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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(Who said Sable's master is male? I interpreted the male-run society as always having a male-called figure in charge. I was actually pondering her "master" being another woman, and left much of her conversation purposely misleading. ;) )

Sable found Matthias and Elea talking and merely kept quiet as she entered the room, shooting the pair a slightly annoyed glance as she was sure they had mentioned something of her foolish attempt to interrogate the demon below.

Although she missed the conversation about herself, she did catch enough of the rest to know what to expect in the camp as she arrived, giving Matthias a quick nod, "So, does this mean you're warning us in case we find another camp like this, and you intend to destroy this one? ... Or are you suggesting there is some reason why you cannot enter this camp, and trying to give us a guiding hand to assist us in our task?"

If Matthias read her mind again, he would know that Sable's love for her master was without question, and she hadn't even yet considered the possibility of her master being captured, even if her own confidence was slightly less than what it originally was.

(Current plans...

If Matthias is going to attack, she will maintain her traps to take on anything trying to escape.

If Matthias refuses to help, for whatever reason, Sable attempts to lure more demons into her traps with the illusions, asking Elea to continue helping with the destruction of the camp.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Matthias's mention of Sable's past and her devotion to her master catches Elea by surprise, as she had wondered about the subject herself, but had never brought it up as a courtesy to the catwoman. The daemon's admission of reading memories though shocks her, and the elf immediately becomes defensive. "Our memories are not for you to inspect at will," she says softly, though she knows the idea of privacy will have no meaning to the strange immortal.

Elea somberly listens to Matthias' revelations, her bow lowering slightly as he continues to list his knowledge of the camp. She turns back to face the daemon when she see's Sable return to the building, then sits down, with her back to the broken wall she had been using for cover. "Then it sounds like this ambush, and any more we may attempt are mere drops in a bucket," she responds, discouraged.

When Sable enters and questions the daemon, Elea adds, "Perhaps if you can show restraint, you can destroy some of the stronger demons, but leave the human captives." She stands and approaches Matthias, "We can then help those captives that are not yet... broken." Thinking back on the woman she had run across as she entered the city, Elea wonders just how many of the captives will still be sane enough to try and help defeat the demons, or if they will even wish to help in the first place.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45

(Says me, since I already made him as an NPC. :p That, and for some reason I remember you mention it as a he at some point, though I could be mistaken. That, and I'm too lazy to look it up. Though, if you really want it to be a disguised woman, that can be arranged.)

"Drops in a bucket are better to a thirsty man than a bucket of sand. It might not be a great impact, but it is an impact nonetheless. Do not be discouraged by your own limitations, Elea. And, as for mind reading, let me ask you this: When you walk down a city street laden with carts and shops, do you not, at least subconsciously, take in what each place offers as you move past? It is the same for me. your minds, especially your surface thoughts, are as open to me as a street sign. It is not something that can be explained, only something that can be experienced, but I hope that will at least give you an idea. Some can mask their thoughts, but it is difficult to learn, especially when one has aged beyond childhood." He replies to Elea.

Then, turning to Sable, he continues; "I will aid you as you require. I would prefer that the two of you form any sort of plan for assaulting the camp, and I will fulfill whatever role is required of me. If you would prefer to remain here and continue ambushing groups of demons, I can aid you in that as well, either by luring in groups or by simply helping you kill the creatures. I am, for the moment, at your service."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable looked skeptically at Matthias, uncertain why he would choose to assist them in this way, rather than simply taking the camp on himself.

"So even your powers have limits you would rather not test so freely in this dangerous area." she said aloud with an grim smile, not exactly pleased to learn of this, but rather contented to know that her efforts, as small as they might be against a group of this size, were significant in their own way when faced with merely a single trump card in their deck against the demons.

"For the moment..." Sable repeats back to Matthias, knowing his meaning already, that at any second he could be whisked away, "As we only have a moment of your time, I suggest the direct approach. I take my illusions, Elea and myself strip bare, and we make a show of trying to escape the encampment, luring as many of the beasts as possible in one massive wave."

