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Katrina (avatar99)

Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Unfortunately she had to wait until the dawn, then Tabatha return trying to dont being spotted as she opened the door and she start to milk the very needed cow she was very scared to be found by the wolves and whisper with tears to her Sorry mistress i cant free you, they are very angry with you and they had make you their slave until the trial start. They certainly will make you many bad things, please endure it. Katrina was so loss in the feeling to be milked that she nearly cant heard her or note her until she end. Now with her breasts settled she feel a big relief and saw the little girl hugging her sorry, im so sorry mistress, please forgive me
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She moos in pleasure as she is milked and sighs contently once the need passes. As Tabatha hugs her she smiles and says "Hush little one it's not your fault. I deserve this for betraying your mommy, it'll be ok."
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Tabatha clean her tears and just make a bow I will talk again to my mother, she maybe can restore her position again if she fight against her sister and brothers. Then she get away as the guards could return in any moment. Her mistress was stil sleeping after the hars moment when two half humans with long dirt hair get in, and then a silver haired young wolf boy get inside, he noted that the cow had awaken and said before leaving Dont use the cow girl she will be punished in anoter way later. They noded and close the door before free the human and start to fuck her even when she was sleepy, she then get away when she sense the dick of one pump inside her, she just endure the harsh treat and opened her mouth to receive the dirt dick of the other, sson others three furry humanoids get inside the room and rape her using her rear and breasts in front of her pet. The room was filled with muffed moands and even the furry ones dont take care of his claws when they touch her leavin in her little marks of his claws.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She watches the dirty wolves fuck her mistress and blushes seeing her get used and abused like Eliandra had. She would look her mistress in the eye and try to send her feelings of love to her with the eye contact.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

It passed a time until she saw the look of her pet and then she dont leave to saw her eyes as she changed of position to a better one. She get her back over a furry werewolve with his big dick getting inside her little rear hole making her scream when this make her bleed a little, then other insert her meat rod in her breast, her breasts, hands and mouth were used too, soon other tow join the party was very hard for both girls saw each other by the quantity of bodies, then the young man returned with other wolf and free the cow of her chains, she still had her shackles in her waists and ankles, her gold collar was not anymore and just a old collar with a rusty chain was on its place Come cowgirl you will start to paid you sins against us She saw the red eyes of young boy filled with rage even with his serious face and then they leave the mistress being raped as other three humanoids get inside the jail.

She then saw that the lair had changed to a long forgotten castle, the young boy was taking the chain in her neck as many wolves and creatures look at her until she get in a torture room and she can saw many tools ready to be used against her, two humanoids tie her in a position to receive whips with her legs chained to the floor and her hands tied to the distant wall ready to receive the whips on her back. Before receive your torture you want to say something traitor?
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She watches the whole debacle sadly tears in her eyes. Seeing her mistress being turned into a cum dump has turned her on slightly. As the wolf takes her to the torture chamber she follows docilely. When she was chained to the wall for her whipping she hears his question. "J-Just that I was a bad friend and betrayed your trust. I know That I deserve this and no amount of punishment can make right what I have done. So please punish me, I-I welcome this."
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The serious child groan and with a playful tone said "meh, you are soo boring then he recover his composture and with his deep agains her in his serious tone said but indeed you deserve more, i cant kill you as you are part of our people thanks to my mother and even your death will dont be enought to even pay for the honor of my half sister and people, this certainly at least will made you start to pay for your sins, TRAITOR COW! The young boy then with all his strengh hurt the cow in her back, the experienced child was so good on his work that Katrina´s skin receive so little damage compared with the big pain on the cow, she start to make cow noises as the boy laughting moved of place to fill her full body of fine marks that soon make her reach her climax as the pain get mixed with her pleasure thanks to the training of her mistress and her servants. Then with a hard one direct to her honeyhole make her come and get uncouncies. Then the boy split on her face and left her there.

Untie her and prepare her for the trial, that her marks dont get so visibles two slave elf girls nodded and used their magic to cure the wounds of the girl and then dress her without said any word to her, then two of the werewolf that used her mistress take her to the place, it was a big room with many wolf and humanoids and then nearly uncouncious she saw the wolftress without a hand and with many scarts that dont reduce her old beauty get in the judge chair and then the trial start Your charges are of high traition to our people, first you take my daughter without any authority, Second you maked that Eliadna get slaved by the humans, Third you dont do nothing to save her or even protect her and their childs and last you forget your mission and punisment. how do you declare Katrina?
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She whimpers and moos throughout her lashings blushing as she begins to enjoy it and mooing out in orgasm when her pussy is struck. She falls unconscious and wakes at her trial. Seeing the wolftress she looks down in shame and listens to her charges.

