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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes alighted gingerly upon the center of Raven's nest, and shivered as her wet body had gone goose pimply from the air striking her bare, dripping flesh. She wrapped her arms about her and nodded at Raven.

"Of c-course, p-practice makes p-perfect-t," she said as she rubbed and warmed herself as best she could in the night breeze. After a few brisk rubs, she felt a little better. "Let's do whatever you would instinctively do. I'll go along with it. Don't be afraid, if you need to show dominance. I know that's something that black harpies do, and... and I'm okay with it."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"N-no..." Raven blushed. "From a woman to another woman... It is... A kind of... Mutual intimacy..." Raven said slowly, before coming down from the edge and slowly approaching Celes. "Um... You just have to... Lay on your back... And I'll lift your legs up. Then, we put our... Genitals... Together... And then you relax as best you can, and accept my eggs..." Raven said slowly, and with bright red cheeks.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Oh! Well, that's good. Makes things easier, I guess." Celes blushed and fidgeted with her hands as she stood in the center of the nest, looking quite vulnerable. When Raven did approach her, Celes stepped forward, bringing her hands to Raven's hips.

"So I lay on my back? You could, help lie me down?" Celes suggested with a nervous smile, allowing the feathers to curl around her back and support her as she lay down in and let her arms and legs splay out slightly to either side. She would let herself be handled however the harpy liked, getting put into the position that Raven would use when giving her her eggs.

"It might help if we moved a bit and... and rubbed against one another. I'd relax better that way." Celes breathed in a shuddered breath, her eyes looking up to the black harpy, anticipating what would happen.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven wrapped her wings around Celes, gently laying her down, her face firm at a glance, but with how close Celes was to her, it was clear that the harpy's heart was beating very fast. "Yes... It would be best if we were both calm..." Raven said slowly, before her feathers gently rolled along the front of her body as Raven leaned back. Slowly, and carefully, she grabbed Celes behind her knees, before lifting her legs up. Putting her talons to the nest firmly, she pushed herself up, bringing Celes' lower half up as well, until her butt faced the sky. Awkwardly moving into position, Raven took a deep breath, before Celes felt both of their sex press together. "Like this... I could start... Pushing out my eggs... But it won't work unless you accept them, so let's... Rub..." Raven said with a blush, as she slowly began to move her hips back and forth, moaning quietly as she did so.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The ranch at night was filled with the sounds of chirping crickets, hooting owls, and the occasional howl of a wolf in the distance. Now, if one listened closely in the yard, they would hear a new set of sounds greeting the moon and stars above. Tiny soft moans escaped Celes' lips as her mamono partner - her dark, stoic charge and lover - rubbed her body back and forth against the young ranchhand's most sensitive flesh. The warmth of Raven's body, where their skin met, offset the coolness that still beset Celes' upper half, sending a pleasant shudder from the tail of her spine down to her shoulders at the bottom of the nest.

Celes squeaked cutely as the harpy's full weight ground down on her, slippery at the contact point as their honey mingled and lubricated them both. Her breaths came short and shallow, and her mind could think of nothing but how unreal it was that she should be enjoying this moment so much.

I am practicing to receive eggs from a harpy... I'm going to be a surrogate mother to a mamono. Why does this make me so happy?

She looked up at Raven, remembering that moment when the Magi woman had been treating the black harpy so awfully. And how Raven had been so loyal even then when the stone was thrown. She had wanted to make Raven happy. She wanted Raven to have a place in this world where she was loved. She wanted Raven to be HER mamono. Now it all felt as if it were becoming a reality.

