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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian nodded, and laughed a little. "Yeah, you're right. I was really angry for a second there, but it seems she had her reasons. She's a very smart lady." he announced before heading down the stairs, leading the way as she requested, with Bubbles in the back of the group, giving a prolonged look at the countess's chambers, not too pleased with her over familiarity with Bakan. "Although, it was pretty strange. She's never jumped at me like that before or anything embarrassing like that, although the one scene of the play we did together was pretty embarrassing..." he said with a flush, while his hand subconsciously rose to rub the side of his neck, an action which caused Bubbles to raise a silent uproar, and pull on Demeter's robes to catch her attention, and use her sign language abilities in a very obvious way by drawing her arm along her neck, simulating the action of cutting off one's head; in other words, kill Sofia.

Led down the lengthy spiral tower, Demeter found herself within a dining hall with a ceiling that was at most 50 feet high. Once more, every wooden brace, corner of every furniture, corner of every wall, painting, statue and chandelier was decorated with golden lace, making the whole dining room, and every room in the castle shine with luxury and wealth. The table was like most known to be within dining halls, rectangular in shape, but it had a certain aspect that was unique to the common concept; at the ends of the rectangular table, two chairs were set up. Of course one was meant for Sofia, but the other was meant for...

"This shall be your seat, master Idian," the butler announced, directing Idian to one of the royal seats, and then directing Demeter and Bubbles to the other seats along the side, leaving the seat next to Idian empty. Bubbles walked up to the seat next to Idian, before the butler shook his head, "It is by Milady Sofia's request. I cannot allow you to sit here, master Bubbles. I deeply apologize. Sofia expressed specific desire to be seated next to master Idian." he explained, before stepping off once Bubbles seemed to reluctantly agree.

Idian nervously scratched his cheek from where he sat, looking to Demeter, who sat in the seat directly to his right, technically next to him. "I feel strangely tense. The way she acted in the bedroom, and now this. She's never requested specific seating before. I just sat wherever I wanted, and she sat next to me."

Bubble's head sank forward, Demeter understanding her motions and body language to say something akin to, "She's not acting different at all, you're just stupid."

After Idian said that, the room fell into silence. A slight noise from afar gave indication that food was being prepared, and a beautiful, joyous singing voice made it known that the chef was Sofia herself, dispelling the silence. Idian sat without saying a word, glancing around the room nervously as Sofia's song echoed through the room. Often, his glances would settle on Demeter, giving clear indication of where his thoughts were going. With Sofia acting so loving, not long after the night of passion with Demeter, even an idiot would at least slightly comprehend what was going on.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"She must have just been glad to see you." Demeter replied, pointedly not making an issue of it. Even when Idian rubbed at his neck, she kept herself cool and composed, and returned Bubble's silent uproar with a glare. 'I'll handle it.'

In the dining hall, Demeter remained standing for a moment, watching the exchange between the butler and Bubbles for a moment, as well as the emotions that played over Idian's face. 'Maybe he's not so dense after all.'

Demeter, not even bothering to glance in the still present butler's direction, moved over and gently lowered herself into Idian's lap and smiled to him. "Idian..." She whispered, and then closed her eyes and pulled the likely stunned young man into a kiss. In that kiss, she tried to express through her lips and through her tongue everything that she felt for Idian. All of the joy that he had given her, the sense of belonging and of fulfillment, she tried to show to him through that brief, quiet embrace.

When she pulled back, she was blushing and panting slightly, but she spoke her piece, her voice steady and low; "I love you, Idian... But you have choice to make ahead of you. I think that I have one to make too." Demeter paused, and glanced toward the kitchen where Sofia was singing joyfully as she prepared their meal. "I can't make your choice for you, but if you choose her... I don't think that you will ever leave this place." She paused again and turned to face him, looking him in the eyes as she finished; "And it will be likely that you will never see me again."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian was just as surprised as she had imagined he'd be at her sudden advance. Yelps of surprise and shock came from him at every little thing she did, even moaning against her mouth when she placed her lips upon his own. His face was flush red, but he regained a bit of his composure when Demeter said that he had to choose, and blinked at her with confusion. "Demeter... What are you talking about?" he asked. "I said I was going to help you clear your name with the Order, and that's what I intend to do. Why would I stay here?"

Suddenly, there came a loud sound of dishes clanking together, as Sofia was seen at the opposite end of the table where she had set down the food she was bringing in with a rush. From there, Demeter could feel her red eyes glaring at her, filled with vindictive hatred.

"Demeter..." she called out the elf's name in a low tone, "Shall we talk... Outside?" she requested of her, or rather, threatened to do something drastic if Demeter didn't agree.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter sighed, and was about to answer Idian when she heard the clanking of the dishes against the table. She turned her gaze toward Sofia, and found the vampire fuming, and staring at her with notably murderous intent. That brought Demeter to a pause, a tremor of fear finding its way into the elven woman's heart, but she had known this was going to happen. She was as prepared for it as she was ever going to be, and she knew that Sofia wasn't going to let the matter drop if she tried to talk her way out of this contest.

Truth be told, Demeter wouldn't have had it any other way.

And as such, she grinned slightly as she looked back at Sofia, and draped an arm around Idian's neck. "Of course Lady Sofia!" She replied brightly, and then turned back to Idian, and laid another sensual kiss on the young man's lips, though this one was brief compared to the first. She only wanted to tweak Sofia's nose after all, not enrage the woman to the point that she would attack Demeter then and there. Once she broke that second kiss, she quietly said; "This won't take long, don't fret. We will be back shortly for dinner." She rose from Idian's lap and began to walk around the table, but before she got halfway around it, Demeter paused and turned toward Bubbles. The elf gave the sahuagin a very significant look as she stretched out her hand toward her original seat, and as her staff came twirling across the room to her hand, she said; "Bubbles. Mind your manners while I'm away."

In her expression, however, she said; "Take care of Idian if I don't come back." The sahuagin could read her body language, that she hoped was true enough, and Demeter didn't have time to say any more. She turned back toward Sofia and said aloud; "Lead the way, mine host."

Demeter cautiously followed the vampire, but within her mind she was already preparing her weaving. Sofia had violence on her mind, that much was obvious, and Demeter knew quite well that she had to win this contest, or else she would lose Idian. And possibly her own life too, though that was surprisingly a secondary concern at this point. Before she could distract herself by following that train of thought, Demeter searched her mind for lore on the living dead, and came up with... Very little. She knew that a stake made of wood through Sofia's heart could kill her, or at least that was what the legends said, but Demeter had no intention of killing Sofia even if the vampire had no such qualms. Silver was anathema to them, but the only silver she had on her was the small knife she kept in her belt, and that was hardly a weapon fit for combat.

It was her magic that Demeter would have to rely on to win this, and that meant she would have to find a way to either bind Sofia so that she couldn't escape, or incapacitate her in some nonlethal fashion. Neither seemed like an easy task, but Demeter's free hand strayed to the flower in her hair, and she smiled as a plan began to form in her mind. The lust rose hadn't pricked her yet in her travels, but Demeter had recognized the flower that Bubbles had given to her as a peace offering. It was... Surprisingly appropriate, as she thought further on the course of action that had come into her mind, but making it work would take some skill and a great deal of speed.

The very first thing she did, and without making a sound too, was to form a shield around herself. It wasn't very strong, at least not yet, but she hoped that the small wave of force that it would emit upon being broken would buy her a single precious second if Sofia decided to start their confrontation early. Demeter hoped that she wouldn't, and held her staff behind her in her left hand as her right swung casually against her side, not any hint of a threat in her stance. "You have a very nice home, Lady Sofia. Your subjects seem quite happy with their lives as well. You must be a just ruler, who puts the needs of her people before her own desires. Have you ruled here long?" She said conversationally, honest curiosity and the flimsy hope of a nonviolent resolution pushing Demeter to speak as she followed Sofia outside.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian and Bubbles both seemed on edge over the sudden events, and even more shocked that Demeter seemed more than willing to go along with what Sofia demanded of her. Both of them seemed to want to object to what was happening, but Demeter was already walking with Sofia as Demeter communicated with Bubbles. Despite her unsaid desires, Bubbles voiced her silent complaint as Demeter left with Sofia by raising her blade in protest.

Stepping outside, Demeter and Sofia stood on a long balcony overlooking her city past the bridge. Steaming, and visibly upset, Sofia was moving in a manner much more clear as to what she was thinking as she laughed at what Demeter said, "If that statement were true, Demeter, I wouldn't be living in a castle, and they in simple houses." she stated, walking up to the stone rail of her balcony, and looking out to her town. "I have only ruled for twenty years, but this castle has been my home for many years more than I can remember, constantly changed, upgraded, and repaired. Unlike me, it's always growing..." she let out a sigh of frustration, "And there is one more thing that it needs. I need nothing else built into this castle, save for one thing. And that is someone to share it with."

She turned to Demeter, "Idian is the one I have chosen to spend my eternity with, I will be blunt. And yet the next time I see him, after his promised return, I find a hermit from the swamps, in his lap, and forcing herself onto him, a man who does not know how to say no." She stepped forward, and looked down at the smaller Demeter, Sofia standing over her by a fair six inches, and glaring down at her with red eyes of pride. "You have no right nor claim to him that overrides a noble's power," she stated, before Demeter heard a very familiar line.

"He is mine."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter heard the frustration in the other woman's voice, but she didn't find it sad for the reason that Sofia was probably hoping for. While Demeter knew all too well how lonely such a life might be, having lived it herself in two different forms, she found Sofia's self pity rather..... Pathetic, really. As such, when she repeated the line that Demeter herself had used on Bubbles not too long ago, Demeter simply smirked back at the vampire, trying not to laugh at the irony. "Oh, how little you know, Lady Sofia." She murmured quietly as she shook her head.

Demeter slowly took a step forward and planted her staff off to the side, the wood rapping gently against the stone floor of the balcony twice. "I could point out many faults in your words, Sofia. I could say that you, as a noble, have many more options besides Idian. I could point out that your wealth is so much meaningless sand. But I fear that your ears are as deaf as my own in this case."

Her eyes widened as any semblance of a warm expression left her face. Instead, her features hardened into a dark scowl. "I think that neither of us will budge on this matter, Sofia. You want Idian, so I will make this simple for you: I will not give him up to you, not while I continue to draw breath. He has given me purpose. And joy. And peace, despite the violence that his poor judgement seems to draw me into." She made no effort to hide her magic this time, her magical shield hardening in preparation for violence. Any attempt to touch her would be stopped by the barrier, and would cause an explosion of force to slam the one doing the touching away a moment later.

Even so, Demeter doubted that Sofia's only option would be physical violence. Her mind hardened in preparation against an attack against her thoughts, and tendrils of her spirit blooming out silently in preparation to deflect magical assaults. There was only so much she could do to prepare, however, and Demeter quietly said; "Tis your choice, Sofia. I will not give him up, but nor will I strike against thee in this manner. Idian has already chosen me over you, with no need for me to force anything upon him. What will you do now?"
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"More options than the one I love? Not deaf ears, but wiser ears do your words fall upon," Sofia replied. "If your reasoning holds true, then the only reason you are after Idian is because he is your only choice? This makes it all the more essential for you to be gone from Idian's life, a bother to him no longer." Sofia told Demeter calmly. Demeter seemed to be misunderstanding Sofia to a great degree. Neither sadness nor hostility radiated from her, threatening to attack the protective magics she summoned. "If there is any man l loyal enough to be my husband, it can only be Idian. I have never met a man such as he in all my long life. Someone like you, who taunts me with words with full expectancy of enticing me into a fight, is the kind of garbage that should disappear from Idian's sight."

Stepping up to Demeter, Sofia at first moved slowly, before she was suddenly right in front of Demeter. Her hands gripped Demeter's as she pushed her back, until Demeter bumped against the wall behind her. Her shield blocking no attack, as there were none made against her, Sofia seemed to easily breach her defenses despite the fact, displaying a great deal of power. "If I ever see you touching him again, know that it will be the end of you, Demeter. Scum from the swamp like you nary deserves a pure heart such as his." she growled at the elf.

Suddenly, a gasp of shock was heard from the side, as Sofia immediately turned to see a red faced Idian looking at them, having come looking for them to find Demeter and Sofia's eyes locked together, Demeter up against the wall with Sofia assertively pushing herself onto her, and their lips almost touching in a kiss. "I... I thought there was something wrong..." he nervously tried to excuse himself, before turning, and suddenly running back. "S-sorry for disturbing you!" he mumbled loudly as he made a quick retreat.

"Idian, wait!" Sofia cried out, chasing after him, "You misunderstand! You misunderstand!" she repeated as she ran after him, back to the dining room.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter remained silent throughout Sofia's retort, and was about to activate the contingency measure on her defensive magics when Idian intruded upon them. Taking the opportunity, Demeter drew the rose from behind her ear, a motion as quick and casual as could be, and flicked it delicately along her arm as she turned away to follow him, Demeter saying nothing. Truth be told, the intrusion had likely saved her life, given how strong Sofia apparently was.

She gave the noblewoman maybe ten seconds, long enough for Idian to be out of earshot, before Demeter turned to face her, her magic weaving about the rose in her hand quickly, and then coldly and calmly said; "Maybe you didn't understand me, vampire." The whip than had been a rose not more than a second ago cracked against the stone of the balcony, gouging some of it out. By then, Sofia was probably feeling the effects of the poison now running through her veins, the power of the lust rose's venom enough to affect even one of her ilk. "I am not trying to goad you into a fight. I am stating that there will be one." She spat - just after the whip had sailed forth and wrapped around Sofia's legs, the thorns along it stretching out to jab into her flesh and inject more of their poison as she was bound. With supernatural power of her own, Demeter yanked back, taking Sofia's legs out from under her and pulling her a few feet closer as the vine wrapped around her of its own accord, pumping more poison into her and binding her body.

"And you....." Strands of Demeter's magic wrapped around Sofia's spirit just as surely as the magical rose was wrapping around her body, disrupting any magic she might try to use to get out of the vines. At the same time, Demeter started forward, her steps landing carefully and her staff rapping against the floor with every step, until she stood over the bound and helpless Sofia with a grim smile, the vine having wrapped around her face and prevented her from screaming.... For now. "...Have already lost."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Feeling the effects, Sofia at first seemed confused, but upon Demeter's counter attack, the vampire let out a yelp, before struggling angrily. As Demeter wrapped her up in both vine and magic, the elf would see a single thread quickly escape from Sofia, seemingly off in a random direction. Then, her face flushed, Sofia's expression became calm. On her rump, she merely looked up at Demeter with a blank expression. Once she got closer, Sofia suddenly gave a start, pulling on the vine with her body. Like that, she yanked Demeter forward, before rushing forward, and slamming her forehead against the elf's.

