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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Any one thing they want, but not humiliation? Well, so long as it's not criminal in nature, I'm not opposed to it. Okay young lady, I'll accept your challenge, since you're so polite. May I know your name before we begin?"

Locke felt much better about this opponent. Win or lose, he doubted there would be much animosity between them. Certainly he would probably let her off easy if he won.

"Okay Marla, get ready. Eye of the Tiger-Harpy." Locke grinned, lending a competitive edge to his voice to get Marla in the mood for battle. "Start out with a kick! She can't stop you!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"My name is Ripple. I was born in the water. If I do not succeed today, then I will chase you, Locke. Even if I lose, I won't lose heart. Please, don't hold back, Locke." she requested, before the announcer counted down, and Ripple's mermaid prepared herself.

"FIGHT!" the announcer shouted.

Elora, at the start of the battle, trembled at Marla. Elora is Timid!

"Don't forget what will happen if you win, Elora. You can do it." Ripple announced calmly. "Yes! I know! I'll do it! I won't be afraid to fight!" Elora responded, before letting out a serene song. Elora is no longer Timid!

The song from her voice echoes through the arena! Marla tries to cover her ears, but the song still reaches her as Marla becomes Happy!

As Marla's wings lower, and she adopts a weird smile, Ripple grins ceremoniously at Locke. "You're mine, Locke..." she announced with a happy smile. Marla sways back and forth, Locke's words of encouragement simply washing over her. "Since it seems victory is already in my hands... I'll tell you what I want from you... Would you like to know?" she asked, giving Locke a coy expression.

Meanwhile, the mermaid swims over to Marla, and gives the harpy a firm slap of her fin, spinning Marla around, but even that didn't seem to snap her out of it.

Marla takes 16 damage!

"Ha... Ha-ha-ha..." Marla chuckles blissfully.

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 89 / 105
Guts: 0

Elora: 40 / 40
Guts: 0

High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage received)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Mango
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Come on, Marla! You can do it! Snap out of it! If we lose here, I'll be at her mercy! I need the Marla who refuses to lose and I need her now! If not, you won't be able to celebrate with me tonight!"

Locke needed to cure her of her overly blissful state, and he could only think of stopping the unfocused happiness by reminding her of the very real consequences for losing. He knew that deep inside, Marla wouldn't quit, and if she could grasp onto something to fight for, like Locke himself, then she could beat the Mermaid's song.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Are you going to ignore me, Locke? I didn't think you would be so rude to a lady..." Ripple pouted as Locke shouted to Marla.

"L... Locke...?" Marla wavered a bit, seeming to struggle with the magic invading her.

"Listen... Remain lost in wonder..." the mermaid sang.

Locke's words aren't reaching Marla!

Seizing Marla's continued weakness, the mermaid charged, and collided into the harpy.

Marla receives 19 damage!

"I won't harm you, Locke. Losing won't end so badly for you... Just surrender, okay?" Ripple requested kindly.

"Things are looking bad for Locke! It's coming down to which mamono better listens to their trainer, and it seems Ripple and Elora have a better relationship than Locke does with Marla!" the announcer shouts. "But as the audience knows, Marla needs only one moment to win! Can she ever snap out of it!?"

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 70 / 105
Guts: 0

Elora: 40 / 40
Guts: 0

High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage received)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Mango
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Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Marla, ignore the mermaid. You're my first mamono, the cornerstone of my whole reason for being here. You're the toughest, bravest, swiftest harpy I've ever seen. I know you can beat this. Come on! Stand up, be yourself! Get feisty! Get angry! Get pumped! You can do it!"

Locke didn't want to give in to a moment of Ripple's teasing, simply focusing his words on Marla, trying to drown out anything that Ripple or her mamono said.

"C'mon, kick her back!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hehehe... Yeah... I'm gonna get ya!" Marla laughed mindlessly. She rose her leg and swung carelessly, spinning herself full circle, before the mermaid gave Marla another thwack to spin her even faster.

Locke's words are still not reaching Marla!

Marla receives 17 damage!

During Marla's struggling with Elora's magic, Locke slips in, and feeds Marla a mango.

Marla recovers 16 life!

Marla still isn't snapping out of it!

As Marla continues to dance to Elora's musical voice, the mermaid casually gives Marla several more whippings of her tail, beating Marla senseless.

Marla takes 17, then 15 damage for 32 damage total!

Still in a daze, it becomes clear that the beating Marla was taking was starting to tax her as the harpy falls to her knees, using her talons like hands to support her, giggling even while in such pain. "Locke..." Ripple called out Locke's name gently, before holding up her hand to the announcer.

"Rancher Ripple has called for a time out! I don't need to ask Marla this, but Elora, please withdraw from combat until the timeout is withdrawn!" the announcer shouts, while Ripple was approaching Locke in the meanwhile. Once she was close, Ripple regarded Locke with a serious expression.

"Locke..." she began slowly. "If I continue, Marla may get injured... While I do want something from you that you may not be willing to give, what I do not want from you is resent for punishing your partner... So, please, this will be the last time I ask...

