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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke's eyes widened in alarm. That looked like it hurt. He quickly reached for another mango and tossed it to Marla.

"Eat this! Then take flight! Use feather daggers from above!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla took flight, her agility sharply increasing!

Marla ate a Mango! Marla gains 20 Life!

The Tanuki aimed her finger like it was a gun, charging it up and aiming it at Marla, before firing it! Marla dodged the attack with ease!

Marla fanned out her wings, launching forth a pair of wing volleys! Marla attacked twice! Inflicted 51 damage!

The Tanuki fired a couple more magical orbs up at the Harpy, before Marla swooped down, and slammed her talon down on the tanuki hard, driving the tanuki into the ground, where Marla perched on top of her face. "What have we learned!?" Marla inquired in a shout. "I always win!" she shouted, fanning her wings out as she let out a battle cry.


On the ground, the Tanuki groaned once Marla got off of her. She seemed to have had all the fight slammed out of her. "Damn..." the tanuki cursed, one arm lifting to lay over her large breasts. "I should have listened..." she said with regret.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke went over to Marla and nodded to her.

"Great job! You were really great out there. All three of you were."

He then turned and scooped up his money pouch, before eyeing the defeated tanuki.

"You really put us through a lot of grief, just because of your greed. Well, now you've only yourself to blame."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The three mamono nodded to Locke proudly, before the tanuki chuckled. "I already knew that... It's not like I did this thinking I was a saint, or justified..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Well maybe you should start being a bit more considerate. Turn over that leaf of yours and make a better start. An honest one." Locke admonished the tanuki, but though he was angry with her, now that he had his money back and all three of his mamono were safe, he didn't intend to exploit the tanuki as she might have done to him.

"Come on girls, let's get back to the ranch. We've done enough here," Locke said, intent on leaving it at that, unless the tanuki said something to grab his attention again. As he started to step away, he checked the money bag to make certain it was all still there.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Yeah... Shame life doesn't always work out that way." the tanuki replied, before Locke went about leaving with his allies.

When Locke checked his bag, he'd find it full of fake coins. He'd also find the wounded Tanuki on the run again, this time dashing into thick woods, clinging her sake bottle to her chest, which made a slight jingle, the real container for his currency. "Ugh! How damn annoying!" Marla cursed.

"It seems as if that Tanuki has a personal reason to steal, rather than an evil one." Raven announced. "Locke, allow me to spy on her." she requested.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke attempted to tackle the Tanuki, realizing in an instant that the first coin he saw was made of wood with a silly pixie's face sticking out her tongue at him.

"HEY now! Get back here!" he said, leaping at her.

If he caught onto her, he would tumble and scrape at her until he landed eventually face first between her two large orbs, which we would then fumble with as he sought to dislodge himself from so that he could look at her face to face. Hopefully, she wouldn't be very quick having just been beaten up by Marla.

With Raven and Marla flying overhead, he was confident he could get her back even if he missed her on the tackle.
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Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The Tanuki let out a cry as Locke caught on early, and slammed into her. The Tanuki let out landed on her back with Locke's face between her breasts, though when he rose, he'd see her curled up, eyes closed, trying to protect the jug with his currency inside of it. "It's mine! Just forget about it! There's someone who needs this more than you!" the tanuki shouted.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Who?! Who needs my money more than me and the mamono who depend on me to keep them fed and happy?" Locke yelled as he mounted the tanuki and clumsily tried to tangle his arms with hers. To someone on the outside, the pair of them would look quite comical.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Struggling, Locke's face would end up in her breasts or against them a few more times as they struggled. The way her legs were in the air, it was quite suggestive. "My sister! Now give it-!" she demanded, trying to get control before Raven swooped in and stole the jug from both of them.

"It belongs to Locke to do with it as he pleases, for your favor or not." Raven said simply.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Letting out a sigh, once Raven had the jug, Locke stopped struggling as much.

"What do you mean your sister?" Locke said crossly, though he then looked at where his face was and blushed. He shook his head to try and pull back. "Start explaining and don't lie to me. I'm tired of lies. Just tell me the truth!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The tanuki let her head fall back, letting out a sigh. "My sister is a holstaurus who's sick..." she explained. Everyone gave the tanuki a weird look, though Melsi stared at her breasts and wondered if the tanuki were a cow. "We have the same father!" the tanuki exclaimed. "The medicine costs five hundred... So that's what I stole, even though there was more to steal." she explained.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Where is your sister now?" Locke said, after having digested the fact that a tanuki and a holstarus could be related. He supposed that with a human male's dna being mostly overtaken by mamono dna, it was a possibility. And it was such an odd story to make up on the spot if it was a lie.

"I'm not the type to let someone in need be out of luck, but it helps if their sister doesn't steal from me first."