Her concentration broken, Sofia quickly cut the extension of the lust rose, releasing herself from it's grip, before she merely stood in place, staring at Demeter. "That was quite sneaky, but did you think the strength of an elf could contain that of a vampire?" she scoffed, "But now, you've done something awful to me. You'll take responsibility, yes? Or shall I depart to Idian, and have him relieve me?" she chuckled. Then, she released her threads of magic, but didn't leave it at that. As Demeter might have won the magical battle, Sofia charged forth, and tackled Demeter, knocking her to the ground, and firmly pinning her arms down to the ground, before lunging forth, and biting Demeter on the neck.

All thought process halted at the sudden pleasure she felt from the teeth going into her neck. The brushing of Sofia's huge breasts against her own more compact breasts became a bit of pleasure to her, and the cold of Sofia's flesh tingled Demeter where it touched. "Now we're on even grounds," Sofia announced after releasing Demeter's neck from her teeth.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter glared down at Sofia as the vampire stopped struggling against the vine wrapping around her body. She tried to catch the errant thread of magic that Sofia sent out, knowing that it couldn't possibly be anything good, but failed. As the vampire suddenly rose and slammed her head against Demeter's, she lost concentration on her magic. 'Stupid. Sloppy. Arrogant!'

She had no reply to Sofia's words, at least not before the vampire was on top of her, her arms forced out wide. For a heartbeat. Demeter stared up at Sofia with eyes wide with terror and pain, but just as she got her lips moving the woman lunged forward, and her words became a low whine of pleasure as the vampire's fangs sunk into her throat. Her squirming against Sofia's grasp continued, but now it was to press her chest more firmly against the other woman's bosom, her own excited nipples rubbing against the inside of her shoddy clothing. Her eyes shut tightly as Demeter moaned, and her excitement only continued to rise as Sofia drank of her life's essence, her heart rate rising as she experienced near orgasmic pleasure from that she was receiving.

Now we're on even grounds,

Demeter played over the memory of the last few moments, trying to figure out how she had gotten here through the dull, lustful haze that clouded her thoughts.

But now, you've done something awful to me. You'll take responsibility, yes?

Despite the implications that Sofia raised, Demeter momentarily continued to squirm beneath her, the elf's deep green eyes wide and heavily dilated with arousal from the vampire's bite. For a moment, her gaze was filled with raw need, the lust that Idian had awakened in her the previous night flaring to life like never before. Idian....

Or shall I depart to Idian, and have him relieve me?

Idian... Why had Sofia mentioned him? Why was she here.... Wait... She had... Had attacked Sofia. Why? The woman had been nothing but kind to her... She had given her such incredible pleasure, after all... Why didn't she bite her again... It had felt so good. Wait... What was she thinking? She didn't want to do this with Sofia.... She loved Idian, and wanted to remained true to him. And... Sofia had threatened to take him from her.... That was it! That was why.... Why.... She had.... And then.....

The fear of the woman above her that had been erased for a moment by the lust that Sofia's threats against both herself and against Idian had wrought within her rose up once more, not removing her lust be joining it. Fear of loss, of death and of Sofia's lustful attentions and the implications they rose swirled within Demeter. The only warning that Sofia received of what was to come was a sudden change in Demeter's eyes, switching from their normal vibrant forest green to a deep, blood red.

A wave of force thirty times as powerful as what she had used on the man in the swamp tore Sofia off of her and sent her flying into the air. A human that had been struck by that blast wouldn't have been flung aside; They'd have been turned into a red stain across the terrain that would have stretched for a mile at the very least. It was only by her supernatural origins that Sofia came away from the blow alive, but even she would have been flung clean across her estate.... If Demeter didn't take hold of the powerful magic once more, instantly halting the vampire's flight some thirty feet off the ground as a hand of invisible force clenched around her with crushing power.

Demeter rose from the ground without moving, supported only on her magic as a lewd grin crossed her face, her eyes still wide with arousal. The fear was gone once more, but beneath her lustful need the fury that Sofia's actions and words had inspired in her burned still. She had tried to seek a peaceful resolution, at least at first. Sofia had responded with insults and demands, showing no signs of caring about the desires of anyone but herself. As such, Demeter would respond in kind: There would be no more restraint on her part. She must dominate Sofia completely, or the vampire would continue to threaten her and her relationship with Idian.

Sofia began to spin in mid air, flipping about violently and swiftly in a manner that would disorient anyone, even a vampire. An orb of violet jelly appeared in her hand, and she flung it up at the twirling vampire, causing it to splatter all over her voluptuous rump. The goo, a magical construct that she had labelled Soul Rot, began to eat through her clothing until the other woman wore nothing but her expression, and then began to melt into her very being as it passed through the protective layers of her clothing. The energy that Demeter was expending to keep Sofia in the air was lessened significantly as the magical jelly traveled over the woman's body, coating her ample chest and sliding against her petals, softly penetrating her and teasing against her folds in order to drain as much of Sofia's energy as quickly as possible. The midair dance only lasted for a short while, however, as Demeter felt her magical strength beginning to wane from overuse.