Sable motions to the traps already still prepared, "We toss the bodies, reprepare the easily fixed traps, and push as many of them as possible through this gauntlet to eliminate the weaker foes. While at the same time, you move into the camp where the more dangerous targets will be left alone, mostly unguarded. That way your magic can focus on eliminating them specifically before they have a chance to react." she nods slowly, hoping she hadn't misjudged how powerful Matthias was... while at the same time hoping this plan wasn't insulting to the powerful ally for underestimating him.

"From there... We'll only be able to stall and delay the group for maybe five minutes... ten if we're really lucky, before they're on us. If you can finish your task in that much time, then return to in front of the church where we'll lead them, and finish off the rest..." she quietly left out the implication of 'before we're raped and corrupted as well', "It would mean the entire camp is eliminated in one swift blow."

Sable finished telling of her plan and remained silent as the others took it in, though her mind was brimming with questions still. 'Does he really need our help? Is this plan nothing more than a foolish attempt at heroism, or would it actually assist Matthias in destroying these demons? ...And if being so corrupted is impossible to recover from... is there a way to guard against corruption? Some spell... some charm... or perhaps a way to heal oneself if you're not too far gone...'

The one thing most standing out in her mind though that she kept coming back to... 'Just how strong are you Matthias... this entire plan relies on some arbitrary guess at how powerful you are... If I misjudged you as too strong, Elea and I are nothing but rape fodder... if I judged you as too weak, this plan is worthless, and merely a joke...'

Though Sable said none of these things, if he was reading her as he just said he could, it would be obvious everything she had in mind, if a bit jumbled at points. She could only wait to see Elea and Matthias' reactions.

(Small edit to add OOC: Sable has never seen Matthias fight directly, but has gotten a guess at his ability from his freely teleporting around and his ability to sneak up on her so quickly and easily. At the moment, her plan is guessing he's stronger than even she has experienced him, but she only estimates him as slightly tougher than the big demons, and her idea is that in the distraction of four captives fleeing, it will give Matthias time to sneak attack a couple of the bigger nasties before they're able to react, and then wipe out the rest using a mixture of combat and his own magical traps, while Elea and Sable confront the main force of weaker enemies, taking them down quickly with the string of traps, followed by a final encounter against the last of them in front of the church, where she hopes Matthias will lure any of his remaining foes as well. She is genuinely unaware of just how strong he really is :p She also never got a direct look at how many demons they were up against, or she would've never come up with such an insane plan XD )
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea smiles at Matthias' attempt to comfort her, the effort not being lost on her, but shakes her head slightly at the daemon's explanation of his power. "It's not the same," she says softly, in complete disagreement with his assertion about his mind reading, but not willing to argue the point with the daemon. The two women need his help, and getting into a debate on the morality of the issue would be pointless right now.

As Sable responds to the daemon, Elea is about to correct her about Matthias' power, which she has witnessed first hand, but is stunned into silence at the catwoman's plan. "Strip?" she asks, stunned, "Bare?" The elf's hands come up across her chest as she remembers Sable's earlier plan in the alley. 'For a slave, she is surprisingly free,' she thinks, unable to speak as she considers the implications of her companions plans. The two of them, facing down an army of demons, naked, with only the traps they had laid to slow the force down. "Does your plan at least allow us to arm ourselves?" she asks Sable incredulously.

Despite her misgivings, Elea has to admit that Sable's plan is thorough, and allows the daemon to focus on the strongest enemies, hopefully leaving the captives safe from harm. If the two women were fast enough, they might even be able to reach the church and put up enough of a defense to hold the demons back long enough for Matthias to return. The plan is risky, but at least it has a chance. Embarrassed at the idea of parading herself before the demons, Elea casts her eyes down to the floor, before turning the daemon and asking, "What do you think of her plan, Matthias?"
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable coughed lightly at the follow up question by the elf, "Well... it's not like I'm itching to show bare fur to these demons myself, but we need bait... and four escapees is better bait than two illusions, not to mention I'll have better control over them up close... It should be almost expected that if captives are escaping, they'd be armed... how else would they get away? The entire plan relies on the notion that we're trying to flee and would be easily caught... the easier prey you seem, the more likely for it's success... but if your elvish pride doesn't allow you to bare those perky breasts to save lives and slay demons... I'm sure we can find something that'll cover you while still keeping the notion of being an escaped captive."

Sable hoping her words would snap a Elea's sense of duty, having picked up on her willingness to sacrifice herself for others from their earlier encounter when the elf kept telling the catgirl to run. The metaphorical gauntlet thrown down, Sable turned to Matthias as well with a softened smile and curiousity in her eyes, wondering what he would say about the insane idea.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"But... I... Yes, bu-... Elea attempts to respond to Sable's explanations, each time the catwoman cutting her off and continuing before the elf can interject. Sable's sudden poke against the elf's pride, though, stops her short and brings a look of annoyance to her face. "I am not too proud to do what must be done to help these people," she says defiantly, her stance becoming more rigid. "If success requires I bare myself..." she says, before halting a second, realizing what she is saying, "th-then I will!"

Having committed to Sable's plan, Elea too turns to Matthias, wondering what the daemon will say, her expression fierce, though uncertainty dances in her eyes.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45

(Mucho text to read XD )

"Baited traps providing a distraction for me to enter and deal with whatever remains and free the still sane captives. Simple. If you could successfully lure most of the demons out, it would be trivial for me to deal with whatever is left in the camp without leveling the area. The only problems being that you two would then have a horde to deal with, and that only a small group would likely try to pursue escaped captives. Also, it would likely take several minutes just to pull the captives together and get them moving, more time than you two could last alone against that many demons. It would be best if you split and approached from different directions, therefore drawing off multiple groups in pursuit, before retreating to this point. I would hold off, aiding you in killing them as best I can without alerting the demons to my presence, before I entered the camp. Most of the fodder would have to be dealt with first, as I will not be able to use wide area of effect attacks without killing the captives. Once I entered the camp, you would be on your own against whatever was left until I finished up there."

(Demons are not zombies. They don't go "zomg boobies!!!" and chase after escaped captives en-mass. Well, except for goblins. This would probably be a game of survival, with you facing small waves of attackers.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(I wasn't assuming them as merely zombies. But that doesn't mean I wasn't going to have a plan to piss a few off into coming after us. ;) )

Sable nodded firmly at the approval of her plan... more or less.

"I assumed you had some limits.. even if that limit is just on how effectively you aim."

Sable had no hesitation in stripping bare on the spot, unfastening her leather armor and dropping it aside, along with most of her other gear, and shoving it someplace safe where it would be easily remembered... but at the same time, not easily discovered in case things went sour and she had to retrieve it at a later time.

Only clutching her gun and her knowledge of magic, Sable traced her fingertips down her fur a few times, fluffing up just the right places to make her body seem more desirable, while she grinned inwardly, unable to hide her thoughts of getting to see the cute elf girl undressing and acting dirty.

She attempted to push the thoughts from her mind though, even as she dreamily remembered the first times her master ordered her to do such things...

"ah.. ehm.. S..sorry.. you.. probably see all of that." she meekly whispered towards Matthias.

She finally shook her head firmly as if to rattle the thoughts out of her mind as she gave a firm, but not too loud, cough. "As Matthias has suggested, we shall split up. The illusions have no choice but to come with me, so I'll play the heavy distraction. You go in first and distract as many of the lesser demons as possible. The more of them chase you, the more easily I'll be able to target a couple of the bigger beasts. With any luck, I'll get enough of the big thugs on me that when we get back here, Matthias will have an easy job of taking down the core grouping."

She pointed to the streets one final time. First to their traps, "This is our fallback point. We'll use our traps to take on the demons when Matthias is off at the main camp. It's our last defense and if the demons get past here, our only option is to face them down head on until Matthias is finished."

Sable's finger moved up the street, just past the traps, "But before then. While Matthias is still our big gun, we're going to move them right there and let him hit the group fast just before he rushes to the camp. That way their numbers are as diminished as possible for when it falls on us. If this plan works out, the entire camp should be destroyed in no time."

(Sable is planning this as a multi-stage battle, like an end-boss fight in some games XD
Stage 1) The lure. Hit as many enemies as possible with the goal of forcing them to engage combat.
Stage 2) The chase. Keep the group together, force them into position for Matthias.
Stage 3) The Ambush. Matthias lays the smack-down on the brunt of the group. He'll likely only have 1 or 2 rounds to act, so the strain will still be on the girls to keep the group together and after them.
Stage 4) Striking the camp, Left Alone. Matthias leaves to hit the camp, and the girls face off against the remainder of the enemy that haven't been slain. This is likely the hardest point of the battle.
Stage 5) Rescue/Reinforcements. Whichever group finishes their battle first rushes to help the other. Either Matthias rescuing the girls, or the girls bursting in to act as reinforcements for Matthias in finishing off the camp.

