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Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Ahhah, of course! We can discuss more of our... Relationship.... Over something to eat," Corlia replied when Eleanor invited her to join them at the Clandestine Hall to get something to eat. The brothel did not serve food, but there were enough places to eat around it that that wouldn't serve as much of a problem.

When the subject had turned to what she could do to provide for Eleanor's stated fantasy, the knight chuckled softly at Eleanor's somewhat incredulous response. "Yes, though usually I like to keep the extra parts internal. I can accommodate the extra bits if you prefer, however. They do have their uses in the moment if you have a... Proper partner~" she said in a light tone, and now even Gloria seemed interested. "Of course~ It is an offer meant for... More personal moments, when business for the day is finished."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Mmmm, well, once everything has been dealt with I'll definitely have to take you up on that offer," A wide smile spread across Eleanor's face at the thought of actually being able to experience having a cock. Work came first of course, but now that her fantasy was to become a reality in the near future Eleanor couldn't help but imagine what it will actually be like. "Looks like I may be calling on Akros' favour a little sooner than thought~" Eleanor turned to Gloria, grinning widely before leaning over and quickly kissing the older woman on the cheek.

"Well then, Corlia," Eleanor spoke to the demoness once more, returning to her business-like manner. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, I'm certain we'll be fast friends. Now don't forget, it's the Clandestine Hall in about an hour. We'll go from there, get something to eat, and then we can head back to the farm."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Excellent~" the knight purred softly, and Gloria giggled and offered a return kiss to Eleanor's cheek when she turned to the older blonde. "A pleasure to meet you as well," Corlia replied with a modest bow at the waist, "I shan't be late~ See you in an hour!" And then she turned and walked off, leaving Eleanor to do as she liked next on her business in town.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Well, that's weird," Adjusting the sacks of rice to a more comfortable position Eleanor spoke only once there had been enough distance put between them and the market stalls. "Two business deals in one day isn't exactly common, though I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Corlia seems like a nice enough girl, right? A lot better than the orc I had to deal with earlier. Though... I hope she didn't misunderstand my offer to dinner. I know I said we'd meet at the Clandestine Hall, but maybe I wasn't clear that we'd be going somewhere else to actually eat. Instead of, you know."

With their plans for later already finalised Eleanor decided it would be best to head to the stables to secure the sacks of rice to her horse before heading back to the brothel. Whether Gloria decided to stick with Eleanor or head back to the Clandestine Hall while Eleanor went to the stables was up to Gloria to decide, though Eleanor would only be gone for a short while before returning to the brothel herself. Once back Eleanor would find Gloria if she had returned before the rancher before seeking out the madame. "Hey Iliana, is Anaise and Treyja ready for me?" Eleanor asked as she rested against the counter.
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Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"I wouldn't say it's all that strange," Gloria countered conversationally as Eleanor hefted her grain sacks again. "Anything is better than an orc," she would add in open distaste, being one of many who made no effort to disguise their hate for the green skinned warriors from the East. Many had lost family or friends in the war against them, and they hadn't exactly been popular to begin with given that many who entered human society worked as mercenaries and slavers.

"Oh.... I hadn't even thought of that!" Gloria said with a giggle, "it might make one think, wouldn't it?" Gloria would stick with Eleanor on her way back to the stable, putting her bags of rice in her saddlebags and then returning to the Clandestine Hall. Once they reached the brothel, they found it a bit less populated save for one of the very women that Eleanor was waiting for. Treyja was sitting in a chair, idly running her fingers through her silky black hair.

She stopped and smiled when Eleanor and Gloria walked in, quickly standing to greet the rancher and her coworker. "Hello!" she said said brightly, "I hear you requested me!" Once she had exchanged greetings and went to Iliana, asking after Anaise, the woman opened her mouth only to fall silent in surprise. A second later Eleanor would find out why when a hand clapped against her exposed bottom, and when she turned to determine the source she was pushed against the counter so that she was just slightly off balance. Eleanor had about a second to realize that it was the other woman that she was waiting for before the ever adventurous dark skinned woman pressed her mouth to Eleanor's, her tongue worming its way past Eleanor's lips to dance with her tongue in a deep, passionate kiss.

It wasn't exactly an unheard of greeting from the dark skinned Anudorian woman, nor were the hand groping her bottom or the way she pressed up against Eleanor such that their chests were pancaked together, and for the next few moments the rancher was unable to do much more than be reminded rather intimately of how skilled Anaise was with her tongue as it swirled around her own, seemingly finding every spot that would send shivers of excitement running through her. When she finally pulled away, she drew Eleanor's tongue out with her own, and for a moment they danced in mid air for everyone to see before Anaise slid further, leaving a strand of saliva to connect them for a few heartbeats before it finally broke. "Greetings my lovely~" she purred in her exotic accent, her Rs rolling heavily, "I have missed you so! Are you coming to take me? To whisk me away to your home?"

She stepped away, revealing the form fitting black trousers and the long sleeved black vest over a white blouse, her pale blue slippers the only portion of her outfit that contrasted with her nut brown skin. She was of a height with Eleanor, with silky black hair much like Treyja's and deep brown eyes, a thin but finely structured face, and modest but well proportioned curves. Treyja, the shortest of the lot of them, was also the thinnest, her pale blue eyes a few shades lighter than Gloria's and her outfit a simple blue dress with white stockings and black boots, making her look almost girlish. "Youu'll forgive me if I'm a little more... Conservative than that," the other Crolian remarked dryly, leaning in to kiss Eleanor on the cheek. The last three men who weren't being seen by one of the brothel's workers looked a bit disappointed at that, having quite enjoyed the show put on by Anaise, but none of them did so audibly, and Iliana dryly interjected; "They're ready for you, yes."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Hey, Treyja!" Eleanor called out, smiling widely and waving to the woman as she turned and walked backwards towards the front desk for a moment. "Wait right there, I just want to get Anaise before we talk about what's happening." With that the rancher turned back round and continued towards Iliana.

Eleanor didn't know who it was or what they wanted but not only were they interrupting her conversation with Iliana they were violating her personal space by grabbing her ass. "Listen bud, I don't know who you thi-" Turning around Eleanor was about to give the person a piece of her mind though the sight of Anaise standing before her took Eleanor by surprise, and all at once her growing annoyance instantly disappeared. And as their lips met it was replaced by excitement and lust.

Right from their first meeting Eleanor enjoyed how Anaise chose to greet her, and with every meeting she was reminded just how skilled the woman was with her tongue. Which shouldn't really come to any great surprise she thought, Anaise was a prostitute after all, and one of the best kissers Eleanor had ever had the good fortune to make out with. And she had every intention of finding out what else that tongue of Anaise's was good at when she had the time.

Still, no matter how used to their greetings Eleanor got she couldn't help but lose herself in Anaise's warm embrace each and every time. She moaned deeply into their kiss, feeling herself melting with desire as she let dark-skinned woman take control. As their tongues pressed firmly against each other, dancing erotically in the warm confines of their mouths Eleanor's arms slid down Anaise's sides, her hands coming to rest on the prostitute's ass, and taking a hold of her Eleanor weakly groped and fondled the woman. She quietly wished this moment would last forever, though unfortunately like most things it couldn't and before long the two women separated, though not before Anaise coaxed Eleanor's tongue out and the two lingered briefly together for one final blissful moment.

"H-hey, Anaise..." Eleanor stammered out a greeting to the Anudorian woman once they separated, her face flushed red. As she took in the sight of the woman that was seriously making her reconsider not indulging in personal pleasures before her work was complete Eleanor ran her fingers through her hair and giggled in an almost innocent-school-girl fashion. When Trejya stepped up Eleanor returned the smaller woman's kiss to the cheek. "Heh, that's fine, it's great to see you again, Treyja."

"And yeah, I am. I'm taking you all back with me, I've hired you all for a few days to breed some more hellhounds, though there is a little side project that I think you'll be interested in, Anaise. Though before we head back to my ranch we'll grab a bite to eat. We'll also have another guest with us, unrelated to our work, but she seems fine enough. She's meeting us here in a little bit, and I'll explain the plans to you all once we're eating but if there's anything you want to know or talk about now feel free to ask."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Eleanor's response to Anaise's greeting inevitably served to both draw it out and making it a little more intense, and when she came away Eleanor found that the top few buttons of her blouse had been undone somehow, exposing her pale cleavage that contrasted nicely with the darker skin that the Anudorian prostitute proudly put on display. "Oh, tsk, Eleanor dear! When will you give up this... Ranching silliness and come to work with us!" she replied melodramatically, "that body of yours.... That perfect round ass," she gave it a firm grope, "your beautiful breasts~" Anaise briefly grabbed a handful of one of those as well, "your flawless skin~" she leaned in and continued in a loud but seductive whisper, "your luscious lips~" she claimed them again, drawing Eleanor's tongue into another round of passionate dueling that had the waiting johns panting with excitement while Gloria, Treyja, and Iliana all exchanged knowing looks and rolls of their eyes.

"Your naughty little tongue~" she concluded her whisper after leaving Eleanor moaning and panting again, sliding back a step and resting her hands on the rancher's hips. "You'd be all the rage! You'd be taking two, three, or even more clients at a time! And I bet you could take it too~" she continued, casting a glance over at the trio of men waiting. Each of them did indeed look as if they'd bought into what Anaise had been saying, and given that all had come here with the sole purpose of getting laid anyway it likely wasn't surprising that they had bought into the woman's act. Not a one of them looked as if they would mind taking out their lust on Eleanor rather than on one of the whores there, and not a one looked as if they'd mind sharing her either.

Of course, that wasn't what she was here for, and Anaise dropped her act with a soft bet prolonged giggle a moment later and leaned in to kiss her on either cheek. That suggestion, at least, had obviously not been meant seriously. Anaise had on numerous times stated that she was deeply impressed with Eleanor's career choice, and how she'd managed to get some land for herself and actually make something out of it, something that she admitted she could never accomplish herself. Usually before dryly bemoaning her eventual fate once her beauty had faded with age and abuse, which she suspected would be to die as little more than a street corner whore.

"Ahhhh, your little puppies," she replied when Eleanor explained what they were to do, "fair enough then!" Treyja, in the meantime, looked curious as she toyed with a lock of her hair. "Another guest, but not related? Who is it?" she asked, but Gloria answered for her; "It's a lady knight, a demon, named Corlia." Treyja looked startled at that, "a... A true demon? Here?" She seemed hesitant to believe such a thing, but Gloria rolled her eyes and gave her a pat on the head, "you're going to be fucking a hellhound in a few days dear... It's really not that strange a thing anymore."

Anaise, in the meantime, adopted a mischievous grin. "How long is... A little bit?" she asked curiously, but Iliana gave her a flat look and said; "None of that! Akros wouldn't be happy about it, and you'll have plenty of opportunity for that while you're at her ranch!" Anaise chuckled, but shook her head and explained; "That's not what I meant at all, dear! You see... If we are going on a lunch date, well... Poor Eleanor here is so underdressed~ And we happen to have plenty of wonderful outfits lying around, just waiting for her to try on! We won't miss them for a couple hours, I'm sure.... What do you say?" Gloria and Treyja beamed at the idea, but Iliana seemed hesitant. Given how long it had taken her to get to the stable and back, which had eaten up just over half an hour, Eleanor wouldn't have all that long before Corlia might show up at the Hall. Whether she wanted to risk making the demon knight wait, or perhaps worse, letting her walk in while the trio were dressing and undressing her, was up to Eleanor, however, as she could easily just refuse and let them wait until the knight arrived in the brothel's entrance hall. There were plenty of chairs around, and a table would let them sit and entertain themselves in some fashion if Eleanor had the means to do so on hand. If she didn't, there were dice and cards on hand.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor clung to Anaise as the Anudorian woman teased her. She bit her lower lip and giggled with each compliment given to her about her body, letting out a soft moan as Anaise's hands fondled her, hungrily kissing the dark-skinned woman as their lips met for a second time. And at the mention of her tongue Eleanor leant forward and caught Anaise's lips with her own for a brief second, the tip of her tongue caressing the prostitutes upper lip as she finally allowed the Anudorian to pull away.

Eleanor was flattered by Anaise's compliments and suggested life change of course. She had heard it numerous times from both her and the rest of women, the words chosen differently with each girl, but meaning the same thing in essence. And while prostitution wasn't something Eleanor would seriously consider doing for a profession she most certainly enjoyed sex, and the thought of occasionally being paid for it might not be as bad an idea as she had been thinking. And sure, while Eleanor knew they weren't being serious the girls were certainly wearing her down to the idea of it, and the obvious looks from the three men watching her and Anaise's display made it evident that she would indeed be pretty popular. Still though, if she were to do it Eleanor would prefer to partner up with one of the girls. To ease her into the process of course, and not just because she'd really like to share a nice fat cock with one of them.

"Maybe we should leave this for another time, eh~?" Eleanor suggested, nodding towards the onlooking men while buttoning her shirt up to reduce the threat of her breasts spilling out once the two women had pulled themselves from each other.

"I'd say we've got another half hour or so before Corlia arrives," Eleanor commented once the women had finished talking amongst each other. "And don't worry, Anaise. Corlia seems like an honest enough woman. Though if there's trouble me and the girls should be enough to sort it out. You'll be safe around her, I promise."

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Eleanor asked in a tone of mock offence at the mention of slipping her into something more appropriate for dinner. Though as she looked down the rancher realised the girls did have a fair point. She had been wearing the same set of clothes for the past few days now, and quite frankly it showed. Dirt and grass stains could be seen on both her shorts and shirt, most prominently on her ass, accompanied by a faint odour generally associated with clothing that had perhaps been worn for a little longer than they should have; a mixture of sweat and grime, and perhaps just a subtle hint of her own feminine scent. Eleanor frowned and conceded defeat. "Hmm, well... I wasn't thinking of anywhere too fancy, but maybe trying out some outfits wouldn't be so bad. I'm not saying I'll be wearing the clothes to dinner because we'll be leaving straight after, but it would be nice to wear something a bit different to what I usually wear. Hopefully Corlia won't mind too much of a wait."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"But of course~" Anaise purred after parting from their second kiss, and Eleanor would go without a third for a little while at least. After their internal debate, Anaise would merely nod in response to Eleanor's assurance that their additional guest would cause no trouble, "I wasn't worried."

The three whores and Iliana collectively gave Eleanor a flat look when she tried to defend the state of her outfit, which was covered in grime, and when she agreed the three burst into grins. Anaise grabbed her under one arm and Gloria the other, with Treyja taking up the rear as the other two led Eleanor up the steps. She'd be treated to another earful of the noises of the busy brothel as she was marched down the hall before turning a corner and heading into a doorway at the end of the hall. That brought Eleanor into the biggest room in the building, a renovation that combined several rooms in what had once been a small mansion belonging to the town's lord.

What had once been a master bedroom and a servant's quarters had been transformed, the wall mostly knocked down. The wall directly ahead and on the far right was devoted to a line of small desks, each with a mirror, where the workers here could ready themselves for their daily labor. The right hand side of the room was mostly dominated by racks of clothes, various outfits for various builds and tastes ranging from the surprisingly plain to the incredibly gaudy, and a lot of it was, unsurprisingly, lingerie. The left hand wall had been converted into a large area of showers, the majority of the building's plumbing rerouted there to ensure the cleanliness for the next client.

Two people were already in the room when Eleanor and company arrived. The closer to the door was, obviously, a worker just like the trio who had escorted Eleanor in, one whom Eleanor didn't recognize by name but had seen before. She was another bit of local flavor, a lithe brunette with blue eyes and abnormally large breasts considering the size of her. She had just cast aside a robe and was heading for one of the shower stalls when they'd entered, and turned briefly in surprise at the sight of them, showing that her impressive bosom was presently covered in fresh cum.

"Madi," Anaise greeted her casually as they walked in with Eleanor, who nodded in turn and replied; "Anaise. Who's that? More new blood?" She eyed Eleanor up and down, "looks a bit fresh off the road to me! It's a good thing yer bringing her in here!" It was Gloria who answered, saying; "Nah, just a friend and a client. We're playing dress up~" The naked woman smirked and rolled her eyes, "yeah, well... Don't get too frisky in here!" Then she turned and strolled over to the showers, starting one and sighing. The water was kept hot by magic, and vents on the ceiling sucked up the steam so that it didn't fill the room.

