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Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.


Jungle Girl
Aug 6, 2010
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(As requested in responce to the discussion about the legality of loli in writing. Not made by myself. Also note that I haven't read more than the start of this, but it looked alright from that...)

Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up (bbb/g ,bond, oral)
By Elliott Strictbinder

Send feedback to: [email protected]

deleted, love Nunu
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Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

If its loli we arent allowed it


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

If its loli we arent allowed it

I guess that... sorta answers my question


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

Loli is hentai, hentai is a form of anime or manga, which are both drawn. This isn't drawn ergo, it isn't loli. QED.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

The word loli was coined off of a book.

*edit* wow researching this is pretty unclear
I saw
The UN Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography has perhaps the widest definition when it talks about any representation “by whatever means” of a sexual representation of a child. This could conceivably include non-visual depictions, for example text or audio files.
But one book on cyberspace and the law says
The sexual conduct in which the child is involved does not have to be legally obscene in order for the material to be classified as child pornography. The material must, however, involve the visual depiction of children; so written text is not enough.
But goes on to use the logic that
Any other form of sexually oriented material, such as sexually explicit text, should be analyzed under the Miller test to determine if it is obscene or merely indecent. This is the case even if the nonvisual material describers children engaging in sexual conduct. The reasoning behind this is that taking photographic images of children engaging in sexual conduct harms the children who participate in the activity, whereas with textual descriptions of children and sex there are no participants to be harmed
which doesn't explain fictional imagery which is clearly outlawed. Also, it should be mentioned that I believe this book was 1994.
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Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

Photos of 13 year olds arent loli but we dont have them either. If smeomevwants this tjey will have to get it directly from douche as we arent hostimg or linkimg to it
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(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

I found a case in which it was seen as ok to have written material but I'm not sure if it applied because a) it was material the person themselves had created, so there's the whole not distributing thing, b) the material didn't advocate the sexual nature of it, and c) it still contained "artistic merit" which I think is a retarded part of the law. It gets judged by 3 experts who are supposed to ignore the pornography and evaluate it or something. Sounds dumb.

But this was in Canada, and I'm finding that Canada and Australia both have laws explicitly against written child pornography.

*edit* forgive me, I'm not arguing this either way, I'm really curious about this now and have been researching it for several countries.

*DOUBLE EDIT* It is found to be the opinion of most people that it IS legal, though most people use the flawed "freedom of speech logic" like "well for the same reason it's not illegal to write about murder, rape, and drugs, its not illegal to write about child porn" which is dumb because it's not illegal to view images of murder, rape, and drugs either, but child porn is. But then in these opinions, someone found this article which is American

PITTSBURGH (AP) - A woman who authorities say ran a Web site that published graphic fictional tales about the torture and sexual abuse of children has been indicted on federal obscenity charges.

"Use of the Internet to distribute obscene stories like these not only violates federal law, but also emboldens sex offenders who would target children," U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan said Wednesday in announcing the charges against Karen Fletcher, 54.

Excerpts of her stories were available to all visitors to her Web site, while others paid to read whole stories, prosecutors said.

Fletcher was indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday on six counts involving six stories about the kidnapping, torture, sexual molestation and murder of children 9 and under. The charges carry five years in prison each.

Fletcher, in a telephone interview with The Associated Press, said Wednesday that federal authorities "didn't like my site." She had no other comment on the charges.

In court papers, the FBI said Fletcher told agents she wrote most of the stories and posted contributions from other people.
It turned out the author was abused herself and wrote the stories cathartically and had a monthly charge to her site to prevent minors from entering in her site and to avoid total distribution of her material, so there's an actual case of someone who can try to claim to be innocent while in court for child pornography. First amendment activists and her lawyers tried to bring up written books and other examples, but "Obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment, and the law is clear on that... This is extremely egregious and is as patently offensive as material possibly could be. I cannot imagine material more offensive than the material in the case of Karen Fletcher." The author entered a plea bargain citing that she was agoraphobic and was not capable of sitting through what would be a long trial

but according to the WSACP (WebSites Against Child Pornography) They write.
Q. Are child porn text stories illegal and should I report them?