The soulrot remained on Sofia's sensitive parts even as Demeter slammed her into the stone floor of the balcony hard enough to crack it, the woman landing on her back. That was when she saw them; The huge, ghostly, demonic wings, the ethereal horns growing from her brow and the translucent, spade-tipped tail that danced around behind her. Demeter stepped forward to stand over Sofia once more, apparently not even aware of the ethereal demonic features that she now possessed as her robes slid from her form, leaving her body completely exposed. Another motion, and the door they had come through slammed shut, and the discarded lust rose flung itself at the door and bound it shut.

Then, Demeter smiled and placed a hand over her damp mound, one final working of magic causing a long, thick cock to form above her pussy. Oddly, despite having never performed such a feat before, Demeter found that the spell came quite easily to her, almost naturally in fact, and she dropped to her knees in front of the vampire. The magic holding her down lessen while the point of her staff remained poised over Sofia' chest, and the ooze molesting her flower pulled out of her folds and moved up to join the slime that was massaging Sofia's massive, perfectly formed breasts. She grabbed the woman by the hips and tilted her up, and Demeter moaned quietly as she slid her member smoothly into Sofia's flower, immediately beginning to drain even more heavily upon the vampire's magical soul. "I just burned through a lot of power... Hah... To keep from killing you, Sofia. In return.... Hah... I think I'll have to take that energy back from you."

Her own lust burning insistently across her body and Sofia's no doubt doing the same as the lust rose's venom still coursed through her, Demeter began to thrust into the woman with reckless abandon. The soulrot on her chest became more aggressive as it worked on her pliant breasts, squeezing and sucking on the points atop her impressive mounds as it undulated around her. Demeter quickly leaned forward, pressing her own breasts into the mass of jelly against Sofia's which promptly began molesting her won excited nipples, and rubbing them enthusiastically against Sofia's, as well as putting Sofia's mouth once more in line with her neck as the ghostly images indicating her darker heritage that had appeared around her quickly faded as she replenished her own weakened essences by draining Sofia.
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Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Thrown back, Sofia was caught completely by surprise. The sheer force of power that suddenly revealed itself from within Demeter was something that actually rivaled her own power twice over. Even though she was powerful, it still drew blood from the vampire, what blood she didn't cough out came splattering out of her mouth when Demeter's force crushed her in the sky. Spun about, no manner of weaving got far as she was disoriented, and as the purple slime hit her body, and began to dissolve her clothes, Sofia let out a scream of frustration as she realized the succubus magic she was dealing with. Even disoriented, Sofia attacked the slime attached to her, splattering the slime into mist where it tried to spread. But as she was slammed into the ground, her concentration broke, and the slime spread over her breasts and pussy, spreading her hole open slightly as it slide inside, and Sofia began to squirm as her built up lust was brought to light.

As Demeter announced her need, and crawled atop Sofia to begin pounding her cock into Sofia's excited red pussy. Offered her neck, Demeter felt Sofia instantly agree with her parasitic instinct, and latch onto her once more, causing them both to only feel more heated as the act of the bite excited both of their sexual desires. But as Demeter drained Sofia herself, the vampire let out a moan as one hand went to the point where Demeter was savegely pounding her, her hand holding the dick that was inside her, as if to pull it out. And she was successful in this, before promptly taking Demeter by the neck, and slamming her against the wall next to her. Bloodying Demeter just as much as she was, she pulled Demeter back down, and pressed her lips against the elf's, and a hand to Demeter's ass, slapping her ass hard as if she were an animal, encouraging her to continue thrusting.

Like that, Sofia and Demeter brutalized each other. Sofia returning the pain to Demeter, likely before Demeter crushed Sofia in some manner. Both of them were beaten, horny, and bloody as Sofia exhaustedly had Demeter sitting against the wall where she had bashed her for the second time, and was humping herself down onto her cock, her nails ravaging Demeter's back, before they both heard the door that Demeter bound shut shudder from a sudden blow. "Demeter!? Sofia!?" called out Idian's voice. They had only a moment longer to react, before Idian burst down the door with a powerful summon of magic.

Whatever Demeter did to prepare for his arrival, Sofia had her own objective, as she leaned forward, and kissed her once again on the lips, a mixture of their blood together in the taste as she made sure this was what Idian saw when he came bursting in.

"What... What on earth happened...!?" Idian exclaimed, before his eyes found the pair beyond a corner.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

After they had brutalized each other, Demeter found out the hard way that, while her magic might be powerful, her physical durability was not a match for Sofia's. And since she hadn't been aiming to do any permanent harm with her responses, by the time Idian tore through the door she couldn't even move, and was simply lying beneath Sofia, the painful throbbing of her head from being smashed repeatedly against the wall dwarfing by far whatever pleasure she was receiving from Sofia's gyrations atop her. Even the pleasure of the vampire's bite was barely pushing through at this point, and as she heard Idian's voice any thoughts of continuing this contest vanished. With an effort of magic Demeter dismissed her conjured member, the organ receding into her body just as Sofia pushed forward and kissed her.

