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Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Shit." River says quietly, walking over and carefully pressing the gun against the thing, making sure to angle it away from Caitlyn. She fires three times as well, waiting a second after each to readjust.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

(Firing more than once in a turn is considered rapid fire, I'm just lettin' ya know cuz you seem to want those shots to be aimed shots. You sure you want to fire more than once?)
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

((Going more for point blank, just don't want to hit Caitlyn. ;). ))
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

(Caitlyn attacks)

Caitlyn shoved the nozzle of her gun into one of the bullet holes, as another shot quickly made it fall off of her, dead on the ground as blood leaked from it's body.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River put her gun away again, giving the dead creature a prod with her foot then looking aroind for others.


"Nice shot." She says appreciatively.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Thanks," says Caitlyn, wiping any splattered crab off of her armor as best she can. "I saw one of these things before, on that first night. I managed to get away from it without attacking." She examines the dead thing, curious to see if there's anything that might tell her more about the crab monsters.

"They move faster than I expected. . ." she says.

(( Action: Use Research on dead whatsit. ))
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Yeah, they're fast. It was one of them that shredded the hole in my favourite pair of pants. Jesse has Amy fixing them up, and I got these in the meanwhile." River says, indicating her own leather suit. She waits until Caitlyn is done examining the creature, keeping an eye out for any more. "Don't spend too much time, take it with us if you want, but we should really get moving."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

(Caitlyn examines the crab)

Caitlyn noticed three things about the monster.

It's legs appear to have very stiff muscles, hinting at great strength, which just might explain how it's able to leap like it does.

It's legs are also shaped awkwardly, Caitlyn can't imagine it running quickly along the ground, but the pointy ends of it's legs explain how it's able to climb walls.

And, as if it wasn't already obvious, it's outer armor appears to have many layers of armor underneath it. It seems to be built to sustain heavy punishment.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"You're right," Caitlyn nods, "We should keep moving. I wonder if there's anybody back at the inn who might know more about biology." She shrugs and laughs, "I think I'll just leave it here; I don't want to be like a cat that drops random dead things in the house."

She stands up and follows River down the street, "Besides, it might actually be dangerous to have it around. I'll ask about it when we get back."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River nods, increasing the pace just a little to save time.


"Good point. Liquor store's just around this next corner, we'll see what all's in there, then if there's a bunch we want to take with, I'll call Caliber to come grab us in the car, and we'll load it up. Sound good?"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

As Caitlyn and River approached the liquor store, they noticed a significant difference between their last store visits.

The windows were not smashed, and from a glance through the window, not all of the liquor is gone. There was still enough to fill River and Caitlyn's bags with the intoxicating liquid.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"So let's see; two first aid kits, a short sword, a switchblade and plenty of alcohol," she smiles, "Not exactly what we set out to find but it should still help."

She gives one last look around in the liquor store, searching under the counter for the concealed shotgun or baseball bat that bad movies had led her to expect, "Want to head back? Maybe we should try to coordinate with people back at the inn and figure out where we could look next."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

No weapons were present in the liquor store, the looters that took some of the liquor must have taken any weapons that were here as well.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Yes indeed." River says happily, filling her backpack with a good mix of alchohol, including some of the highest-proof stuff she can find. "This should make us everybody's best friend. All set?"
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Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Looks good to me," nods Caitlyn, taking just a moment longer to secure everything in her pack. "Let's get back to the inn. I hope the others have had some success today."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

(I'm waitin' on River to call Caliber for a ride.)
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

((Aww crap, didn't think we needed one if we were just filling backpacks :\))


"yeah, lets hope so." River says, before turning on her mic. "Hey Cal, you busy? Caitlyn and I are a few blocks away at the Liquor Barn, mind dropping by and giving us a lift?"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caliber's voice was filled with glee, "More booze? Baby, I'm already on my way to the car!" his voice returned to it's normal, tough guy sound, "So, where are you guys at? I think I can nab some gas from that hot brunette inside the Inn."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Liquor Barn, corner of 7th and 64th. You know, the one that had that pimply kid behind the counter that we thought wasn't old enough to drink the shit he was selling?"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caliber replied, "Oh, yeah, I know what yer talkin' about, I'll be over there in a few."

After a few minutes, Cal's car came driving up, as the girls heard the doors unlock, Caliber rolled down the window,


"Sup, ladies? Hop on in!" he said, gesturing with his hand.