A. As of today it is 'technically' not illegal to feature text related to underage persons. We understand your concerns but unfortunately we are unable to report sites that offer this type of material at this time.
The issue I have with this is they aren't the police, they are activists, so I can't take for their word specificities on the law, but they are the opposite side of things.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

If its loli we arent allowed it
Child sex in fiction has never been illegal. I'm not sure what the law is called but I know that because of freedom of speech in the written media so long as its a work of fiction it is legal. There are plenty of novels that have sexual scenes involving children, some of a graphic nature (Lolita springs to mind) that aren't illegal. It's the reason why one erotic fiction website hasn't stopped fiction featuring children in it to be banned. Until they change the law erotic fiction featuring children will never be banned. It's only when they bring in real life children that it becomes a problem. Granted, this doesnt change the fact that this is Aika's forum and it's ultimately his call whether this work of fiction, and others like it, can be posted or not.
Jul 28, 2010
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.


"This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults."


Edit Note: The line is in reference to a distinguishable minor, as in recognizable. And it excludes the above illustrated versions. This is why nobody was sued for drawing pictures of Hermione naked when Emma Watson was still a minor.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

"This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults."
Actually, I think as of April 2010 that law has changed in Britain, and its now officially illegal to own even art of minors in sexual acts. Not sure where it stands on classical paintings and the like, though I doubt it covers that. I think it refers to straight up 'drawn cp' like lolicon/shotacon doujins.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

>.> Nobody's commenting on the story itself?

It seemed like there were two different people writing this because at some points the descriptions and dialogue were great. Then at other times, it got really juvenile. He would put exclamation points when describing things, which is an absolute sin to me when writing, and the way the characters spoke sometimes would either sound too sophisticated for a 12 year old to know ("I won't renege"? Seriously?) or sound way too forced ("That is so cool!" is a phrase that pops up several times in this story)

I really have to question how Becky gets into her situation in the first place. I can understand a brother allowing his friends to mess around with her, even something as extreme as letting them see her naked and allowing them to do whatever they want with her to a certain degree, but the way the whole turn of events went was way too unbelievable.

"Where's your hot eight year old sister?"
"I told her to put a shirt on."
"I wanna see her naked!"
"Eh, I don't know guys..."
"We'll pay you twenty bucks."
"Sure. And you know what? Tie her up and spank her and do whatever you want with her while you're at it."

And that wasn't an exaggeration. That was the exact pacing of the story itself.

This is only at the points that seem like another author took over. Like I said, I feel like two different authors wrote this because at some points, it seemed like someone's first work of fiction, and at others, it's a really well-written piece. When the good writer starts writing, it starts getting really good.

That's about all I have to say about this. And just so the rest of you know, I only glanced at your comments and got bored.


Jungle Girl
Aug 6, 2010
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

Care to argue further, douchebag?
Why yes! But not in this thread. Here I'll just respond to these:

Photos of 13 year olds arent loli but we dont have them either. If smeomevwants this tjey will have to get it directly from douche as we arent hostimg or linkimg to it
Well of course. Photos of 13yr olds that aren't sexual have no relevance to the forum; loli does. Photos of 13yr olds that are sexual have a totally separate law for their ban-ment.

The UN Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography has perhaps the widest definition when it talks about any representation “by whatever means” of a sexual representation of a child. This could conceivably include non-visual depictions, for example text or audio files.
Now there's a bitch. Thankfully, however, the US has not actually ratified The UN Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children. It created a good deal of it, but doesn't actually follow any of it. Further, I believe this is not, in fact, an actual ‘law’ as such, but more a law to the nations themselves; "if you agree to this, you have to try and make laws to do these"; not “this is something you can charge your citizens on”. But I’m not sure on that last bit.

