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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes read out the description of the fight's purpose aloud over the dinner table while Locke cut up bits of his grilled fish into manageable bites before putting them into his mouth.

"I think as long as I have Marla and Raven with me, I'll be relatively safe. But I guess we need someone to objectively judge me who has seen ranchers come and go for a while," he said thoughtfully in between forkfuls of fish.

A knock at the door interrupted the meal and they all looked up to see Mika standing in the doorway.

"Oh, hey Mika, come on in," Locke said. "Thanks, that's very gracious of you. Would you like some fish? We have a little extra."

Locke wasn't certain that he wanted to discuss the details of Mika's stay on the ranch just yet, preferring to stay focused on the test match tomorrow, but she was welcome to simply have dinner with them.

"So Marla you already know, but this is my ranch partner Celes and this is my Black Harpy, whose name is Raven. Don't get the wrong idea, this isn't going to be an exclusive harpy ranch, but fate just happened to bring the four of us together. The ranch maybe small now, but if we can clear out some room and put together bigger facilities, I imagine we'll be able to have quite the healthy and populous yard of mamono here. Of course, the idea is to run the best ranch around eventually. I guess you could say it's a big dream for a guy like me, but I've got some good helpers already, and maybe with you here for a month, my ranch will get better, hmm?"

Celes marked her place in the ranching booklet and set it down on the table in front of her. Leaning forward with a smirk, she eyed Mika. There had been a question burning away inside of her that she wanted to get answered.

"So Mika, if you'd won your duel against Locke, what would you have made him do~?"

"Huh? Celes! There's no need to go into that!" Locke said, looking rather embarrassed, though whether it was more for himself or for Mika's sake, even he didn't really know.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika waved absently at everyone, seeming awkward where she stood, with a disposition to remain closer to Locke than anyone else. "Yeah, hi." Mika greeted everyone with no real enthusiasm. Her eyes looking around, she seemed to be scouting out what her duties might possibly be... And grimaced as she seemed to find more than she liked.

The questioned made her blink, and look to Celes with a blush. Thinking for a moment, she grinned. "I would have made him get on his knees and lick me clean while he stroked himself. I'd have made him be my dog, basically." Mika announced proudly. "And then I..." Mika blushed a bit, her face getting a little hot. "I would have gotten on top of him... Mounted him... Licked his slender neck, and nibbled on his little ears... Kissed his soft lips-"

Mika was suddenly interrupted by Marla, "Got the picture, now stop imagining yourself raping him."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke put on a blank face, but eventually the rape imagery just became too much and he grinned sheepishly into his hand, shaking his head. "Wow, the girls really are forward here, and Celes, you're becoming just like them!"

"No not really, I'm just getting a feel for our new ranch hand," Celes said with a glint in her eye. "We're going to put her to work, right? But that doesn't mean we're not going to have some fun with her as well. Since she seems to think losers should be dogs, I imagine we could arrange something like that for her~ Why don't I stop by the pet store tomorrow while you're at your match and I'll pick out a nice pink collar for her?"

Locke blushed at this. "Celes, you're too much sometimes."

"Not at all! By the sound of it, I'm just right for this sort of place. And I don't think Mika here will find it all that bad. Good doggies get to play with their masters, right?"

Locke guffawed with bemused exasperation. "We'll see. Mika, maybe in the future you won't be so quick to declare your rape fantasies so publicly. Celes and the others can be a bit protective of me."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika's face turned a bright crimson as Celes went to make Mika pay for the words she spoke. After Celes was done, and Locke advised her not to speak her mind so much, Mika turned, and put her hands on his shoulders with a bit of a desperate expression. "B-bestiality... Isn't frowned upon on this island..." Mika announced.

Raven hummed while eating her fish. "She resigned herself to being a dog rather quickly."

Marla sighed. "Under her circumstances, all I'd think about is the possibility of getting 'rewards' from Locke too." she admitted.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Is it really that important to you all?" Locke asked, somewhat bewildered by Mika's almost immediate turnabout into subservience and Raven and Marla's comments that made Mika's reaction seem almost expected.

"I mean, don't you have some pride? If I simply gave you normal chores to do but promised no sex whatsoever, would you choose that? Or would you rather have Celes dress you up like a dog and make you do tricks in order to get rewarded with my body?"

Celes grinned. "I don't think the answer to that question is what you expect Locke. I'd wag my non-existent tail for you~"

"Huh? Celes!" Locke slumped his shoulders, not comprehending. He looked over at Mika. "Well? What do you think?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Right when Locke asked his question, Mika was suddenly crouching to play the part of a dog. Her mouth open, tongue hanging out, she raised a 'paw' for a shake while looking at Locke intently. "Woof!" she replied to his question.

Both Marla and Raven seemed a bit put off by that. Clearly their standards were higher than Mika's.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke sighed. "Get up, you don't start until tomorrow," he said, not really sure if he felt like watching the horndog of a girl act this way for a month.

"It's like she's already in heat~" Celes giggled as she looked Mika over. "But that's silly. Dog's don't wear clothes. That's a poor imitation of a doggie."

"Celes, don't encourage her. Please Mika have a seat and some food."

"I could fill a bowl with some water and another with some rice and fish~"

"Gah! Celes! I'm not having sex with her tonight even if she acts like a dog!"

Celes frowned, but then quickly smiled again. "Well, she'll only get it later on if she practices properly, that's for certain."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

At Locke's announcement, Mika lost all enthusiasm to remain as she was, standing straight up and having a seat at the table, and paying her respects. "Thanks for the meal," she announced, before eating the bit of fish on the side left for her.

"I don't recall you being so sadistic, Celes." Marla brought up her observation.

"Rock." Raven replied simply.

