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Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Sounds like you have our transportation under control," says Caitlyn. She's secretly glad that they won't have to try and walk back to the inn, and potentially fight more monsters, with their packs full of glass bottles.

"We've got to have a drink together when we get back," she nods emphatically, as she climbs into Caliber's car.

"Nice meeting you," she adds, nodding to the driver.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

As Caliber turns to Caitlyn, his eyes look her up and down before he says in a seductive tone, "Nice meeting you to. Now, a beautiful woman like you has to have a name, mine's Cal."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Caitlyn. . ." she blushes slightly and straightens her glasses, "I'm not sure I believe the beautiful comment. Unless you've got a fetish for body armor, sweat and crab gunk."

"Where have you been hiding during all of this?" she asks, "I didn't see you back at the inn."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caliber gestures with his hand at Caitlyn's armor, "Actually, that looks pretty good on you. You've got a nice body."

When Caitlyn asks where he's been, his eyes wander a little, "Oh... I get around..." he says with a slight smirk on his face.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Yeah. . .um. . . thanks," she shrugs. "Well, I'm glad you've managed to keep safe, Cal. And thanks for picking up up out here."

"We should probably get back to the inn. I think they'll want our 'supplies'." She grins.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Cal smiles at Caitlyn, "Sounds good, and you can thank me anytime you like." he says with a wink.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"Would you stop harassing every woman in this place!" River exclaims with a laugh as she hops in the passenger seat, giving him another shot on the shoulder. "That's as much as we can grab in a hurry, let's go!"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caliber gave a chuckle as River gave him a shot on the shoulder, then as she got in, he switched gears, and proceeded to drive back to the Inn, occasionally glancing at Caitlyn through his rear view window along the way.

They arrived back at the hotel, and Caliber parked in the parking lot. As they got out, Caliber walked next to Caitlyn.

"So..." he asked curiously, "Are you seeing anybody?" he cleared his throat, "I mean, do you have a... Special someone in your heart?"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caitlyn paused at the question, not exactly sure how to answer. She had a boyfriend. . . before. Since the attacks, she wasn't even sure if he was still alive and, honestly, hadn't really thought about him much at all. Just another piece of her life that she had pushed out of her mind in order to avoid considering the ramifications of everything that had happened.

She looked around the street. I'm not even sure if this has been happening everywhere else or just in this city, she thought. You think that the military might have intervened if it was just local. Or maybe they just have us quarantined.

And then there was Claire. Caitlyn still wasn't sure how much of what had happened last night was just a combination of stress and alcohol. She knew that she cared about Claire but was she 'someone special' like Cal had asked? Maybe so, Caitlyn decided, to me at least, even if she doesn't feel the same. If not, I'll deal with it.


"Sorry, Cal," she tried to sound consoling as she lifted the 'salvage' out of the car, "I'm afraid that I do."
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Not bothered at all by Caitlyn's answer, he asked, "What's she like? She treat ya good?"
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]


"What makes you think I'm talking about a woman," ask Caitlyn raising an eyebrow for a moment. "Anyway, I'm really just getting to know them, I suppose." She smiles and gives a little shrug, "You know how things can be when everything is new and exciting. "
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caliber chuckled, "Well, me and that pansy pilot are the only men around here, and a woman like you is way out of his league, so that kinda narrows it down."

As Caitlyn talks about her new relationship, Caliber glances at River for a second, "Yeah... I know exactly what yer talkin' about..." he says with a shrug.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River groaned and rolled her eyes, opening the door and getting out.


"Come on, we shouldn't be sitting around outside." She said, heading in to the inn itself.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

As the three entered the Inn, River soon found the Director approaching her, holding a bundle of clothes in her hands.

River hadn't gotten a good look at the woman before, and was surprised, even if only subconsciously, to see that the woman was very small, half the size of Caliber, and two thirds River.

Her eyes looked bloodshot, and the skin surrounding her eyes were dark, suggesting a large lack of sleep.

Without saying a word, she presented the clothes in her hands to River, waiting for her to take them.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River took them after a moment, giving the director a questioning look, but not saying anything just yet.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

After River took the clothes, the Director turned around, then proceeded to go back to her office...
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River just watches her leave, confusion evident on her face. Once she's out of sight, river looks down at the clothes, trying to discern some meaning from what just happened.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

River finds her old clothes were given back to her, there was a slight discoloration around the crotch of the pants, where someone must have sown it back together.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

A couple things clicked for River right then. She turned to look at Caitlyn for a moment.


"I'll catch up to you two later, Alright? I have something I need to do. And Cal, for the love of god, leave the girl alone, alright? She met someone during the party last night." She says, then turns and strides off towards her room, clothes still in hand.
Re: Looting run [River, Caitlyn]

Caliber slid his hands into his pockets, "Y'know, I can't flirt with anyone without you gettin' jealous." he says with a chuckle.