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RPG RPG Maker [ 円環 ] いせたん (RJ130644)

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Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

160+ hours of play time and I finally reach the true end.

A tough game, almost impossible to play through properly unless the correct procedures are followed, all dialogues closely checked and most areas thoroughly explored. Old-school RPG.

I have a few more notes I'll be putting up shortly, though I suspect no one is going to bother with this thread once most of the information is up.
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

continuing translation ...
going to complete the skill description first before I going to Item description ...
it seems no other change at Weapon, so I will do it next ...
Ok, finally beat the game and got that 'true end' message thing.

I gotta say that this was an odd case of an H-game; the protagonist really turned me off to the idea of her getting laid, and her H-scenes are pretty much all kind of lackluster. However, many of the side characters are plenty lewd enough or want/are in actual sexual relationships to the extent that the actual 'Hentai World' feeling in terms of setting and atmosphere are great.

Best way I could say it was that this game really made me want H-scenes with anyone not involving the protagonist (particularly, that Sexual Knight and his heroine harem). Her naive attitude makes for a great amount of fun in the setting, but at the same time makes me not want to make her 'participate.'

Final thing I would say is that this is a really fucking rare case of a hentai game actually feeling like an rpg, rather than being an H-game with rpg elements. To be concise, I'm not saying there are few H-games with rpg parts done well; there are a bunch of those and I'm not trying to diss any games in particular. It's just that this is a case where the game is way more focused on the RPG part, with nice characterization and plot and other things you would expect from an actual rpg; it feels like a good 'regular' rpg except with the lewd setting of a H-game.

In short, while my boner could use some more stimulation, I really had a lot of fun playing this.

That said, I wish the author could have done something about the lag and slowdown. The dungeons slow down when there's a lot of trap and units around, and opening the battle menus when you memorized all your skills is a nightmare. I clocked out at 50+ hours. While I probably played for a lot longer if you consider all my constant reloading, I could also shave off a ton of time waiting for lagging animations to finish or for menus to completely open.
yep, one of the better if not the best out of modification RPG VX Ace ...
and agree, the lag is super annoying ... if only the maker can fix it ...
(or at least show certain way to erase the learned skill)
the skill which already learned from book can't be erased ...

another thing, I kinda miss some kind of monster xxx in this game ...
Cocoa Fever have it ... (the bug in that game is even worse than this game tough)
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

One more walkthrough to go after this lot below.

Labyrinth levels 35-40 part 2

1. No surprises here, most of the enemies are the same as the previous lot with one or two new additions.
2. The self-styled hero retains his power-up if you finished the event featuring the teenager hero, otherwise those who missed it will now find he's changed his name to 堕狂者 (fallen fanatic?) and has regeneration which cannot be dispelled by any means.
3. Depending on whether or not players finished the event with the teenager hero, she'll either remain unchanged or also receive a power-up plus the despair debuff.
4. Level 40 is a big level, but the exit is clearly marked. Once through the exit, you'll find a teleport stone across a gap which you can bridge using the jump item. Unfortunately you need either Zach or Para with you to activate the stone or face another long trip from the last accessible teleport location.

