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Katrina (avatar99)

Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She gasps and says "Oh mi gosh I'm so sorry Yami." Hearing the noises and seeing the new threat she turns her magic on the weakest of the new opponents.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Just when she turn to cast her spell, the tentacles jump over her, with her lust body bein grappled she start to struggle. Yami who get up after the welcome of Katrina saw her being in an dangerous moment, her quick legs move and in a moment she was with her, with her potent magic the Kitsune wound the monsters and once again Katrina was free to see how the others monsters attack her savior, the dark kitsune use a darkfire shield to protect herself of the first but the other whip her in her soft skin.

Both girls were in a critical situation, Katrina was missing her spells with the little fast creatures and only was able to kill them when Yami focus her magic agains them only to be whiped and pulled by her tails, she maked a shame cute Eek and feel her body get weak as they wrap her even more, her face get red by the use of her soft tails and ears to sattle the weak filthy creatures, the monsters try to put her in a full display of her body but she was using her strengh to close her legs, as she shout with a pretty voice Katrina!! please free me, im lossing my strengh ahhhhh please free me, cow ahhhhhh let me go filthy creatures, i will hunt all of you if dont....ahnnng

Katrina 4 ap 2
Yami 3 ap 4 [-2]

Tentacle swamp 3
Tentacle mas 5
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina charges toward where Yami was "Don't worry Yami I'll save you!" She says trying to cut her free with her knife.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The Kitsune was struggling with all her strengh, swearing to much and trying to free her claws to cut the insignificant creatures, then Katrina reach the place and the purple eyes of Yami bright as she try to move her body to show her were to cut Free my tails Katrina, but dont wound them, please . The cow start to work and just when was near to end the other group of tentacles wrap Katrina's legs, trying to make her fall and grapple her, but she resist and cut the core without know it, the tentacles spams and get awy, as the other press the holes of Yami and pinch her nipples making her scream and struggle, but this time she get free and put her back on the other one of the cow, the poor Kitsune saw with fury the tentacles and Katrina could feel the fluffy tails of her ally move away to attack the Tentacles.

Katrina 3 ap 3
Yami 2 ap 5

Tentacle mass 3
Tentacle swamp 1
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She giggles as the tails tickle her back and sends a magic bolt at the creature that tried to bind her.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The remains of the creatures dodge the Katrina bolt and wrap her, Yami was ready to crush the monster who was grapping her partner, but a dirty trick of a tentacle stop her in the moment when he start to slide thruogh the hole that the bolt of the cow make in Yami, she fall on her kness by the intense pain as she make a potent scream and the tentacle pass to the other side, soon they take her tails again as she was busy trying to take out the monster of her wound.

Katrina soon thanks to her new sex energy kill the creature with a last stab and turned to saw her guide completely indefense with her limbs secured and with some tentacles pull of her tails and wound who was starting to bleed even more, the face of the Kitsune was filled of pain and her holes soon were used by the filthy monsters. Katrina start to cut the monsters in an attemp to free her, but soon she was caught again, in her continues attempts to free both of the tentacles, she could saw Yami's eyes lost their proud bright and in her weak state the Kitsune start to moan by the effect of the slime, as her teeth bite her lips to dont make a lewd face, she shake her head as her body was reaching her limit and then she feel how the tentacles free her a little when Katrina cut more, with her last pride and energy she shout and cut with a vicious attack the remains of the tentacles and with the fight ended she fall on the floor.

She was really aroused and Katrina could saw her really wounded partner fighting to dont masturbate herself like a lewd sluth, with a weak tone said Ka...kat..ahhhnnn. Cow i cant more, use my body and... heal me...aghh

Katrina 1 ap 6
Yami 1 ap 9 [-3 shoulder badly wounded]
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina kneels next to Yami and leans in to lovingly kiss her, Her hands moving to pleasure the kitsune as she focuses her magic to heal her.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The magic start to make effect and the hole get closed surrounded in a little glow until get closed, but her arm will need to rest a while to recover herself completely, then Yami pull her over her in her need to sattle her needs. Katrina could feel the soft wet body of the Kitsune trying to put her even closer, the sane arm slide trough the back and reach the rear of the cow and make her fall a little until her leg could fondle her lover. Both moans and whines were getting mixed in an wonderfull pasionated moment and then nearly healed completely the Kitsune said in a needed tone Please, use your tentacles, i need more Katrina Then she use her hand to stay Katrina's face for a new kiss.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina smiles and kisses back calling out her tentacles to pleasure the kitsune. "It's ok Yami, I'll make you feel good." she says smiling happily as the tendrils start to rub and caress the kitsune.
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

In the instant the tentacles sprout without pain from the back and sides of Katrina, they had not changed from the time when Ariel use her magic, but at least Katrina had full control now, her new specialized appendages start to use the still weak Kitsune, with soft touches they start the foreplay and drench her slimy body even more. her wet holes were prone, pod and pressed until she make a whine of need, then with slow moves they start to get inside of her personal parts, the cow saw her tentacles and try to remember how they use her and wich one had to be in a certain part, she put the suction cups on the normal well done breasts of her partner and the apendages with little tentacles were getting inside of Yami and start to caress her inner walls with every trust, as the time passed Yami´clitoris get bigger and Katrina put the little one to suck and lick it. She still had the ones that could increase the size of her breasts and more weird ones (at your imagination avatar), she even dont knoe if Yami want to turn her body into a lewd one, but at the moment the Kitsune was unnable to think clearly.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina blushes at the power she has to remold Yami's body but ultimately resists liking her friend just the way she is. She doesn't want to betray her trust like that. Instead she keeps up her ministrations on the kitsune's body using her tendrils to caress, fuck, and suck Yami's erogenous zones. Trying to bring her to orgasm so that she can feel better.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The sex sesion continued, more normal tentacles joined the fun and the specialized returned inside Katrina's body, the cow could feel the tentacles as part of herself, she could sense the body of her partner filling her of pleasure and her body turn on with a need to cum inside her, the act continued some minutes more and then her tentacles come at the same time than Yami, her proud body was now filled with the foul substance, but for some reasson she smile and rest peacefully, maybe it was because she was very stressed with all these new events or for being free of her horny state.

