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Lord Of Walkure

Re: Lord Of Walkure

I regret going to rank 15 and kind of evolving that SSR to+ a little since wild cards don't work on + cards not that its even possible for free players to get SSR wildcards. My cards are basically all high end SSR strength now but they have shoddy crit and my gear is also crap I lose around 75% of the time now be it from my skills not activating or the opponent having that damn riesa 60k skill card. Ive got enough VG points for 8 of the gold gachas now though so maybe I can just use those on the next armor type gacha and get decent gear. I'm keeping the water R card they gave us unevolved btw incase they start giving us R wildcards so I can get a free SSR++
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I regret going to rank 15 and kind of evolving that SSR to+ a little since wild cards don't work on + cards not that its even possible for free players to get SSR wildcards. My cards are basically all high end SSR strength now but they have shoddy crit and my gear is also crap I lose around 75% of the time now be it from my skills not activating or the opponent having that damn riesa 60k skill card. Ive got enough VG points for 8 of the gold gachas now though so maybe I can just use those on the next armor type gacha and get decent gear. I'm keeping the water R card they gave us unevolved btw incase they start giving us R wildcards so I can get a free SSR++

I know it, lolz. I was regret when going from rank 12 to 13 (and 13 to 14 by mistake - clicked wrong button) last time as well. Now in rank 14 I can win ~75% but to make it 4 in a row only ~20%, and I don't like it... Of course I don't want to go up to rank 15 where they will be quite stronger and I will lose more often, so hope I won't make misclick again :D

About your R cards, there is no R or SR+ wild card right now (and I don't think they will make them), you know they just won't give away SSR++ cards that easy :cool:
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I suppose it wouldnt be logical since they price them at 100 bucks in those sets but if they ever make the mistake of creating that R wildcard and don't disable its use on all of those R's they gave us I will pounce on the opportunity like a starving hyena and evolve as many R cards into SSR as I possibly can.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Almost get in top 300 again (304th place in 17th circle now)... I don't think it's possible to get more than 13 pvp items, fighting in 14 rank and not winning ~100% battles. Is rank 15 significally harder than 14?

New gacha SR and SSR only + at certain days increased chance of getting specific cards, like in previous event, yay.
Maybe it's time to spent my 25 gacha in hopes of SSR++. But lack of space will force me to discard some SR++ that i used before:(
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I finally see the SR wildcard card design, I thought it was just a myth..
the trouble is that are needed 10,000 pts to get it....
...at least I know that exists. XD
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Does the wild card replace a card, meaning you still need 3 copies? And does anyone know if it works on SRs that become SSRs?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Does the wild card replace a card, meaning you still need 3 copies? And does anyone know if it works on SRs that become SSRs?

The wild card in short create exactly the same card you want to evolve. Just one condition to meet is it must be same rank with the card you want to evolve.

For example: You want to evolve your SR card then you must use wild card rank SR; if you want to evolve your UC+ card then you must use wild card rank UC+.
When the condition is meet, the wild card will turn into the card you are evolving, for example if you are evolving Lv5 SR card then the wild card SR will turn into a Lv5 SR card exactly same to yours; if you are evolving 2MAX LvMax UC+ then the wild card will turn into a 2MAX LvMax UC+ as well :cool:

I'm rank 326 in circle 13, it's impossible to get almost 10K more points to get more shells anyway :D

The current event seems giving us cards to replace our old C+ wagon card. Time limit is pretty short so I won't participate in dungeon exploration this time (the rewards from them sucks :( )
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I assume you mean the wild card changes into whatever card you combine it with as long as they're the same rank, or will an SR wild card not work on an SR +.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Puzzle of Walkure now having new "Big boss system" just like LoW, so if anyone still play that game add me, I can be great help for you. IGN: Acc000
Re: Lord Of Walkure

yes you need 2 wild cards to make any SR into SR++ so you'd need to have 2 unevolved cards also its gey I know I just figured it out myself from reading that seesaa wiki I think it specifically said the SR wildcard doesnt work on SR+ and keima if you manage to get top 20 in any of the ranks SR wildcard has been the prize for that for like the last 2-3 pvp event but we probably can't get enough points without some combination of luck being getting a circle that isn't so fiercely competitive and then gacha gear and having high end dmg gacha SR++ at least. I guess the deux ex machina boss pretty much drops weapons as strong or stronger than most gacha weapons so that could save some spending but I dont think theres any way to avoid needing gacha armor. rank 14-15 might just be the perfect equilibrium between the lowest amount of gear you can possibly obtain and actually having a shot at placing in the top 20. you get too high and everyone has SSR++ too low and you cant earn enough points to reach 20 or even get enough tokens to buy any of the SR from the event reward shop. I also think it might be a better idea to get defensive accessories for pvp since it gives all of your cards that defense I don't know if offensive items apply to them but Im pretty sure defense matters. Just hit me though you have to win 2 tournaments to evolve a SR into ++ though I wonder if you can combine 2 wild cards to make it a wild card + and then use it on SR+ if you happened to combine it already.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

You only need one card if you have 3 copies though so 1 card can make up for bad luck in gatcha. That said I probably wouldn't waste a wildcard on a SR++, even a gatcha one. There are plenty of free SR++'s capable of hanging with gatcha cards. If you get a wildcard it seems like something you should save for SRs that become SSRs. I agree with the pvp statment, but it's never going to a place free/low spend players will stand.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

wow the bastards I would of gotten so many more SR cards completed had I of waited for this gacha instead of spending on that last one. This has the element bonus but it looks like no R cards in it so I imagine your probably gauranteed at least 1 complete SR for like 10-15 gachas I would definately spend your free tickets on this Raven unless the element chance somehow proves to be significantly reduced for this gacha. I wouldn't delete your old SR++ though buy a warehouse for 500 points and use your extra cards for exploration.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

For top-20 you need to have good win rate in highest ranks no matter what circle you're in. Being in rank 14-15 means that you can only hope for top-300.

Unfortunately, I can't buy warehouse, otherwise did this long ago.
Now I wait when wiki will have full info about new cards.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

By the way everyone, what is this "wildcard" you guys are talking about?
I know I've read about it on the "instruction" section of the game, but I haven't actually seen one. Can you guys post a picture for it? :D

Sorry, kinda new... :eek:
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Don't waste your time (and money) for new event dungeon in 4th continent, the time is short but it required ++ only, need very high power (I read on wiki, 330K failed???) and cost ridiculous amount of gold. The worst thing is I don't see any good reward in there :eek:

So I suggest we should just farm the Alchemist forest in 2nd continent, it really come back for us :)

Well, it is confirmed that the 4th continent need 400K power (I wasted ~200K gold for one team with 388K power, WTF...)
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

yeah even with my team having like 50% cost down its 81k I dont think I will bother either though I could use an iron clad ring it does seem like the fastest way to get the even tokens and idk maybe with enough cost down and if you farmed the event dungoen you could afford it? I think people on the wiki were saying that trumpet from the 3rd event dungeon sells for 3m but has a stupid low drop rate similar to finding materials in dungoens. I definately need to find 2 alchemist Enisha's so I wont have all physical SR's in pvp
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

What's exactly the point of clearing the 3 quest events? There's absolutely no reward!
Re: Lord Of Walkure

The last stage of each has one of those rusted instruments in it as a rare drop. If you restore them they sell for ton.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

So anyone got the new SR card from event boss and/or the rusty instruments yet?? :confused: