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Library Courtyard

Re: Library Courtyard

The professor inhales deeply, then unleashes the full power of her electrical breath on the younger dragon. She continues clawing at his throat.
Re: Library Courtyard

With a gushing of blood the younger dragon twitched on the ground for a moment before going still. His brother was already dead and the students began to notice they had observers. A circle of Warmages had filed into the courtyard and one of them was very bravely marching up to Professor Ramielle. "You will explain his words Professor, or you will be arrested." If he wasn't so deadly serious, one could almost laugh at the situation.
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess watches the entire scene from behind Bibble's project, where she had been hiding since the two dragons had made themselves known. She started when Ramielle turned into a dragon herself, watching the carnage with wide eyes.

When it was over, she slowly got up and stepped out from behind the construct, still watching silently. She couldn't help thinking that if all the fights were going to be great magical affairs against dragons and the like, what was she going to do. Just hide and let her allies use her power to help, maybe?
Re: Library Courtyard

The danger over, the silver dragon looks up wearily at the advancing Warmage. She shifts back into human form, rubbing her temples with her forefingers. She slumps, bruised and bleeding, against her ruined adversary. "Please bring me my clothing, magus. Then kindly explain to me under what charges you propose to arrest me."
Re: Library Courtyard

The greying cattaur nods to one of the spidertaurs flanking him and he skitters off to grab the requested items. The Magus cracks a small smile, "Even I couldn't be able to tell you right now, my Lady. I have my orders though, and I will follow them. I'd rather have you rested and cleaned up first though." He shrugs and twitches his tail a little. "Bureaucratic bullshit compels me though. So please, explain this young dragon's words to us."
Re: Library Courtyard

The professor dons her clothing, smiling wanly at the cattaur.

"Understandable. I am quite familiar with the law, and you currently have no real authority to arrest me, as I have committed no offense but the defense of the University. Even so, my respect for your office and," she looks around at the students, "other obligations compel me to 'come clean.'"

She gestures at the students. "Please, come closer. I do not wish to shout, and I'm fairly certain the good lawman here would prevent me from harming you, even if I wished it. Besides, I suppose you're entitled to know a little more about me. One's past catches up eventually."
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Re: Library Courtyard

"What the Hell was that?" Grave nearly shouted, staring at Ramielle with a look that was both horrified and outraged, hands trembling. Any pretense of composure was long gone. "Just..." He visibly struggled, trying not to babble, even though he wanted to just let all of the questions out just to deal with the situation. He was breathing heavily for a moment before calming himself down enough to form coherent thoughts again. "Okay. Just. Make it quick." Cynder couldn't help but glare at the dragon. "I can't promise I won't snap, so let's get this over with before I torch someone." Despite his flaws, he was a fairly easy-going person. He tried to hold in his rampaging emotions - now was not the time for them. But later, he would return to this event many times, replaying it in his head, reliving the moment until he managed to get a clear understanding of his own feelings regarding it.
Re: Library Courtyard

The professor nods sympathetically at Grave's reaction. She begins speaking, and while tired, once again she seems the calm and collected scholar.

"Let's begin with the obvious. I am as you saw. I am dragon. My father wanted to create a pure-blooded extension of his line. He murdered my mother. He murdered my brothers." She looks at Grave's face. "He murdered many of your kind."

She glances to Delor and Delilah. "And many of your kin, as well. He dabbled in alchemy and dark magic. You cannot imagine, you cannot understand the nature of such evil until you see it every day, until you are forced to live with it. With Him."

She looks back to the cattaur. "My father realized after killing my brothers that I had no suitable mate, and so he forced himself upon me when I came of age to bear eggs. He would have raised my son, his son, to be his equal in malice, in evil and design. I spared my son that fate. I wove an illusion that made him seem very sickly and weak upon hatching, and it was my father... his father... that devoured and murdered my son."

The professors eyes scan the buildings of the university. "I fled here, hoping to escape. Those were my years here as a student. The young Miss Ramielle, who had been here before under different names. I studied advanced transmutation, and I met another dragon. I learned of the Old Ways of Dragonkind, of our traditions and law."

"The subsequent details are unimportant, but suffice it to say that I prevented my father from transforming and slaughtering the inhabitants of a human city. I prevented his transformation in... an exceedingly lethal way. The final mortal action was his, but I facilitated his self-annihilation."

She rises. "All I have done, I have done in defense of myself and others. Even the death of my own son..." her voices trembles for a moment, then steadies, "even my own son... was a mercy. Was kindness. Was right."

She walks forward to the cattaur, still bruised but standing tall and proud. She looks up into his eyes. "Good cattaur, my actions bring me no shame, no dishonor. Nor are they crimes by any laws, mage or dragon. Take my explanation, and leave me in peace."