After a time she wake up with a sigh sound when she feel the dry cum everywhere, wondering herself if Katrina cum inside her.

Then both start to cook some tentacles, as Yami eat alone the flesh tentacles trying to make them pay, but then she saw the fire and the cowgirl who take the time to prepare it and get close her before show her how was the right way to cook them, then she eat her pride and with difficulty said Thanks...for help me, even when it was a hard battle thanks to your magic that hit me, heh... sorry for that bad joke. Lets try to find somewhere to wash ourselves, but before continued eating, do you cum inside my... private hole? Yami blush a little in this last part and maybe she could get a little upset, but she will forgive that soon, as there was any way to solve it now and for some reason she start to endure the prescence of Katrina in her live.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina smiles happily as she was taught how to cook the tentacles and giggles, feeling happy that Yami was taking care of her. "I'm sorry about my magic Yami." she says looking down ashamedly. She smiles and follows after Yami when they try to find a place to bathe. She blushes darkly when the topic about cumming inside the kitsune comes up she blushes and nods "Y-yes, I think I did." she stutters out.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Yami facepalm and make hate groan sound, as she bite her lip until she calm herself for a moment Not today!...sigh...DAMN! the girl shake her head and then a little more calmed look to the cow, the blushed face of her and her way to be make Yami forget that sin, she get closed to the cow and give her a little weak knock on her head, that dont make her feel any pain Ok, i forgive you this time...sight, i was expecting to give birth for first time to the child of Ariel but you help me to kill the tentacles, after all i preffer your child than one of them .

The two girls walked for a while, the Kitsune used her instincts and senses to search for a body of water, even when they had to take another direction to find it and then they say a little lake close a cave, Yami look everywhere to find any creature, but she only find two little tentacles who were killed easily.

The Kitsune drink a little of water before get inside and with her powers warm the water until a nice temperature Come here cow, i had prepared the water for you. said the girl as she stroke her skin and over all her tails to free herself of the foul substance.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She sniffles sadly and says "I'm sorry Yami...." Whining softly as her head is knocked playfully, a smile on her face that Yami didn't mind having her babies.

She smiles and blushes getting into the water and sitting near Yami sighing contentedly.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Yami just continued cleaning her tails trying to dont think in her new pregnancy, it was really hard for her cleanin them all and when ended she smile and strech her body before site in her place until saw the dirty face of Katrina, still filled with the fluids of when she had sex with the cows and Ariel Asshhh cmon cow clean yourself or do you need help? Said the Kitsune before throw some water in the face of her partner and then she using her wet hands start to clean Katrina's face, It just like if you enjoy been covered in this mess, i will had to clean you myself, from time to time Said Yami playing as she help her to clean herself, but of course this ended when she remember what Katrina do to her, sje return to her side and hug herself and decide to end this topic in a quick chat that she start with an ashamed voice I...i will dont be a good mother, so you will take care of them completely and also you will feed them and saw for them, but... you will always had me to protect them, its all the things that i will do...so... lets not talk more of this, please The kitsune hug her legs and wait the answer a little sad to had said it in that way, but it was the truth.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She giggles as she is bathed by the kitsune and seeing how sad the girl is to be pregant she says "I-I'll do my best to care for them Yami." hugging the girl tightly. I'll understand if you just be our protector, this is all my fault now after all." she says looking down ashamedly and finishing her bathing sadly before leaving the water so that she can leave Yami alone not wanting to torture her with her presence. "I'm sorry if it bothers you to be around me..."
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

YOU DONT BOTHER ME!!! the girl shout in her same position to interrupt the cow girl and then she said in a more weak voice Its hard to said what i really want, but only stay happy as always and just stay with me until i end to think about all this, you dont need to do other thing for the moment to solve this it was clear that she was filled with many diferent feelings and she only want to dont be alone as her mind get all this in order without get worried to wonder herself about Katrina safety.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

"O-Ok." she says and shyly gets back in the water. Too ashamed to look at the kitsune, thinking she was a bad girl and that Yami was patronizing her. "I-I just, it seems that you keep trying to find reasons to be mad at me..." The cow says sadly, still not daring to look at her.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She stay silent for a time and then said a little more calmed its not really your fault, i had an harsh life before all this and only wished to had a perfect live with my mistress Ariel in her new world, so maybe you only bother me for your new position, but now you... well i can endure your prescence because you are a happy cow Then she get closer and laid her head on the Katrina's shoulder and continued with a prayfull tone and a forced smile So, stop being sad and act as always or you will see me angry for first time and it will be dont pretty, trust me Katrina she put her arm around her body before end to talk, but her face soon saw to other side and bite her lips as she whisper to herself i want to kill more monsters, maybe that could calm me without disturbe her