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Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caitlyn keeps her pistol drawn, pointed down at the ground and held in both hands as she heads for the new location. She doesn't want to go back totally emptyhanded, and doesn't feel like the switch blade, short sword and one magazine of ammunition would be enough to satisfy the Director.


"I hope it doesn't rain," she says, mostly to herself, while she looks up at the sky just for a second. "I'd like it if the sky stayed as bright as possible while we're out here. . . "
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River walks along carefully, knife strapped to her thigh and pistol attached with combat webbing in the small of her back. She walks bare-handed knowing she can grab what she needs fast enough for it to not matter much, and she much prefers to have her hands free in the meanwhile. Looking up at the sky for a second at Caitlyn's comment, she shrugs before answering.


"Couldn't tell you whether it will or not, though it looks like it could. Rain might be to our benefit though. Sure it's a nuisance, but it could also hide our scent and our trail, if it comes time to run for it."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

As the girls reached the pharmacy, it seemed for the most part, unscathed. The only bad thing about it was that it look abandoned, but such a thing is to be expected, given the circumstances.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River stopped in front of the building, looking for any signs of forced entry. "So, any idea if a place like this would be alarmed? A silent alarm is fine, I'm still worried about drawing monsters here with a loud one though."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"That's a good point," Caitlyn nods, inspecting the entrance for any signs of an alarm. "I'm not sure if they would have had time to set one during the first attacks. I know that when things started happening, I barely had time to start running before things went crazy."

(( Search the entrance. ))
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

(Perception check)

Caitlyn doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary, as she opens the door... Nothing happens, no alarm was set.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caitlyn cautiously enters the store, motioning for River to follow her. She keeps her pistol at the ready and moves towards the part of the store where the medecine and first aid supplies would be stored.


"Keep your eyes open," she says, "There's no telling what might be lurking in here."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River took up position to watch Caitlyn's back, standing beside her and keeping an eye on the street.


"Cal and I did alright. Took me until that first mission to realize this wasn't a goddamn zombie apocalypse though. Until then, though only thing I saw was a walking corpse, it was slow, stupid, and it moaned. What was I going to think?" She asked rhetorically, peeking over once in a while to see how she was doing.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

As Caitlyn and River inspect the store, there weren't any hostiles. However, there was lots of medication in the pharmacy. Though most of the medication was for symptoms that wouldn't ever even occur to them, River and Caitlyn did manage to find enough supplies to form a make shift first aid kit, complete with morphine, pregnancy pills, bandages, ointment and disinfectant.

(Both River and Caitlyn have gotten a first aid kit for each of them.)
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Well, looks like that's all we're getting from here." River says, strapping the first aid kit to the outside of her backpack. "Anything else you think we should look for around town?"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"I'm not sure," answers Caitlyn, packing the first aid kit away in her backpack. "We do have something to show for our time. And without any more information about who might have looted the gun stores, I'm not sure where we should start looking." She shrugs, "I think we might want to head back and see what the other people who went out found. Maybe somebody has some more clues."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Sounds like a good idea." River says, starting to plot the safest way home before her face lights up.
"You know, I can think of one more stop to make. It's on the way, and I think if we pull it off, we'll be heroes." She says, a grin spreading across her face. "Wanna do a booze run?"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Ohmygod yes," laughs Caitlyn, brushing the hair out of her face. "Not that the beer in the lounge wasn't good. . ." Or the rest of the party afterwards ". . . but I think there are a few people back there who could use something harder."

She moves back to the pharmacy's front door, "Lead the way. I'll keep an eye out for more of those things."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River laughs as well, in a pretty good mood so far today.

"No kidding, I'm one of them. Not necessarily something harder, just better, you know? I've never liked beer." She says, leading Caitlyn back out of the pharmacy and back the way they came for a block, before turning off down a wide side street. "It is kind of odd taking to the streets." She said after a while. "It's almost oppressive, I much prefer to be above the buildings than between them."
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Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"I hope I'm not slowing you down too much," Caitlyn says. "Still, I think it's probably safer for us to head out in groups. It would be nice if we had someone who could keep up with you up there; all the monsters I've heard about have been down on the street."

She quickly scans the new block for any sign of danger before heading down the street towards the liquor store that River indicated.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River and Caitlyn proceed down the street. River was busy following the map in her mind, with Caitlyn idly following.

(Perception check)

With a lucky glance up, Caitlyn spots a crab like monster on the side of a building. It leaps at her, but she takes several steps back at it lands where she was standing.

(Caitlyn spotted the crab, River is unaware.)
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"River," shouts Caitlyn, "Look out!" She's not sure if there are more of the crab things nearby; she only just barely saw the one before it jumped.

Since the creature is right at her feet and looks more heavily armored than the centipedes or the spider (or the tentacles, for that matter), Caitlyn fires several rounds right into the thing, hoping to take it down before it recovers from the jump.

(( Action: Full attack on the crab, hopefully from point blank range ))
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"It's alright, I would rather be slowed down then go out alone at this point..." River says as they walk. "There were a couple other runners around town, I don't really-" Caitlyn yells, and cuts her off. River whirls around immediately in surprise, looking all around her while her hand reaches for her gun.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

(Caitlyn attacks, three shots, point blank)

Two shots go into it's shell, while the third misses. The crab seems unaffected by her gunfire.

(Enemy attacks)

Surprised by it's survival of her barrage, the crab easily leaps onto Caitlyn's hips, squeezing tightly.

(Caitlyn has been grappled, and River is now aware of the situation)
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"I guess I need a bigger gun," complains Caitlyn, as she struggles with the crab. She looks for any unarmored spots on the thing as she tries to squirm out of its grip, hoping River can get over to her before it does anything more than grab.

(( Action: Notice+Situational Awareness to find a vulnerable spot. If that doesn't take the whole action, try to escape the grab, too. ))