"Forgot about the rock..." Marla hummed, scratching her cheek with a talon.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I'm just protective of those who can't fight for themselves," Celes explained when the rock comment came up.

"What makes you think I can't fight for myself?" Locke queried, feeling as though this conversation was still about him.

"In an actual fight, against another human, I suppose you're okay," Celes replied. "But we can't ignore the fact that you live on an island with mamono, all of whom are quite capable of having their way with you if they so desire. Not only that, but in an emotional fight, I think you're too nice a guy for this place. A lot of girls out there are going to want you for themselves and they'll play with your emotions to get what they want. But not every 'bitch' that comes along talking big deserves you. And if they don't deserve you, then I'm not going to let them have an easy path to get to you."

She let the smile slide away from her face and looked grimly at Mika. "Maybe we should just give her menial chores."

Locke sighed and finished up his meal as quickly as possible.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I-I'll let Locke decide all of that! He's the one who beat me!" Mika said in defiant reply to Celes, before eating her last bite. "Besides, he can handle himself, he showed it during this week. He made it just fine without you." Mika announced, before setting her eating tool down, and returning Celes' grim expression.

"You're unnecessary, so don't act all high and mighty." she said, giving Celes a challenging look.

"Oi, Oi~" Marla waved a toothpick at Mika, "If you're gonna be apart of my harem, be respectful to the other harem members, newbie."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Celes is an amazing girl, and if it weren't for her encouragement, I wouldn't even be a rancher. So please Mika, don't fight with her. She just wants what's best for me, and you did intend to rape me not long ago," Locke said.

Celes looked smug after this until Locke spoke up again.

"Still, Mika has a point. I was the one who won the bet, so whatever happens to Mika here, is between her and me. You can only help out if I let you, Celes. And for right now, I'd like Mika to be treated like a welcome guest."

He hoped this would calm both of the girls down and that the meal would finish in peace.

"So, Mika, what do you know of my opponent tomorrow? You've struck me as a very well informed person. I would appreciate any further information you could give us."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika stuck her tongue out at Celes while wearing a grin, before turning to Locke, her smile fading as she thought. "Oh, you're gonna be up against Envy, the cardinal sin... You should be able to handle her. She's more bark than bite usually." she stated simply. "Oakley was the only problem, really... You've got this in the bag."

"Of course~" Marla chimed happily.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hmm, I don't really want to take my opponent so lightly, but I guess if Marla's confident then I will rely on her strength and quickness to prevail," Locke said, giving a wink to Marla.

He pushed his finished plate back and sat back in his chair, sighing contentedly. "So Marla's the champion. What do you think we should do to celebrate?"

Celes meanwhile rolled her eyes at Mika's smugness and finished her fish in relative silence, though once her fork was put down her hand went under the table to rest on Raven's lap, rubbing it slowly along the dark harpy's thigh.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Victory orgy!" Marla shouted with zeal, causing Raven to look quickly from the rubbing Celes to the sex crazed harpy. "Let's all fuck the latest addition to my harem!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke nearly fell out of his chair, but saved his balance by clutching onto the nearest person, which happened to be Mika, drawing her close to him.

"You mean... you mean, Mika?" Locke asked the excitable Marla.

Celes frowned a little bit. "Why do you want her in the harem anyway, Marla? She's only here for a month."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"She'll stay once she's been in bed with this avian goddess!" Marla boasted.

Meanwhile, Mika caught Locke with a yelp, before grinning and blushing at his reaction, using the chance to snuggle to him closely and wrap her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his. "Already smitten with me? You naughty boy~" she cooed.

"I'm the only one allowed to be smitten to!" Marla announced in sudden uproar.

Raven blinked, "Tyrant of love." she commented on Marla.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"E-easy Marla, don't get angry, I just lost my balance that's all. Your announcement caught me off guard." Locke said as he disengaged himself as politely as possible from Mika's embrace.

Once he had he stood up and faced Marla. "So what exactly would our champion like to do first at her victory orgy?"

Celes meanwhile had scooted closer to Raven and now had an arm around the Black Harpy, resting her brow on the mamono's shoulder. She giggled at Raven's comment, enjoying the dry humor immensely.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven embraced Celes in her black wings calmly as Marla stood as well, before flexing her wings outwards in a showy display. "I want to make my mate cum inside my pussy lots! And then I want to ride on Celes' face! And then I want to rub my pussy against Raven's! And then I want Mika to get on her hands and knees and lick me while you do her in the ass!"

Mika smiled slightly.

"And then I want Mika to be spanked by Celes and to call her mistress!" Marla continued.

Mika stopped smiling.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"That's quite a list, why don't we just start at the beginning and work our way up," Locke said.

"I'm okay with all of that~" Celes said, "But when Raven and I aren't involved I want to make out with her, and then I want to get a turn with Locke too~"

Locke strode up to Marla and took her in his arms, stroking her back for a bit before kissing her on the lips. "Just go easy on me, I'm just one guy and we're adding yet another female to this mix..."

"And I want a big paddle to spank Mika with!" Celes added while grinning devilishly.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

As Marla wrapped her wings around Locke, blushing as she kissed Locke with excitement, Mika pushed her chair in and started backing up. "It's actually a bit late, sooo..." she announced, looking to excuse herself from being spanked.

"I'll ask Locke to have Celes spank you everyday for the month if you leave~" Marla announced.

Turning around, Mika came back with a frustrated blush. "... What you're doing is getting an extra day out of me, on top of the month..." Mika grumbled.

Trying to push forward, Marla sought to pin Locke down on the table, while her clawed feet sought out two chairs to stand on for support before she'd line up her sex, all while keeping herself snugly wrapped with her wings. "Shut up and have sex~" Marla replied to Mika, who looked completely shut down by the commanding harpy.