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Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Ahhh... You want them today? Well, I suppose I could spare them. Anaise is with a client right now, I believe, but Gloria should be free and Treyja took the night off. I'll send someone for her, if you'd like to see Gloria first," Akros replied, returning her smile with one of his own while his copper coin still played between his fingers. At her mention of the price that coin was flicked onto the back of his thumb and then launched into the air with a quick flip. It came down and landed with a soft thump in the palm of his hand, his fingers quickly curling over it before his hand turned over.

"It never hurts to get paid up front," he replied softly, grinning, "keep coming with orders like this and I'll have to start giving you a discount! Or... Maybe a freebie, if any of my employees catch your fancy~" Once the coin was handed over, Eleanor would be able to bid her goodbyes to Akros, to which he would rise and offer a bow and a handshake, and then had a number of options. She could go up to see Gloria, wait to see Treyja first, or go off to handle the other business she had planned first, or anything else that she might think to do, whichever she preferred.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Hmmm. Yes, it would be nice to see Gloria for a bit before I head into town. I'll meet the girls all together later on then, before we leave," Eleanor watched the coin for a moment as it danced along Akros' fingers and in the air before pulling her coin pouch out. She was a little disappointed that he would accept the money up front instead of waiting for it, though not so much for it to physically show on her expression. He was a business man after all, it was be to be expected that Akros would prefer the money now just in case the deal went awry. It's exactly what she would have done as well.

"I'll have to hold you to that offer, Akros. Send me a catalogue sometime and maybe we can sort something out," Eleanor joked as she counted out her coin, setting it upon the desk once the required amount had been taken out. "Though I could always do with a massage, so maybe that's a possibility. Anyway, it's been a pleasure talking with and doing business with you, Akros. We'll have to do this again soon." Eleanor stood and took Akros' hand to shake briefly before bidding him farewell and leaving the office to meet with Gloria.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Of course," Akros replied, "she's up in room 112." He grinned in response to her quip and nodded, "that can arranged, eheh. Likewise!" Rising to his feet, he reached out a hand to shake, after which he nodded and said; "May your dealings go smoothly!"

With that, Eleanor was free to go up the stairs, Madame Iliana giving her a nod as she left Akros' office and headed up the stairs. She would pass a few rooms to reach Gloria's at the end of the hall, hearing more than a few sounds of people mid coitus along the way, but when she opened the woman's door she would find Gloria sitting alone in the brothel room's love seat. The busty blonde smiled warmly upon sighting Eleanor walking into her room, putting aside the section of cloth she'd been knitting and rising, "ahhh, Eleanor! Hello, what brings you to my neck of the woods?" She was clad only in lingerie that left her ample curves proudly on display, but given her profession it probably wasn't terribly surprising that she had no shame at that. In a more common brothel, Gloria would surely have been getting plentiful business, but in a more upscale and establishment that prided itself on its exotic offerings, the Crolian girl was more of a niche appeal.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor, in a much cheerier mood than she was before entering Akros' office smiled and nodded to Madame Iliana as she walked passed the older woman and also to any of the waiting customers should they look her way, before making her way towards Gloria's room.

Eleanor paid no mind to the sounds drifting from the rooms as she passed them on her way to Gloria's room, as delightful as they were to listen to, and as she entered the room Eleanor met Gloria's smile with her own. "Hey Gloria, you're looking well," Eleanor said in greeting as if she were meeting with a childhood friend, and walking to where Gloria sat the younger woman leant forward and kissed Gloria on either cheek. Since she had first met Gloria during the early days of her hellhound breeding Eleanor had wondered why a woman as attractive as Gloria wasn't receiving as many customers as she should be. Sure, the Clandestine Hall was more renowned for its wider selection of choice of the exotic, but Eleanor thought Gloria's striking looks and impressive curves should've turned more heads than they were. Still, Gloria seemed to be doing well enough so Eleanor was happy for her.