The stalls were only about five feet wide, small alcoves separated by thin stone dividers to offer a bit of privacy, but neither of the two workers present seemed to care too much about it as neither had drawn the curtain to protect their back from onlookers. That drew attention to the other person who had originally been present, a very muscular man whom Eleanor had never seen before in the stall up against the wall. The moment that Treyja, Anaise, and Gloria caught sight of him all three blushed and erupted into giggles, but they quickly drew Eleanor off to the right. "Why don't you go and get cleaned up while we pick out something for you to wear?" Gloria suggested while Treyja was already rummaging through the brothel's collection of clothing.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Woah, okay, this is happening," Eleanor spoke out in surprise as the three women grabbed her and begun to march her out of the main hall. "Iliana, could you let Corlia know where to find us, please? You'll recognise her when she comes in." Eleanor called out to the matron just before she slipped out of the ranchers view.

Eleanor, perhaps unsurprisingly, had never ventured this deep into the Clandestine Hall in the year and a half she had been in contact with its people, preferring to meet the women she hired for her breeding projects either in their own private quarters or in Akros' own office when the deals were dealt on the premises. As such Eleanor was rather impressed with the renovations that had been done on what was once several bedrooms, and for a moment the woman was distracted by the work that had gone into making this room a suitable place for the whores to pretty themselves up for their clients. Though she was quickly pulled back to reality as Anaise and the prostitute named Madi greeted each other.

Eleanor's eyes followed Madi as she walked over to the shower stalls, the woman's rather impressive body reminding her of daughter's own though obviously with much larger breasts which, given Lani's young age had promise to develop into. As the petite whore slipped into the shower stall though Eleanor's eyes trailed from the rear poking out and followed the gaze of the other whores, catching sight of the well muscled man, no doubt the owner of the semen currently being washed from Madi's sizeable bosom. It had been quite some time since Eleanor had seen a man as impressively built as this individual and even longer since she had been fucked by one, her time over the past couple of years spent in the company of women, and unlike the whores her gaze lingered a moment or two longer, enjoying the view.

"We don't have too much time remember," Eleanor reminded the girls as she unbuttoned her shirt and watched them rummage around for potential clothes for her to wear. "As fun as this is certainly going to be I don't want to keep Corlia waiting too long. A shower and fancy clothes is all well and good, but I can't go and upset a potential client now." Though despite her insistence Eleanor seemed happy enough to part from the girls once her clothing had formed a pile on the floor. Eleanor had never been known for being a prude and so she strode naked over to the showers on the opposite side of the room picking one several cubicles away from the one currently occupied by Madi, wanting to give the woman some privacy should the man and her decide to continue their activities.

"You better not be picking anything out too slutty for me!" Eleanor joked, shouting over the sound of sudden rushing water from her cubicle. Half closing the curtain to offer herself some privacy Eleanor arched her back and ran her fingers through her hair as she let out a satisfied sigh, enjoying the feeling of the magically heated water washing over her curves. Despite not being a part of the plans she had for the day Eleanor was glad that she decided to go along with this crazy idea of theirs. Today had certainly been a rollercoaster of events, and with plenty more trials to test her in the coming week Eleanor thought that this wasn't too bad a way to end a day, especially considering she got to spent the rest of it with some people she enjoyed the company of.
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Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Yeah!" Iliana replied before Eleanor was dragged out of sight.

"We've got plenty of time!" Anaise reassured, waving her hands. "Now get naked!" Gloria demanded, and as Eleanor complied the pair watched her intently. The two women licked their lips in exactly the same way when Eleanor's top came off, neither making any effort to tear their eyes away from the rancher's newly revealed chest. "My my~ Aren't those just... Yummy," Anaise muttered softly, and Gloria nodded and added; "I think they're even bigger than mine!" Their looks shifted downwards when she took off the rest of her clothes, and when Eleanor turned neither of them resisted the temptation of her plump backside.

Gloria's hand gently clapped onto her backside and squeezed, setting up a soft kneading motion that sent light shivers of pleasure running up Eleanor's spine. Anaise's quickly took the other cheek, landing more softly but squeezing her meaty rump even more enticingly. "So soft~ And it's got such a nice jiggle to it!" Gloria remarked appreciatively. "I know! I can think of plenty of clients who would just melt from having that bouncing in their laps~" Anaise agreed, promtping Gloria to nod, "oh yeah! Some of my regulars would just explode! The pair released Eleanor's bottom after a few moments, allowing her to wander over to the showers, but they watched her the entire way while grinning before joining Treyja in picking out an outfit for her.

At the showers, Eleanor would easily be able to put distance between herself, Madi, and the as yet unnamed man who had been in the showers first. The full bosomed whore had left a stall between herself and him, and to add further doubt to the idea that he was the source of the cum on her chest he got out of the shower mere moments after Eleanor had entered her own stall, not even looking at either of them before taking a towel and drying off. A glance in his direction would show that he was as impressive from the front as he was from the back, well defined muscle rippling with every motion and an endowment larger than Eleanor had ever seen hanging comfortably between his legs. Once dried off, he would go over to the dress racks and take from the brothel's stock, donning a fairly normal pair of trousers and nothing else, which more or less marked him as an employee just like any of the other women Eleanor knew from the place.

