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Is there any progress on the decen/translation for the newer game?
I finally unlocked eveything, I must say, this might be the first JSK game that I found Rape Ending to be most elusive... and I got Love Ending on second try.

While interface doesn't seem to change much from Manbiki Joshi, added "Degrees of Obedience" let's you know before hand when will basic conversation topics change. Still, I can't really get behind the topics list in coversation - I mean it does sound good, but you end up exhausting every topic first anyway, since there's no incentive to unlock multiple topics.

Like in previous title - there's only 1 Story Mode. 3 Extra modes - 2nd of which requires that you beat the game once and on second playthrough make use of new, unlocked ability. Which also unlocks 5th ending (which is basically just Lewd Ending, but with different dialog).
For unlocking everything in gallery, note that some commands lead to a different scene depending on the room you're in (Living or Bed room).

Now... for HowTo:

On the Left:
❤❤❤❤ - Love Flag Icons - track your progress towards Love End. Will light up after choosing correct lines in coversation.
♦♦♦♦ - Rape Flag Icons - track your progress towards Rape End. Will light up after choosing correct lines in coversation and with lewd actions.
♣♣♣♣ - Lewd Flag Icons - track your progress towards Lewd End. Will light up after choosing correct lines in coversation and by driving heroine into orgasm.
| - Pleasure Bar - shows how good heroine feels. Can be filled by touching her.
| - Fondness Bar - represents how much heroine trusts our protagonist. Can grow with conversation. Can drop with conversation, touching, stripping and orders. If it's too low when you any of previously mentioned, it's Game Over.
| - Obedience Bar - shows how submissive heroine is towards protagonist. Will grow with Looking, Talking and Touching. Higher the level, the less Fondness Bar drops from touching. [Note 4 additional indicators next to Obedience Bar - each represents another level and 1 lights up every time you fill up the bar. Every level is a new set of conversation topics]

On the right, from top to bottom:
Look - aside from flavor text, only fills Obedience Bar, slightly.
Talk - Lists unlocked, not exhausted topics. The top one, "Basic Conversation" is always available and will give you 3 anwsers that will unlock new topics. Those 3 anwsers change after Obedience Lv Ups.
Wear Clothes - Can be used to put clothes back on.
Strip - Tell heroine to take off 1 piece of clothing.
Change Position - Changes heroine's position/room she's in
Order - order her to do lewd stuff

*Additional notes from me in sea green

Training End
- Have Sex 1 or more times [While not fullfilling requirements for other endings. Can be done at full Fondness bar at Lv1, or you can Lv Up first. Can be done immediately in 1st Extra Mode]

Rape End
- Have Sex 1 or more times, ejaculate 3 times or more (this will light up 1 Diamond)
- Choose correct conversation lines. Coerce heroine, tell her lewd things. (this will light up Diamond, up to 3)
Once you fullfill the 2 requirements above and have all 4 Icons lit up, you'll be able to choose Rape End.
[Conversations that are started by stripping heroine can also lead to lighting up Rape Flag Icons. Note that on lower Obedience levels, she'll object stripping initially, top response is to do it, bottom one to back out.
Here're some confirmed ways to get icons:
- Touch her breast or tigh, response 2 or 3
- Touch her pussy, any response
- Strip outer wear, any response
- Strip underwear, any response
- LV1(Default) Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>3, then 3>3
- LV2 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>1, then 1>1 (2 Icons total)
- LV2 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>3, then 3>3>3
- LV3 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>1, then 2

Lewd End
- Make her cum through touching 1 or more (Lights up 1 Club)
- Make her cum during sex 1 or more (Lights up 1 Club)
- Choose correct conversation lines. Lines that point to "teaching heroine the lewd stuff". (Lights up Club, up to 2)
Once you've fullfilled the above and have 4 lighted Club Icons, you'll be able to choose Lewd End.
Note that lines that light up Club Icons are on Lv5 and during post-H conversations.
[Conversations that I've found them in:
- Lv4 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>2, then 1
- Lv5 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>3, then 1

Also - this ending can be unlocked in 1st Extra Mode, which starts from Lv4
- Lv4 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>1, then 3
- Lv4 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>3, then 1
Then proceed with her orgasms.

Love End
- Do not have sex
- Do not light any Diamond Icons
- Fill Fondness bar to 75% or more
- Have following conversations:
「波音ちゃんは〇学~」 → 「友達は~」 → 「友達にああいう~」 → 「波音ちゃんはどこで~」(ラブフラグアイコン点灯)

「波音ちゃんはそんなに~」 → 「〇学生がそんなに~」 → 「もしかして波音ちゃんは~」(ラブフラグアイコン点灯)

With 2 Heart Icons lit and with high Fondness, moving to Lv3 will set you on Love End route.

「波音ちゃんがお金を~」 → 「それは、友達の~」 (ラブフラグアイコン点灯)

「波音ちゃんにあのバイトを~」 → 「波音ちゃんに教えた~」 → 「その子はもしかして~」 → 「もしかして波音ちゃんに~」(ラブフラグアイコン点灯)

After fullfilling the above, you should have 4 Heart Icons lit up and be able to select Love End.

[If you don't want to compare Kanji's, list of Hearts I've found:
- Lv1 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>1, then 2>2>2
- Lv2 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>2, then 1
- Lv2 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>2, then 3 (mutually exclusive with the above)
- Lv2 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>3, then 1>1
- Lv2 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>3, then 1>1
- Lv2 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>3, then 2>2(mutually exclusive with the above)
- Lv3 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>1, then 2
- Lv3 Talk: Unlock new topic with Basic Talk>2, then 1>2>1
You can only have 2 Hearts before Lv3.
hello I just want to know how did you downloaded this game and what is the name of the game in english ?
hello I just want to know how did you downloaded this game and what is the name of the game in english ?
Like most people, you buy it from DLsite.

As for the name in english, it's something like "my neighbor's daughter had a part time job, so I threatened her"... Wish JSK would stop with all these long ass names.
i do wish he would make a new incest game i despise the fighting ones

Edit - anyone know what happened to delexicus? they havent been only this year at all?
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There like a big folder of all the translated games I can play? Latest one ive been able to find was the Corner masturbating student one.