Aftermath will likely be Elea and Sable trying to care for some of the victims, asking if there's any way to undo the damage to them, and then escorting them out of the area. But I suspect that Matthias will be called off by more pressing matters by the time this happens, which leaves the girls alone again, with a group of "victims" that may turn on them at any time... hmm...)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea gives a slight sigh as Matthias approves the plan. "As you say, dangerous, but it will work," she says to the daemon, before turning to Sable. "I assure you, he is more than capable of completing his portion of your plan, successfully." She leaves unsaid her doubts about the two women's chances...

Sable's quick and unabashed disrobing takes the Elea by surprise. Looking back and forth between her two companions, the elf brings a hand up to her breastplate, hesitating a moment before quickly undoing the latches that secure the armor to her body. Sneaking a few glances at the catwoman and her actions, Elea follows suit and places her equipment and armor off to the side, shyly attempting to hide her nakedness as best she can by angling her body to obscure her features.

The sight of Sable running her hands over her fur makes Elea blush as she realizes the catwoman's intent. With no fur to ruffle, the elf awkwardly runs her hands over her skin, unsure how to duplicate Sable's actions. Finally, the elf brings a hand to her mouth, running her tongue over two fingers before bringing it down to her crotch. Quickly running her fingers over her nether lips, Elea attempts to bring herself to a state of slight arousal, hoping the sight of moisture will be enough to lure in as many demons as possible. When her embarrassing and clumsy attempt is finished, she quickly brings her hands away, shivering slightly as she feels her companions eying her up.

Now that she is prepared, and feeling humiliated, Elea grabs her sword and her bow and quiver. She knows that a captive will not have such weapons, and since the ruse requires she play the part as much as possible, she will have to leave herself disarmed until the demons are away from the camp. The weapons can be left nearby and out of sight until she knows she is being followed, then she can arm herself and hopefully harass her pursuers as she retreats to the ambush. Deciding to leave the sword near the ambush, Elea plans to keep her bow with her, ready to take any shot she can while keeping ahead of the demons.

As Sable runs over her plans once more, Elea watches and nods, committing everything to memory. "Dangerous, but worth the risk," she says, signaling her readiness to the others.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45

(Not much for me to respond to this with, other than to set you up outside. So, that's what I'm going to do.)

Matthias stands still as a statue as the pair undress and Sable goes over the plan once more. He merely gives a nod in response, indicating his own acceptance of the plan. Once they are ready, he turns and strolls down to the street.

Assuming they follow, he turns back toward them and says; "I will be on the roof of one of the buildings nearby. Be assured that I will come to your aid when it is needed. When engaging your foes, try to pick off the weaker demons that pursue you and leave the larger ones to me. Once the camp is largely clear, I will alert you, and try to take control of it as quickly as possible. If all goes according to plan, the captives will be freed within the hour, and I will be able to mop up any remaining demons."

After that, he disappears once more, waiting for them to lure in the demons. There are numerous alleys, including the one they had originally gone down to spot the camp. Also, the main street would likewise eventually reach the camp, but anyone going that way would have to outrun any demons rather than being able to lead them on a winding path toward the ambush site.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable was ready. She mentally counted up the mines she'd setup at their fallback point again. "Eight mines there, I can try to bring out a couple more here... This alley... right there... yeah... just enough to wipe out some of the weaker beasts..." She whispered to herself with a slow nodding before turning to Elea, practically leaping at the timid, naked elf and giving her a tight hug, pressing her warm fur against the woman and, if allowed, following it up with a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck, my friend."

Although the two had only met recently, Sable had taken a liking to her companion, and still quietly hoped that the two of them would become slaves together, even knowing the elf was uncomfortable about the idea.

Giving a final bow, Sable, and her illusions, rushed off down a few side alleys, moving little by little around the camp, not too close, but just close enough that she could, for the first time, get an eyeful of just what she'd gotten herself into hopefully, while keeping stealthily out of view until she was ready to make her move.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

While Sable readies herself with her magical traps, Elea attempts to place a few more of the mundane ones, seeing how effective they were in the earlier ambush. With her preparations complete, the elf turns to the catwoman and gives a slight smile, then freezes when Sable suddenly lunges for her. Though she is surprised by her companion's closeness, Elea does not resist, instead wrapping an arm around Sable and holding her closely. The catwoman's soft fur and tight but friendly hug provide much needed comfort to Elea, and she smiles, pressing back against Sable. She gives a slight laugh at the soft peck on the cheek, then returns the wish of luck, before adding, "Meet you back here soon."

As her companion rushes off towards the camp, Elea picks up her bow and heads to another alley, this one further down that would open up deeper into the camp. When she sees the camp, she slowly stalks towards it, attempting to stay hidden until she can find some way to make sure as many demons as possible will follow her through the winding alleyways back to the ambush.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45

The two wind through separate alleys after Sable lays her final magical preparations, Elea alone, and Sable with her illusory comrades. Both reach the demon camp at about the same time, peaking at it from different hiding places.

Elea, having already seen the camps denizens, is still quite disconcerted by the sight of so many foes, including over a dozen of the powerful ogres. She approaches cautiously and with as much stealth as possible, wanting to pick her moment so as to attract as many foes as possible. The pair of ogre guards seem to be only mildly alert, the massive creatures not yet noticing the elf stalking toward them. The other demons inside the camp likewise don't notice her as she creeps among hedges and low stone walls. eventually, she reaches a spot where she can advance no further without going into the open, which will surely get her spotted. From her position, Elea can see that she is closest to the cluster of tenets inhabited by goblins, and she manages to spot only a handful of prisoners among the diminutive creatures, all of them badly abused and covered in filth.

Sable likewise winds through alleys, keeping her illusions back a little so as not to give away her position prematurely. When she finally does come in view of the camp, her jaw drops at the sheer number of monsters in the camp. There were hundreds, perhaps even a thousand demons all clustered in this area, from the numerous but weak goblins and clawed demons up to the powerful ogres, hellhounds, and the black clad demonic knights. The revelation of just how many creatures are in the camp is startling to her, almost causing Sable to lose her resolves, right up until she spots the captive women among the hellhounds. The doglike creatures, the closest demons other than the two ogre guards around the entrance, are even now raping several of their prisoners, while others lie curled on the ground, leaking thick white semen and their bellies heavily swollen.

Suddenly, both women hear Matthias voice in their minds; 'Stick to the plan. So long as you do not falter, you will not fall. Sable, I recommend using your magic to augment your speed, if possible. Those hellhounds are swift, and if you are caught before reaching the ambush sight you may become another victim to rescue from the demons clutches. Elea, make sure you don't lose the goblins when you flee, the creatures aren't very bright. The ogres will not follow far unless you attack them directly. To facilitate things, I have opened a psychic link between you. If you need to communicate, all you must do is think of the other.'
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

'You're gonna have to teach me that spell...' Sable thought aloud to herself, not genuinely meaning it quite that way, more like a passive comment snuck through her mind.

Sable held firm for a moment, glaring over the group and reassured that they should be able to handle it. Even if Matthias wasn't strong enough to take on this whole mob at a shot, she was sure that with a few traps laid over and over, the three of them could manage.

"s..sorry." she said in her mind again, knowing that such passive thoughts and emotions would likely be picked up by the bond as well.

Sable took a deep breath and braced herself, closing her eyes for a split second to chant a gentle magic on herself. 'Minor Buff... Speed. (Nature, level 1)'

Spell cast, Sable tensed her muscles and tried to think of the best way to make a distraction. She glanced at the two illusions and subtly changed the spell, adding more spunk and a bit of a bulged belly, so they both looked more like they were as badly raped as the other girls here (and if allowed, making both look more similar to herself instead of 1 elf and 1 of her), then she moved in.

'I'm going to make it seem like a multiple-breakout, as if someone burst in and rescued a bunch of slaves here. That'll get as many dogs as possible, and hopefully... one or two of those big thugs.' She finally announced, trying to sneak as close up to the raped girls as possible, so close she could touch them hopefully. She wanted this to look as real as possible.