Once she had cleaned herself up and possibly indulged in the hot water coming from the tap, or perhaps the sweetly scented soap and shampoo that were also available, Eleanor would be able to dry herself off on a towel and rejoin the women who had dragged her up here in the first place. There was a pile of clothes next to her own, which had been neatly folded and placed on Gloria's desk, and Anaise and Gloria were still out picking more. Treyja was the first to greet her once she rejoined them, the slim dark haired girl beaming at Eleanor and lifting a clear bottle in her thin hands. Shorting than Eleanor, Treyja was the least imposing of their little group and by far the slimmest, having only modest B cups and a fairly spare frame, but she was also incredibly flexible and well know for her ability to take advantage of the flexibility. Her eyes were a pale blue, lighter than Gloria's by several shades, and she normally kept her dark hair in a slightly off center ponytail or let it hang free and fall straight down her back. It was in the latter state now, her bangs kept from her face by a light blue ribbon that almost matched the shade of her eyes and that worked nicely with her extremely fair skin.

"I hope you didn't think I'd let those two have all the fun!" she said as she flipped the cap off of the bottle she held, "don't squirm too much~" As she approached with bottle in hand, a familiar sweet scent flitted into her nose, and Eleanor would recognize the smell as a scented oil that her former master had once gifted her a bottle of, one that he had quite thoroughly enjoyed rubbing into her skin. Treyja would take the same pleasure for herself, unless Eleanor should repulse her for some reason, and quickly but carefully upended the bottle once over each of the rancher's shoulders. A cool substance that rapidly warmed against her skin began to flow down over her body, and Treyja quickly set the bottle aside and rubbed it along down her shoulders and arms and up her neck. She proceeded down Eleanor's back next but stopped at her waist, and then strolled around in front of her with bottle once more in hand. A healthy second application soon coated Eleanor's bosom as Treyja smirked up at her, and the smaller woman's hands soon followed.

The difference in tactics between her and the other two women showed as she rubbed the oil over Eleanor's chest. Gloria would have been slow and affectionate as she smoothed the substance across Eleanor's skin, going down her belly first and then sliding back up to gently rub it over her soft mounds. Anaise would surely have been a tease, at first alternating between her chest and the rest of her upper body before eventually concentrating all sorts of attention on those peaks and their tips, all of it meant to make her excited to the point that she hungered for more. Treyja, however, was by far the most direct. She slipped the oil over Eleanor until she had an even coat and then simply slid up to cup her breasts, kneading them in a blatantly unnecessary effort to spread the substance more while rubbing her palms over the vulnerable tips. Shivers of pleasure were soon running up and down Eleanor's spine like lightning, and once it was apparent that she was ready for more Treyja promptly fulfilled the need she'd built, doing only enough teasing to make Eleanor's body primed for real stimulation before the rancher's breasts were being kneaded, flicked, pinched, and rubbed with consummate skill. Her every effort felt simply amazing, and Treyja managed to do it so shamelessly, ever aiming a coy smirk up at the rancher's face while stimulating her sensitive breasts, that it was almost impossible to even think of asking her to stop, much less actually do so.

Eventually she would, however, and dropped to her knees with the bottle to spread a bit on her hands in order to rub it over Eleanor's thighs and legs, all the way down to her feet. When she was finished, she looked up at Eleanor and raised a hand, spinning a raised finger twice in a silent demand that she turn around, only speaking if Eleanor didn't pick up on her meaning. When she had obeyed, Treyja poured another generous helping of the pleasant smelling, tingly oil over Eleanor's backside and promptly began to rub the stuff all over her plump rear. Treyja's physical appreciation of the pale rancher's ass was no less than her appreciation for Eleanor's breasts, and several times she slipped a hand between Eleanor's legs in order to rub over her thighs, conveniently allowing her fingers to drift across her petals in the process. By the time she was finished, and assuming that the memory of the smell hadn't caused her to rebuff Treyja, Eleanor would be left as aroused as ever once Treyja finished, with the pleasant smelling oil steadily drying against her skin while leaving it practically glowing.

"Excellent work!" Anaise said appreciatively, to which Treyja gave a melodramatic bow. Then it was time for clothes, however, and Eleanor was left with little time to recover before she was stuck trying on outfit after outfit that the trio had picked out for her. They ranged from the flattering to the risque, the three whores have restrained from picking out anything too slutty, and likewise ranged from simple dresses to complex combinations of garments.

They would chew through the rest of their available time in fairly short order, and before Eleanor had gone through all of the options, when a soft chuckle would be heard at the door. Eleanor had been standing stark naked again while Gloria and Treyja were having a friendly argument over white or black lingerie when Corlia was visible in the doorway, eying the rancher up with a mixture of amusement and undisguised interest and a confident smile on her face. "You know," she began dryly, "I had thought you meant having something to eat in the much more conventional sense when you invited me out... Was I wrong? I can assure you, I will not mind in the slightest if I was~" The demoness was leaning casually against the door frame with her arms folded, though her only otherworldly features would still be her deep red eyes and the unnatural beauty of her appearance, and after being startled by her sudden appearance the three would quickly begin appraising her. All three seemed to like what they saw, at least, but it was up to Eleanor to respond.

(Basically, if you don't come up with something for an outfit I'll derp up a few ideas and let you pick from them. Didn't want to overwhelm with options in an already somewhat sizable post.)
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Oh, you like that, huh~?" As Eleanor's shirt dropped to the floor she slid her hands up her sides and over her stomach, and coming up to her breasts she cupped them, squishing them together as she smiled at the two women. "Maybe we'll get to compare them soon~" Releasing her breasts Eleanor span around and slowly undid the button on her shorts, and thrusting out her ass she waved her hips as she slipped out of her bottoms, pausing for a moment as they dropped to the floor before removing her underwear to reveal her plump rear. Soft moans escaped Eleanor as the two women fondled her behind while showering her with compliments, a smirk stretching across her lips at the comments regarding their continued insistence of Eleanor prostituting herself. "You really want to make a whore out of me, huh?"