Labyrinth levels 35-40 boss (Good end)
1. You are given time to prepare for the boss. Upgrade your equipment, acquire skills as needed and buff your chosen companion as much as possible.
2. Once you head north from the teleport stone map, it is temporarily the point of no return so plan accordingly.
3. The teleport stone is guarded by an angel. Before you can take her on, the powered-up self-styled hero will bring more lackeys to take you on.
4. You'll need to beat his party AND the angel together. Nothing much to say other than to finish off the lackeys quickly, concentrate your attacks on the hero to kill him quickly and then leave the angel for last.
5. Once you thump them all, you'll find the way back is blocked by a boulder. You'll need to head through the teleport circle.
6. This should look familiar. First thing is to head north. At the next map sector there will be an intersection. First take a left.
7. Remember the map where there were tons of floating platforms? Now that you have a jump item you can overcome this obstacle and claim the goodies on both ends. Provided you have the thief skill which avoids traps you should not have to worry about spike floors UNLESS you accidentally step on one of the icy bits.
8. A key that opens the steel chests you couldn't access before is on one of the ends along with a huge amount of cash. The other end has the Demon Lord's Mantle which you cannot get anywhere else in the game.
9. Back at the intersection, if you take a right you can hop over the floating platforms and arrive at the icy section from the beginning of the game.
10. There's a steel chest here that you can unlock and claim for yourself. If you proceed further back to the map sector where you were chased by the golem, there's nothing much except for random enemies and a mimic chest.
11. Once you've claimed everything you need, head north.
12. The next map sector has tough enemies who will aggressively rush you on sight. Either take them out or use stealth to sneak past them.
13. Once you get to the event tile, the self-styled hero brings YET another lot of lackeys to challenge you. Fortunately the teenager hero brings her own party along in search of payback.
14. You're now free to take on the goddess guarding the last obstacle to your freedom. Do something about her regeneration and you should be fine, she's weak to slashing attacks but resistant to most elemental attacks.
15. Once you've won, there'll be a short conversation with the teenager hero and you're now free to return to town and rest up.
16. For the final battle, make your preparations and then return to the teleport circle which the goddess was guarding.
17. Unless you actually want to see the debtor normal end, BE SURE to pay back Iruda's debt if you haven't done so already.
18. Once you're through, the self-styled hero arrives to challenge you YET AGAIN. The first battle is like the others you've faced, but once you've taken him down to 0HP he begs for divine assistance and promptly gets it.
19. For part 2 of this battle, you need to take out both the monster and the God's Lackey behind it. My suggestion is to take out the God's Lackey first and then focus on the monster.
20. As before, the monster has regeneration which you cannot dispel on your own. Damaging the monster more than it regenerates itself should not be difficult provided you have the right skill. Your companion can back you up with healing or support spells.
21. Once you've won, you say goodbye permanently to the despoiler and you'll get to see goodbye to everyone. The dialogue will depend on those still present and whether or not you've had sexual relations with the person saying goodbye.
22. Congratulations on finishing the good end! As of 1.13 you can make a save for a new game+ with most of your items and your levels intact.
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

@ AstralBlader:
Nice, a link to V1.13. I got mine from Nyaa, though.

@ yariel:
That's good news. Hapy to hear you're still working on this ^^

@ Harleyquin:
Thanks so much for the step-by-step. It's been of such help whenever I got stuck ^^
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

So no one has 1.23(latest) version?
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

It's done. No contributions so far so I assume everyone's either moved on or worked out the game mechanics on their own.

