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Last Post Wins

Re: Last Post Wins

4 catch him in a pokeball.

(Which is also why I don't need to fear Zero's explosion. I caught her earlier.)
Re: Last Post Wins

You brandish a poke ball, and send it flying at the noob. It bounces off of the noob's head, and lands on the ground, simply rolling away, with no other effect. The noob says, "?" in the chat box, confused at the toy ball thrown at him. Meanwhile, ZeroSpace appears to be drooling over something, staring at the noob strangely.

The noob looks back and forth between Pheonix and Zero, before typing, "Wow, you're gay." and leaving the chat, heading straight for the hentai section. Now, normally this wouldn't be much of a cause for concern, even though you lost the chance to flame the noob, and ended up getting burned yourself with his homo-sexual comment about you, but a nearby heavy walked up next to you, and yelled at the top of his Russian voice, "NOOB IS SPY!"

That's when it occurred to you, that noob was actually a spy, and was after the forum's hentai! He'd report all the links, and take away all the downloads. And now, you realize you have a chance to save the forum from a drought of sexual material, as well as a chance to be a hero. This is your chance to make your e-peen feel very large! It's a good thing you knew he was a spy this whole time!

1: Give chase to the spy, and stab him in the ass with a spade

2: Spam him with messages, so that he lags, giving you an opportunity to strike while he's busy with dealing with your spam!

3: Do a barrel roll!

4: (Other)
Re: Last Post Wins

4. Command Pheonix to use his tentacles on teh Spy.
Re: Last Post Wins

im tempted to make a thread in the blank page to contuine the story...

also zero's 4
Re: Last Post Wins

Don't forget drowning them with cum.
Re: Last Post Wins

Re: Last Post Wins

eye tink zo, putz etz awkay, cuz eye etz ta strongest.
Re: Last Post Wins

*Considers throwing a goat at Zero again, but then decides spruce tree*
Re: Last Post Wins

1 Use Zero for a bit before balling her as well.

You proceed to the now silent dumpster only to find that zero is neck deep in fluids and cum and completely unconscious. cursing yourself for this stroke of bad luck you...

1. Raep toxic
2. Raep raptor
3. Raep yourself
4. Raep Rule 34
5. Raep aika
6. Raep Darkfire
7. Raep Oni
8. Raep garfield
9. Raep nunu
10. Raep lurker
11. Raep plnmko
12. Raep mmk
13. Raep host
14. Raep bartnum
15. Raep momiji
16. Raep XSI
17. Raep ryu
18. Raep gatorbait
19. Raep dematt
20. Go to sleep
21. Item
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Re: Last Post Wins

Must like doing things unconsciously huh?
(Wow that came out wrong)
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