Once the women had finished molesting her body Eleanor set off towards the showers and caught a glimpse of the well muscled man on the way. She ogled the man's well defined body as he walked by naked, glistening enticingly in the light of the room. Though as he walked by and she picked out her stall, seemingly unaware of her even being there, Eleanor noticed that he left a different stall to Madi and realised that she may have been wrong about him being a client and instead he may actually be just another prostitute that worked for Akros. Eleanor's suspicions were confirmed a few minutes later as the man dressed in the brothel's spare clothing. She turned and entered the shower, slight disappointment on her features.

In total Eleanor spent around fifteen minutes by her judgement in the shower to both enjoy the time spent in there and to give the girls time to pick out a collection of clothes for her to try on. She first allowed the hot water to wash over her body and caress her every contour, to relax her muscles and unknot the stress building up in her body. She then spent the remainder of the time cleaning the exterior dirt with the flowery fragranced soaps and lotions within the cubicle, smelling the contents of the bottles before using each in turn.

Once she was finished Eleanor stepped out of the cubicle smelling of strawberries and apples, of elderflower and lilacs, of cinnamon and mint, and numerous other fragrances both known and unknown to the rancher. Dripping wet, Eleanor collected up a thick towel and made her slow way towards the trio of whores, drying herself completely by the time she finished her walk back, stopping in front of the smallest of the three whores. "Oh? What did you have in mind then?" Eleanor asked, curious as to what Treyja had planned. Though the sight of the bottle and the scent emanating from it brought back memories of long ago, of the passionate nights spent rolling around on her lord's bed as the two spent the hours exploring every inch of each other's bodies. Those days were long gone now of course, though despite the melancholy thoughts the oil brought back a smile spread across Eleanor's face as Treyja set upon her with the bottle.

"Mmmm, this sure does bring back memories~" Eleanor moaned softly as Treyja poured the fragrant oil over her shoulders. She swept her hair to the front as the small prostitute worked the liquid into her skin, spreading and working it into her shoulders, arms, neck, and finally down her back and stopping just at her waist. And as Treyja finished Eleanor's eyes followed her as the whore swept to the front of the rancher, locking her gaze with the mischievous whore's as she took her place in front of Eleanor.

Closing her eyes and biting her lower lip Eleanor arched her back as Treyja poured some more of the cool oil over her large breasts. She breathed deeply, taking in the intoxicating aroma of the oil as it ran down her orbs, Treyja's skillful hands sliding over and groping her. For the moment she allowed her memories to flood back into her mind, and while Treyja's hands were far more slender than those she remembered, Drake's, Eleanor's long dead lord and lover, were just as experienced. With each jolt of pleasure Treyja's fingers sent through Eleanor's body she let out a soft moan that grew louder with each pleasurable touch, increasing her lust and desire in the process. And as Treyja dropped to her knees to work the oil, and her skill, on Eleanor's lower half it started to become almost unbearable for the woman. She obediently turned around for Treyja when told to, and stuck her ass out. Her cries of pleasure poured freely and filled the large room as Treyja's dextrous fingers worked their magic on Eleanor's plump rear, her mouth hung open in a wide smile as her tongue lolled out, and saliva pouring as freely as her nectar flowed from her womanhood. It had been quite some time since anyone had made Eleanor feel this good from just foreplay she thought as she felt her resolve to not indulge in personal pleasure until her work was done quickly peel away, though that was perhaps thanks in part to both the oil and the memories it triggered.

But the pleasure couldn't last forever, and thankfully so otherwise Eleanor was sure she'd have given in if it continued for much longer. Though despite that once Treyja had finishing rubbing the oil into Eleanor's skin and ceased with her agonising teasing the rancher was left with a deep yearning for it to continue. She knew it would abate soon enough, however she wanted one final taste, to be in charge of the situation. As Treyja climbed to her feet Eleanor turned around and forced herself upon the smaller whore, pushing her against the desks. As the two fell against the desk Eleanor softly pressed her lips against Treyja's own, tasting them for a moment before slipping her tongue past them and into the warm confines of her mouth. Eleanor brought a hand up, gently cupping the young woman's face as their tongues danced against each other, her other hand supporting her weight against the desk. She held the two of them there for half a minute, her tongue coiling around Treyja's, enjoying her taste, before reluctantly separating from her. "You thought you could have all the fun?" Eleanor teased, a flush of red covering her smiling face.

With their little display over with Eleanor turned to the clothing picked out for her, spending the remainder of the time quickly changing and swapping outfits, posing and posturing in each one before jumping to the next. Each one, from the plainer casualwear, to the risqué elegant dresses and the quite clearly foreign in design outfits, appealed to the rancher though despite that none jumped out at her. Though as she stripped once more and picked up the next outfit in line she knew it was the one for her.

The dress was Amazonian in design though with obvious western techniques used in its creation indicating that its maker wasn't a native to those lands, and simple in its look but with an elegant and exotic feel about it. The dress, armless and with a split that ran down the right side all the way to the collar that separated both halves exposed the wearer's leg, was made primarily from satin with an inlay of cotton. Both fabrics were a vibrant red in colour with the interior being a slight shade darker, with a golden trim of thick woven cotton running along the seam of the collar, tapering off towards the wearer's hip. Several small clasps, gold in colour though made from iron, were there to be used to hold the dress closed. Along the surface of the dress was an intricately stitched floral pattern made from gold thread. It climbed from the bottom left side in a wave-like pattern, splitting as it reached the knee to climb up both the front and the back of the dress. Spirals sprouted from each wave and both golden vines ended in blooming flowers, one over the wearer's stomach and the other creeping over the wearer's rear, coming to an end across the left side of the hip.