Labyrinth levels 35-40 (true end)
1. Like the route to the good end above, you must defeat the guardian angel who bars your path. The difference is that you now get to focus on the angel alone who's been powered up.
2. Like the Asura before, she has two forms but nothing too serious. She is fond of powering up with different elemental magics which is annoying if you don't seal it.
3. Once you've won, you'll teleport through the circle and continue your conversation with the mysterious butterfly you (probably) talked to way back at the beginning of the game.
4. Unlike the good end, you are free to explore and to leave as you see fit (the clock has not frozen). While time permits, explore the side areas before the next boss area and make your preparations before continuing.
5. Once you're ready to proceed (I strongly suggest paying off your debt to Iruda NOW or he will call it in if he's with you after this fight), move to the event square.
6. Like the good route before it, you need to beat the goddess who stands in your path. Unlike the good route, the teenager hero does not end up helping you keep the self-styled hero occupied (they're too busy taking the Sex knight to task) so you need to beat the self-styled hero's party first.
7. Not much difference compared to before, he does have a guardian angel with him compared to the party you faced on the good end route. That will probably be the last one to fall.
8. After you've stuffed the hero, you need to take on the goddess immediately afterwards. Unlike the good route, she summons guardians to help her. Like the guardian angel before her, she has two forms. The second form in particular is quite dangerous since it uses the Twilight staff (the same weapon the reapers and the soul eater use) with its instant-death attack, occasional life-steal and powerful mana drain.
9. After you thump the first form, the second form also summons guardians (including a God's lackey). As before, the teenager hero and her female buddies are still preoccupied with thumping the Sex Knight so no help from them.
10. Defeating the goddess follows the same pattern as the guardian angel before her: do something about the regeneration and then pick off the guardians one by one until the goddess stands alone. Watch out for the defence-ignoring always-hit spells and the special scythe attacks and you'll win eventually.
11. After a short event, you are warned that the next series of fights is the LAST BATTLE. Like the good end route before it, make your preparations before continuing. I strongly suggest bringing a decent amount of cash with you (somewhere in the region of half your maximum carryable allowance).
12. When you're ready, head through the teleport circle that the goddess was guarding. Like the good-end route before it, you need to finish off the persistent self-styled hero before you can go home.
13. Not much difference from the good-end battle as far as I can tell. This version probably has a stronger demonic form and more variety in spells (notably the super debuff which the witch class has). The big difference is after you win this fight.
14. It looks like the barrier sealing the god in got broken when the hero was being pushed back. Now you need to take out the holy god.
15. Losing this battle gives you a bad-end and no CGs, so don't hold back for this.
16. A common pattern of the boss summoning guardians, in this case two demonic knights and two angelic archers.
17. Unlike the hero before him, you CAN do something about this boss's regeneration. Just as well since it's huge and not addressing it means you lose an attritional battle.
18. Like the two bosses before him, this one has a second, more powerful form. The backup he summons is also stronger than before (two demonic knights and two God's lackeys). To top it off, the guardian angel joins his side having escaped from the teenager hero and her pursuing party.
19. The good news for part 2 is you get spell backup from the teenager hero and her compatriots. Even better is that many of the attacks they use attack the entire party, not just the vanguard.
20. Do not rely on the background attacks to seal regeneration, the timing isn't reliable enough.
21. Fortunately the guardian angel doesn't reveal a second form for this fight, otherwise with her as a vanguard and a ton of background support players who are underpowered will find this fight impossible.
22. The god himself does not have the special attacks the twilight staff provides, unfortunately in exchange he has the powerful light-beam spell the high priest on the true route occasionally used. It's difficult to dodge, does high damage and dispels a lot of buffs.
23. When you finally beat the God, you get a short event explaining what just happened and then you'll move on to the goodbye ceremony. As before, the dialogue will change depending on whether or not you've had sexual relations with the person in question (it's the true end so everyone is alive).
24. The difference to the good end is you discover the identity of the mysterious ex-lover of your stuffed toy. It also appears the battle is far from over but you've been sent back to your own world.
25. After a short dialogue, you'll be given two choices. Choosing the second one gives you a normal end while the first continues this story.
26. You'll be prompted to make preparations and to make a fresh save. Make sure you're fully healed and your equipment is not too damaged and then continue.
27. Once you're thrown back in, you'll be thrust straight back into battle. McRonald will offer you his assistance, it makes no difference at the end whether or not you accept his offer so it's down to personal preference (if his equipment is rubbish or isn't properly configured there's not much point to having him around).
28. With or without McRonald, the fight consisting of one puppet, two demonic knights, two angelic archers, one doll caster, one God's lackey and one guardian angel is very doable. Players should have had enough practice by now.
29. You get background help from Nick, Para and Sasha at regular intervals. The damage won't be enough to make a significant difference but like the fight before it it affects the entire party rather than just the vanguard.
