: cranberry-grapefruit mineral water
Shoe: good sandals
Hat: green camo-pattern stetson
Color: green
Music Genre: almost anything goes, usually j-pop or old heavy metal
Internet Meme: no favorite

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Constantly, finnish is such a great language to swear in.
Flip out and kill people: No comment on a non-anonymous board.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: not in years
Knit scarves for orphans: no
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Not for me, but I do get a lot for my younger elder sister.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: No.
Have furry leanings?: Yes, though not more than most other things

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Only on occasion and it's mostly useless.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: No, he already almost f***ed himself up once. Guy's just not careful enough.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I have no idea, I was working late and browsing H at the same time and after four hours of sleep I notice I've signed up for here.
Other random trivia: When reindeer get neutered, they kick. HARD.

Notes: Too tired to think of anything.