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Just Twisting About

Re: Just Twisting About

There are traces of monkey-ish traits in her facial structure...

To be honest, I've found that most of the pictures you've drawn have... oddly shaped faces - especially with the eyes. It just doesn't look right.
Re: Just Twisting About

Yeah, yeah, I know. Pisses me off
Re: Just Twisting About

It always gives me problems but perhaps it's the noses, if they were more full, I think it would kind of balance the face, at least in that last one.
Re: Just Twisting About

A little sketch I plan on finishing up, after I finish a couple other sketches(i'd show you them, but they're atrocities right now)


Theres still things I need to fix, too ><
Re: Just Twisting About

Figured I might as well start sharin' my stuff. :p

A Quickie to start off with:
More to come. Just got a tablet recently, and its making everything so much better. :)

OK, I think the image looks GREAT, with the exception being that... does she have an adam's apple?!

A little unnerving, right there.... :S

Hah, yeah, that was a fail part on my end.

Somethin new:


Mmm... Marsh-mellows.

Another very good picture. Once again, only one issue I have - The vagina tentacle seems to be too far back, visually. There's cum in the foreground, cum behind it, then the tentacle, and no more cum. Looks kinda wierd. I'd put the tentacle in between the two layers of cum, perhaps have some nice pussy-juice on the tentacles?

I kinda liked the light-blue color and red irised eyes, however perhaps another sign would make it more obvious? Pointed-elven ears? Perhaps wings / tail? [not that you could really see either well, with all those awsome tentacles!]


This is so far my favorite! The face is great, the background is perfect for this moment, and the skin seems to be sweating in addition to being covered in cum.

MY ONLY ISSUE! is the right hand, which seems to have lost it's fingers. :S

Just some random ass. The talk about ass in the breasts thread kinda sparked me to finish this.

Kinda random. I suppose from an artistic standpoint, it is a very shapely ass. It looks like a great "tease" start to a collection that ends [or nearly ends] with the picture from before.

I lied. This one has inflation focus.

Overflow plz

Interesting pic. I honestly have seen nothing like it before. Makes you think... about wierd-ass shit. Anywhoo, from an artistic standpoint, the proportions seem wrong (the point of an inflation shot, yeah?), and it seems to lack the three-dimensional quality of previous pics. Also, the Fountain of Jizz out of the black woman is somewhat comical.

Heh x3

First furry picture, I dont think I'll be doing too many of them. Owed this to one of my friends. XD

Very happy to see a straight furry pic. I'm not comfortable with gay porn, and that includes animated.

Dont get me wrong, I'm no gay basher, but...

[/ends rant before begins]

Back on topic. The picture. Once again, you cant go wrong with excess cum. However, when I first saw the pool of cum between the lovers' legs, I thought it was a deformity of the foot. A more significant color difference may be required, and at the rate the cum is probably flowing, some visual sign of the puddle forming [ripples, irregular edges].

The "actors" themselves look very three-dimensional. That's good! However, the background is too bland, in my opinion. When the cum starts pooling, it needs objects to pool around, in my opinion. Alternatively, I'd nix the pool of cum, and make the background LESS detailed. Either way works, for my taste.

Doublepost AGOGO!

I know I haven't done a tentacle picture in a bit XD


Funny. "Married to a Tentacle Monster", I might title this picture. I liked the look on her face, and I am VERY GLAD you avoided "speech bubbles". They're for comics, NOT for art.

However, I am a little confused by this tentacle monster. It's clear that the "victim" is being penetrated by something, however there's so much cum [interesting choice of colour, by the way] that you cannot see the member. The monster itself is a little odd-shaped. I usually imagine a creature like a bush, but instead of brances has very long tentacles. In this picture, it seems you've chosen for a Vine, but with little offshoots that are tentacles. An artistic decision that doesnt take away from the picture, but I was wondering what inspired it?

Also, the "victim". She seems to have either two deformities on her belly [one from the cum, one from the member], or something is INCREDIBLY wrong with her left leg. Perhaps some more shading in that area would help clear up the issue.

And another personal opinion would be the face. Nothing is wrong with it, but I feel it could be looking more towards the "camera", just a little bit.

Lastly, the cum. I know I touched on it already, about how it was blocking the view of the member, but I just wanted to compliment it. It is so 3d it is kinda scary. The stuff that is spraying out away from the main "jet" has it's own shadows! That's way cool! The only thing I could think to improve, I've already mentioned. Great work!

'notha dubba post.