30. After you've won, you'll be told you can change sub jobs, choose your companions, buy and sell equipment and order upgrades. Seria is now back in your possession so you can use her repair ability to save some cash. In this map, you can choose Para or McRonald to join with you. The choice is yours and you can change your mind later.
31. To the north is a gate which you can interact with. The first time you interact with the gate you are given a choice as to whether you want to trigger a random encounter for XP, items and cash. Unless you rushed through the game and are sorely lacking in levels there should be no reason to do this. It might be useful if your preferred companion is still underpowered.
32. Thanks to the previous event with your uncle, you now have the lightsaber in your inventory. No matter how strong your own sword is, equip the lightsaber. You'll need it. If you have the cash, you can spend it on upgrading the lightsaber's base level or its durability. Otherwise buying some battlefield equipment repair items from Kotori should be used as insurance for the upcoming fights.
33. Once you've done making your preparations, head south through the exit.
34. It's chaotic and potentially laggy, but the dialogue eventually gives you a choice of Rhyme, Shirou or neither as your companion. Your stuffed toy will tell you to head through the teleport circle at the previous map sector to join up with the main group.
35. Once through the teleport circle, it's even more chaotic. You can talk to some of the random bystanders within reach, but to continue with this story you need to talk to the butterfly near the circle.
36. The four choices the butterfly gives are to choose your companions, proceed with the battle, prepare some more and disband your current companion to go solo. Players are free to do as they see fit but your choice of companion changes the type of background help you get in the later battles. For simplicity, I'm explaining the next bit assuming you went in with Iruda at your side.
37. Once prepared, enter into battle against the Sex God and his lackeys.
38. This is the strongest foe you've faced so far in the game. You need to take on the guardian angel (two forms), two demonic knights, two angelic archers, one God's Lackey, the goddess of light (two forms) and the Sex God (two forms).
39. Vanguard is the angel and the knights with the rearguard comprised of the remaining members.
40. You get very reliable background help for this battle. First off a bloody sanctuary against the whole party then a Kamaitachi against everyone. The next round is a lightning spear and a flash flame against everyone.
41. I strongly suggest keeping your companion's AI either to support abilities or healing since any magical attacks won't be very effective (or worse get reflected) while physical attacks won't really do any damage.
42. Once you've triggered the angel's second form, Tobak and Medea arrive to help you.
43. The background help now consists of a bloody sanctuary from Tobak and Medea and a Kamaitachi from two of the heroes in one round then a lightning spear and flash flame in the round immediately afterwards.
44. When you finally beat the angel, the remaining 3 enemies are now within reach. Finish off the Lackey first, then do as much damage as you can to the remaining gods but DO NOT reduce BOTH of their HP counts to zero.
45. The ideal scenario is to leave roughly 100000HP for the Sex God and then trigger the second form of the Goddess of Light (reaper appearance).
46. Once you've triggered the 2nd form of the Goddess, Zach and Tobak will arrive as new background help. The Yomotushirasaka they use fits in immediately after the Kamaitachi attack.
47. It's advisable to focus directly on the 2nd form and leave the Sex God alone for the time being. The background attacks won't kill the God if you left enough wiggle room. With the lightsaber, damage reduction barriers and shields aren't an issue so focus your strongest attack on the Goddess and topple her first.
48. Once the Sex God is alone, trigger his second form. From here on, it's a matter of grinding the God down.
49. Once you've won, you have one final fight to finish before finishing the true route.
50. After the dialogue, the Devouring God is summoned. He'll knock out Iruda and you'll be forced to fight him alone for part 1.
51. Fortunately you get background help. The Undine with her experimental potions contributes by knocking off the support. When the battle begins, the teenager hero boosts all of your stats then the witch drains the God's stats. The round immediately after has a lightning spear and a V-slash explosion.
52. The Devourer God is itself resistant to all of the elements. One thing you have to worry about (also true for the previous fight) is the stripping attack. It's very likely to succeed and there's a good chance some of your gear is unequpped. To counter this, keep your agility high and the wind barrier 旋風結界 buff up.
53. Since you're probably relying on physical attacks, dispel any buffs the God uses that reduces the physical damage it takes.
54. Once you've beaten it, get ready for the improved form. Unfortunately it seems the experimental potions have incapacitated the teenager hero and the teenager warrior. Tobak and Medea recover and will back you up with healing and stat boosts respectively.
55. The 2nd round sees Iruda return to the fray as a party member. McRonald will also pitch in when your party is heavily injured.
56. The help you get (bar the stat boost) will be interrupted by the boss on occasions.
57. Another lot of background help comes from the witch and the teenager sorceress. You'll get the super debuff spell and an agility debuff cast on the boss.
58. One very annoying status debuff is tentacle entanglement. It's similar to paralysis but no equipment provides immunity to it. The only thing you can do is wait it out.
59. Most of the physical attacks from this God are life-stealing. Minimise the potential replenishment by boosting defence.
60. Bring the God down to half of its max HP and it'll summon some help. Fortunately Rhyme and Shirou turn up and bat away the helpers. They will also periodically contribute with physical attacks, however these don't always connect with meaningful damage.
61. All I can advise is to keep up the damage, stop the God's regeneration and keep your own stats high by countering the God's debuffs.
62. Beat the 2nd form and you'll get to see the true ending. Congratulations!
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

