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League of Legends


Demon Girl
Apr 28, 2010
Reputation score
Hey guys and girls,

I noticed in the multiplayer thread that a lot of people have different games and we have a decent amount with the same mutiplayer games.

So I thought why not introduce those on ULMF that don't know this game to League of Legends! :p

League of Legends is a free to play game, with the option to buy stuff on it with real money (everything game changing can be bought using in-game points! Thus never any need to put any real money into the game!)

The game is based off of the Warcraft 3 custom map, DOTA, it's an RPG action competitive game that focuses on strategic teamplay.

The game has 2 tutorials which will help beginners along their way and the game has a lot of depth to it if you can get over that initial learning curve... One of the issues with the game for many people I have tried to introduce to the game is they think the game is simple and thus don't even realise there is a learning curve. Unlike in other games like EVE Online, where the learning curve is very apparent.

So yeah if you want to try it:
Please make sure to select the correct region in both the account creation page and the client download page ;)

So yeah let me know what you guys think of the game. I have both EU and US so we can definitely play together some time.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: League of Legends

HoN is better.



Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Actually I'm surprised this thread wasn't made sooner, to tell the truth. It's come up every so often and I know a few people on the fourum play regularly enough.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

I was actually surprised when I sat back into the seat of Rammus. He had fair popularity months ago, but now, it seems he's both loathed and loved at the same time by everyone.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Personally I go for the more supportive champions in playstyle. Kog'Maw, Soraka, and Sona are the ones I work best with, though I'm trying to get a bit of work with Caitlyn and Cho'Gath however, and when I get the credit to get Teemo... stuff's gonna get ganked >:3

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Caitlyn seems fun, and the free week she had, I enjoyed playing her. But it seems that while she's easy to pick up and use, and thusly enjoy, she lacks in her ability to be useful. Not to say she's completely useless, properly placed traps can work as good area denial, but she mostly just seems at her strongest in early game, when she can harass with her long range, and use her traps to control the bush. Midgame she seems to lag behind though.


Demon Girl
Apr 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Caitlyn seems fun, and the free week she had, I enjoyed playing her. But it seems that while she's easy to pick up and use, and thusly enjoy, she lacks in her ability to be useful. Not to say she's completely useless, properly placed traps can work as good area denial, but she mostly just seems at her strongest in early game, when she can harass with her long range, and use her traps to control the bush. Midgame she seems to lag behind though.
The issue is with caitlyn is to be useful late game she needs massive AD items. Such as bloodthirster, black cleaver, etc...

It's hard to build her though, I've tried her a few times while she was free. I did get decent scores but never felt all so useful. Fortunately she does have one skill that can be very handy in team fights with the right build.

But yeah early game she definitely seems to shine the most, I have played ranked against a few amazing caitlyns that could still own during late game


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Caitlyn's decent, but as even the spotlight video said, her strongest point is early game. The longer the game goes on, the worse she becomes. Not that she's horrid, but for all the harassing she can do, she can't put out enough damage late-game.

That said, most matches I've been in with/against Caitlyn, people don't seem to understand that she needs a Tank/Soak between her and the enemy. Her strength is her ability to poke from as far back as possible, so fitting her with stuff like Black Cleaver and a Last Whisper, along with letting her get Lizard Buff, allows her to still help late-game. Her traps can also help, IF placed right. For example, placing it under someone who has just been stunned, or under someone who's taunted, or in the path of a fleeing enemy if you have the time.

Unfortunately, people just want to run up with her and insta-rape, when THAT IS NOT what she was EVER meant to do.


Personally, I like playing AD carries, but so does everyone else and their mothers' mothers, so I typically wind up playing a Tank. As far as Tanks go, I love Amumu. It's hard early-game, especially when nobody lets you get Golem Buff, but mid- to late-game, if I've gotten the gold I SHOULD be getting, Amumu really starts to shine through.

