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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well it wasn't really a slump so much as a shitty week, which I don't really want to talk or think about. Unfortunately it's one of those things that's probably never going to go away no matter what I do.

"Hey look a three-headed squirrel"

I forgot to put in an aside in the game post that Jack was using Dread Gaze when he shouted to stop. Neither of you completely failed and would therefore flee from him, but he did crack your resolve a little. AKA you now have to deal with one pissed Brujah sheriff, who you're more than a little scared of. Have fun.

In regards to boons if any of you have questions knock yourselves out, since Fletch isn't the only one dealing with them tonight. You just haven't all gotten to that point yet. Also feel free to try and haggle a little with Vincent, Rule, you never know you may be able to get a bit more out of it.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah. Eve is more than a little freaked out.


Right back in the saddle it seems
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well stands to reason, a pissed off Brujah alone is kind of freaky, him being the sheriff and the whole setup just makes it worst. Just remember that just because a sheriff should be upholding the laws of the domain doesn't mean he can't be bargained with. Hence why I said if you have questions about boons to ask.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I have one. What are they?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ah I guess I got some splaining to do. To make this simpler on me I just found a link that I think explains it quite well. Give it a look see and if you still have questions knock yourself out.

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ah, I see... crazy politics.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well where did you think the politicians learned it from in the first place? Then again it could have been the other way around and the vampires learned it from the bloodsuckers.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

A question about the gangs - does Fletch know which one this is, and if they have any enemies? And if there are any signatures - colored bandannas etc. - the gangs use?
Fletch probably doesn't know a lot of details in regards to the gang, though he does live and work in the neighborhood. So he at least knows enough to recognize the local neighborhood gang members and probably their distinguishing marks. In this case they all have red bandannas somewhere on their clothing.

I'll post tomorrow I'm just having trouble putting a good post together right now is all.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I blame myself again. Couldn't decide whether to hang back and watch for longer, but finally decided that River wouldn't, so she's aiming to stop the confrontation as fast as possible.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I blame myself again. Couldn't decide whether to hang back and watch for longer, but finally decided that River wouldn't, so she's aiming to stop the confrontation as fast as possible.

When in doubt, always listen to the character. Claire's done a few things I wouldn't do in her situation.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So has Eve. I'd be beggin for mercy right now XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yep. Problem is, there's so much of me in there too. The original concept for her was 'me, but cool and awesome'. Don't start with the your awesome anyways speeches, I know that, It goes deeper than that, it's all the stuff I wish I could do, and never had the time/ability to learn. Well, most of it anyways.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yep. Problem is, there's so much of me in there too. The original concept for her was 'me, but cool and awesome'. Don't start with the your awesome anyways speeches, I know that, It goes deeper than that, it's all the stuff I wish I could do, and never had the time/ability to learn. Well, most of it anyways.

yes well I kept doing that with so many other characters that I had to switch it up a bit.

Remember our conversation about not playing lawful good? :p
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

i do, very well, and I think it's turning out quite well. There was just that problem somewhere in the middle, where she was leaning towards suicidal, but we got that all squared away without any real problems XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Nah wasn't really your fault Shrike, I personally blame it on the barbecue induced coma I was in. That's what I get for going to all 3 barbecues I was invited to this week.

Besides if River had hung back and waited to see what happens I would have been confused, since the one trait I really identify with her is that she's impatient.

I'm actually really happy that most of you are thinking as your characters. It does make it easier for the most part.

Now to try and post.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Impatient, for sure, but also pragmatic. She's willing to tap her foot and wait a bit, if she can see some short-term gain from it. Like the thirty seconds or so it may take to have two people walk close to each other. Since she saw it may not happen at all, she went for it instead.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Weird, why did I end up with a space between each sentence that last time. i thought I wrote it as a paragraph. Anyways I didn't mean to say River would just jump into something because she's impatient. I meant more that she would do something other than just sit watch, may not be something overt but she would still do something.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Fair enough, she is a woman of action, for sure. It's also rare she bothers to talk her way around situations like this, I'm having fun :D