So no one has 1.23(latest) version?

Why do you need it? There are four script execution errors but you don't really notice them on 1.13. The creator can't help anyone with memory problems either since he can't reproduce it on his system and needs more time for testing and observation.

Those of you with lag and slowdown should try to run the game at least once without your text translator running at the same time.
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

I really enjoy this game. It is very well made, even if the hentai is only okay. I do appreciate the walkthroughs. My language translator does an okay job, but sometimes the translation is such gibberish I end up holding shift and skipping stuff.

Right now my main save has just cleared the Zombie Invasion. I have miko apprentice, magic girl, knight apprentice, magic swordsman apprentice, but I do not have thief. I DID save the thief during the invasion, as well as every other savable person.

For some reason, I cannot seem to trigger any events at the bank. The only maids on the first floor are those which allow you to deposit and withdraw money. Does it require you to still have a bank debt? I can't find any important NPC's on the second floor to talk to, nor will it let me progress left to an event.

Also, I'm curious as to whether getting all jobs is doable. Given that you can reset your virginity, can you obtain witch and keep it after you revirginize? Do you have to have sex to get the semen? (As opposed to any other act which technically maintains your virginity.) Is tool user only available by having sex with the merchant? Do jobs save over New Game+?
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

I really enjoy this game. It is very well made, even if the hentai is only okay. I do appreciate the walkthroughs. My language translator does an okay job, but sometimes the translation is such gibberish I end up holding shift and skipping stuff.

Right now my main save has just cleared the Zombie Invasion. I have miko apprentice, magic girl, knight apprentice, magic swordsman apprentice, but I do not have thief. I DID save the thief during the invasion, as well as every other savable person.

For some reason, I cannot seem to trigger any events at the bank. The only maids on the first floor are those which allow you to deposit and withdraw money. Does it require you to still have a bank debt? I can't find any important NPC's on the second floor to talk to, nor will it let me progress left to an event.

Also, I'm curious as to whether getting all jobs is doable. Given that you can reset your virginity, can you obtain witch and keep it after you revirginize? Do you have to have sex to get the semen? (As opposed to any other act which technically maintains your virginity.) Is tool user only available by having sex with the merchant? Do jobs save over New Game+?

Answers to your questions below, apologies if the walkthrough I made lacked information since some of it is readily available elsewhere in the thread.

1. For the thief, you need to talk to the maid in the lobby with a huge pile of laundry. Look around, she's really obvious. She'll mention Rhyme is upstairs. Take the stairs up and head west. That should start a longish event, once that's done enter the same area and head for the washing basins. Talk to Rhyme and with him in your party head to the adventurer's guild. After that scene, you'll be eligible for apprentice thief.

2. Getting all jobs IS doable in 1.13. I did it myself for my 2nd playthrough. You do not need to be a non-virgin to select the job but you MUST lose your virginity otherwise you'll never meet the conditions laid down by the witch to qualify. A reminder that you can only regain your virginity ONCE, so get all the events you wish and then stay chaste afterwards.

3. Yes you need to have sex. The original dialogue is very specific about this. It's 8 people provided you did the anti-freeze negotiations via the mayor and remained a virgin.

4. Tool user is also available but much later in the game if you didn't have sex with McRonald. I've added the missing detail to my walkthrough for 31-35.

5. Jobs save over in New Game+. You retain the level you had when you finished the game and can choose the job anytime without having to re-qualify. On a side note, skills you receive on a level-up tend to stay with you in New Game+ but those which need to be earned through SP will not.
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Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

1. For the thief, you need to talk to the maid in the lobby with a huge pile of laundry. Look around, she's really obvious. She'll mention Rhyme is upstairs. Take the stairs up and head west. That should start a longish event, once that's done enter the same area and head for the washing basins. Talk to Rhyme and with him in your party head to the adventurer's guild. After that scene, you'll be eligible for apprentice thief.