"I'm glad you asked!" Eleanor began enthusiastically as she sat down on the edge of the bed, her hands folded into her lap as she leant forward. "I'm not going to be stopping for long, but I wanted to let you know before I head into town for a bit that I'm hiring you, along with Anaise and Treyja, to breed up a pack of hellhounds. We'll be leaving for the farm later on, though we may grab something to eat before heading back to discuss the work."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Eheh... Well, I do try to keep healthy!" Gloria replied brightly, "you're looking radiant, as always~" She returned the light kisses that Eleanor offered in kind, her soft lips pleasant as ever against Eleanor's cheeks.

Gloria sat back in her chair as Eleanor took a seat on the edge of the bed, gazing back at the rancher curiously, and when she delivered the news a broader smile quickly came over the prostitute's face. "Ahhh, wonderful!" she said, "that's a bit of a relief really. It's been a slow couple of days around here, to tell the truth, and that'll give me a few days off! Have you already paid Iliana? Have you told the others yet? And when would you like me to be ready to go?" She actually seemed excited to go, even if it meant going to do a task that most would find openly repugnant like being impregnated by what amount to a giant demonic dog.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Don't worry, the payment has been dealt with," Eleanor was both happy and relieved that Gloria was excited about going to the farm for a couple of days despite what she would have to do, and by the sounds of it the 'break' was something she needed.

"Nope, I've not seen Anaise and Treyja yet. Anaise is on the job at the moment apparently and Treyja's off for the day so I'll be seeing them later about it a little before we leave. And we'll be leaving a little before evening, I want us to get back before the sun's set. Though, if you've got nothing else to do you could always join me in town, I'll be doing a little shopping but having some company would be nice."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"I'm not doing anything!" she replied excitedly, "just lemme get some proper attire on and ask for the rest of the day off! I don't think Iliana will mind." Gloria would quickly don a blue dress and a white overcoat over her lingerie, and then slip her feet into a pair of leather boots daintily to protect her stockings from rips. She would head downstairs, pinching Eleanor's bottom and winking at her on the way out of the room, and after getting stated permission from the madame would be free to accompany the rancher on the rest of her errands.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor watched Gloria as she dressed, eyeing the older woman's contours as the dress clung to her curves and smiled lewdly. "If you don't mind my saying, it really is crazy how you're not getting as many customers as you should be with a body like that," Eleanor said, biting her lower lip as her eyes lingered on Gloria's ass for a moment before she stood up. "If I had a dick I'd be hiring you as often as I could~"

"Ooh, cheeky~!" Eleanor exclaimed as Gloria pinched her ass and slipped downstairs, and following shortly behind the prostitute Eleanor was elated to find that Gloria was given the rest of the day off.

"I want to head into the markets first, gotta stock up on some foods that we're running low on, okay?" Eleanor asked, hooking an arm around Gloria's own and pulling the woman close to her as the two of them left the Clandestine Hall and onto the streets of Pithia, heading towards the market stalls.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Noticing Eleanor's stare as the rancher flattered her, Gloria bent a bit more and waved her round ass alluringly at her. "Eheh~ Like I'd charge for you!" she said lightly and winked, "and like you need a cock for me to make you cum your brains out! I can show you at your place if you want... But I'll have to pack a few extra toys~"

Whether Eleanor opted to take Gloria up on her offer or not, they were soon locked arm in arm out on the streets of Pithia. "Sounds fine to me~" Gloria said after Eleanor said what she wanted, letting the rancher lead the way. The war had caused prices for many commodities in Pithia to spike, especially for meat since few places had a sizable amount of livestock in the nearby farms. Turkey was just about the only thing that hadn't been affected much, since there was a large farm that raised them nearby, but Eleanor could get what she liked based on her budget, as even if prices were a bit up most things were still available.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Mmm, as much as that idea excites me I'm going to have to give it a miss this time~ You know what those hellhounds are like once they go at it, you're going to need your rest for tomorrow." Eleanor eyed Gloria once more and bit her lip, hunger etched in her features. The prospect of finally getting intimate with the older woman was almost too overwhelming for Eleanor, and the urge to chase after Gloria and throw her on the bed was a delightful thought. Akros did mention about a freebie after all, and Gloria was certainly up for it. Though her business came first and Gloria would need all of her energy for the hellhound breeding tomorrow, much to Eleanor's disappointment.