"G-Guilty, ma'am."
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Then the wolftress saw her direct and said, personaly you really disapoint me Katrina, i trust in you and leave you free. so, i will give you a last chance and heard from your own words, what will you do to begin to pay all your mistakes? all the creatures beging to make low noises and saw the girl with a gaze full of hate
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She whimpers and sniffles sadly "There's nothing I CAN do that will make it better. Anything I say now would just be empty words and I have already proven myself to be untrustworthy so you couldn't believe me anyway. I was a bad girl and I don't think I can ever fix it."
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The wolftress sigh as she saw no way to save her this time, you certainly will turn into the slave of all these creatures and used in the lowless works, as also give birth countless of times with diferents creatures, the rest of your live will be like that, your only right will be that nobody will try to kill you as you must paid many sins with your large live, do you really want that Katrina? being trated even worse than that human? the wolftress nearly cry as she was put a end to the case, but then Eliadna filled of wounds opened the door and shout i had beated my sisters and brothers in duel, im now the first succesor again, with my new powers highter than yours i will take this traitor and the evil human as my personal slaves to make them paid all their sins against me and these lands two sages then come and give credit to the words of the wolfwoman and the big noise get ceased by the voice of the mistress Silence!! she will be your next queen, she had proved to all her strengh and wisdom, she is not a friend of them and only had do it to solve this of the more just way, anyone against her will be declared as a enemy to the royalty and the people of these lands Katrina then was send to the room where her mistress was now ended the trial and she stay there until Eliadna come to her, when she come her mistress was drenched in cum and her womb was very full of it, the beast man free her of the shacles and let her rest in the floor.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina whimpers sadly and says "I-I don't want it but it's less than I deserve." When Eliandra burst in and claimed her birthright she smiled happily at her. "I'm glad my stupidity didn't impede your succession." She would say softly and once led back to her cell she would kneel next to her cum dump mistress and lovingly pet her hair as she waits for her to recover.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Her mistress rest for a long moment until she with dificulty opened her eyes and with a weak tone like whisper said c...cow, are you right? w.what...hapened? Before she can talk the guard opened the door and Eliadna get inside, she order the guards to leave her alone for a moment and she wait a time until all was safe then in a low tone said Sorry Katrina it was the only way to do it, for now on i will act as if i hate both of you and now i will said your responsabilities as my personal slaves. Both now dont had names and also rights exept the next ones, both will be only named slave for everybody, both must serve me and protect me and my childs from anything, in case of a war or critical state the slaves must get pregnant and give birth to many babies as possible, i will protect both and anyone who hurt you will respond to me and many others but i dont remember, heh. Also we must put a symbol of the royal family in the body of both with fire and magic, this will remain for the rest of your life, so please Katrina choice wisely where you want it The mistress was very surprised by all this and Katrina saw her face asking her what happened?
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She smiles at her mistress. Seeing Eliandra enter the cell she smiles at her. She would move to hug Eliandra and say "I would be proud to wear your symbol on my forhead for the world to see." Looking to her mistress she giggles and says "A lot happened while you were being used as a cum dump. I was whipped and put on trial..."
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Smiling her new wolftress said Heh, the forehead? you are lucky that our family symbol will look great there..." Eliadna then nearly faint in the arms of Katrina, the cow sense then many little marks on her body, then the wolfwoman make a grind You should had looking then when i was not healed with magic, they even disguise them to make me presentable in the tribunal, i would walk for my own until we reach my new room, after both get marked, it will hurt... As the guards come Eliadne free herself of the hug of her slave after give her a kiss in the forehead and make her return to her place Remember to act as my slave, not hugs or kisses until i said it, also i will act as a vengeful mistress but generous, so act you too, we will get watched. After a moment she call the guards and said when they reaach the room Send them to get the royalty mark, i want that this traitor get it on her forehead to show to all that she is our slave for the rest of her life and this human put it over her chest, both girls then were taked to the room, the human was lift thed by one of them as she cant get up there was a forge and a sage close the blacksmith, the guards talked with them about how mark them and then they taked and airo rod, the eyes of Katrina were blinded to avoid any damage and she was tied, then she feel a magic that stop the muscles of her face followed by a huge pain produced by the iron rod, she cried and screamed, hit was a indiscriptible pain, put it ended and then the sage start to use tancric magic and she feel a pain in the new mark like if it was getting biger and deep until it ended when she get uncouncious and the mage casted a heal magic on her new scar, then they continued with her mistress as she was lifted to the room of her wolftress. After a time she wake up in the floor and her mistress had a bandage in her chest as she in her forehead, Eliadna was on a beautifull bed resting after the harsh battles and duels, many elf slaves were taking care of her as she sleep.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She smiles and nods her understanding to Eliandra. She follows obediently to receive her branding and whimpers as she is blindfolded before screaming in pain as the branding begins. The pain would be so unbearable that she would lose consciousness and wake in Eliandra's chambers. She would crawl to the bed and lovingly nuzzle the wolftress.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The cow girl get close her and soon saw how the elf girls with a nearly transparent fabric cast healing spells and medical herbs creams on her body, after a time they leave them alone. Katrina sleep at her side even when she remember the words of the young wolftress, then the door opened and the young Tabatha with a beautifull princess dress went inside and after close the door she run toward her cow mistress Mistress ! im glad to heard that you and our mistress are fine, but now this is very weird for me. Its true the rumor that you and our mistress will be our slaves, this is so weird, how must talk to you my mistress?
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She smiles at Tabatha and says "You look very pretty in that dress." Moving to hug her. "I guess you're my mistress now mistress." She says playfully with a giggle.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The young wolfgirl blushed and try to recover her serious tone Thanks Mist... "sigh" this is very weird for me, this is even my first time dressed and i certainly preffer being naked. Now that you lost your name, can i just call you friend or maybe my beloved slave? i really dont want to call you my slave She then return the hug and then she said our mistress is very tired, i will call for someone to help me lift her, do you want to come with me or stay with them mistress...oh sorry?
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She smiles and continues to hug the young wolfess "You can call me whatever you want young mistress. If you want the company all you have to do is say the word and I will join you."