"Please, surrender, Locke."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I understand," Locke said slowly, "And of course I don't want Marla to be injured. But this is a contact sport, and I know my Marla. She doesn't quit. And because of that, I can't quit on her either. I won't let her down, she'll win or lose on her own merits, not because I stopped her. So do what you have to do, but you don't have this won by a long shot!"

Pumping his fist he turned to Marla. "Time out is over! Marla, I know you can hear me. I know what you're made of. I know you're not afraid! I know you won't stand for this song to beat you! We're both going to get through this fight together, or we're both going to go down together. You're the best! Now get up and end this fight on your own terms! You can do it!"

Locke knew he was taking a big chance here. Ripple's words had nearly gotten to him, because he did care for Marla a whole lot, but he also had to believe in her. He knew that just beyond that Mermaid-induced haze, the real Marla was clawing and scratching to come to the surface and blaze forth. Would that Marla forgive Locke for throwing in the towel? He had to be as strong as she was.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Locke..." Ripple seemed affected by Locke's determination, and gave a start when he suddenly called off the timeout. As Locke shouted his heart out to Marla...

Marla still remained Happy.

The crowd reacted naturally. Marla still was within Elora's clutches, and Ripple looked over to Locke now that they were standing close. "Elora... I'm sorry Locke... Elora. Finish it." she commanded her mamono, before glancing over to Locke at her side. "It's decided, Locke..." she told him as Elora swam closer to Marla to deal the finishing blow.

"Marry me." she announced her request to Locke, as the soon to be victor of the match.

Marla suddenly recovered!

"WHAT!?" the harpy cried in an uproar. "He's mine!" she shouted.

Marla dodged Elora's attack!

Charging in at the fish, Marla rose her foot angrily, and slammed it into the suddenly terrified mermaid!

Marla inflicts 63 damage!

Locke and Marla Win!

Her mouth agape, Ripple watched with her golden eyes wide open as her victory slipped right out of her hands upon uttering those two words. As if she were emotionally crushed, Ripple sank to her knees on the sandy arena ground next to Locke, staring at the ground. "No..." she whispered ruefully.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke blinked a few times as he took in the scene before him. He was as shocked as his opponents were. Stepping over to Marla he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Welcome back. Not a moment too soon. You really had me worried you know?" He hugged Marla close and gave her an affectionate kiss on her brow.

He then looked down to Ripple. "I'm flattered by your request, but I don't think it was well thought out. A loveless marriage is no marriage at all. Be thankful you lost. I will make my request of you when you come over to my ranch as soon as the tournament is over with. For now, please take good care of Elora."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"It is a request that I have given much thought into, Locke... Loveless as it may be... I really need you..." she said, gloom and doom in her tone. "But, as the most hopeful man... I will not give up. Should you graduate from your rank... I will follow you, Locke, until you are mine..." she announced, before collecting Elora in her arms and walking off.

"Dream on, blue haired bimbo!" Marla shouted at the girl.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke shook his head from side to side as she walked off into the distance with her mamono in her arms.

"I don't get what she was on about. We just met today, so how could she need me? *sigh* The women on this island just don't make much sense to me."

Locke shrugged and walked hand on wing with Marla to the medical attention center to get her healed up for the rest of the day. While doing this, Locke tried to figure out more about Marla's next opponent, not wanting a repeat of today's near loss.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

After returning from the arena, and visiting the medical section of the arena, Mika was there once more, and asked Locke if he wanted to know a little bit about Ripple. After he agreed, she proceeded. "I heard she's the princess of Atlantis. Why she's here is anyone's guess. But for her to just claim she 'needs you' like that, there must be something political going on. And since you're the talk of the town ever since Venice announced her faith in you, it makes sense that you'd be targeted."

Then, the next day... Locke heard that the other victor of the semi-finals was none other than Oakley. His final opponent before the match with the IMA member decided, he was revealed the specs on Oakley...

"Someone like her... She's unbelievably strong!" Marla announced in amazement.

Gyoubu Danuki(Oakleycoon): Grade E
Mamono Level: 350
Life: 89
Power: 39
Intelligence: 260
Defense: 68
Skill: 108
Speed: 96
Loyalty: 156
Tech: D
Special Trait: A business genius, can increase your Ranch's profits. Does not stack with other Danuki's.

Dirty Trick
Mag 18

Sand Toss
Pow 10
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Princess of Atlantis? But even if that's true, why would such a royal lady want with a simple rancher like myself? She could have the pick of any man in all the lands, couldn't she? She should be looking for a prince! I'm hardly a target for any political games. She must have made a mistake. Well, I'll iron it all out with her this weekend. Hmph. Well, thanks for telling me Mika. It's appreciated."

The day passed and Locke and Marla showed up to find that their opponent was none other than the fearsome Oakley.

"Hmph... so it looks like we're the underdogs on paper, but often times the reality can be something else entirely. Physically, you're the superior fighter, it's just her intellectual, tricky style that's difficult to deal with. You should be able to get in a good early hit. And if you can weather her storm of sketchy fighting, and trade with her blow for blow, you'll win the battle of attrition."

Shifting around in his pack, Locke pulled out the carefully wrapped packet of sour jelly.

