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It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Reiser smiles at Sarah and, still carrying her bag, leads her back to the elevator. Upstairs, he takes her to the cafeteria which seems decent enough although as usual for such places, the selection is rather limited. There's haggis, meatsoup and some sort of vegetarian dish that would be of little interest to a kitsune. For his part, Reiser takes the soup and heads to a window table showing the desert. Unusually enough, there seem to be some rainclouds in the sky.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah holds Reiser's arm as he leads her about, quite open about her PDA's with people she enjoys. Despite the limited menu, she makes do with some soup for herself as well, moving to sit on the side of the table opposite from Reiser. "So tell me, Boss. How often is it supposed to rain out here?" she asks, taking a sip from her soup.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Once or twice a year." Reiser answers, frowning at the rainclouds. "It's the mountains to the west. The only time we get rain is when the wind at their altitude comes from east." There are some other people eating, and though none of them glance twice at the tengu, Sarah gets quite a few admiring gazes.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah's tail swishes gently behind her as she gets quite a few admiring gazes, happy that her choice of attire is doing the trick. "I see. Sounds nice, not having to worry about rain that much. But, you don't have all this fluff that gets icky when it gets wet, so you probably don't have to worry about rain anyway." sarah says, eating her soup slowly, taking time to watch the rainclouds move across the desert.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"It's not a walk in the park for me either. These feathers aren't exactly waterproof. Still, the desert after the rain is absolutely beautiful, so it's always a welcome change." Reiser replies, starting to eat his soup as well.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Mmmm...I bet it is...But not as beautiful as me, I bet." the Kitsune says with a giggle, eating her soup as she looks out at the desert a smile on her face. "You know...I was afraid this job was going to be boring and bad for my skin. I can honestly say I've been wrong on both counts."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Reiser just smiles at Sarah. "You've certainly made MY day a lot more pleasant with your mere presence, girl." He takes a drink from his glass. "Say, do you have lots of ongoing contracts? I could maybe float some more work your way, if you can guarantee timely response in case we need you."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"To be honest I was about go go look for some more work before I got the call today." Sarah says as she takes a drink of her own water. "More work is always good, though, with how far away I live, I can't guarantee 'timely' responses, but I'll likely hurry over fast as I can." she says, not liking the idea of being two or more hours away from the place.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Well, we ARE in the middle of the desert. The only way to get here in less time than two hours is to fly." Reiser points out. "Still, I'll see what I can work out. We don't have the budget to keep multiple senior technicians on the site." The professor finishes his soup and leans back in his chair.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah nods as she finishes with her soup, a smile on her face. "So, basically, you get all my skill, at half the price of a normal employee. I'm not about to turn down a secure line of work, especially in a business as cutthroat as technology." the Kitsune says, leaning forward and resting her chin on the palms of her hands. "So long as I have...Other reasons, to stick around...I don't see why I would turn down offers to do more consulting here." she says, her face a picture of innocent bliss, as her fluffy ears twitch lightly atop her head.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"On the plus side, as a contractor you won't need to attend nearly as many meetings," Reiser says with just a touch of envy in his voice as he leans forward as well, his beak mere inches from Sarah's nose.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Oooohh. The perks get even better." Sarah says softly, before suddenly moving forward and kissing Reiser on the beak. "Though I think I'm staring at the biggest perk right now." she says, her fluffy tail gently swishing behind her.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Flatterer." Reiser accuses playfully before taking a look at his watch and sighing. "Unfortunately it would seem that I will have to attend another of the said meetings right now. It was a pleasure working with you today, Sarah." Standing up and giving Sarah a handshake, he hurries towards the stairs.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah smiles as she shakes the tengu's hand. "I hope we get to work together some more in the future, Boss." the Kitsune says softly as she watches him walk off, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. With that done, she stretches, and heads back towards the parking garage, intending to head on back home and get some well-earned rest.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

As Sarah gets out in the parking lot, the clouds have gotten even blacker, and one of them drifts to cover the Sun, quickly dropping the temperature quite a bit. This time she's not the only one heading into the lot, as other employees get in there as well, to make sure the interiors of their convertibles don't get wet when it begins raining.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah sighs as she moves to her own car, putting the roof up in case it rained while she was on the road, not wanting to ruin the interior of her car. Once she had it locked in place and ready, she turned the car on and decided to head straight for home to get away from the bloody storm forming in the desert.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

About half an hour later on the empty road, the storm finally hits. Thunder cracks nearby, and heavy rain hammers the car as Sarah feels familiar tingle that tells her there's magic in the air. This must not be an ordinary storm.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah pouts as the rain begins to fall, her ears twitching as she senses magic in the air. She begins to slow down, enough that she can look out the windows and up at the sky, wondering just what kind of storm this was, and why anyone would want to summon it in the middle of the desert.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Suddenly the temperature drops even further, and it sounds like the rain has turned into hail, but Sarah soon realizes that it's not ice, it's seeds! Something truly peculiar is happening here. Soon the rain ends and Sarah is forced to a stop as the seeds burrow themselves into the soil and start to grow, in mere minutes creating a veritable jungle that just keeps growing higher around her.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"What the hell?!" Sarah cries out in response as the rain turns to seeds, which begin to plant themselves in the desert. Immediately, her instincts tell her to floor it and get the hell out of there, but her curiosity interferes with that as she's torn between documentation or fleeing from the strange phenomenon.