Arm in arm with Gloria, Eleanor strolled lazily through the crowds of Pithian citizens as she checked out the wares of the various stalls set up. The prices were a little higher than what Eleanor normally paid for from the various merchants, though she did normally buy in large bulk meant for several months usage. The meat was especially pricey, though fortunately the forests surrounding the farm was rife with wildlife fit for consumption, and her freezer was still pretty well stocked so that wasn't an issue for the foreseeable future.

"Haven't you ever thought about it though?" Eleanor began, picking up the conversation from earlier. "Having a penis, I mean. What does it feel like, just dangling there? Sure, there's sex toys to experience that kind of thing, but I bet it's nothing compared to an actual cock. Ooh, we're running low on this." Eleanor paused, checking a stall that appeared to be selling rice.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Heeheee.... I do this for a living, sweetie~" Gloria purred as she slid her clothes on, idly packing a few decidedly phallic toys into her travel bag in plain view of Eleanor. "Your hellhounds can fuck the daylight's out of me, sure, but that wouldn't stop me from having plenty of fun with that body~ Before, or after! You think about it... I might just have to slip into your room one night and show you what I can do!" Her lewd threat delivered, Gloria was fully dressed and ready to go.


Rice was a commodity rarely grown in Crolia, the climate being too cold and dry for the stuff anywhere but far far to the East. Those were now orc lands, however, and the imports from the Amazon had been hard to come by. Prices were still low enough to be tolerable at six denarii per sack, a reasonable price given the climate even if it was two higher than the usual at a place as well traveled as Pithia. Only the Badarian variety was still available, grown near the city of Lockacre to the South-East of the Pass of Ghosts, but there was plenty of it left for sale, and the samples seemed fresh.

"Oh, I don't know" Gloria said conversationally as Eleanor examined the rice, "I mean, sure I've thought about it, but I don't think about it like that! It sounds.... Weird, actually."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Hmm... Sure, it sounds weird," Eleanor agreed as she looked over the rice. It was plain by the standards of some of the more exotic rices the merchants that visited her farm brought along with them on occasion, though that was fine by Eleanor. She knew what she was getting with Badarian rice, Eleanor had eaten it fairly regularly when she was younger and for much of her time as a mercenary.

"I'll take two sacks, please," Eleanor addressed the merchant, counting out the coin before handing it over. Rice wasn't frequently eaten as a main meal back at the farm, it was used more for filling out a meal so she surmised this much should do for a little while. Unfortunately her purchase meant Eleanor had to disentangle her arm from Gloria's own to carry both sacks.

"But it doesn't mean it wouldn't be an enjoyable experience," Eleanor continued their conversation once the two of them resumed their stroll through the marketplace. With her main purchase made Eleanor decided the two of them could just take a leisurely walk through the stalls to see what was on offer. It had been a long while since Eleanor took some time to just relax and enjoy herself, and getting to spend it with someone she liked was an added bonus. "I've been thinking about it for a while now, though I'm not entirely sure how I'd go about it. You remember my daughter Lani, yes? She's able to grow a penis for herself with her demonic abilities, and she says the sex is amazing. But, it's not just that I want to experience, y'know?"
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Exchanging the coin for two heavy sacks of rice, Eleanor would have them handed to her and promptly be shouldered aside by a man looking to buy some rice as well, the push only putting her off balance for a second.

"True, true," Gloria would reply when Eleanor returned to her side, "I mean, men are willing to pay top coin to get theirs played with, so it certainly can't be bad, right?" Gloria would nod when Eleanor mentioned Lani, but look surprised when she mentioned the girl's demon-granted power to gift herself with the male sex organ. "Lani's had sex? Already?" she asked in surprise, and while to Eleanor it might not seem strange after all this time, it wasn't exactly common for a girl who by all rights still ought to be a toddler being not only almost a full on adult, but able to do so many generally unnatural things. It wasn't distaste on Gloria's expression, however, merely surprise.

