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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I think that for the most part it isn't possible, mainly because vampirism is god's curse to humans. That said, I've never found anything about it in the books, but i havent read much outside of the main book and a few clan books.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah that's pretty much the reasoning I would think they use for why animals can't receive the curse of vampirism. Though I would say it's god's curse to mortals rather than humans, though that's just me being nitpicky. I haven't actually seen it mentioned in books either though and I've managed to find most of the core and clan books by now.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Things are good. Nothing serious and nothing that better living through chemistry couldn't fix.

I just remember a chart in one of the books. Something like "What happens when you Embrace a..."

Mage - Avatar shatters. Vampire.
Werewolf - Dies. If unlucky, becomes an Abomination.
Changeling - Dead elf.

Something along those lines.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Good to hear Copper. Welcome back to the land of the not so living.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Okay, I think I maybe saw that at one point. Though I'd like to point out that of that list, everything vampirism works on was once human, with the exception of some werewolves, which started as wolves and gained a human form. So yeah, I guess Mortal would be a better word for it.

In other news, half of my larp game has changed from modern VtM to inquisition-era WoD (can have pretty much anything for PCs), in which I am playing a mage that thinks that magic is just an undiscovered field of science related to why things always fall downwards, instead of any other direction (it's about 75 years before Newton was born, so there's no word for that yet). I'm having a lot of fun with it! :D
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Glad to hear everything's okay, Copper.

I seem to remember reading that list too, just don't remember where exactly. Though I seem to remember reading the list of what happens to the vampire when he drinks from the other supernaturals being near it. Who wants some fey blood? Than we can all go riding around on the funny colors everywhere.

Is it bad that I started singing the Inquisition song from History of the World part 2 when I read that.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No because I think we all went there.

And yeah, everything's good. She's back to work today. Not happy about it, but then, who is happy to go into work.

Sounds interesting, Shrike, if a little off the wall. Glad to hear your having fun with it. Me, my Geist game is winding down. Just killed the big bad (again) and next session, I get to take on a cult and an Abyssal bit. That'll be fun!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, I think the main thing everyone else did was 'Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!', so yeah, pretty much everyone went there. Fun times.

In other news, I got the keys to my new house today, yay! Now comes the horrible ordeal of moving! Not so yay!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Oh well good then, did Mel Brooks jump out of your closet and start dancing around you too because that's the part that really worried me.

You guy's really don't need me to find a way to get the fire lit do you? Muahaha hnn hahahahahhah hnn.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Oh, I know several ways that we could probably make fire, I was just asking about the lighter because it would be easiest and Izzy doesn't know what was in the saddlebags, nor did you list one. Was just thinking out loud.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah I'm just messing with ya'll. It's just one of those moments in gaming that I really enjoy and had to point out. You know one of those in character conversations that comes out of nowhere and while not all that important to moving along the plot, just sort of brings out character without any prodding from an NPC.

I could just be completely weird though and be seeing more than is actually there, but this is one of the best conversations I've seen in the game so far.

Oh and just for the sake of letting you get on with it when you're ready, I'm going to be pretty lenient with what ever you come up with. Plenty of metal in the barn, no lighter in the bags but I'm sure there would be one in a pocket if you checked, etc. Just be careful when you light it, since you know fire is bad and all.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

That's why Izzy didn't want Claire sparking the barn with them *right there.* Personally, I know a good way for a "time delay" on a fire, but it requires both cigarette and a pack of matches, neither of which we seem to have. I think we've come up with a good solution, though.

Bark-a Bark-a Woof Woof.
I couldn't understand him. He had an accent. But he drew me this map...

Although, speaking of conversations, Izzy wants to 'talk' to the dog before they leave. If Oogly was controlling the thing, she doesn't trust it and wants to make sure it's not, y'know, waiting for a good time to rip their throats out or something, especially if they take it with.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah starting a fire isn't really the problem, running screaming for your life and possibly hurting another is.

Woof barka barka grrr. *pulls out a pipe and lights it* Barka barka howl?
Why certainly I know where a match is my good man. What say we grab a spot of tea after all of this is over?

Though actually the dog sounds more like dynomutt when ever I write for him. At least in my head. "Away we go, BF." Now all we need to do is get Fletch a blue superhero outfit and we'll be set.

He's a very busy dog but I'm sure if you leave your name and number with his secretary he'll get back to you before the night is over.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Thanks, now that's going to be running through my head the entire time now. Especially the thought of Fletch in blue spandex tights...though the BF didn't really wear tights, persay...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm just glad someone else knew who the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt are, I was afraid I was going to end up feeling old.

Forget the blue tights, picture the beard sticking out of the BF's headgear.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So sign ups for this are closed right?

Just curious.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm just glad someone else knew who the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt are, I was afraid I was going to end up feeling old.

Forget the blue tights, picture the beard sticking out of the BF's headgear.

You forget, I'm old, too.

And why do I have this mental image of *just* the beard sticking out of the bottom of the headgear?

So sign ups for this are closed right?

Just curious.

Well, technically, you were already a player, especially if you wanted to keep the same character. Otherwise, I'd say that's up to Ronny, really. His game, his call.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, technically, you were already a player, especially if you wanted to keep the same character. Otherwise, I'd say that's up to Ronny, really. His game, his call.

I felt like changing it and doing more in terms of the background to be honest.

Back when I made characters I focused more on personality, now I like making a nice background and a personality.

Anything that looks wrong with this post is cause I'm tired.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, it makes sense to me, but then, that's likely because I'm also tired. Guess we'll have to see.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well yeah I guess you would say sign-ups are closed but I did leave an open invite to the old players who disappeared. So yeah if you want to sure and that mostly made sense but I'm usually tired so who knows.

I'm also having bad weather and the consequent flaky internet right now so I may be a little slower posting the next few days.