Demeter made no attempt to return that coppery kiss. She was busy.

Firstly, as Idian rounded the corner and found them, a blast of force slammed into his chest, not enough to cause any real harm but enough to plant him on his backside if he wasn't prepared for it, and take them momentarily out of his field of view. Secondly, she placed both of her palms against Sofia's chest and issued a similar push, enough force the woman off unless she very vehemently resisted the effort, but also causing the slime still coating her to suddenly shiver. As Sofia found herself righted upon her feet, she would find herself garbed in a dress identical to the one that she had worn when she had come out onto the balcony to confront Demeter, though woven of her magic rather than plain fabric. As she crafted the dress, Demeter gave Sofia a flat look and placed a hand onto her neck, which was by now covered in bite marks. She stared into the woman's eyes, making the message clear as the punctures in her flesh sealed over without leaving even a single scar; This would remain between them, and them alone.

"Pervert!" She said loudly as she folded an arm over her breasts and placed another protectively in front of her crotch, and forcing an embarrassed blush onto her face despite the fact that she was in far too much pain for modesty to even truly bother her. She said the word not at Sofia, however, but at Idian, who would hopefully be just recovering from her push. "If you've come to be a peeping tom, then at least get my robes for me!" She said, and then gestured quickly with the hand covering her chest to where her discarded garments lay on the floor of the balcony.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

As Demeter blew Idian back, Sofia took the opportunity and jumped from the balcony, and to a level below, giving Demeter only a single wordless glare. Meanwhile, Idian quickly recovered from where he was blasted. Curling his legs up, and placing his hands on the ground above his head, and pushing off hard enough to spring him right back to his feet, fists raised, ready for combat, before he was lectured by Demeter. Lowering his hands, he immediately gave a start as he turned his head away. "Rather than that, Demeter, why are you naked to begin with!?" he exclaimed, quickly gathering her robes, before handing them to her.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter watched Idian rise back to his feet and was at least mildly impressed at his agility. 'Maybe if I could take a hit that well I wouldn't be in such sorry shape right now.' Regardless, she was very glad when he looked away from her, not because of her nudity, but because of the battery of injuries covering her. With a barely stifled groan of pain, Demeter tried and failed to rise to her feet. 'Right. Gonna need to heal up fully.' She relaxed with a light sigh, and closed her emerald eyes as she concentrated. Though she had used a lot of magic in her contest with Sofia, she had also gained much of it back from the vampire's own energy, and as such it didn't take much out of her to give her body a once over with her magic, repairing most of the surface damage.

She still ached, and would ache for a good while longer, but the physical signs of her conflict with Sofia were gone, and none would arise in the future either. Opening her eyes, Demeter retrieved her robes and quickly donned them, covering her nudity before sending a call for her discarded staff, causing it to come flying back to her outstretched hand. Finally addressing Idian's question, Demeter blushed slightly and decided to do the only sensible thing, and tell Idian as little as possible without actually lying to him. "Don't concern yourself too much with it, Idian. It's between Sofia and I, and the matter will be settled before we leave this place."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Looking back to her once she was dressed, Idian shook his head at what she said, with a concerned expression. "No way! There's blood... Cracks everywhere... Something's definitely not right! Are you two fighting? I won't force you to stay here if you're going to hurt each other," he said with concern, stepping up to Demeter with genuine care, even taking her arm that wasn't holding her staff into his own hands, and lifting it to his chest to express his concern for her. "I know Sofia can be a bit rough around the edges, but all royalty I've met are like that, to a degree at least. If you two can't get along... Then we can't stay here. I would have liked to thank Sofia properly for the time we already spent together a few months ago, but please, Demeter... I don't want you two to fight with each other..." he pleaded with her.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter frowned slightly, honestly contemplating Idian's words for a moment. On the one hand, she had no great love for Sofia, and the elf doubted that the vampire much cared for her presence either. On the other hand, she had come here so that Idian could finish whatever business he had with the woman, and not giving him some degree of closure on the subject might not be the wisest course of action. When they left, she wanted him to have no reason to ever return here. She was somewhat surprised when Idian tenderly grabbed her arm, and that caused Demeter to let out a light sigh and say; "I don't want to fight either! I can give you my word that I won't pursue violence with Sofia. But.... I think it might be best if you do what you came here to do quickly."