Walking through the stalls in the meantime, there were a few people selling oddities among the various necessities. One sold trinkets, made from simple metals and cheap gemstones cruedly carved, but still pretty enough. Another sold charms and talismans, some of gods both old and new and others of more superstitious bent, the oddest being an onyx talisman costing 6 denarii that seemed to radiate a warmth when Eleanor touched it. Another sold ammunition for firearms, a hard thing to come by in Crolia given the relative scarcity of firearms, and though it was at a premium she could pick up some spare rounds for her revolvers or the rifle that Kara favored. She had mentioned that she was running low about a week ago.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor chuckled at Gloria's reaction. She had grown so accustomed to the situation with Lani over these past two years, and their relationship seemed as normal to her as any other, that Eleanor found it peculiar whenever anyone was surprised by her daughter and her demonic heritage. Yeah, Lani's been having sex for at least a year and a half now, at least. Though as far as I know she's only ever had sex through the use of her demon penis. Lani's not given her actual virginity to anyone from what I know, but she seemed to have grown quite attached to Priscilla before she left the ranch. Ooh, that looks interesting."

Eleanor stopped at the stall selling the curious onyx talisman, and putting a sack down on the floor for a moment she picked up the curio and passed it around in her hands several times, evidently intrigued by it. "I'm not usually one for these kinds of novelty items, but this really is pretty peculiar. Here, have a look at this." Eleanor passed it over to Gloria to hold onto for the moment and to inspect, and rummaging through her bag the rancher pulled out her coin purse. "How much was this, six denarii?" Eleanor counted out the coin and passed it to the merchant before thanking and bidding the person goodbye. Picking up the sack of rice she set off down their leisurely path once more, picking up the conversation where she left off as she continued to glance over the stalls.

"But yeah, Lani summoned demons pretty regularly to have sex with. I'm guessing they also helped her learn and develop her demonic powers because I would've had no clue there and Lani's abilities have been steadily growing since they first appeared." During their walk Eleanor took the time to purchase some more ammunition for the firearms they used on the farm. Her and Kara, Kara especially, were beginning to run low on ammo and so she thought now would be as good a time as any to purchase more before they completely ran out rather than wait for a merchant to arrive. "Though we have also had our fair share of sex before Lani left. I was actually her first time. And I have to say, it was either from lessons from her demon friends or through some kind of natural ability of her own, but damn was the sex good. It certainly wasn't the best I've ever had because she's still young and learning, but it satisfied me in ways few others have. Aulekia, Lani's 'father', was the last person to really make me feel that way." Eleanor paused for a moment then, a brief wistful expression flitting over the younger woman's features as she realised she was venturing into a topic she hadn't spoken about with anyone besides Lani for quite some time. As the silence quickly grew to an uncomfortable one Eleanor forcefully cleared her throat, fidgeting with the position of the rice sacks for a moment before forcing a more cheerful expression onto her face and directed their path towards the end of the market, signalling that her purchases for the day have been made, unless Gloria wanted to look through stalls for a bit more.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Gloria looked even more surprised when Eleanor revealed that Lani had been having sex for over a year, and was stunned to silence while Eleanor was distracted by the strange trinket. The stall owner, a pale wiry man with little in the way of hair, seemed distracted despite having only a few customers, only glancing around listlessly, but her question got his attention. He glanced at the gem in her hand, nodded and grunted affirmatively, took her coin, and then returned to his seemingly dazed state. Gloria seemed surprised when handed the necklace, holding for it a moment and rubbing a finger over the smooth obsidian. "It's.... Warm," she said, seemingly mystified by the object held between her fingers. Gloria would hand it back only hesitantly after Eleanor had paid for it, and seemed distant for a few moments after that before the rancher's continued discussion of Lani's sexual habits drew her attention again.

