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It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Priscilla nods and heads to what appears to be a cellar. When she comes back, she's wearing a protective amulet around her neck and has bracers decorated with pouncing cats around her arms. She tosses a quarterstaff to Sarah. It's made from oak and its heads are reinforced with blackened steel that smells faintly of brimstone. The staff is balanced for melee as well as bearing substantial enchantments, making it excellent focus for evocations. "My grandmother made it, but I don't have much use for it until I'm further in my training, so you can borrow it."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah smiles when she sees the jewelry and staff, catching it and examining it. "Your grandmother must have been quite the mage! I feel even safer in your presence knowing you're following in her footsteps." the kitsune says happily, tracing her hand up and down one of the metal heads. "I'll be sure to return it to you once we're out of this mess." she says, nodding her head and grabbing her bag, ready to start their trek back towards the observation post.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Running her head on the metal head, Sarah notices that it feels warm to touch. Priscilla soon finishes packing and leads Sarah out of the lair. It's a warm and sunny day in the jungle, though without native animals, it is filled with dream-like silence. "Let's see... the observatory is to the west, the sun should be about south-east, so we head that way. Let's hope we notice when we cross the road, that might be the only landmark we'll be able to see through all the trees."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah seems delighted at the gentle warmth of the staff head, smiling as Priscilla leads her out, and she follows along, inhaling and stretching out to let the sun bathe her. "Mm...Sunlight feels good. I have no sense of direction, so you'll have to lead, Priscilla. I'll just get us turned around." she says, her fluffy tail swishing behind her. "If we find my car then we know we're on the right track." she says, waiting for Priscilla to take the lead.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

It takes longer than it probably should have and Priscilla keeps looking at the sky, but eventually they find the road. As they do, Sarah spots a flight of Archon-class war golems flying over the jungle. Soon they hear distant explosion. It would seem that the military is involved as well. engaging some unseen targets.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah stretches once they find the road, clearly not all that pleased with how long it took them. "Oh wow! The Military is getting involved? This...May be bigger than we thought..." she says, looking down the road in the direction she expects the observatory to be in, and motioning for Priscilla to lead on. "I just hope the observatory's wards are holding. If they aren't then we may be too late."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Well, we won't be getting there any time soon if the jungle is all like this." Priscilla grumbles, starting along the road, such as is left of it. The road is cracked and covered in wines, as if the jungle had swallowed it months if not years ago, but it's still a little easier to travel than the rest of it.

After half an hour along the road through the luscious jungle, the vines around the pair suddenly start moving and one of them tries to grab Sarah!
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"A cracked, useless road is still better than no road at all!" Sarah says hopefully as she follows her new Hellhound companion, before something wraps around her leg. "Ah! Prissy! Help!" she shouts, poking at the vine with the heated head of the staff.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Priscilla: 9 vs 6 one tentacle down
Tentacles: 11 vs 7 | 6 vs 8 | 19 vs 17 |*9 vs 17
Sarah: 5/5 grappled: -1 to all rolls
Priscilla: 5/5 grappled: -1 to all rolls
Tentacles: ??? one dead

Priscilla growls, and suddenly spectral claws appear on her hands as she slashes at one of the vines, neatly slicing through it and causing the end to fall off. Unfortunately the rest of the vines don't appear to like it. The one wrapped around Sarah's leg tugs at her and another whips through the air and misses, while Priscilla deftly dodges a third tentacle only to have her tail grabbed. "Hey! Let go of my tail!"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah eeps as the tentacle tugs at her leg "Oi! Lett me go you bastard!" she cries, channeling energy into her staff and attempting to set the vines on fire to try and drive them off. "Go bother someone else you filthy things!"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah: 14 vs 8 dead tentacle
Priscilla: 9 vs 19 nope
Tentacles: 11 vs 13 |*18 vs 21 |*14 vs 22 |*19 vs 4 crit
Sarah: 19 vs 17 dead
Priscilla: 14 vs 12 dead
Tentacles: 19 vs 19 | 20 vs 18 | 7 vs 5 |*18 vs 20
Sarah: 5/5 grappled: -1 to all rolls
Priscilla: 5/5 grappled: -3 to all rolls
Tentacles: ??? four dead
The tentacles come in a blurry. Sarah manages to kill two of the and Priscilla one, but another tentacle stubbornly grabs Sarah's arm again, while a pair of them are wrestling Priscilla and seemingly winning.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Eeek! Get off! Leave us alone you filthy things!" Sarah cries out as she attempts to burn them off again, this time focusing on the ones wrestling with the hellhound.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah: 20 vs 20 dead
Priscilla: 20 vs 5 crit
Tentacles: 4 vs 17 | 18 vs 18 | 10 vs 7 | 7 vs 9
Sarah: 4 vs 16
Priscilla: 9 vs 15
Tentacles: 18 vs 2 crit | 13 vs 1 | 16 vs 3 | 13 vs 18
Sarah: -2 vs 1
Priscilla: 9 vs 8 | 16 vs 19
Tentacles: 4 vs 3 sarah is now helpless | 2 vs 21 counter | 13 vs 13
Priscilla: 3 vs 8
Tentacles: 6 vs 21 counter

Together Sarah and Priscilla manage to kill both of the tentacles wrestling the hellhound, but ill-luck causes them to miss after that, and Sarah finds herself the victim of a flurry of tentacles, grabbing her every limb and soon binding her. Priscilla's reflexes prove the superior, however, and she breathes fire again to kill one tentacle, then slays the others with her claws. As she frees Sarah from the last one, the hellhound is smiling. "A nice work-out, huh?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah groans as the tentacles wrap her up, before Priscilla frees her, panting from exhaustion, and from wondering what Priscilla would have done if she had been bound up that securely in the bedroom. "Yeah, uhm...A good workout...In more ways than one." the kitsune says with a smile as she scratches at one of her own fluffy ears. "You handled yourself way better than I did. I'm happy to have decided to bring you along."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Do you need a breather?" Priscilla asks, only sounding a little winded herself as she wags her tail.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Y-Yeah...That thing got me a little too worked up..." Sarah says as she moves to sit on a fallen log nearby. "Sorry. I'm not good at this whole fighting thing. I barely even know how to make those fireballs." she says, admitting to her inexperience with everything but illusion and magitech.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Ah, you're not that bad." Priscilla replies, sitting down as well. "You probably ought to get more practice, though. Helps you stay in shape as well."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Yeah...I've got a little too much office-fat on me from being so lazy." the Kitsune says as she relaxes. "Are you offering to help me out, hot stuff?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Sure, why not. I need someone to spar with, anyway." Priscilla replies. After about ten minutes, she gets up again. "Let's go, we're burning daylight."

The pair treks through the jungle for hours, stopping to eat twice while Priscilla urges Sarah to keep herself hydrated. Several times Sarah hears gunfire or explosions in the distance, and each time Priscilla carefully avoids their sources. As they are getting near the observatory, an opening suddenly appears in front of them. In the middle of the opening, a beautiful, green-skinned woman is sitting cross-legged, humming an enchanting tune filled with wild magic.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah smiles as she's given a definite yes, sitting next to her Hellhound friend and resting, before it's time to leave.

As she's lead through the jungle, she begins to wonder just what the hell was going on. "Prissy, before you found me, had there been any news of people trying to get to the observatory? Because this gunfire does not sound like something you'd hear in a suddenly, magically-grown forest." the Kitsune says, a bit of concern in her voice, but following the hellhound all the same. When they come across the strange green woman, Sarah readies her staff, about ready to attack on sight. "N-Not more jungle monsters..." she says with a whimper, her fluffy ears and tail drooping.