Demeter's aching head seconded both motions. The sooner that her hands were washed of the vampire, the better, and she got the sinking feeling that there wouldn't be a wink of restful sleep for her so long as she was within Sofia's domain. Something he had said piqued her interest, however, "What did you and she do together, anyway? You mentioned the bridge, so I imagine you two must have been close if you went out of your way in order to pay your respects, back when you thought that she was dead."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian rubbed the back of his head as he let out a sigh from Demeter's reluctant agreeing to not seek out a fight with her. "Why is this happening..." he whispered lightly, before making his way over to the rail on the balcony, and looking down at the bridge below, leaning over and resting his weight on it. "Well... It's really complicated," he began. "Did I ever mention that I used to have a brother? He was really strong, and a lot like our dad. He was strong, and confident, and he always told me that he could be so strong because he had a reason to be..."

Idian stared out at nothing in particular after he had said that. The mention of his brother brought him to deep thought, leaving him without saying a word, before his eyes flickered towards the moon. "But no matter how strong our feelings are, there's no way of knowing if we can really succeed in what we want to do. Things stand in our way, and for a lot of people, they can't overcome the great challenges that await them..."

He sighed, resting his forehead against his arms, resting on the rail. "Remember when I told you of how my fake parents were killed? My brother didn't die..." he announced, before standing straight, and telling Demeter his story...


A pillar of black smoke rose from their house deep in the forest, clear to their eyes even in the dark of the night. The smell of burning wood filled their nostrils, and the sounds of collapsing wood echoed through the trees. From one of the windows of the burning house, a chair was thrown through the solid square window, before two boys hurriedly crawled through to escape the flames. "Come on, Idian!" rushed the elder brother, pushing his younger sibling up to reach the window to escape through it. "I'm trying!" Idian cried out, before grabbing the high window, and pulling himself up. Once he was settled, he turned around, before lowering his arm to his elder brother. Without need for words, the elder brother took his younger's hand, and he was hoisted up. Idian fell from the window, not long before his brother did. Their escape was short lived, however, before they heard their mother scream their father's name after a sickening crack of a blunt object hitting flesh.

"Dad!" Idian's brother cried out, before rushing after the voice. Confused, and frightened, Idian followed him. Together, they ran to the garden in front of their house, where both skidded to a dead halt as they nearly tripped over the unmoving, bloody, broken body of their father. Their breath caught in their throat, their eyes met their mother's, who cried out to them, "Run!!!" as best as her voice would allow her to scream, before a man in armor drew his sword, and sliced her head clean off of her shoulders.

Petrified from shock and fear, they couldn't obey their mother's wish. Only able to stare at the brutal sights of their murdered parents, it was all they could do to glance, and back away from the slowly approaching men. With their mother and father dead, Idian clutched to the last safety he had in his heart as he looked to his brother for aid. His eyes wide, he wordlessly stared at his brother, waiting, waiting for him to do anything, something. However, both he and his brother did nothing. Their minds were shattered by events never knew could even occur.

The men's hands found the boy's shoulders, before they both began to panic. Idian thrashed, but his small, frail body couldn't do anything against the bigger, stronger men. However, his tougher brother, in a panic, drove his foot against the man's knee, before slipping around his legs, and away from the trio of men. Once he escaped, Idian's brother made it a little ways past the men, before slowing down, and looking to his brother, who's arms were now held by the men, captured.

Staring at each other, they both knew their situation.

"I'm sorry..." his brother whimpered, tears filling his eyes, before he ran as fast as he could away from the men as one of them tried to pursue him. And as he watched him run, leaving Idian to whatever fate awaited him, Idian felt his heart sink into despair. The last of the people he loved had vanished into the dark of the forest, and the only thing Idian could do was cry in anguish, the name of his fleeing brother.

"Bakaaan!" Idian cried as he fell to his knees as the last of his hope, and his family... Vanished.


Looking back to the moon, Idian let out a breath of exhaustion as a tear rolled down his cheek, as if he relived that memory as he told it to Demeter. "Every single time I see parents and their happy, growing child, I keep thinking... That was supposed to be me. That was my life. But I can never have that life. It's too late for that. I lost it a long time ago... For years, I was completely alone. Being surrounded by members of the church and the kind hearted did nothing to make me feel like I belonged in this world. And so the Order told me to get rid of monsters, because they were the ones responsible for ruining people's lives like mine was. Living so close to witches, and affiliating with them, my parents were doing the same thing... Although I'm not so sure of that anymore."

"Sofia was the first that they wanted me to kill. She was evil, they said. And so it was only logical for me to try and protect other people from what I experienced... But... When I got here... I found out something very important..." He smiled, before stepping up to Demeter, putting an arm on her shoulder, and directing her to the town. "Everyone in this town has suffered, just like I have. They've lost their homes, and their families... They've been looking for a place to belong, instead of doing what I did, and just trying to hide away from the world. And Sofia is helping them as best she can to give them their new life. Everyone in this town loves her for how much work she's done for them. And even though I came here under the pretense of killing her, Sofia helped me too, to get my head out of the gutter..."

