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It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"We'll go to my office, then." Leading Sarah upstairs, Reiser takes her into his office, and with a snap of his fingers brings up the holographic presentation of the data on his desk, while the numbers behind it appear on Sarah's glasses. A second gesture gives Sarah access to the data from before, as well as the records from last calibration. With access to Reiser's computer, it should be easy to tease more information out of the data, but right away she can see that the new numbers are way outside the calibration range so even if they aren't caused by equipment malfunction, the meters will still need to be calibrated again to get accurate readings. "How do you want your coffee?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Mmmm. Black, just like I like my feathers." Sarah says with a sly smirk as she moves to begin analyzing the data. "This won't do. This won't do at all. We'll need to recalibrate for an accurate reading. Not good." she says with a pout as she combs through the data.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Pouring both of them coffee, Reiser pulls out a chair and sits down next to Sarah. "You're sure it's not just a glitch, then? The pattern looks a lot like a malfunction to me," he says as he hands Sarah her coffee. A scholar in the field could probably make a lot out of the data with a mere glance, but to Sarah a lot of it might as well be random symbols. Except for the pulses, the data does seem to be within expectations, though, as she can see thanks to the visualizations.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"I'm not all that versed in the actual analysis, but just looking at the data, I can come to two conclusions. Either there's something out there the array needs to be recalibrated to observe, or the array is out of alignment, and I'll have to recalibrate anyway." Sarah says, leaning back in the chair. "We'd need an actual scholar to come down anbd look at the data to be sure. But I'm hoping it's the former." she says, thinking about what needs to be done. "But, that's your call, boss. Recalibrate to get a better reading, or recalibrate and brush this off as a random error?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Girl, I have a dozen scholars working for me. Unfortunately they can't tell their heads from their asses, when it comes to hardware. That's why I have experts like you on call." Reiser finishes his coffee, putting the cup on the desk. "If you have the numbers you need, shall we head downstairs? I'm told the detector housings are nice and cozy, with just enough room for two if you don't mind the low ceiling."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Mmmm...A low ceiling means we get to be nice and close." Sarah says with a playful wink at the tengu, drinking her own coffee and setting the cup down next to his. "Of course, you're welcome to simply watch..." she says, standing and stretching.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"I'm sure there will be ample things to watch out for indeed." Reiser says with a twinkle in his eye. Picking up Sarah's pack, he leads her to the elevator, which shoots almost a hundred meters downwards, to the detector floor. A long, well-lit hallway appears in front of the pair, and Reiser confidently leads her through it, opening a door with his key-card and revealing a small chamber that indeed is as cozy as he said, with a wall full of circuits and crystal conduits, located directly underneath the charged adamantium plate used to catch neutrinos. "The main detector is where we want to start, right?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah smiles as he picks up her pack, following him to the elevator, and then down the hall to the array. "You know just where to bring a girl to get her all worked up, Boss." the Kitsune says with a giggle as she takes her pack from him and begins to examine the circuits and condduits, a trained eye looking for anything that might indicate an actual hardware malfunction.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

There's no breakage obvious to naked eye, at least. Still, checking everything would take a while. As Sarah starts dismantling the detector and testing the parts with meters from her kit, Reiser sits down next to her, helping her with parts and handing her tools when required, his hand occasionally brushing against her butt or side, at least partly due to the lack of space otherwise. Partly.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah works as professionally as, well, a kitsune can get, despite the rather pleasant distractions Reiser is giving her. "I wonder why they decided to make this space so cramped. You'd think, with the need to keep this particular piece of hardware maintained, it'd have a little more breathing room." she says, returning his teasing with some of her own, her fluffy tail pressing against his chest and rubbing the front of his jeans, not enough room on the other side of her to rest the fluffy appendage. "I just don't get it. Everything seems to be working fine, there's no glaring errors...I think it may legitimately be a sign of extraterrestrial life."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Casually brushing Sarah's tail with one hand, Reiser seems pleased. "We'll know that after we finish calibrating everything." A thorough examination shows that there is, indeed, nothing wrong with the hardware. "That's the first one done. Do you want to check the others or calibrate this first?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah giggles as he touches her tail, trying to hide the fact that it's actually one of the more sensitive parts of her body. "Well, I say we recalibrate as we go. Saves the time of going back through all of them all over again." she says as she begins to recalibrate the array, mostly using that as an excuse to stay in close quarters with the Tengu.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Hang on." Reiser says, rolling to his side and pushing the internal comm located next to the door. He speaks a few words and listens to the answer.

"Well, this is quite the surprise. It'll take them half an hour to get the neutrino cannon in place for the calibration. However shall we spend the time?" he asks mischievously, pulling Sarah to his lap.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah eeps as she's pulled into the lap of the Tengu, her fluffy tail instinctively wrapping around his waist. "Indeed...How ever can we spend all that time..." she says, leaning back into him, a hand reaching down between their legs, and pressing at his pants crotch. "I doubt anyone would mind if we...Had some fun, hm?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"No-one here but us," Reiser agrees, his member growing noticeably within the confines of his pants as he moves his hands up, cupping Sarah's breasts with them and giving them a good squeeze.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah gasps as he grabs her rather sizeable breasts, before she begins to chuckle. "Mmmm...It's a wonder you don't have ALL the tengu women hanging on your arms, Boss...You know just how to get a woman ready..." she says, moving her hand to try and find his zipper, her other hand resting on the ground and trying to resist the urge to pleasure herself as well.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

As Sarah undoes the professor's pants, he shifts his weight, allowing her to pull down his boxers as well and revealing a nice, juicy cock. Meanwhile, he uses his beak to undo the string of her bikini top before pulling the piece away completely. Continuing to grope her with his left hand, his right hand dives downwards, starting to help Sarah out of her pants.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"And where have you been hiding this big boy all this time, hm?" Sarah asks, giggling as he removes her top and lets her E-cups swing free for him to grope. As he begins to work her own pants free, she begins to moan with need. "Ooooh. I need this so bad...Will you help me feel good, Boss?" she asks, pressing back into him to allow him to pull her own pants off, clearly needing a man's touch right about now if her ragged breathing and squirming tail are any indication.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Mmm... Good girl!" Reiser encourages Sarah as he slides her pants and bikini bottom down before pulling her closer into his lap, his member sliding over her clitoris several times before he lifts her by the hips, allowing her to guide him in. Then it would be Sarah's turn to guide the action, as she was the one on top.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Thanks...Boss..." Sarah moans out, guiding him into her and sighing in contentment as she rests there for a moment, before beginning to gently lift up and then set back down, gently stroking up and down his length with her rather tight hole. "Mmmm...Sorry you've got to be on bottom...This time..." she says, reaching her hand down to grab at his, bringing both of them up to her breasts, wanting him to pleasure them as much as she was pleasuring him.