A few people looked over as Eleanor discussed Lani's abilities, most looking away quickly but some giving the sign of one deity or another. It was rare for demons to be discussed so openly, even in Crolia, and despite having mated with a hellhound before Gloria seemingly hadn't shaken all of those superstitions. As Eleanor drifted through wistful memories of the demoness who had caused her to conceive Lani, Gloria pursed her lips and followed as they headed out of the crowded market and out onto the street dedicated to travelers and larger trade. It was here, in the various silos and warehouses and larger shops, that the bigger farms sold their goods to be taken to markets in Therion or further, and where such caravans could acquire any supplies that they had run out of on the way. "I don't know.... I'm no prude, and she isn't my daughter, but.... Is that really... Healthy? I mean, what if the, uhhhh, plumbing works?" Gloria asked uncertainly as they broke from the crowd.

Eleanor would have long enough to decide whether she wanted to go right, towards the inns, the stable, and Pithia's gate, or left back towards the brothel and the center of town. Eleanor could respond as she liked, but before Gloria could then answer in turn someone would come hurrying up to them from the market. "Excuse me," the stranger said as they stopped just within arm's reach, and Gloria would turn to face them whether or not Eleanor chose to do the same. The stranger, a woman with a deep voice, was clad in a red and blue tabard with a white drake emblazoned on a black shield on the chest, worn over a set of pitch black mail that was obviously of fine craftsmanship. They were taller by a head than Eleanor and, despite their deep voice, were unmistakably female on closer inspection, their figure just slightly visible through their armor but their face possessing nearly breathtaking beauty, a pronounced brow and chin giving them a look as if chiseled from white marble in the image of some ancient war goddess when accompanying their armor. Dark red hair hung down from their head in a braided ponytail, with a pair of golden clips holding the folds atop her head together just barely standing out among the deep crimson.

Her eyes were a color to match her hair, and she showed a toothy grin that left a pair of pearly fangs exposed among her otherwise perfect teeth, "I was walking by and couldn't help but overhear... You say you have no problem with demons?" It was obvious enough that she was addressing Eleanor, and so Gloria remained silent and shot a sidelong glance at Eleanor.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Plumbing..?" Eleanor repeated, confused as to what Gloria meant. Though a moment later it hit Eleanor, and she met Gloria's uncertainty with a reassuring laugh. "Oh, you mean what if she gets me pregnant! That thought did occur to me as well, and we did talk about it. Though after a year and a half of sex with no pregnancies we came to the conclusion that Lani's infertile. Which is a shame in a way, my dear daughter won't be able to experience the joys of motherhood. That or her demonic abilities haven't fully matured, if that's even how it works." Eleanor added, mumbling, not really certain of anything relating to how demons work.

Once the two of them had pushed their way through the crowds to the edge of the market Eleanor wondered upon their next destination. They could always go straight ahead to view the wares of the more permanent merchants where larger and more varied stock would be found, and while she had no plans to purchase anything else it would give her an opportunity to see the kinds of prices they were selling their stuff for. Alternatively she could always go back to her horse to saddle up her bags of rice, or head back to the Clandestine Hall to see if Treyja and Anaise were finally available. Though before Eleanor could decide where they should go next the two of them were interrupted.

"Can we... help you?" Eleanor paused momentarily as she turned around, caught off guard by the striking beauty of the woman addressing them. Once she looked passed the woman's good looks though Eleanor couldn't help but notice how well dressed the woman was, and that, judging by the coat of arms emblazoned on her tabard, she belonged to some noble family or a group. One other feature that the rancher noticed, and seemed to be purposely on display, were the woman's fanged teeth, which Eleanor supposed was to signify the woman's own possibly demonic heritage. Or possibly a darker heritage, if the rumours she had heard were to be believed.

"Uh, yeah... Demons themselves, like almost everyone else, aren't a problem for me," Eleanor answered carefully, slowly putting her sacks of rice down. While Eleanor tried to give everyone that wasn't openly hostile to herself a fair chance this woman was, while it was being spoken fairly loudly, butting into a private conversation, and asking on a subject that some people may take badly if they were given an answer they didn't like. Eleanor wasn't expecting a fight, but if it came down to it she'd rather not split her sacks open due to having to drop them suddenly. "I judge people on their actions, not who or what they are. Why do you ask?"
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Yeah, you know... Are the parts... Functional?" Gloria elaborated unhelpfully, but when Eleanor explained that they'd surmised that Lani was infertile she didn't seem entirely reassured. "I don't know.... But I guess it's alright if you can't get pregnant. Not like I've any right to judge anyway."