"Oh, you've arrived? Don't worry, we're almost done here," Eleanor replied as Corlia announced her arrival, and began to get dressed. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind~" Eleanor teased, pulling her hair free from the back of the dress once she had slipped it on. The rancher admired herself for a few moments in a mirror, spinning around to get a look at herself at all angles. The dress was a bit tight on her and was clearly made for someone smaller than herself, it hugged her larger than average breasts and made it feel somewhat awkward to move around in but she didn't care. Eleanor loved how the dress looked and felt against her naked body underneath, and had every intention of getting a copy of it made for her when she had the time. Once happy with how she looked Eleanor slipped on a pair of lacy white panties as well as a pair of white stockings, and a white garter belt to help keep her legwear up.

"If things go well between us I'm sure we can sort something out for another day. You certainly look lovely enough, and I'm well aware of the abilities of demons~" Eleanor's eyes locked with Corlia's for a moment before drifting downwards, towards her crotch. "Corlia, this is Anaise and Treyja, and of course you've already met Gloria. Girls, this is Corlia." Eleanor introduced the four women to each other as she slipped on a pair of black slippers much in the same fashion as Anaise's own pair, before heading towards the door. "Are we ready, ladies?"

Eleanor's dress
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Treyja melted as Eleanor pushed her back into the desks, raising a leg to coil it around Eleanor's waist and eagerly returning the rancher's kiss, albeit in a fairly submissive manner as she accepted Eleanor's tongue into her mouth. She even moaned slightly as Eleanor held the embrace between their mouths, letting her hold it for as long as she wanted and smiling with a deep blush. "I wouldn't dream of it~" the pale whore replied, lightly palming the rancher's plump ass in what little time they had left to toy with each other.

"I can certainly appreciate the view~" Corlia said coyly as she watched Eleanor get dressed, the Amazonian dress she'd chosen clinging to her form nicely. Treyja, Gloria, and Anaise didn't miss the opportunity either, but for once no one would take the opportunity presented when she bent over to pull her panties up, leaving her ass open for all sorts of groping. "It looks lovely on you," the demoness said once Eleanor was fully dressed, and though she'd passed up the opportunity to cop an easy feel she was bold enough to add, "I hope I'll be able to see it come off later~"

She grinned eagerly as Eleanor hinted that such might very well be possible, and chuckled softly as Eleanor's gaze briefly drifted down to her crotch. "As I said before, I would be quite happy to oblige~" she purred, though she would then be content at their lewd planning. "Charmed," Anaise said when introduced, while Treyja would curtsy and Gloria would simply nod. Corlia, in turn, would offer a formal bow at the waist to the three prostitutes.

No one had much further to do in the brothel's bathing and changing room, and as such they were soon on their way. Eleanor then had her choice of where she wanted to eat, though in such a small town there were certain limits. The local fare tended to be fairly heavy and simple, with lots of meat involved and very few sweet things besides berries, and she could opt to go to a simple tavern for a cheaper meal and perhaps a few drinks or the only proper restaurant in town, the Smolder's Den, named for the story of a dragon who had supposedly once lived in the region. If she wished for more exotic foods, however, the trader's market had a small cafeteria in which foreigners offered samples of their own foods, and she might get more familiar Badarian dishes or perhaps exotic meals from the Amazon or Anudor from there.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Her business in the whore house concluded with Eleanor set about finding a place for her and the girls to eat at. She slipped an arm around Gloria's as the group left the premises and headed into the main streets of Pithia. During her previous business trips to the town Eleanor had stopped at some of the eateries and so knew which places sold what and the general quality of the meals was like. Though unlike those other times she was now accompanied by some companions and so thought that going somewhere cheap wasn't going to be such a good choice. Besides, Eleanor wanted to show off the fancy dress that she had the fortune to borrow for their meal, and such a nice looking dress deserved to be shown off at an establishment a bit finer than some market cafeteria.

"Hey, I know, why don't we eat at this place?" She asked cheerily as the group neared the Smolder's Den, the only restaurant Eleanor hadn't spent time at yet. Eleanor pressed forward, her arm disentangling itself from Gloria's, her hand slipping into and taking hold of the older woman's as Eleanor headed the group towards the restaurant.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

No one disagreed with Eleanor's choice, and Treyja even perked up excitedly as she realized where Eleanor. The quintet of women certainly turned a few heads from the early dinner and late lunch crowd, which was fairly sparse. Proper restaurants were rarely seen outside of cities, and while it certainly wasn't a bad place it was also far from the most luxurious or expensive place to eat on Heloras. It was still nice though, or at least nicer than any alternatives, and the pleasantly varied meals made for an impressive selection.

The hour meant that they were seen to a table quickly, and that their server, a local girl with blond hair and blue eyes who was fairly short, was quick to get to them. At first she asked for drinks, the rest of the girls wanting to peruse the menu even if Eleanor already knew what she wanted. Corlia assured her that she would pay for her own meal, and the three other girls quickly followed suit, leaving Eleanor to decide just how much she wanted to spend. The fair ranged from relatively plain to fairly extravagant, and all manner of foodstuffs were on offer in various combinations, all she had to do was pick one.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor took the menu and thanked the waitress, and started their dinner off by asking for a round of wine, something sweet and fruity preferably with a low alcohol count. She wanted to enjoy the taste for now, and with them hitting the road later on it was perhaps a wise idea for them to not be drunk at the time. After all, there was always the hard stuff back on the farm if anyone wanted to get drunk later on.

