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ACT ADV Ci-En Active [Inui] Hounds of the Meteor

Even without consideration to her breasts, the face/hair combo doesn't really do anything for me. Which is a shame, because the game otherwise isn't terrible for me.
We can't lose the slightest support for this dev! If I'm not mistaken the first game he made (incomplete) was the chick with a giant ax and some ogres, that was back in the Jungle Girl days when Line Marvel was alive. I got introduced into H games by Line Marvel in... I'll guess in 2008 or so this game was '08/09 if I remember correctly. Then he quit and went ghost for a bit and then we had Nano-Crisis. I remember drooling over those updates! Admit it we all did. It was free, cutting edge, and best of all fast and simple. Did I mention free? The day a DL came out he alone almost crashed the DL server and had to move to a new one!

GameMaker updated and he scrapped the whole project for 8.1 I think, and we were gifted with the entire re-booting of HOTB and the fucking duck... I still remember the first time I saw that SOB. Everyone was so pissed he scrapped a promising project for the complicated long story and that fucking duck... But low and behold HOTB captured an entire new generation of Hgamers.

Now it's a new iteration and a new generation of toys. I don't know what motivates this guy other than some secret government grant to keep people like us sucking at his free "stuff", but this guys been making quality for over ten years now. There's alot of new shit out. HOTB was getting bloated for him to upload and work on what was the size of the last DL 2gigs? Who knows what kind of rig hes making it with. We have to support the hell out of the guy. Sure, make the "Jello" bad boob job tits point but for god's sake buy him a steak dinner if you get the chance! Maybe I've had a drink too many but I don't care what the protag looks like as long as she doesn't have a dick!

I for one CANNOT F*****G WAIT for this game to develop!

new shit some of you may not have seen, maks DAZ look bad.
The day a DL came out he alone almost crashed the DL server and had to move to a new one!

I remember those days when you had to retry over and over and even with super fast cable the DL still took an hour because the servers were SLAMMED 😥
I hope that the author of this game played Guilty Hell.
If not, I hope the release of that game "light a fire in his heart" or so to speak to finish a god damn game!
Y'all complaining about the titties and you're still gonna fap to them
He probably has, he has tweeted about it saying that if that game does well his should too or something like that.
new shit some of you may not have seen, maks DAZ look bad.

Whose "new shit" is this? The Hounds of the Meteor dev? I would love if this game looked like this.
No thanks. It's not even close to the style that Inui uses.
Whose "new shit" is this? The Hounds of the Meteor dev? I would love if this game looked like this.

Ok... so his style of animation involves taking pre made characters in a program like DAZ and rendoring his animations from said models and BAM you get HOTB! The new shit is TONS of indi artists have jumped on the 3d modeling bandwagon as seen via that link. Flash back to my historical interest in dev and you will see he seems more interested in playing with models and programs than he does (like MOST devs) finishing a product (hahaha thanks patreon for allowing them to NEVER finish!) for $$
Nah, I like my titties as slightly round pyramids 😎
Ok... so his style of animation involves taking pre made characters in a program like DAZ and rendoring his animations from said models and BAM you get HOTB! The new shit is TONS of indi artists have jumped on the 3d modeling bandwagon as seen via that link. Flash back to my historical interest in dev and you will see he seems more interested in playing with models and programs than he does (like MOST devs) finishing a product (hahaha thanks patreon for allowing them to NEVER finish!) for $$
I mean, it's cool if you wanna support that stuff and make your own game using that stuff. You could probably self-insert yourself in a fanfic, too.

But what you're suggesting is basically "hey put something I like in your game even though it looks completely different from the stuff you make." Maybe you should also go and ask him to make a completely different game based on that character as well. I mean, he's basically been trying to get a game started for the past year or so and this is his second attempt at making a completely different game with a completely different engine because his old engine wouldn't even work on certain versions of Windows without a freaking workaround.

Nah. I'd rather he'd just do his own thing like he's always been doing.
/facepalm... im not suggesting he uses anything!!! (And if you knew dev you know he doesn't MAKE 90% of models, save outfits and penises which I'm uncertain about) I'm saying that according to his pattern of development it's time for a revamp, and there is new stuff out there that gets those creative juices flowing. What he does is much greator, but it's like your saying that a Skyrim/fallout modder MAKES the game! Even if the most in-depth mod is all you care about, they still didn't make the models or the framework... They put the pieces together, and this dev is amazing at putting pieces together... AND THERE ARE NEW PIECES and hes putting them together in a different way! That's all I'm showing.

Maybe the tits look funny because hes trying to art for the first time! those are not professional DAZ titties! If they are send a link and we can all send a gravity defying complaint to DAZ.

ps. if you don't know what DAZ is or this dev's style of game making you can't reply to my comments. I have have a feeling neither of you do.

Also, I'm done, will not reply. Waiting on real game development.
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