He turned to Demeter, and wrapped his arms around her back, holding her close with a gentle smile. "All of you who helped me... Helped me get to where I am now... I consider everyone my family. You, Sofia, and many other wonderful people I met..." His eyes looked into her's, as he let his forehead rest against her. "Please don't tell me to push away the people who filled my heart from the void it used to be. I couldn't push Sofia away, and I especially would never push you away, Demeter... I don't want to have my heart torn until there's nothing left, for any reason. I don't..." he trembled, more tears erupting from his eyes as his arms clung to Demeter tightly, his head lowering to rest his chin on her shoulder. "I don't think I could live through that a second time..."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter frowned as Idian seemed to be not content with her answer, and she remained standing in place as he walked over to the railing, turning her body to track him but not moving to join him. "No, you never mentioned that..." Demeter said, trailing off as she realized that the question had been rhetorical, and she locked her face into an impassive mask as he straightened and turned to face her.

Throughout Idian's story, her expression gradually shifted, first becoming a frown. Gradually, her eyes widened and her expression softened in pity, and then moved to stand closer to him about the time he spoke of seeing his parents both killed right in front of him. She didn't interrupt him, nor did she attempt to touch him, not even to comfort him even though it seemed like he might need it. Truthfully, Demeter wasn't sure what to do, or what to say. She had never had a family that had even pretended to care about her, and as such couldn't even imagine what the sight of his parents dead, or that of his brother leaving him to what must have felt like certain death at the time would have felt like.

It was an interesting question, however. Was it better to have loved and lost, or to have never loved at all? She stared at Idian for a moment, considering it, and could come up with no answer. She turned her gaze out to the village that surrounded Sofia's castle when Idian directed, dropping her musing for now. It would likely be best not to consider such a line of thought anyway, given that she would likely find out how the former felt if she wasn't careful around Sofia.

And that brought her back to the present, where Idian explained that Sofia had given these people a place to belong, even after their lives had been destroyed. She hadn't thought that Sofia was a bad ruler, and had in fact said as much to the woman before she had begun her, in retrospect, fairly heavy handed string of insults and claims upon Idian. For a moment, Demeter wondered if the vampire had actually planned to push her into attacking, but discarded the thought. Such suspicions were counter productive to trying to keep from engaging in further violence against her.

It was during that thought that Idian surprised Demeter by wrapping his arm around her back, and she glanced at his face only to meet his eyes as he drew her in closer. For a long moment, Demeter was at a loss, not even sure what she ought to do, especially when she saw the tears streaming from his eyes. Whenever she had cried as a child, whoever her mother had left her with always left Demeter to do so alone, and had her mother herself been present she had been slapped. She had taken to doing so only in private, and eventually had stopped bothering to cry at all when her magic had come in, and she had found more constructive... Or perhaps destructive ways in which to take out her negative emotions. It was about then that Demeter realized that this was the first hug that she could ever remember receiving, and that realization very nearly made her let out a bark of laughter as she considered what Idian might say if she revealed as much. It would seem a very callous thing to say, so instead she wrapped her arms around him and hugging him tightly, allowing his tears to drip down onto her shoulder.

"I won't," she said, her words delivered in a low voice, but firmly and with utter certainty. Even if she might not like Sofia personally, she could at least give Idian that. "I won't make you do anything, Idian.... And I won't ask you to abandon your friends for me." She decided not to add that she didn't think that he would even if she did ask such of him.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

(Due to certain circumstances, a bit of the story had to be retconned in order for it to progress with better results in favor of Tassadar himself. The key differences made were that Sofia did not ask Demeter to step aside and talk with her, and instead asked Idian, and there was no fight between the two of them resulting in no blood shed. I am open to any complaints and warnings from Tassadar from this point forward, as I always have been, but I wanted to make this known in case another disaster happens in the future to make it clear that I did not display stubbornness or lack of consideration of any kind.)

After the dinner, Idian left the table to walk to Sofia's quarters as he was told to do while Demeter and Bubbles were instructed to go to their own individual rooms. Demeter followed Idian and listened to the conversation he had with Sofia, learning that Sofia is highly suspicious of Demeter despite Idian's good word of her. He left Sofia's room after being called a naive fool for trusting her so easily, and left to tell Demeter herself about the situation, who pretended to know nothing of what she heard moments ago. Though it didn't matter, as Idian revealed all the information and a little more of the danger Demeter faced when he visited her in her room.

He couldn't stay for a prolonged amount of time, but he did spend a while to tell Demeter of himself, Sofia, and his brother during the day their parents were killed.

"Sofia's very strict in what she says she'll do. I don't really understand why there's this extreme tension, but I know for sure that I don't want you two to be fighting. There's no reason for it," he stated simply, appearing anxious as he appeared to be debating between staying longer and talking with Demeter and leaving for his own room Sofia specifically set aside for him.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"Don't worry about it, Idian. I'm sure that she and I can resolve things, I'll escort you to your room and then go and see her, and we'll talk things through. She seems like a decent, reasonable woman. I'm sure that we can come to an understanding of some sort, and dispel this tension before anyone gets uncomfortable," Demeter said, and offered Idian a reassuring smile.
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