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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn looks around at the room again, navigating around the crystals as best she can. She starts to advance up the stairs of the East pedestal, stopping just before the pressure plate. From this vantage point, she could get a better view of the West pedestal. Its surface was empty and dusty. Above it, high up on the ceiling, she could see the faint out door of some sort of closed trap door.

What should she do?:

A. Step on the pressure plate.

B. Don't step on the pressure plate.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. A slime is probably going to drop down.
Re: Legend of Lynn

There's only one thing to do when faced with a trap.

1. Spring the trap! :D
Re: Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn steps onto the pressure plate, bracing herself just in case something bad happens. The small trapdoor opens and a small chest drops from above and onto the Western pedestal.

What should she do?:

A. Make her way to the chest and...

-1. Open it.

-2. Search it.

B. Leave the room.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn hops down from the Eastern pedestal and makes her way to the Western pedestal, making her way up the small stairs. She kneals down and cautiously opens the chest. She finds an unidentified Mythical Seed Ring.

What should she do?:

A. Put away the ring and leave the room.

B. Try and identify the ring with the Pocket Appraisal Guide.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B. Why wait to try out it's totally-positive magical benefits if we don't have to?
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn decides to take a risk and appraise the ring herself and pulls out her copy of the Pocket Appraisal Guide. She flips through the pages and tries to identify the ring in question. After much examination, she determines that the ring is most likely the Power Ring L-1 (Sword damage +1, Damage taken +1).

What should she do now?:

A. Put on the ring.

B. Put away the ring.

C. Leave the room.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Hrm... I'm not sure how much I like the idea of "damage taken +1", but it's not like we have a better ring at the moment... A.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Good point.

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Re: Legend of Lynn

Hrm, my senses tell me the smarter thing to do is to stow it away until we get more hearts if not sell it later. We only have two and a half hearts, it would only take 2/3 hits to do us in.
