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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

you can pay their price. but i doubt, it's worth it. i'd rather donate to monkeyman directly... i presume he's doing all the work, so he deserves the credit.

Appreciated but one of the whole reasons I don't have a site or blog is cause that's one whole mess of a legal grey area :p
Re: virgin island

It's a BIG gray area, and the reason why I took so much time scouting for an host that allowed us to do what we do, the only downside to it (community wise, not for me, I don't care for it) is that we can't post loli also like ULMF but it's acceptable. We had a crappy (REALLY, crappy, huge downtimes, go off for a week without saying anything 3 times, etc.) host for like 5 months before we got a good one, market research is really important but overall, the moral gray area and the kids that go berserk lawyer wise due to this is, insane.

All jokes aside I seriously wouldn't mind open the forum to public, but someone somehow someway would ruin it, that's GUARANTEED, plus there's ULMF, it's not like there's no viable alternative, ULMF is pretty open to everything excluding loli and it's a nice place, it pains me that I can't share the environment and things we have with the rest of the community, which I was/are a very active part of and contributed so much, I might troll now and then but regardless, I'm just fucking around, we didn't have a close forum because we're elitists, we did it because there's too many people who want to see communities like that doing bad, such as hentai4daily goons who report links after they downloaded the games and uploaded them to their own hosts.

So we had no alternative, we even ran a poll asking the members (80ish people at the time) if we should open to public, but for safety reasons, we decided this way, let's face it, if you waste 50 bucks to be a dick afterwards, you're a retarded dick, and if you can get a member to vouch for you, it's free, and it's great, and it's what we aim for, there's always place for more fans, but, we gotta be REALLY careful on who we let in.
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Re: virgin island

That's the shitty thing about communities dedicated to piracy or the sharing of things in grey areas, they shift around fairly often because eventually they always get cracked down on or diluted to shit. You want a big community so you can have lots of active contributors (ideally), but if it gets too big you also end up letting in a lot of shitty people who will rat you out, or get slapped with some threat of legal action, or whatever. It puts a target on your back.

But with each move to a new site, you lose some people, who either get sick of the bullshit, or just want to hang around the old place. Or people just don't get the memo on where the new hotness is.
Re: virgin island

That's the shitty thing about communities dedicated to piracy or the sharing of things in grey areas, they shift around fairly often because eventually they always get cracked down on or diluted to shit. You want a big community so you can have lots of active contributors (ideally), but if it gets too big you also end up letting in a lot of shitty people who will rat you out, or get slapped with some threat of legal action, or whatever. It puts a target on your back.

But with each move to a new site, you lose some people, who either get sick of the bullshit, or just want to hang around the old place. Or people just don't get the memo on where the new hotness is.

Back when the old forum opened to public we let 100 people in, questions free, now it's impracticable.
Re: virgin island

Is the downloading of the translation at rpgheaven?
Re: virgin island

I don't think it is, because the translator is monkeyman and he has been keeping us very up to date with how it is going. To my knowledge, they just have a myriad of other translations.
Re: virgin island

I don't think it is, because the translator is monkeyman and he has been keeping us very up to date with how it is going. To my knowledge, they just have a myriad of other translations.

Excuse me, but you don't know what you're talking about :rolleyes:

In this particular case no, the FULL translation is not available at hrpg heaven as of now, last cave has to be finished.
Re: virgin island

Maaaan, i'd pay for the translated scripts lol :p
Hope everything goes well so that we'll get to enjoy the translated version soon :D
Re: virgin island

monkeyman its ok take your time and make sure its done right no matter what anyone else says, it will be on here when its done.
Re: virgin island

Monkey is the best!!!

Should elevated him to the rank of god!!! O_O
Re: virgin island

Not any faster if you keep probing him about.
Re: virgin island

Some may call it probing, I would call it showing public interest. I'm very excited for it Monkeyman, keep up the great work! Again, thank you so much for your translating talent and I just want you to know how much I appreciate it. I'm sure there are many more like me too! :D
Re: virgin island

People really shouldn't get so testy about that sort of thing, all probing really shows is that people are interested.(As long as it doesn't get excessive of course.)

To me, if no one asked me how things were going, I probably would have stopped whatever I was working on because no one was interested in it.

But that's just me.

Besides it's been a week we can ask on a weekly basis can't we?
Re: virgin island

Yeah, you can be a douche and keep harassing him about something he is doing for free, for his own enjoyment, and eventually get him to pissed off at some point + stop translating it or not release it here.

Or you can stfu and patiently wait and trust me that I know Monkeyman better than you all, combined, he doesn't like to keep getting harassed about it, he likes to work at his own pace without pressure.

He is not known for going MIA and stop responding, he is not one of those authors that show up in public once a month (if even) hence people QQ that he dropped the project, there is NO NEED, WHATSOEVER to keep probing him about the fucking game, other than to satisfy your own fucking curiosity, no matter how many valid excuses you put behind it, you're just curious and impatient like a kid in Christmas night.

For every project that you point me out where the team got sad that you "stopped showing interest" when in fact they just didn't want to bother the author and not put any pressure on him, I'll tell you 5 projects that ended mostly because people kept annoying the author(s) about it.

You're either curious, or you're being an annoying fucking prick who wants to put pressure on him to finish it faster, either way, you need to shut your fucking mouth, or translate it yourself, seriously.
Re: virgin island

Yeah, you can be a douche and keep harassing him about something he is doing for free, for his own enjoyment, and eventually get him to pissed off at some point + stop translating it or not release it here.

Or you can stfu and patiently wait and trust me that I know Monkeyman better than you all, combined, he doesn't like to keep getting harassed about it, he likes to work at his own pace without pressure.

He is not known for going MIA and stop responding, he is not one of those authors that show up in public once a month (if even) hence people QQ that he dropped the project, there is NO NEED, WHATSOEVER to keep probing him about the fucking game, other than to satisfy your own fucking curiosity, no matter how many valid excuses you put behind it, you're just curious and impatient like a kid in Christmas night.

For every project that you point me out where the team got sad that you "stopped showing interest" when in fact they just didn't want to bother the author and not put any pressure on him, I'll tell you 5 projects that ended mostly because people kept annoying the author(s) about it.

You're either curious, or you're being an annoying fucking prick who wants to put pressure on him to finish it faster, either way, you need to shut your fucking mouth, or translate it yourself, seriously.

OK OK! Sheesh. No need to get all pissy about it. I can't speak for everyone else here, but I honestly don't care.
He can take all the time he needs. I got better things to do with my time than constantly harass someone for some easy to read fapping Material.
Re: virgin island

Before things get out of hand, quick progress update.

I hate the game, that's why it's taking so long :p

No but really, it's about..I dunno... 95% done? Just gotta play test and see if I skipped any scenes, which I probably did at some point or another.
Re: virgin island

You hate the game because you're translating it :p