"Hnnh... Raven... ah... does it... feel good for you too?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven gave small little breaths of passion as her eyes half-closed, visibly focusing on the task of relaxing her body. "Ah... ah... ah... ah..." she made soft little noises as she gracefully slid her sex along Celes', while trying not to press down on her too hard lest she deprive the poor girl of air. Soft, wet noises came from their womanhood rubbing together, while droplets of sweat dripped onto Celes from Raven, mostly falling from her chin. "Sorry..." Raven apologized, turning her head and wiping her face with her feathers. "I'm learning too..." she admitted, a little thrown off balance after disturbing Celes. Though when asked if it was feeling good, Raven corrected her rhythm, and smiled down at Celes. "Yes... Ah... Ah... Your sex is so soft, and feels so good to rub against... Mmm... Like... Ah... Fine silk~" Raven giggled as she blushed deeper, trying to sound romantic.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes didn't mind the awkward way in which Raven tried to vocalize her affections. In fact, the rancher girl found it incredibly cute, coming from such a stoic and dutiful mamono type like a black harpy. She'd been told to expect no empathy whatsoever from Raven, and yet, here she was, being so intimate - trying so hard to do what she thought Celes would appreciate. The blonde girl felt her heart thud with suppressed joy and she increased the strength with which she ground her body upwards.

Steadily, Celes felt her body temperature rise, her hips undulating and her naughty bits sliding wetly and with increasingly desperate fervor against Raven. She wanted to cum, but the position was beginning to force her blood to rush to her head and her neck to ache.

"Hffh... hnfhh... ah... Raven, dear... let's um.. just stop for a moment..."

When Raven let her legs dangle more freely. Celes quickly righted herself onto her knees and groped at Raven until the black harpy joined her.

"Lie down this way," she said putting Raven onto her back, then lying on top of her with her legs straddling the harpy's face while her own mouth hovered over the moist, black patch covering the mamono's pussy.

"I need to cum... let's... let's cum together. And... and we'll do the same after you fill me up with eggs too, so it's still practice!~"

So saying, Celes dipped her tongue down into the sopping wet slit and licked profusely, intending to push Raven over the finish line from this much more comfortable angle.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven looked distraught when Celes suddenly wanted to stop. Her expression almost matched the one of horror that she had when the Marthadonia, her previous owner, had announced that she had failed her. Upset over something similar, Raven immediately began to try and observe what mistake she made, and eagerly followed Celes' wish and laid down, clearly hoping that would make up for her mistake.

Straddling over Raven's face, Raven understood immediately even before Celes began to speak further. Her wings wrapped around Celes' hips before Celes would feel the harpy's tongue attack and squirm along her petals while her thighs parted to allow Celes to pleasure her own folds. Licking each other with enthusiasm, Raven moaned into Celes' petals as her climax neared while sucking on Celes' womanhood and flicking her tongue along Celes' clit at the same time. Suddenly, Raven would give out a small moan before her pussy began to squirt out her love juices, spraying wet anything that was in it's way.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes did her best to smile and not alarm Raven. She didn't want the harpy to think that she was rejecting her, she only wanted to switch positions and get more comfortable.

Thankfully, the harpy realized this and took to pleasing Celes in just the way she had hoped she would. Celes tossed back her head in the air, her long golden locks splashing across the moonlight as her pussy pressed forward, down onto Raven's eager mouth. Her body shuddered from the mamono's forceful tongue. The only way to not fall into a blissful surrender was to press on and return the favor with her own lingual salvo. She was determined to cum with her lovely partner, and after enough dedicating licking, she was able to achieve her wish, receiving a sweet salty gush of Raven's love juices on her lips and chin and tongue. Moments later, she arched her back and sat up on Raven's face, reaching her own climax and letting herself groan and grind her folds along Raven's lovely mouth throughout her zenith of lust.

Afterwards she immediately turned about and hugged Raven tightly, kissing the harpy and mingling one another's tastes together between their tongues.

"Ahh.. Oh thank you, Raven! You were wonderful!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Moaning into the kiss, Raven laid where she was in her nest, looking up at Celes with cool, gentle eyes. "Celes... May I call you... My master... From time to time? I've been doing it my whole life... And I feel uncomfortable..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Master?" Celes blinked and then, realizing the implications, couldn't help but blush and smile, burying her face halfway into the harpy's neck so as to not have to look at her. "If it makes you comfortable, then yes. You can call me Master. But I promise, I won't ever treat you badly. And I won't ever think of myself as somehow above you."