Thank you very much, Harleyquin. I'm still having an issue with thief apprentice. I'm in the bank now, first floor, coming in from outside. There are 8 people on this floor. 2 maids behind the counter which conduct bank transactions, and 3 pairs of men sitting at tables. I see no maid with a pile of laundry.

This is post-zombie, 1.13, thief was saved.

Other thoughts:
* Last event I did was to hit up the slum doctor for Magic Swordsman.
* I kinda CE'd some moolah and paid the bank off already. Did that break the cycle? Does it require me to be in debt?
* Does time of day matter?

That's good to hear that all jobs can be obtained. I'll plan on doing a virgin playthrough (True End route) until I have all but witch, then turn Nana into a slut.

Speaking of... there's an abusable event that you can take advantage of as early as your first 5 day free period. After getting magic girl apprentice job, and doing the event in the Zach's island backyard where you train with magic and collapse from magic fatigue, choose to drink the recovery fluid offered. It is semen, but it gives +5 Max mp, and the virgin rule only applies to penetration (exception made for Iruka). The next day, at noon or beyond, talk to Zach again and you'll get an additional option, to get more of that drink. Choosing this option will have Zach take Nana upstairs, where he blindfolds her and has her perform fellatio. At the end of it, Nana will increase her max mp by 10. This event is repeatable, and despite there being dialogue, it costs little time, if any. (And shift makes it a 5 second event)
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

Problem solved.

I went back to Zach, fought Para, upgraded Magical Girl, went back to the bank, and there she was. Event was out of sequence.
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

If you want a clean sexual record, then drinking the "MP potion" isn't really necessary. There's a similar potion on McRonald's table where he's sitting later in the game that has a similar effect. The MP shards and crystals that boost the total are so plentiful in the game that wasting time on the event really isn't much point. This goes double if you wish to adventure with Zach since you only have him for 6 1/2 hours game time.

I didn't add the potion event since some players prefer an absolutely clean sexual record and that event contravenes it. Apart from unlocking the scene in the gallery, I didn't really see much point in it since it wastes the player's time and available dungeon exploration time in the game.

The order I gave to pick up the jobs shouldn't have mattered, but I personally picked up thief apprentice after magical girl and spellsword on both of my playthroughs so never had a problem with the maid.
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

I'm currently having an issue where no merchant will buy back items from me. Is there an option I tripped or something?
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

I'm currently having an issue where no merchant will buy back items from me. Is there an option I tripped or something?

You sure? Normally it's only the adventurer's guild that buys items from you. You tried both the village and the town's branches?
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

You sure? Normally it's only the adventurer's guild that buys items from you. You tried both the village and the town's branches?

Oh no... I didn't know that you could only sell there. Previously I sold to Ronald and that girl who shows up at the holy temple when you are trying to find the Labyrinth in the prologue.

It works, thank you. Anyway to dismiss your current partner before it's time for them to go?
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

Try to sleep at an inn. It will prompt if you want to dissolve your party. Afterwards, it will bring up the usual inn menu.
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Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

So, new info regarding the post-zombie free play.

Ronald's in his house in the other village. You can group with him, and build relationship with him. You can use this to immediately take him to the adventurer's guild to learn the tool user class.

Warning: If you take him to the plant xp area by the fairy queen, each plant will give 5 relationship, but removes the plant permanently.

He has a second option, which will allow you to basically prostitute yourself to varying degrees. (By relationship level, and Nana will not allow intercourse as long as she is a virgin.) (Breast/Ass groping, fingering, cunningulus, and sex). Each level has multiple scenes. He will also have the "white potion" (semen) on the table which is drinkable for 2+ max mp (lame). During each stage, Ronald will try to get off either by rubbing on Nana or masturbating. During the fingering stage, Ronald's semen ends up flying into Nana's mouth, which she then suddenly realizes _exactly_ how the white potion is made. (This scene will cause all relationship with Ronald to go to 0, I think.)

After this point, doing the fellatio scene with the wizard guy will no longer use a blindfold. (I think there is probably a flag that tells whether Nana is naive about semen or not.)

