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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Isn't the translated version of Serika in the translated games file provided by AceofWind? (On the first page)

Yeah but I can't mess with the translation files in that. Has to be a translated txt file. Unless there's another way to mess with that file cause when I try to change the text with ytinasni's translator it comes up with a error.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

November was the last post?

I DON'T want to believe...
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Don't lose faith!:D

Personally, I don't want to lose faith either, but nothing new has been posted on JSK's blog for practically 2 YEARS RUNNING!!

I could understand if there's life problems going on, but when it starts going for 2 years straight with nothing new, not even a "hey people, sorry for making you wait blah blah blah", I'm more than inclined to say JSK is dead, anymore posting in this thread at this point would be nothing more than necroing

if we could get this thread locked until something new happens, then we could get it opened back up and post some relavent info other than "imma touch these translation files like a stalker on a restraining order"
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Personally, I don't want to lose faith either, but nothing new has been posted on JSK's blog for practically 2 YEARS RUNNING!!

I could understand if there's life problems going on, but when it starts going for 2 years straight with nothing new, not even a "hey people, sorry for making you wait blah blah blah", I'm more than inclined to say JSK is dead, anymore posting in this thread at this point would be nothing more than necroing

if we could get this thread locked until something new happens, then we could get it opened back up and post some relavent info other than "imma touch these translation files like a stalker on a restraining order"

I agree. If JSK comes back, we can just makes a thread version 2.0. No hassle required.

But it's pretty annoying when people necro this so yes I agree on closing it.

edit: I have sent a message to DarkFire1004. He might contact AceofWind or something idk. I'm sure he has procedures for this type of situation.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ace, your PM box is full, so I'm just going to say it here: I'm going to lock the thread for now to avoid any more unnecessary necros. Just gimme a shout whenever you want to this thread unlocked for an update!

Thread locked.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks DarkFire

I found another freeware game that may have been created by JSK while I was browsing the lah forums (thanks to the user who posted it). I'll be adding it to the original games pack soon but here's the game if you want to play/download it separately.

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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks DarkFire

I found another freeware game that may have been created by JSK while I was browsing the lah forums (thanks to the user who posted it). I'll be adding it to the original games pack soon but here's the game if you want to play/download it separately.

Huh, and I thought this thread is closed since the last time I saw it, which was yesterday :/
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Huh, and I thought this thread is closed since the last time I saw it, which was yesterday :/

This thread has been closed since December as evident by the time DarkFire made the above post, I just asked her to reopen it several hours ago to update.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ha, and for a moment there I got excited thinking he'd done a MickmanX and made a blog post out of the blue.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

This thread has been closed since December as evident by the time DarkFire made the above post, I just asked her to reopen it several hours ago to update.

Oh okay, carry on then
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks DarkFire

I found another freeware game that may have been created by JSK while I was browsing the lah forums (thanks to the user who posted it). I'll be adding it to the original games pack soon but here's the game if you want to play/download it separately.

The game looks more like the Ayasaki game, if that was even made by JSK in the first place. So it could be one of his earlier works, or another copy cat game.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I'm super paranoid, so this might seem like a stupid question, but just how safe am I if I DL the games form the link?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I'm super paranoid, so this might seem like a stupid question, but just how safe am I if I DL the games form the link?

It depends how you see it, the site is not safe, the site's ads are not safe, the ISP linkage to the site host is not safe, even your own web browers' flashplayer plugin and virus detector is not safe.

There is no safe file on the internet, but like airlines it is also safe if you are not in a bad luck, or playing dare devil to choose to ingore everyone got hit before.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Im getting a 404 error from the link did it get removed or something?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

It depends how you see it, the site is not safe, the site's ads are not safe, the ISP linkage to the site host is not safe, even your own web browers' flashplayer plugin and virus detector is not safe.

There is no safe file on the internet, but like airlines it is also safe if you are not in a bad luck, or playing dare devil to choose to ingore everyone got hit before.

I suppose that I was just wondering if the DL has ever caused issues for anyone on here.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

That's weird cus I try clicking the link and it just brings me to a 404 page...