She would keep a very, very cautious eye on all of the demons though, and the instant she knew that she was spotted would be when she began her chase, taking one stealth potshot at any of the armored thugs that hadn't seen her yet, then bolting at top speed down the alley with her "rescued victims" (illusions) in tow.

(Actions: If stealth works and she isn't spotted, she tries to rouse one of the captives and checks how badly off the girls are, and just for good measure, rubs some of the dog-spunk on her breasts and sides.

If stealth fails (what she's hoping for, but trying to make it look good), she immediately takes a shot at the biggest armored enemy that hasn't spotted her (for auto-hit bonus hopefully, then runs like mad.

Either way, she's fighting at a -10 to hit, so she can get +20 dodge. (p.s. what's limit on dodge bonus?))
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea crouches as she looks over the demon-infested, feeling exposed and vulnerable despite remaining hidden. Though she would like nothing more than to run out and put an end to the abuse being suffered by the many captives, the elf knows that doing so will change nothing but add another prisoner to the demons already huge ranks. Instead she attempts to put the plight of the women out of her mind as she studies the nearby demons.

The sudden voice of the daemon in her head causes Elea to tense for a second. She nods at his words, as though he stood before her, then took in Sable's plan. "I understand," she thinks, focusing on the mental link. "I will concentrate on drawing the attention of the goblins. We don't want to fight too many of the ogres at once." Quickly running over a plan in her mind, she finally decides that if she wants to lure as many goblins as possible, she will have to appear to be a threat, even while running away.

The ranger grabs her bow and nocks an arrow, taking aim at one of the goblins she can see is busy abusing on it's prisoner. She lets the arrow fly, then stands up, yelling "How dare you do this to us, monsters! I'll make sure every last one of you dies by my hand!" As the demons turn to look at her, the elf is suddenly struck by the danger of her plan. She takes a few steps backwards towards the alley, but manages to keep herself from running away. She slowly pulls another arrow, readying the arrow to fire at any goblin she sees not turning to attack her. As she continues to strike at the mass of goblins, she keeps an eye on the ogres, ready to break and run if one of the large creatures gets too close.

(Harass the goblins until many of them are approaching, then move away into the alley, staying just enough ahead so they don't lose her, and taking a quick shot every so often. Fight with -10 to-hit for 20 dodge)
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45, Minor Buff +5 Speed

Casting: Automatic Success.

Sable feels her muscles strengthen with magic, allowing her to run faster when the time came to flee. As stealthy as she was, however, she knew that she couldn't get past the two ogres guarding the entrance to the clearing. The pair of brutes, while apparently not very intelligent, were both staring directly down the street. Any movement out of cover would likely alert the beasts, and she couldn't get past them without alerting them by taking the street. Her second illusion shifts, turning into another disheveled copy of herself.

Deciding that this was as good as she could get, Sable pulls her rifle and takes a shot at one of the hellhounds. Both ogres immediately train their eyes on her, the massive beasts already taking a ponderous step toward her. Her bullet, luckily, strikes one of the larger demons directly in the head, killing it instantly, and soon Sable finds herself running, her illusions in tow, as the majority of the hellhounds charge after her.

The ogres both take a thundering step forward as Elea reveals herself, but a roar erupts from the goblins as her arrow strikes one of the foul little creatures directly in the heart. It collapses dead, and every goblin that she can see immediately picks up a weapon and charges after her at full speed. Though short, the creatures move fairly quickly, and Elea darts into the alley, the demons already fast on her heels. She finds it easy to keep ahead, as well as avoid the few spears the little demons send clumsily flying her way. The ogres don't follow her, instead remaining to guard the camp. Suddenly, Matthias voice sounds in her head, saying; 'A patrol of stalkers is returning to the camp, their route intercepts your own. I recommend taking a left up ahead, followed by a right, and then head straight past two roads before you take another right. Then you will be back on the path you took to get where you are. They will spot you, but they will be forced to either follow you or backtrack a good ways, well past the ambush site.'

(Elea loses 3 arrows.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable gave a silent cheer as she realized she took down one of her targets so quick and easily, making several crude gestures at the group before the hellhounds realized what was going on and began to give chase. Grinning sharply, she aimed back and fired off another round at one of the large ogres this time. She didn't really care if the round hit or not, just so long as the beast would start following her.

