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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

Nope, just forgot I wouldn't be near my good laptop to release it.

The CG room is still only half done because I've been farting about with other projects, I've no doubt though that people will find bugs etc that's going to require a second patch so I'll finish it off then.

It WILL be out tonight.

Fun fact, I totally planned to do that :L

Re: virgin island

Nope, just forgot I wouldn't be near my good laptop to release it.

The CG room is still only half done because I've been farting about with other projects, I've no doubt though that people will find bugs etc that's going to require a second patch so I'll finish it off then.

It WILL be out tonight.

Fun fact, I totally planned to do that :L

What time(time zone) is it at your place? its already night here lol
Re: virgin island

Nope, just forgot I wouldn't be near my good laptop to release it.

The CG room is still only half done because I've been farting about with other projects, I've no doubt though that people will find bugs etc that's going to require a second patch so I'll finish it off then.

It WILL be out tonight.

Fun fact, I totally planned to do that :L
I guess you could say
Great minds think alike
Re: virgin island

Well it's only 5 pm here, so inside the next 4 hours anyway. Depends when I'm home.

Hot Diggity Daffodil, can't wait :D its only 11AM where I am, so should give me all night to play... unfortunately I have work tomorrow... :(
Re: virgin island

Monkeyman what do you do if you hit a stretch of Japanese you completely cant understand? Could you please upload you entire chiitrans folder and all else for chiitrans?
Re: virgin island

Monkeyman what do you do if you hit a stretch of Japanese you completely cant understand? Could you please upload you entire chiitrans folder and all else for chiitrans?

I just use regular unmodified chiitrans, one thing that MIGHT help you though is MeCab, it works with chiitrans to provide alternate translations.
Re: virgin island

I think everyone is waiting, cept I sorta hope it comes out on Saturday the 31st. cause I gotta work until then, and I'll have enough time to play it. if it comes before then it will interfere with my sleep and work cycle. :eek:
Re: virgin island

He missed the four hour window and it is now 1 AM in the UK, so fat chance you'll have to wait for another 7 - 18 hours.
Re: virgin island

Whatever, we've been waiting till now so complaining at this point just seems petty and meaningless. Besides, if it just came on schedule that would be no fun. Now we can keep checking and when it finally IS uploaded :eek:
Re: virgin island

Look, people. If he posts it, that is great. If he can't make it in time for whatever reason, that is fine too. He owes us nothing. Just go do something else. Play another game, read a book. He will post it when it is ready. No point pestering him on the thread.