"Since she's likely to get in a bunch of hits on you the longer the battle draws out, we're gonna need to make yours count. This sour jelly will get you really riled up right away. We've already seen how amazing you are when you put your anger into your kicks, so this jelly will help you put Oakley out of the fight early. It's our best plan, I reckon. So, you ready Marla?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Nodding, Marla steeled herself for the battle to come. "I'm ready, Locke!" Marla announced with bravery, before the two of them were called out onto the arena.

Once in the stage that would be their final battle before facing the IMA member that represented the division, across from Locke and Marla was none other than the Tanuki from the other day, and a man behind her that almost looked as if he had his soul stolen from him. "The princess of Atlantis saw value in you, but I do not." the Tanuki announced. "You're a worthless trainer, Locke, and won't even be worth the time I'll spend beating you! I offer no domination duel. I just want to step over you before moving on to bigger fish to fry!" the Tanuki announced solidly.

"This is the final battle of this tournament, ladies and gentlemen!" the announcer announced. "Marla versus Oakley! The harpy has shown her strength and determination, but can she stand up to the crafty, and evil Oakley!? We're about to find out!

"Ranchers and their partners, get ready to fight!"





"Hehehe... Go ahead, Locke, make your move." Oakley taunts Locke!

Oakley seems to be planning something...

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 105 / 105
Guts: 0

Oakley: 89 / 89
Guts: 0

High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Sour Jelly
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Good to know where you stand," Locke shrugged, letting the insult pass him by like water off a duck. "Well Marla, do your best. Oh and here... Let's stick to the game plan."

Locke fed Marla the Sour Jelly.

"Now go all out!" he yelled, knowing he needed Marla to focus and concentrate on this first attack. "Feather Dagger volley!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla eats the Sour Jelly. "Marla is now Angry!"

"So predictable, Locke. I didn't think you would use it right from the start. Oh well. Paying for information always brings a profit!" Oakley laughed.

Oakley eats Sweet Jelly! Oakley is now composed!

"I'm gonna go all out!" Oakley announced!

Marla flings a volley of sharp feathers at Oakley, but Oakley dodges it!

Oakley suddenly pulls out a blowdart from nowhere, and shoots it at Marla! Marla barely avoids it!

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 105 / 105
Guts: 0

Oakley: 89 / 89
Guts: 0

High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Sour Jelly
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"She may have used a trick, but that doesn't mean you're not gonna kick her butt, Marla! Take her down with a kick, go all out!"

The counter of a sweet jelly to his sour was annoying, but it was to be expected of the devious opponent. Still, the tempo was with Marla. He had to keep her righteous anger up and press the attack now more than ever. As long as Marla kept Oakley reacting, it was a good thing.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Here I go!" Marla announces. "Super Harpy Kiiiiick!" Marla shouts, jumping at Oakley, and slamming her foot into the tanuki's chest. Marla inflicts 90 damage!

The single attack sends the Tanuki to the ground, utterly defeated!

Then, came the loud boom of the announcer:


Locke is awarded 500G!

Marla Levels up!
Mamono Level: 242(+18)
Life: 114(+9)
Power: 126(+9)
Intelligence: 114(+9)
Defense: 86(+6)
Skill: 156(+12)
Speed: 135(+9)
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke grinned and rushed out to clasp Marla in a tight hug and lift her up off the ground, twirling her about. She was a solidly built and strong harpy, so lifting her wasn't a piece of cake, but Locke had been a ranch hand for a long time, and that gave him enough muscle to raise her proudly in front of the crowd.

"What a kick! You really rocked her! That's amazing Marla!"

Moments later he was setting her down again and beaming at her, ruffling her feathers and hair in elated joy. "Your first tournament and you're a champion! What a start! Haha!"

Locke turned to stand side by side with the harpy and lifted one of Marla's wings above her head. He wanted people to be happy for Marla the way he was. He hadn't expected to win the tournament the first time out, but now that Marla had, he was pumped to see just how far she could go. Who was there to say she couldn't unlock some greater potential? With dedicated training, she could be the best harpy ever.

Once the aftermath of the victory was done, Locke decided to treat Marla, Celes, and Raven to a good fish dinner to celebrate. They ate and joked around with one another, until eventually Locke broached the subject of the graduation fight.

"So, I understand that I can bring both Marla and Raven into this fight, since it's to test my level as a rancher?" He asked the question out loud to any of the three who wanted to respond. Celes immediately brought out her Mamono Rancher's Handbook and started searching for the correct section detailing the rules of Rancher levels.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla laughed, and hugged Locke back when he spun her around. "Not a big surprise! I'm the best!" she boasted as the small crowd cheered for her.

Back home, Celes would find that the purpose of the fight was to evaluate whether or not the particular Rancher was truly suited to graduate in Rank, as under Venice's rules, a Rancher's rank is supposed to specifically detail how much they are capable of, and as such, may be allowed to more dangerous areas with the knowledge that they can go there without being helpless due to the strength of mamono present in any area.

As Celes read, there was a knocking on the door to their home. "Hello? It's me," announced Mika's voice. "Just stopping by early... To congratulate you or something." she announced meekly.