She rushed to her illusionary companions, making a big show of motioning orders to them, as if they were actually there, trying to make it seem like the entire cluster of them were escaping, and hoping that the report of her shot would've drawn enough attention on her that more than just the hellhounds would witness her feint.

Wether successful at gathering more, or not, she knew this wasn't the time to stay and make another attempt, as any hesitation now would undoubtedly lead to her being the next one filled to the brim (and then some) with hellhound cum.

"RUN! Let's go!" she yelled at the other two, bolting around a corner and giving another shout, in a slightly higher voice, "WHY'D YOU SHOOT IT? WE'RE TRYING TO ESCAPE!" she yelled in her fake voice, trying to make it seem like the trio of catgirls were arguing while fleeing... With any luck, her subtle manipulations would assist in her attempts...

'Matthias, I got a cluster. At least the hellhounds, probably more. Can't be sure how pissed off those knights are that I fired into their ranks.' She thought back to the daemon, as she began to lure the beasts, running in a wide path around towards the ambush point. She just hoped that she could keep them off of her for the couple moments it would take to catch back up with Matthias.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Wincing at the ground shaking from the footfalls of the giant demons, Elea continues her attack on the goblins before slowly backing towards the alley. Once she is sure the demons are chasing her, she wastes no time rushing through the alleys, though pausing at each intersection to ensure the demons do not lose her. "I have the goblins' attention," she thinks to Matthias, focusing on her escape. When the voice of the daemon breaks through her mind, she stops short as she listens to his directions.

"Damn," she mutters as she runs over the instructions. Having already found the streets of the human town somewhat disorienting, the twisting and turning alleyways are even more confusing. The ranger had memorized the path she had taken to the demon infested square, and isn't enthusiastic about deviating from her planned route to return. Still, if she doesn't heed Matthias' warning, she will certainly be in danger. With the small goblins approaching, Elea decides to put her faith in the daemon, and follow his directions, hoping she doesn't become lost in the maze of buildings.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45, Minor Buff +5 Speed

(Doh, read "thugs" as "dogs" for some reason. Partial retcon time. XD )

Elea, despite being unused to moving through human cities, manages to keep to Matthias directions without any trouble. From the cacophony of screeches and growls a short distance behind her, along with the occasional enraged scream, quite a few goblins must have followed her from the camp. Luckily, she doesn't hear the heavy thunderous plod of the ogres. Elea reaches a larger street, and immediately spotted the small group of stalkers coming up the street toward her. They spot her as well, and break into a run toward her, adding yet more demons to the horde chasing the elf through the streets.

After another minute of running, Elea realizes that she is almost to the ambush site. After one more right turn, she will have a straight run directly to the trapped area of about 200 feet.

To-hit: 7 + 26 + 3 - 10 = 26 vs 30 == Miss.

Sables shot over her shoulder misses its intended target, going high over the ogres shoulder and off into the distance. The massive creature doesn't seem to notice the shot, and both ogres remain at their guard posts as the hellhounds rush past them in pursuit of Sable and her illusions. If the demons believed her ruse, it didn't seem to matter, as the hellhounds were already chasing after her at a full run. She hadn't been able to count the number of hellhounds in the camp, but when she glanced behind her at the beasts already gaining on her, she was fairly sure that most of them were following her.

Sable runs desperately, going as fast as she can, as the hellhounds slowly close in on her. She manages to keep to her route, despite moving at breakneck speeds, but suddenly, a black blur rushes past her, glowing dark red.

To-hit: 7 + 52 = 59 vs 41 + 20 = 61 == Miss.

At the very last second, Sable ducks and rolls beneath the swing of a mace. The weapon slams into a brick wall, shattering several and smashing a hole in the wall. Had she been hit by that attack, she would probably have been sent flying back into the horde of hellhounds and trampled, if not killed outright. With no choice but to run on lest she be overrun, Sable picks up the pace and rushes past the crimson-glowing, black armored demon warrior that had swung the mace. After quickly rounding a corner and avoiding another swing of the mace, Sable realizes that she is almost at the ambush site, the field of trap being about 250 feet ahead of her down the street she is on.