She cuddled tightly to Raven and kissed the harpy's cheek before looking at her with watery eyes. "I'd be honored to be your master."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Smiling, Raven embraced Celes warmly as the blond would see the harpy smile slightly, while whispering into her ear. "Thank you... Master..." she cooed warmly into Celes ear, before seeking blissful sleep.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The dawn came up on the ranch and Locke and Celes both happened to wake up at similar times, both looking down appreciatively at their respective partners. Celes petted Raven's belly, thinking about the eggs developing within while Locke sneaked out of bed to go prepare breakfast. He decided to make some grilled fish in addition to bacon and eggs, then he'd given Ripple the choice of which she preferred. He would then go find Marla and give her breakfast too, and invite her to join him and Ripple at the breakfast table. He couldn't find Celes or Raven right away, but shrugged and then woke up Mika, telling her she could come help with the tea.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven looked back at Celes lovingly, before Marla showed up and said hi, and then the two harpies took flight, stretching their wings as they flew together on the wind. Ripple seemed to prefer fish, and even offered to help cook.

As Marla and Raven came back from their flight for breakfast, Locke found Mika floating in the tub still, unconscious, naked, and when he'd inspect her, apparently she'd come down with a cold.
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Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke sighed when he found Mika still in the tub. "Marla! You can't just leave her in the tub!"

He picked up the unconscious form of the pink haired girl and brought her to one of the bedrooms, wrapped her up in wool blankets, gave her plenty of pillows, and whispered that he'd check up on her after breakfast was done. Then he went back to the dining room and sat with Ripple, Marla, Raven, and Celes.

"So the food's all right? Marla, really, you didn't think to put your 'toy' away last night when you were done with her?" He chided his beloved harpy, knowing that she probably would have some excuse prepared. He turned instead to Celes. "So how was your night last night?"

Celes just blushed and eyed Raven out the corner of her eye. "Oh, it was just wonderful."

Locke eyed the two, then smirked a bit and shrugged. "Okay, well, now that we've won the tournament and achieved a greater rank, it's time that we expanded the ranch's capabilities. We need to get more mamono here and try to find moneymaking uses for them, then we need to train Marla and Raven up, and look for expeditions to go on. We should probably also go around and look at other ranchers and see if they have any work or advice for us."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla giggled and stuck her tongue out, "I thought she'd be alright! I didn't think she wouldn't get out of the tub!" she declared innocently.

Meanwhile, Mika seemed fairly exhausted. Tucked into the bed, she seemed to be happy to sleep somewhere new as she laid there, cheeks flushed and breathing heavy.

As Locke got down to business, Marla rose her talon, the equivalent of raising one's hand. "Hey! I got an idea!" she announced. "Let go into the wilderness and beat up whatever we find and drag it home to work for us!"

Raven sighed. "In any case... We certainly need more hands around the ranch. Popular ranchers have so many of their own, so expanding must be our ticket to success."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke nodded. "It's settled then. We'll head out into the wilderness and see if we can't catch a lovely wild mamono to come work for us. Marla and Raven will come of course, and Ripple, if you felt up to it, you can accompany us as well."

"Hey, if you're all going, then I'm going too," said Celes.

"Someone should stay and look after Mika. She's sick from being in the tub all night. I don't want to leave her alone."

Celes sighed, looking wistfully at Raven. "Okay, I'll stay here and make sure she's looked after. But hurry back when you're done and stay safe out there."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven gave a slow nod to Celes, a silent word that she should not worry.

"Aw yeah!" Marla cheered, "So, where we going? What are we looking for?" the fiery harpy inquired.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke considered the question for a moment. "Well, if we're going to have Ripple staying with us for awhile, it would make sense for us to recruit some aquatic mamono. How about we go and try to catch a Nereid?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Perhaps surprisingly, Ripple frowned at the idea. "Be careful, Locke... Nereid's may be smart and beautiful, but they are known to be cunning and misleading... The worst stories I heard were of very cruel Nereid's doing great harm to people. You should not be fooled by a Nereid, no matter what!" she urged him, and with a strong indication of emotion behind her words. Given how red her face was, she was too obvious of being a victim of said Nereid trickery.