If you do cunningulus enough times, Ronald will attempt to devirginize Nana in her orgasmic afterglow. There is a choice here, to go with the flow, or to grab his penis. The second one avoids devirginization. (First will cause Nana to beat up Ronald again and drop relationship, in addition to normal devirginization penalties.) Getting relationship back to 90+ again will allow for true prostitution.

So, there are a number of benefits (new class) and scenes available from this option, so I figure it's worth mentioning.
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

So, new info regarding the post-zombie free play.

Ronald's in his house in the other village. You can group with him, and build relationship with him. You can use this to immediately take him to the adventurer's guild to learn the tool user class.

Warning: If you take him to the plant xp area by the fairy queen, each plant will give 5 relationship, but removes the plant permanently.

He has a second option, which will allow you to basically prostitute yourself to varying degrees. (By relationship level, and Nana will not allow intercourse as long as she is a virgin.) (Breast/Ass groping, fingering, cunningulus, and sex). Each level has multiple scenes. He will also have the "white potion" (semen) on the table which is drinkable for 2+ max mp (lame). During each stage, Ronald will try to get off either by rubbing on Nana or masturbating. During the fingering stage, Ronald's semen ends up flying into Nana's mouth, which she then suddenly realizes _exactly_ how the white potion is made. (This scene will cause all relationship with Ronald to go to 0, I think.)

After this point, doing the fellatio scene with the wizard guy will no longer use a blindfold. (I think there is probably a flag that tells whether Nana is naive about semen or not.)

If you do cunningulus enough times, Ronald will attempt to devirginize Nana in her orgasmic afterglow. There is a choice here, to go with the flow, or to grab his penis. The second one avoids devirginization. (First will cause Nana to beat up Ronald again and drop relationship, in addition to normal devirginization penalties.) Getting relationship back to 90+ again will allow for true prostitution.

So, there are a number of benefits (new class) and scenes available from this option, so I figure it's worth mentioning.

Plants respawn later on, but they lose the relationship boost. Not that it matters, since you can set him to かばう and you'll get to 100 trust after a few fights.

As I mentioned in my guide, there is a virgin route for gaining Ronald's class. Losing your virginity to him is only if you're going for the scenes or want to go for the witch class and abuse the virginity restoring debug tool.

I didn't mention the above purely because I played the game assuming no patch (i.e. 1.01). If you did the above, the demon lord class would have been lost and that's really not worth it.
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

The hentai scenes were only mentioned for scene completion. It is totally doable to group with Ronald, and take him to get the tool user class without having Nana do anything that affects her sex counts, and was doable after I grabbed every other apprentice level job. (May be doable earlier, but it may be like thief, which required Magic Girl to be gotten first.) From your walkthroughs, I was thinking that a virgin tool user wasn't achievable until late game.

Demon Lord class...

Are you saying she has to be totally pure? (All 0's on sex counts?) Or she has to still be a virgin?
Re: いせたん [RJ130644]

The hentai scenes were only mentioned for scene completion. It is totally doable to group with Ronald, and take him to get the tool user class without having Nana do anything that affects her sex counts, and was doable after I grabbed every other apprentice level job. (May be doable earlier, but it may be like thief, which required Magic Girl to be gotten first.) From your walkthroughs, I was thinking that a virgin tool user wasn't achievable until late game.

Demon Lord class...

Are you saying she has to be totally pure? (All 0's on sex counts?) Or she has to still be a virgin?

As far as I can tell, grouping with McRonald just after the zombie arc didn't give me the chance to learn the tool user class with him as tutor. My walkthrough was specific about the late-game nature of his class (virgin-only) since you only get the 3rd choice in the dialogue tree at his house close to the end of the game. If you did get the class from him earlier without losing your virginity, then congratulations.

She still needs to be a virgin, but she doesn't need zero for all counts. My first run had 1 to semen drinking (thanks Zach) but zeroes for the rest and I still managed to unlock the Demon Lord class. My second runthrough trying for all classes (using the virginity returning exploit) had a huge rap on sexual experience but was still able to return to Demon Lord once I regained virgin status.
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