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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke sighed and put a hand over his eyes, massaging the bridge of his nose. Gathering himself, he put his hand down and once again looked to Ripple. He could not help but smile. She was so pure of heart and intention, it was hard to be frustrated with her.

"Princess Ripple, your heart is in the right place and I would be a cruel man if I led you on or gave you any other impression than the truth. My intent is to help you. If I can do so by defeating your demon foe, then I will be truly happy. As for emotion between you and I, if it is meant to be, then it will be. You are beautiful and kind-hearted and an endearing romantic. Any man would be lucky to have you as his wife. But Marla and Raven and Celes have all expressed desire for me. It is unfair to them if by helping you I shut myself out from them. They after all are part of my ranch, and it is being a great mamono rancher that is my true calling - regardless of whether I am your consort or not."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple nodded twice to Locke. "If it is among royalty, I feel at ease. I don't mind sharing you with other highly respected royals." she informed him, before reaching over, and this time, she put her hand on his. "Don't fret, dear Locke." she said with a composed, pretty smile, her golden eyes glimmering at his. "I will fill your heart with happiness and love~" she promised.

Meanwhile, Locke heard Mika, with her heard lowered, twitching, and snorting a little, clearly putting all of her effort into not laughing.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Well... thanks. To be honest, your highness, that's all I really wanted to clear up with you tonight. I forgive you of your obligation to me for the domination duel conditions, as you bore me no intent of malice or public humiliation. You can stay or go as you will, and you are always welcome at my ranch." He smiled and again took her hand, this time raising it to his lips and kissing her fingers. "I intend to train Raven and Marla in the coming weeks, but I will be seeking out other experienced ranchers to gain advice and information on this demon of yours. It would be beneficial if you were with me when I make my inquiries, since you know better than anyone what this demon is."

If Ripple was amenable to this, Locke would eat the rest of his meal in relative peace and encourage the others to do so as well.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"That simply won't do!" Ripple refused to be let off of the punishment Locke had planned. "I had agreed to the domination duel, and I won't tarnish my honor! I will suffer through my punishment with dignity! I won't allow you to refuse me!" she insisted.

"Am I free too~?" Mika asked innocently.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"You've only just begun, honey~" Celes winked at Mika. Locke simply grinned and shook his head.

"I'd appreciate you sticking around for a month, Mika. You had different intentions from Ripple when you walked into the arena with me. But I like you, so you shouldn't worry."

He turned back to Ripple. "I truly had no punishment planned for you, your highness. My intent was to refuse your request for a marriage, but your story has made that impossible to do. I cannot think of any punishment as I don't feel you are deserving of one. Would you suggest something that you think would be appropriate?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika gave a mock "Aw~" in response, not seeming too upset.

Blinking, Ripple leaned back into her chair, before thinking for a moment... And then thinking harder... And then thinking even harder... Before suddenly giving a start! And then thinking again. "Sometimes, my mother would punish me when I was bad by not giving me my monthly 50,000G allowance. Oh, but how can you punish me that way... Rob me? Oh, but that's a crime..." Ripple seemed frustrated.

Marla, boredly eating her food, suggested while looking at her food. "How about being our sex slave?"

Ripple nodded. "Very well, I will be your sex slave."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke slumped his shoulders and nearly banged his head into the table as he tried to hide his sudden blush. "Marla!"

He looked up. "Ripple? Your highness, do you even know what Marla's suggesting?" he said in shock. "Isn't it a crime to do that with a royal princess, too?"

Celes simply sat back in impressed awe, and shared a look with Mika that seemed to say 'can you believe this?'
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple blinked at Locke, before putting a finger to her lower lip in thought. "Hmm..." she thought carefully on his question on the legality of such a thing. "... Probably." was her reply, before looking to look, curious.

Celes' awestruck look was replied with a hysterical one from Mika.

Ripple shook her head. "It's my decision. If my punishment is such, I will be your sex slave. I'm not very experienced, so please forgive me." she gave him a slight bow.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke sighed. "When you say you're not experienced, does that mean... not at all?" He couldn't help but steal a glance at Mika, whom he had unknowingly deflowered just the night before. The memory was still a mixture of shame, excitement, and contentment. He wasn't proud to have done it, but nor did he really regret the experience.

"Maybe I should just put Marla in charge again," he mused.

"That would make sense, given that she's the only other 'royal,'" Celes said, with a quivering smirk and another glance at Mika.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple blinked, before raising her hand, a closed fist, and making a suggestive up-and-down motion with it. "I know you stroke it first, right? Otherwise it's uncomfortable for the man." she announces.

"This isn't the level of a virgin... This is something else..." Mika, ex-virgin, announced.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I feel bad. I don't think I could ask her to do this when she doesn't know..." Locke trailed off, looking to Marla for advice and help. Perhaps that was not the cleverest of plans.

Celes shook her head. "I think the poor girl needs our help to set her straight."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla chuckled, "You yet lack experience, dear princess!" Marla assumed her noble role yet again. "I, Queen Marla of the harpies, shall educate you myself as a gesture of peace between our lands! May you grant Locke's penis many orgasms through this endeavor!" Marla spoke in a mock noble, and haughty tone.