A random sketch while I work on another full colour picture XD

Fffff- Victoria is the hottest vampire ever. :eek:

As a sketch, this is very good. Proportions are perfect, very three-dimensional all around. The face is EXPRESSIVE, and extremely realistic. Good job! The muscle structure in the arms and legs are great, and those feet are the best animated feet I've seen.
The only bad thing I can think of is the fingers, but that really isnt significant, as they arent all that bad. The thumb on the right side of the pic [her left hand] looks odd, and the fingers on the left side [her right hand] look underdeveloped, artistically.

*pokes the chat*
Eh, double-post time

Spoiler due to excessive cum and largeness in multiple ways

YAY! Hermaphrodite porn! Among my favorites.
Anyways, once again the excessive cum is a blessing and a curse. Very nice to see all that fluid, but it completely hides her other leg.
Other than that, the only thing I can think of is this- If she's holding up someone, wouldn't her knees be more bent? It takes a lot of effort to both hold someone up AND fuck 'em.
Other than that, good pic!

I am. XD

currently taking a whack at using ZBrush, along with a Metal Slug picture

the ZBrush WIP
3d programs are very difficult, I've seen. Some 3d things look... plastic-y. Very uncool. For a first "draft", that looks pretty good, though. Keep at it!

A request somebody wanted, M.Slug's Fio & Eri lez'ing out. Oddly enough, this is the first yuri picture I've drawn, also first fingering picture. Go me!

Quite sorry about this picture, its not hentai at all!
No nudity even :p

Had to size it down to 1024x1280, the original is 2048x2560
Though, if you want the full one, here:

I decided to do these to together. For the record, I count erotica as ART, and ART as ART. I count them as the same. I find the Tifa one BOTH more arousing AND more artistic than the yuri one. Just because it isnt hentai, doesnt mean it isnt arousing, and doesnt mean it isnt good. If you can decode that...

A little sketch I plan on finishing up, after I finish a couple other sketches(i'd show you them, but they're atrocities right now)


Theres still things I need to fix, too ><


Err, sorry. Back on topic.
The face is much improved, you have a success there! Nice hair, the pose is very suggestive. I cant see any nipples, but possibly because I cant see. the green is a very difficult color to see on my screen, as it's too close to the white. No need for improvement, here, in my opinion.


Overall, you may wish to practice various face designs, 3d poses [like that last one, but also from different angles], etc. However, you are a very good artist, and all this would be to hone your already talented skills.

I'd go so far as to encourage you to make a comic book / flash game. We could have a forum dedicated to YOU!

But, that may be hopeing for too much. :p

Anywhays, my two cents. I generally focused on areas of improvement, because this post would be WAY TOO HUGE if I complemented EVERY facet I liked. This is FAR better than anything I could draw, even if I traced it! I think you should be proud of your art, and I hope you stick with it.
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Re: Just Twisting About

You also might not be seeing the nipples because I don't draw the areola in the sketch/lines,

And I am working on a comic book, if I could get myself to work on it.
I should just restart, the art's gotten old, I've gotten much better

And since green comes up badly on yer computer, have a black one:
Re: Just Twisting About

More than just fast food
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Re: Just Twisting About

Sorry, but I've got to make a reference here...

Freckle Bitch's!
Re: Just Twisting About

Updated it. The vaj area was bugging me, so I messed around with it
Re: Just Twisting About

Yeah, saying 'where's the beef' made me think of the question 'Hey, where's all the creme filling?'
Re: Just Twisting About

Oh, it'll be there.

also, flat colours
Re: Just Twisting About

Started on a piece of a character of mine. She's an evil albino -girl pirate.


and since this one isn't super-huge
Re: Just Twisting About

Finished Wendy! (the first one the many, at least)


and creampie version-
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Re: Just Twisting About

Finished the picture of Libertalia. Full-coloured versions of just her(minus the background) nude, in her bandage-underwear, with skirt&gloves, and fully clothed are seeable here.
All pictures are 1600x2000 pixels in resolution. If you would like the full pictures(2048x2560), I can upload them and post the links here.

Also, new picture. Boring pose, i know Dx

Re: Just Twisting About

Must... keep... Twisted... from... quadruple... posting...

Erhem. I feel the angel's head is a little too... um... vertical. Not too tall... hmm... but the line from shoulder to neck and then behind ear seems to continue up to the delineated part of her hair. Makes it seem as there's no back to her head - it just extends from the ear forwards.

Maybe try adding a tuft or two below the ear to break up that line? De-emphasize the line dividing her bangs from the rest of her hair? I dunno.
Re: Just Twisting About

Again with the Wolpertinger-girl :p
Re: Just Twisting About

*Looks into magic crystal ball*

I see Twisted... As the artist for a great hentai game...

That is your fortune, that'll be four-hundred-thousand dollars.
Re: Just Twisting About

Hah, glad you think so greatly of my art XD
Might have to make a visual novel version of that picture.... XD
Re: Just Twisting About

Is it just me or can't anyone else see the images?