(The professor, while talking, has lowered her mental defenses to allow Calcius to verify the truth in her words.)
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Re: Library Courtyard

Grave stared in silence at the professor, listening without interruptions. There were moments when he seemed ready to burst and say something, but in the end he merely listened with an expression of pure revulsion and terror as he tried to imagine the events of Ramielle's grim tale. Once she ended it, he merely stood in place, staring, trying to find words to express himself. Failing to find any, he simply shook his head and teleported away, no longer wishing to be a part of this mess. He had to seclude himself so he could freak out in peace without having to worry about burning someone in the process. He'd try to look at things rationally once he calmed down, but for now he was shaken too much to be coherent.
Re: Library Courtyard

As soon as the dragons appeared, Toring turned. It wasn't even a conscious choice. The sudden rush of adrenaline and the smell of fresh blood told his body it was all out throw down time, and the disease in his body reacted mostly to the all out part by making him burst out of his shirt in a flurry of white pelt, claws and teeth - yet his pants remained curiously intact, stretching long past their normal limits by magical means. His skull and neck both lengthened while his arms and legs grew shorter, all the while multiplying in mass.

And yet, by the time an enormous, full fledged, pants-wearing polar bear took the place of mild mannered Toring, the fight was over before it even began. Before his forepaws even hit the ground, the dragons had been encased in liquefied floor and water, and he could only watch as Ramielle tore their throats out. With a grunt and a sniff in Jess's direction, The polar bear turned and started to trot off into the nearby woods. He had some thinking to do.
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Re: Library Courtyard

Jess was stunned by the story, almost uncomprehending. After a moment, her jaw set and she started walking, moving to stand beside the professor and facing the warmage, arms crossed.
Re: Library Courtyard

The professor notices the halfling as she come closer. Unsure what she should say, or even what she could say, she exhales slowly and looks sideways at the diminutive woman. She opens her mouth slightly as if to speak, then closes it, at a loss.
Re: Library Courtyard

Lyinne quietly watched and listened as the Professor told her past. She didn't need to verify the truth, there was no reason for the Professor lie. She always knew something about the Professor that was more than meets the eye, and now she knew. Lyinne thought to herself for a moment before lowering herself down to the Professor's other side. She looked at the collection of people that came to detain the Professor and narrowed her eyes.
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah tears away from her brother wanders over to where Toring is. "Are you ok?" she asks tentatively and reaches a hand out to scratch his head.

Delor stood right where he was, face still impassive. He, too, is not sure what to make of all this, but it was clear that nothing is as it seems in this little group.
Re: Library Courtyard

As Delilah touched his head, Toring froze on the spot. He remained like that for a few long moments, staring off into the distance, before his head lowered. A sigh escaped his snout, a deep, guttural sound of resignation. Delilah could feel the muscles in the back of his neck tense as the transformation started to reverse itself. His long neck started to retreat back into his shoulders, and his fingers extended until they were stuck somewhere in between, short, broad stumps with dangerous looking black claws. The lycan pushed himself up and stood, no, towered above the elf in his were form, shaking off her hand in the process. His snout had shortened somewhat, and as he pulled his muzzle back, a deep voice rumbled forth, even deeper than Toring already impressive baritone.
"No. No, I am not okay."
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah attempts to give him a huge hug. "Talk to me? Maybe I can help." She was not the least bit frightened by him, though she figured most people would have been at this point.
Re: Library Courtyard

Toring snorts in surprise as Delilah hugged him, even though her arms didn't even come close to encircling his bulk. "I... doubt you can," he rumbled. "Unless you can somehow give me magic powers, there is nothing you can do. I just figured..." He grumbled and raised his snout, looking over to Ramielle. "I just figured that even though I can't use magic, I could still be useful. In a purely physical sense. Lifting rocks. Fighting. And now, all out of a sudden, there is a dragon in this group that was assembled. She is more dangerous than me. Stronger. Deadlier. And I realized that in this orchestra you compared us to, I am the triangle. I just stand around while everybody else is playing their instruments until I'm needed for one note towards the end. And I'm not sure at all how that makes me feel."
Re: Library Courtyard

Servante watches in stunned silence as the professor transforms into a dragon, and unsurprisingly, kills their enemies. The selkie listens to the professors story, glaring at the woman the entire time.

"Tsk, screww this," Servante mutters as everything becomes too much for the young selkie. Turning around Servante heads towards the dorms.
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah snorted. "Think for a minute. If we'd been in a densely wooded area Ms Ramielle couldn't have transformed, could she? Those tainted dragons were a quarter her size and guess who we'd have relied on if she couldn't do what she did?" She smiled at him, pointedly. "And if you really feel that way about it, Lyinne could change you. Give you something else. Are you that certain about not being a Lycan anymore?" Then she giggled and sat on the grass, humming a small tune. "I mean, look at me. I can't fight. I can barely see in this bright world. I can weave magic and that's pretty much all I can do. And you aren't a triangle. You're still important to the melody, to the feel of everything that's going on," she took a deep breath and let herself feel his signature. "You're more like... the bells or drums. You can make a beautiful sound by yourself, but you work better when supporting and surrounding the melody." She laughed again, "Did that make any sense?"
Re: Library Courtyard

Calcius slithers over to the professor and listens to her story, hissing a little as the memories of his own father's death resurface in his mind. Having continued to try and find a way into Ramielle's head, he slips past her lowered defences and grimaces at what he finds beyond.

"She's telling the truth, for those of you thinking otherwise."