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VN/TEXT Kunoichi Ninpocho 1-3

Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

Something's wrong. I can't get the game to work. Anyone here have any idea what the problem is. Help?

... First, you need to set your computer to use Japanese for non-Unicode programs, under "Control Panel" -> "Regional and Language Options".

Second, you need to download and install .

And I'd just like to point out here that both these requirements are mentioned on .
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

I'm getting an error saying "Permission Denied - S_data.rxdata"
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

GAAAH! I don't know how to lose!
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

Anybody got the 3rd one in the Series?
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

ah ok sorry about that
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Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

As a representative of the doujinshi circle Mephisto, please take the link to Kunoichi Ninpocho volume 3 down immediately. An english version is in the works and I do not want to see it cancelled because people pirate the game regardless.

And I can't fucking work on the translation if I'm busy running around half the internet trying to find who is leaking the game. >.<

Please refer to

-RyuuseiDate, Mephisto translator/english representative.
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Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

sounds reasonable... i'll do it
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

As a representative of the doujinshi circle Mephisto, please take the link to Kunoichi Ninpocho volume 3 down immediately. An english version is in the works and I do not want to see it cancelled because people pirate the game regardless.

And I can't fucking work on the translation if I'm busy running around half the internet trying to find who is leaking the game. >.<

Please refer to

-RyuuseiDate, Mephisto translator/english representative.

Yo, be sure to give us the link to the download once it's finished.
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

Thank you very much for your cooperation. Its highly appreciated.

The game can be purchased legitimately at a very reasonable price in most english-speaking countries from

The translation will (I believe) be provided to people who have already bought the game as a patch at no extra charge, or of course the english version can be purchased once its finished. I'm still working out the exact details with the author.

For more information and translation progress reports, see
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Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

THANK YOU guys ive been looking for this one i have number 1 and love it so thanks alot

*bows down*

if i get paypal ill buy number 3 unless someone can post it thanks
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Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

art is below my standards

Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

does anyone have the cheats for ninpocho 2? I remember they were around before but I can't seem to find them:confused:
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

Is there like a gallery to view all youve been done in by?
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

What the bump, man? Shame on you.
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

Actually, this bump occurs at a most fortuitous time for myself, he who hates creating new topics when old ones would suffice. I've decided to break down and purchase myself a legitimate copy of Kunoichi Ninpocho 3; however, there are obstacles to my plan. Namely, I do not know how to go about actually purchasing a copy of the game. Would I have to sign up for anything, such as DLSite? I already have PayPal, if I can remember my password. I know it would be a Japanese copy of the game, since the English translation has been discontinued, and I'm fine with brute forcing my way through. I would PM RyuuseiDate, but I'm not sure if he actually checks his notifications (I tend to assume others don't, as I usually forget to).
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

You can buy it from DLsite without signing up for anything.
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)


(Note that an english version will be released in the next month)
Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)


(Note that an english version will be released in the next month)

1) It's said that for about a year now.
2) The translator IS a member on forum here, and I speculate he's the reason my link was reported on MU.
3) He's given up his translation on the project, eng DLSite is too lazy to change the text. Proof:

If you want Kuinoichi Ninpo 3 badly, search some other forums, download Text Aggregator ( ), and learn to use Atlas from Aika's useful post.
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Re: Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.2 (request)

1) It's said that for about a year now.
2) The translator IS a member on forum here, and I speculate he's the reason my link was reported on MU.
3) He's given up his translation on the project, eng DLSite is too lazy to change the text. Proof:

If you want Kuinoichi Ninpo 3 badly, search some other forums, download Text Aggregator ( ), and learn to use Atlas from Aika's useful post.

Yeah, that'll teach me reading the motherfucking thread before writing a motherfucking post :( .

(Sidenote: Just read the transtlator's blog, whoa... I didn't knew loli was made illegal in the US. Well, that explain all the non-loli bullshit that has been happening for a few month... As some lame french humorist said, in America, they have a statue honoring liberty because that's were it's buried...)
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