"A gesture of peace! My mother will be proud of me!" Ripple announced with glee, before looking to Locke as if she were going to eat him alive, like an eagle watching it's prey. "I may yet capture your heart before the proper courting, Locke! I will not go easy on you!"

"... Please, Princess Ripple, don't do anything rash!" Even Marla had to slow her pace.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke gulped as Ripple gazed at him with a challenge in her eyes. Survival instinct kicked in, he must grab the reins of this runaway horse before he was thrown off the proverbial saddle and trampled underneath. He sat back, dabbed his mouth with his napkin and then calmly stood up.

"Very well. As you are so insistent, Princess Ripple, I will allow you to stay tonight in the role you wish. First, you will help us clean the dishes. Then you and Mika will join me in the bedroom. Marla will oversee us as well."

"No fair, Raven and I want to come too!" Celes pouted.

"My bedroom isn't that big, Celes, there'll be too many people there..." Locke explained, though his words didn't seem to make Celes feel any better. "Why don't you and Raven have some time to yourselves this evening? Come along then Princess Ripple, you say you won't go easy on me? You're quite boastful, but I wonder how much you can back that up? Better to let Marla and I to guide you at first, until your skill can match your confidence."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Do not doubt the ability of a princess!" she announced. "But... I do have one condition..." she began with a bit of a blush. "Can we... Do it... In water?" she requested. "Using legs like these," she gestured at her own pair of legs, "Is rather awkward."

"I suppose that's fine!" Marla said. "Since you are princess of Atlantis, after all."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke nodded. "Of course, we can use water. There's a water pump on this ranch, and we can fill a large tub."

After dinner was cleared, everyone set to the task of hauling over a large wooden tub banded with iron and caulked to be waterproof. Locke figured it had been installed on the Ranch by Venice's workers just in case water mamono needed a place to stay in a pinch, though Locke figured that a pool would have to be installed if ever he were to have a proper watery abode.

The water was cool, but not all that bad once Locke had gotten into it. He had hopped in a pare of shorts, as if he were going swimming, and Celes had packed a two piece bikini which she wore as she slipped into the tub. Mika hadn't apparently packed swimwear, but Locke said it would be okay if she skinny dipped. If she were nervous about doing so amongst so many people, Celes would berate Locke for being insensitive, so the two of them would strip down as well to get Mika in the tub. Raven and Marla were of course invited in as well. Finally all eyes were on Ripple as she approached the edge of the water.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I am not too fond of cold water," Ripple stated. Before anyone got in, she touched a finger to the water, before steam suddenly began to rise from the tub. Rather than the last, Ripple was the first to get in, and she did so with much haste. Her legs coming together, Locke and everyone else would see her pair of legs shift, and transform into a single lower half of golden scales. Ripple's mermaid body shined gloriously in the sun's light, and just from the sight alone it was clear that Ripple was a truly rare fish.

Then, when Celes and Locke were skinny dipping into the warm tub, Mika, with great hesitance, did follow with great shyness. Meek, she seemed mostly focused on being worried over whether or not Locke will look at her naked body on full display. But Ripple, without her shirt on, didn't seem to care too much if Locke saw her breasts, which were about as large as Celes.

"I truly wish there was more room," Ripple seemed to be unsatisfied. But still, submerging herself in the water, Locke saw her golden half move towards him, before her human half was upon him. Lifting her head from the water slightly, she smiled at him. "What shall I do as your sex slave?" she asked curiously.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Oh, you don't need to be so hasty," Locke explained, as the others clambered into the steaming tub and Ripple swam towards him. He slipped his arms around Ripple's human waist and sat her fishie tush on his lap. "So, I guess you're a mermaid of sorts... but it's obvious you're not just any type of mermaid. Is there a special name for what you are?"

Locke did glance Mika's way a bit, but if she was very shy about it, he'd keep his eyes on Ripple so as to not make the girl too self conscious. Celes meanwhile sighed and sank into the hot tub, stretching her body out.

"Mmm, so relaxing! Ripple can make anything a hot tub? We should have her stay at the ranch all the time!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple giggled at Celes desire to keep her at the ranch before replying to Locke. "To put it bluntly... I am a Royal Mermaid." she answered him. "It's a race that continues without flaw because no matter the race of the father, the mother mamono's genes will always be dominant."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Does that mean you'll look just like your mother and grandmother?" Locke asked, genuinely curious. He rubbed her back with one hand and let his other trace over her golden scales. "I've never touched a mermaid before... your scales feel nice... your tail is really beautiful too. I don't know, are you sure you wouldn't rather seek out a prince?"

"Don't be a dummy Locke, the Princess Ripple is happy to be here. Your majesty, would you like me to show you how Locke likes to be kissed?" Celes grinned and stood up in the tub, rivulets of steamy water cascading down her creamy flesh as she sloshed over to be next to Locke. Her face came quite close to Locke's and Ripple's so that the three of them were only inches from one another.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple shook her head, "The only 'prince' available to me now is a disgusting demon who wants my kingdom, and me under a spell." Ripple said with a frown. "The mermaid you defeated was my most loyal servant, who believed me despite the fact that no others would. So... I cannot beat this evil demon myself." Ripple said.

But when Celes came forth, Ripple beamed. "Show me all of his weaknesses!"