Any other form of sexually oriented material, such as sexually explicit text, should be analyzed under the Miller test to determine if it is obscene or merely indecent. This is the case even if the nonvisual material describers children engaging in sexual conduct. The reasoning behind this is that taking photographic images of children engaging in sexual conduct harms the children who participate in the activity, whereas with textual descriptions of children and sex there are no participants to be harmed
The Miller test gets done for everything. If someone found my body odour obscene and a court agreed I'd end up getting jail time for it. ...Alright, that's not totally true, as it has to be sexual, but if we're going to be worried about that one most of the hentai we've got would end up classified obscene in court.

It is found to be the opinion of most people that it IS legal, though most people use the flawed "freedom of speech logic" like "well for the same reason it's not illegal to write about murder, rape, and drugs, its not illegal to write about child porn" which is dumb because it's not illegal to view images of murder, rape, and drugs either, but child porn is.
To be technically correct, the main reason it's legal is simply because the anti-loli laws don't cover it. The reason as to why they don't cover it, though, is probably because of people finding the banning of text an unethical thing to do, yes. What I just said sounds frivolous, but it’s important to make a distinction between what people think about why it’s legal and the actual reason that it is legal.

"Obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment, and the law is clear on that... This is extremely egregious and is as patently offensive as material possibly could be. I cannot imagine material more offensive than the material in the case of Karen Fletcher."
This judgment on the writing is based in a different law entirely (that damn Miller test again), and doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the writing was loli, only that it was sexual. In this instance, it was also BDSM, which is ironically what is present in the story above.

It seemed like there were two different people writing this because at some points the descriptions and dialogue were great. Then at other times, it got really juvenile.
Oy, man, tell me about it. I’m actually sorry I put people though that. ^^; It was pretty promising at points, and even at times seemed to be able to reasonably portray actual human reasoning, but most of the time it was just… not good at all.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

Oy, man, tell me about it. I’m actually sorry I put people though that. ^^; It was pretty promising at points, and even at times seemed to be able to reasonably portray actual human reasoning, but most of the time it was just… not good at all.
It has to do with the state of mind the person was in when writing diff parts. As an example, my dad started writing a song around the time I was born, but didn't finish it. What he does have sounds great, but there's obvious gaps between sections of it. He tried to pick it up again several years ago, and hasn't been able to do anything with it. It's just not in him anymore.

As a counter example, some of the things I've written before I've gone back a redone. They're much better than they were before.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

now that i have access to a computer again i have removed this. If you want to debate my ruling take it up with Aika. If you want the story you are going to have to weasel it out of douchbag directly.

you may keep debating this here though.


El Presidente
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

On whether or not it is illegal, I don't know. Up for debate.

On whether or not it should be illegal, I don't think I even need to point out freedom of expression and such laws. I just need to appeal to people's common sense and note that making laws for thought crimes is retarded.
Jul 28, 2010
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

On whether or not it is illegal, I don't know. Up for debate.

On whether or not it should be illegal, I don't think I even need to point out freedom of expression and such laws. I just need to appeal to people's common sense and note that making laws for thought crimes is retarded.
No offense lady, but this comes off more like "leave me out of it" than an actual answer either way on if it's allowed here. You're head of this place, so lay down a decision. If it gets amended later, that's fine, but for now we need an answer it seems on whether or not it will be allowed here on ULMF.

I'll deal with the answer no matter which way it goes. It's totally pointless to argue over laws anyways when we're on an international website that people from all over the world in various districts of law can visit.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

Yeah lady, get on that.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

I believe what Aika was saying that while the law itself may be debatable, it's still a fuzzy area and so is not to be let on this site. Besides that, Nunu has already taken it down.

Also, Aika is rather proud of his manliness. Not very nice of you to go doubting that on him.
Jul 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Little Sister Becky Gets Tied Up.

I believe what Aika was saying that while the law itself may be debatable, it's still a fuzzy area and so is not to be let on this site. Besides that, Nunu has already taken it down.

Also, Aika is rather proud of his manliness. Not very nice of you to go doubting that on him.
Aika's a dude?

<_< *glares at Toxic for the misinformation*