My favorite champion to play is Urgot, but I don't really ever get to play him. The problem with him is that he has such a short range on his basic attack, that getting Manamune in order to spam his Q is a MUST. That and a Last Whisper make Urgot very deadly. Unfortunately, because of his Ultimate, you just CANNOT solo-queue with him, because everyone seems to think he's a Tank. HE'S NOT. He's just a beefier AD Carry. His job is to run out of the bushes, swap the main target into your group for an easy gank, and then cause havoc while running around, playing , until he can meet up with the rest of the team. After that, he sits in the back, spamming his bomb and his Q, activating his shield whenever he can for the slowing effect.
Can he be played as a Tank? Well, yeah, but he only becomes a real Tank late-mid to late-game. He's like Galio, in that he's only really a Tank during his Ulti. Before and after, he's just another AD Carry.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Getting better with Cho, mainly thanks to a crash course in item building via RK and a few buds of his. Finding grabbing a early Philosopher's Stone or two can really turn up the power on Cho's natural regen to the point that cowering back a bit and killing a few minions will grant plenty of hp during the match. Then I'd toss in Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads or Ionian Boots, Guinsoo's Rageblade (this combined with Cho's E ability means you almost always have the weapon's on-cast ability active) and work your way to Trinity Force or other goodies. Not sure if it's a 'perfect' build but it works decent for my semi-skillspam and stackfarming.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

9/0/21 Masteries, important ones are Archmage's Savvy and the CDR ones.
Runes, when available - CDR Glyphs/Quints, Mana Regen Seals, Magic Pen Marks.

You'll scream deeply into their ass every 8 seconds, rupture their ass every 5.5, and OM-NOM-NOM-NOM every 37.
You'll be beefy as hell and only a Madred's can take you down, and even then, at max Feast and Warmog's stacks, it'll take a concentrated 5-man effort to kill you.
In that time, you should be able to burst a squishy down to near nothing with DFG, Rupture, Feral Scream, and Feast.
ALWAYS use DFG first. Skill order is flexible, but ALWAYS DFG, since it's 30% CURRENT HP.

Just my opinion, at least.
Last edited:


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

o,o wow...

then again, one minor hickup to that, though the item build I can work with: NOT LEVEL 20 even >,>;


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

o,o wow...

then again, one minor hickup to that, though the item build I can work with: NOT LEVEL 20 even >,>;

If you're at least level 9, you can at least grab the 9 in the Offensive tree. 3% CDR and 15% Magic Pen is still nice. That gives you 18% CDR once you have your DFG. That means Feral Scream every 10.7 seconds, Rupture every 7.4, and Feast every 49.

Most important part of that build is the Warmog's for uber health and DFG for the CDR. As the Tank, you want your Silence and Knock-up abilities coming up whenever possible.

Another thing you can do is swap out the Thornmail for a Frozen Heart instead, and get a Rod of Ages as early as possible. Major mana for spamability, and 25% CDR from FH. 28% CDR with the 3% from masteries. Only problem there is that you don't have the DFG for added burst.

At any rate, only two items I'd say to build EVERY time are Warmog's and Banshee's. Warmog's because it gives you an INSANE amount of HP, Banshee's because of the shield, though the mana/health/MR are nice.

Boots are always debatable. 95% of the time, Merc Treads are the way to go. If they have NO CC, though, or if their CC is all slows, feel free to get something like Boots of Mobility for extra map control. Ionian Boots could work, as they give 15% CDR, but I wouldn't recommend it for Cho. It's true he needs spamability, but if you need CDR that badly, there's DFG or even Frozen Heart.

DFG is a very nice item to have, as it gives you added burst, 15% CDR, and 60AP, but it's not really a must.

Force of Nature is nice, but sometimes, you just don't need that much MR and Health Regen.

Thornmail works wonders even against non-DPS champs, but it's not a necessity UNLESS they have a couple of DPS champs.

The build I linked is for going against an evenly mixed team. Sometimes they'll be caster heavy. Sometimes they'll be DPS heavy. Most important thing to remember is to build according to enemy team composition. You want to reduce the damage from the deadliest champ(s) on their team. If that means stacking MR or AR instead of getting a good mix of both, then that's what you have to do.


Demon Girl
Apr 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Anyone else try Maokai yet?

I got him already, it's strange on the LoL forums many are complaining he is underpowered, yet so far I found him quite well balanced.

I play him as hybrid tank caster, primarily being tank. But his damage output is not bad with my build :)

The best game I had with him though was when I was able to solo a lane against Tryndamere and Teemo.



Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

Question: Who'd all be in favor of me setting up a section for builds, tips, and tricks in the Blank Page? I've ran into a few awesome builds in my time (with gratuatious assistance via RK) and didn't know if it'd be smart to stuff a thread about the game general with builds :p

Also: Co-Op vs AI seems close. They re-changed the menu to incorperate the teaser pic restyling of it, though it is greyed out.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: League of Legends

just use a thread.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: League of Legends

I meant thread. It was 1 am, sue me for not being clear >,>;

(on second thought, DON'T. Just remembered we DO have a court round dese parts)