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Late night at the museum of war.

Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(( Thanks Zero. Could someone start us up with a situation report or whatever? I'm cluless as to what is going on. ))
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

You're still in the bunker where you left off, the obvious exits are east and south.

Come to think of it, I need to find that map I drew...

I may take a couple minutes.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(( Ill wait. Every mission like this should start off with a map. It will make things more enjoyable. ))
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(Which way we came from RJ?)
(Lets not back track)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(Hang on! I was a little busy on discussion for a sec, but I'll look for it now. :rolleyes:)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.


There are two doors to the north, both head to where you've been.

There is one door to the east, and a hallway to the south.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.


"Lets try the door to the east," Lin suggested, going in one direction doesn't really suit her that well.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

Iris decided to take Lins suggestion and go east. They didn't have time to waste in this room so they needed to get moving. Iris spoke up.

" Alright, lets take the east door."

With that Iris motioned Lin and River to follow her through the east door. As Iris began to walk she felt something. Something... Dark. Iris felt as if something horrible and evil was happening at this very moment, someplace far from here. What was it? Iris didn't want to focus on this feeling she was suddenly getting, she had a mission to do. Iris shook the feeling off and continued walking.

* Iris leads the group through the east door. *
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(Actually, if you consider it in terms of time, you guys were still flying when they got attacked and impregnated, as it's almost noon for them, and it's about 5 hours till darkness for you. Which, in that region, is about 2 in the afternoon.)

Any way, heading east, they found the living quarters. This place wasn't as horrid, as there were no bodies. It would appear everyone died either outside or near the entrance to the bunker.

There were various lockers in the room, but none of them held anything more interesting than, "playboy".

*Role play a little, then let's get to that south door, shall we?*
Re: Late night at the museum of war.


Lin looked around, she even flipped through a few pages of 'playboy' and aside from a few stains of Sperm on a few stuck pages, nothing interest her.
"Deadend? Lets go back and try the south..." Lin sighed.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

River took a quick glance through a couple lockers.


"Typical soldiers." She says with a wry grin ans a bit of a laugh. "Nothing in their heads but their dicks, eh?"
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

Yuck. Some of these soldiers didn't care about there apperence very much, with having skin mags in their lockers and under their beds. What kind of self respecting man would just keep things like this laying around? Iris just skook her head in distaste and began walking to the exit of the room. Iris was starting to feel greatful she didn't join the military when she was younger now. She would of had to deal with horny fucks all the time. Iris looked at Lin and River and spoke up.

" Nothing here. Lets go to the south door."

With that Iris motioned Lin and River to follow her through the exit and to the south door.

* Iris leads the group through the exit and down through the south door. *
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

You go through the door, which led to a hallway, first it turned to the left, then back to the right, until they reached what quickly became known as, the generator room.

The generator was functioning, and was completely unharmed.

There wasn't anything interesting about this room, it was mostly empty.

There are two hallways North and one West.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

Lin said nothing as she kept alert, still following Iris
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

((How big is this generator room? Does it have walkways above? Grates covering the machinery? This might be the first place my character could show off in :3 ))
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

The genrator room. Nothing important here. If the power shut of they could come back here and try and turn it back on, although Iris doubted that would happen before the mission was finished. Iris decided there was no need to search the room, being that there was no time to waste. There were two directions to go, west and north. Iris figured west was the best way to go, being as going north would get them vloser to where they were before. Iris briefly turned around to River and Lin, Lin being close to Iris, and spoke up.
" Nothing here. Lets go to the west door."

With that Iris motioned Lin and River to follow her through the west door.

* Iris leads the group through the west door. *
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(It was about the size of an average size living room, there were no places to do stuns.)

They proceeded west. And found what they were looking for, the supply room.

Rather than a, 'crate' being here, there was a huge amount of crates, none of them had labels either. Each of them were medium sized, and if you had to place an estimate, there were about 50 crates.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.


"And here we are." River says happily. "I say we take a good look around and make sure there's nothing else in here with us, then set someone to watch the door while we figure out what we want to take. Sound like a plan?"