When the stranger approached them, Eleanor's choice to lower her rice bags and guarded response left a soft smirk directed her way, the stranger seemingly completely at ease. "Several reasons really," she said cryptically, though there was an easily detectable note of invitation. Following a fairly brief pause in which she smiled at Eleanor, the armored stranger continued; "But the most important one happens to be that the group that I represent - a new venture starting just a ways West of this wonderful little town - is in need of a stable source of supplies.

"I've tried being honest with my heritage so far, but most of the locals seem hesitant to deal with a demon at all. You wouldn't happen to be a farmer of some variety, would you? Or perhaps a brewery owner? Our largest needs are food and ale, which we resell to our customers, and while we have a stable enough supply for now we will eventually run out, and lack the resources in our area to adequately provide for such necessities given our expanding customer base. Coin is not an issue for us, we can undoubtedly beat out any other offers you might have for your goods, or if you could at least assist in, ahhh, breaking the ice with some of your countrymen, you would be handsomely rewarded."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"And they are..?" Eleanor asked, her good mood beginning to wane. This whole exchange was starting to feel like the one she had with that bastard Grash earlier in the day, and being deceived again was something Eleanor wasn't going to put up with.

Though as the woman made her intentions somewhat clearer Eleanor breathed a sigh of relief and allowed herself to relax a little. "I'm a farmer of sorts, yes, though my farm only really produces enough for my family to survive off. We do produce a small amount of excess, but I don't think it would be enough for what you seem to be asking for. Of course, if you can supply the gold like you say you can I might be persuaded to part with what I make, so long as I can afford to feed my family with what I make from such a deal. Failing that, I think I might be able to convince some of the merchants I deal with more frequently to cut you a deal on the produce they sell, though regardless of what deal we strike we'll have to find you a deal with a brewery as I don't produce alcohol." Eleanor explained, taking on a more businesslike manner.

"However, the details of this will have to wait until later. As you can see we're busy with our date, though we will be heading back to my ranch later on in the day, if you care to join us. There's plenty of rooms available should you choose to stay the night. We can sort out the details of our deal then, and you can also fill me in on what you and your people are doing west of here. I've been deceived once today and I'm in no mood for it again. I'm Eleanor, by the way. Eleanor offered a hand to the demoness.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Though her revelation that she didn't produce much more than enough to subsist seemed to disappoint the armored woman at first, but her continuation quickly brought her smile back. She took the offered hand without hesitation, producing a firm grip and revealing a well calloused hand, and replied; "Corlia, a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for the offer of your hospitality, I am quite pleased to accept! We do have fairly extensive needs, but if you can open the door for me I'd be happy to offer you compensation for your time! We can work out the details at your ranch, but for your hospitality at least... I couldn't help but overhear the particulars of your earlier conversation. Sharp ears, they can be so much trouble! Regardless, I have a way of.... Satiating that particular curiosity, if you're interested."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"It's nice to meet you as well," Eleanor said cheerfully once the two women finally greeted one another. "I still have some business to attend to so we'll be in town for a couple more hours before setting off back to the farm, though we will be getting something to eat before setting off so if you want to join us meet us at the Clandestine Hall in about an hour or so."

At Corlia's offer a tinge of red appeared on Eleanor's cheeks . She knew what the demoness was offering, she just never realised it could actually be used on another person. "You... you can actually do that? Like, actual dick and balls?" Eleanor's words came out almost breathlessly as excitement began to take over. The thought of actually having a penis was more of an idle fantasy that Eleanor had dreamt about on occasion, though now that it was an actual possibility the idea was exhilarating. Though Eleanor's excitement didn't last long, she knew that she couldn't waste any time for personal enjoyment while she still had a contract to complete. Still, it was an offer Eleanor would remember, and would most likely call upon sometime soon. "I... I'd love to take you up on that offer, but... Work requires my attention, and I can't get it done playing around with a newly acquired dick, can I? But the moment I've got a spare day I'll definitely take you up on that."