Locke got up and then put his hand down to offer the Tanuki a way up. "We'll get your sister the help she needs, and she'll stay at my ranch while she recovers. Okay?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Huh? Why are you aiming to help me?" she asked, "You said you need that money anyway... You're still going to lose it if you help me." she informed him, hesitating, but taking his hand and standing up. It was clear she wasn't wearing a bra due to how her big breasts were shaking.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I'll help you for two reasons. First, you'll owe me a favor." Locke said, jabbing the tanuki gently over her heart with his forefinger. "And second, my... my human girlfriend, Celes, she runs the ranch with me, and she really wanted to care for a Holstarus, so I'm thinking this is a perfect opportunity to do a good deed and make lots of people happy. Who knows? Maybe I'm just investing in my ranch's well-being. For a start, it would mean one less skilled thief trying to rob me, right?"

Locke offered the Tanuki his first grin. "So, let's go see your sister."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The tanuki folded her arms and let out a sigh. "So, you're not entirely naive, it seems." she said thoughtfully. "... Still, I'm thankful." she said, before taking Locke's hand that poked her chest, and casually locking fingers around his own, aiming to lead him by hand. "I didn't think there was such a thing as a kind human!" she announced, smiling at Locke with a pleased expression.

Whether Locke was okay with being led like that or not, Marla at least offered no complaints about it. They wandered in the woods, which would normally be a dangerous thing, but the tanuki seemed to know all the safe paths around the more dangerous creatures, such as a terrifying sleeping ogre, with the bones of an entire moose next to her. If Locke would leave the ogre be, then they'd finally make it to a certain thick tree with a hole in the base, where a single holstaurus was sleeping inside.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke didn't mind being led by the hand through the forest, and was thankful that Marla didn't object to it either. He shook his head at the tanuki's commentary about humans. What sort of humans had she met? An image of Raven's previous owner flashed through his mind. Yes, there were some truly reprehensible humans, and he felt bad that some mamono were only exposed to the types that wanted to exploit them.

"What's your name? And your sister? How do you know you shared the same father?"

Locke asked these questions along the way to pass the time when they weren't dodging ogres and other dangerous mamono.

When they reached the tree where the holstaurus lay, Locke looked to the tanuki. "You should wake her. If you've both had such bad experiences with humans, you should be the one to tell her about me."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"My name is Mamizou Futatsuiwa, but I imagine that'd be hard for you to say, so just call me Mamizou, or just Mami!" she said with a smile. "And this is Minatina, but I just call her Tina. Our father was the man who raised us both out in Zippangu before Tina and I decided to go out and see the world." she said in direction of the holstaurus. Agreeing to go first, Mamizou stepped forth towards the sleeping holstaurus, before gently rousing her from her sleep. The holstaurus coughed, and Locke would see that the creature's face was red, something was seemingly bothering her. Whispers were exchanged, the holstaurus giving worried glances to Locke, before Mami rose and turned back to him as the holstaurus began coughing again.

"I don't know what her illness is... But she said she can't produce milk while she's like that, and I've kinda been relying on that milk for a good deal of my sustenance." Mami said simply.

"Don't... Say that!" Tina said between coughs.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Okay, I'll call you Mamizou or Mami for short. Got it. So your father raised you? But, then doesn't he count as a nice human or..." Locke stopped himself before going on. Perhaps he was hitting on a sensitive subject. His parents had always been supportive of him, but he realized that this might not be the case for other people. Mamono especially might have difficult and unusual relationships with their parents as well. It was best not to push it, considering he had just met Mamizou.

Locke waited patiently and tried not to look too intimidating for the holstaurus. Her red face and cough seemed to confirm the tanuki's story, which at least made Locke feel better about cutting Mami some slack. When the tanuki revealed that she had been living off of Tina's milk, Locke managed to keep any noticeable reaction from his face. He knew that Holstaurus milk was highly nutritious and tasty, so it made sense to him, despite the intimate way in which it was harvested.

"Hello, Tina. I'm Locke. I'm not a doctor, but I can set you up with a warm place to stay and get some rest. And in town there's a place with medicine. I'll have someone take a look at you. In the meantime, we can provide you both with some food."

He stepped forward and offered a hand to the sick mamono.

"I won't harm you."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Yes, he raised us, but that doesn't mean he was a nice person." Mami said in sharp reply to what Locke said. It was clearly a touchy subject, but when they arrived at where Tina was located, the aggravated air seemed to vanish in favor of Locke offering his aid to the holstaurus.

The cowgirl looked up at Locke with a timid glance. She hesitated, not doing anything or giving any perceivable response as she looked at him, before a smile crossed her face. "Sexy guy..." she said, her tone sounding delirious from her sickness before she rose shakily while taking his hand, and immediately attaching herself to him in a hug, giggling as Locke would find himself a victim of molestation.

"She's not normally like this. She's sick so her mind isn't with us." Mami announced, patting the cow girl's head between her horns.

Meanwhile, Raven was holding Marla in a full nelson submission as the red harpy threw a fit. "Don't give my Locke the mad cow disease, fatty!!!" she announced.

"Calm down, Marla." Raven said with a composed voice.