When it came to the discussion of payment she wasn't going to stop Corlia from paying for her own meal if she really wanted to, the demoness was an extra even if Eleanor invited her, but it was Eleanor's intention originally to take the girls out for a meal before they set off back to the ranch and so insisted she'd be the one who'll be paying. Once they were finished with the payment talk Eleanor to perused the menu, spotting the traditional Baradian and Crolian cuisines, the former she was intimately familiar with, the latter she was getting to know more and more. And amongst the usual fare she'd expect from restaurants such at this Eleanor also noticed the more exotic dishes of Amazonia, of which she had little experience with eating. But given her current choice of outfit Eleanor thought it would be apt to go with an Amazonian meal.

Unsure of what she'd like and not, but curious by the fanciful names and descriptions, Eleanor asked the waitress to suggest a dish from the list. She wouldn't give her any specifics to what she wouldn't want to eat, and the price wasn't of much concern to her so Eleanor left it to the woman whilst the rest of them picked what they wanted.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

The girls would relent quickly enough when Eleanor demanded she pay for their meal, all three ordering mulled wine as well while Corlia asked for mead, which proved to be exactly what Eleanor had wanted. Asking the waitress for a suggestion and saying she'd prefer Amazonian fair, the girl would smile and say they had a dinner special going that consisted of spiced rice with shorn sweetened sauce, fresh steamed vegetables, and carp caught on the Eastern coast and imported all the way across Crolia, an expensive treat but absolutely delicious. If Eleanor was fine with that, she would take their orders, Corlia ordering a steak dinner, while Treyja asked for a chicken breast with sliced potatoes and spinach, Gloria for a rack of ribs with roasted potatoes on the side, and Anaise for a difficult to pronounce dish from her homeland consisting of lamb and various vegetables under a very hot sauce.

With their meals ordered, the trio would descend into small talk about their work, something that Corlia listened to with evident fascination, but if Eleanor wished to bring up any particular topic with anyone she could do so without much trouble.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Almost as soon as the waitress finished describing the Amazonian themed meal Eleanor agreed to it. It was as far from what the rancher usually ate as was possible, and the description alone had her mouth watering. The fish was a pleasant surprise as well. Despite a river running along her land and a lake not too far from her house fish was a rare treat for Eleanor, she simply didn't have enough time with everything else to dedicate time and manpower to fishing. And she found it much easier and more efficient to hunt and store red and white meat.

With their orders made and their drinks delivered Eleanor sat and listened to the girls talk for a few minutes as she slowly downed her first glass of mulled wine, making a mental note to stock up on some when she next had time to go shopping. Gently swirling her glass Eleanor turned her head towards Corlia, and leaving the three whores to talk amongst themselves for the moment she spoke to the demoness. "So what brings you and your people to Crolia, Corlia?" Eleanor asked, curiosity in her voice and a small smile on her lips.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Freedom," Corlia replied promptly when Eleanor turned to her and questioned why she and her kin had come to Crolia, directing her crimson gaze at the rancher while holding her own chosen drink in one hand. "We come from Acheron originally," she began to clarify, "but found Queen Xeon's rule too.... Limiting. So we came here, away from the xenophobia of Badaria and from most of the aliens, under the leadership of another lord, milady Jesse as she is now called. We established a place of business and community not far from here, along the road going West to keep out of the war with the orcs, and have been trying to get into a more comfortable living situation with the locals so that the powers that be of your world will see fit to leave us alone once they finally take notice."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Freedom, huh?" Eleanor repeated, and placing an arm on the table she rested her head against the palm of her hand. She looked towards the demoness sitting next to her, her smile widening as she dreamily looked on. "I can understand that, it's partly the reason to moved to Crolia, though I've never been to Acheron before. Haven't been back to Badaria since I moved to my farm actually, but I have heard of the city that replaced my home. A den of sex and gambling from what I've been told, and generally not a bad place if you're not causing trouble. I definitely have plans to visit it at some point. Though I've not heard of this Xeon before, let alone a 'queen' being in charge of anywhere. It's a self given title I assume? Surely she can't be ruling the entirety of Badaria, I can't see many people happy being ruled by a demon. Oh, uh, no offense." Eleanor added hastily, not wanting to cause offense to the demoness.

"Mmm, yeah, I can understand wanting to keep out of the way of the war with the orcs." Eleanor tensed up at the mention of the orcs for a moment, her recent dealings with them still leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. "I, uh, I'm currently under contract with them. It was written up before learning of their intent, thanks to my haste in wanting to earn some quick cash. Needless to say it won't happen again, and while I trust that you and your people are honest folk I hope you'll understand my need to question you in greater detail. It's all a formality really, but one I plan on following with from now on."

"But we'll get into the details of it all later on back at my place," Brushing her bangs out of her face Eleanor sat back up. "For now that's enough for me. But what I am interested in talking about now is you. Aside from my daughter and the odd demon she's called upon that I've met I've not had much experience with demons. Even the woman that fathered her I didn't get to spend much time with. Aulekia was her name, and we only had a few brief hours together thanks to my rashness." Eleanor's voice quietened as she spoke about her former lover, her gaze lowering briefly as she allowed her real feelings to surface before she forced herself to perk up. "But enough of that, I want to hear about you."